"Throughout the history of Yan and Huang, Zhu Yuanzhang was the only one who could fight against the landlord class and win.……"

"Therefore, no one can compare with Zhu Yuanzhang in the industry of loving people as sons.

Zhu Yuanzhang himself was a farmer. Even after he became emperor, he has been seeking benefits for the farmers.……"

"Loving the people like a son is something only the artist Zhu Yuanzhang can do……"

After hearing what Sun Hang said. Suddenly, the entire Dragon Kingdom was in uproar.

"This policy is actually still being implemented in our Dragon Kingdom."

"Yes, in the early years, in order to encourage farmland, the country opened up a lot of wasteland and you could get the right to cultivate it. It turned out to be Zhu Yuanzhang's welfare."

"From this point of view, Zhu Yuanzhang’s policies have indeed had far-reaching influence and have always affected our modern society.……"

"I can imagine that when the people of the Ming Dynasty learned about Zhu Yuanzhang's policy, all those farmers were probably sealed off.……"

"This isn't reclaiming wasteland, it's clearly just picking up money.……"

"I just checked the history. It is true that at this time in the Ming Dynasty, these farmers were frantically reclaiming wasteland. They wanted to benefit their children and grandchildren. Some even left their hometowns and formed groups to seize land in other places.……"

"Yes, the Hongwu period set off a large-scale population migration in Chinese history. Learn more about the big locust tree in Hongdong, Shanxi.……"

"It is conceivable that Zhu Yuanzhang's policy at that time mobilized the enthusiasm of all farmers in the entire Ming Dynasty. Born in Zhu Yuanzhang's era, being a farmer was the happiest, but being an official was frightening all day long. This is also the only dynasty in the entire history of the Dragon Kingdom. Feng'er's historical background……"

When Hu Qinghe heard that Sun Hang had brought these histories to the stage one by one, he immediately nodded in agreement.

Only then did he realize that the theoretical gap between himself and Sun Hang was too huge.

Sun Hang was able to combine the background of the dynasty at that time through fragments of historical materials.

Many persons in one deduce the real historical situation.

This is really terrifying.

At this time, Sun Hang thought of the policy that Zhu Yuanzhang promulgated to benefit the people, and he was still excited:

"You know that Zhu Yuanzhang’s policy at that time caused an unprecedented explosion of cultivated land in the entire history of China.……

"In just a few years, nearly 120 million acres of arable land have been reclaimed.……"

"The population of Hongwu Dynasty increased from the decline in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic to 60 million people.……"

It took 200 years for the Western Han Dynasty to rebuild after the war and reach a population of 60 million.……"

"It took the Tang Dynasty more than 100 years until Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty to basically reach the population mark of 60 million. This took the efforts of several emperors.……"

It only took Zhu Yuanzhang less than 30 years to go from the founding of the country to its peak in one step.……"

"Who can achieve such great achievements!"

After hearing what Sun Hang said, the entire Dragon Kingdom was in an uproar.

Many people were simply confused.

In 30 years, 120 million acres of cultivated land were cultivated, and the population surged to 60 million.

In other dynasties, several generations An emperor can only accomplish such a feat by recuperating and developing.

Zhu Yuanzhang actually used one person to complete the entire generation of emperors.

It is unprecedented.

The key is that he succeeded...

Sun Hang continued at this time:

"The above achievements are the same as any emperor's, and they are an eternal industry.

This is not over yet, Zhu Yuanzhang's next target is the imperial examination system……"

"Zhu Yuanzhang proposed the volume system for the first time.

The source of this system is a scientific examination. The high schools on the list are all from the south, and there is no one from the north.……"

"At that time, students from the north were very excited, saying that there must be something fishy about it, and demanding that the exam be retaken.……"

"After Zhu Yuanzhang learned about this matter, he took it very seriously and personally sent people to review it. However, the final result was still the same. The level of students from the north was indeed not as good as that from the south.……"

"Later, Zhu Yuanzhang found out that the north had been ruled by the Yuan Dynasty for a long time, and education was not valued at all, and the level of education was uneven.……"

"In the south, the prosperity of Confucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty caused an extreme imbalance in the educational level between the north and the south.……"

"At that time, the people of the Northern School were shaken and thought that the imperial court was giving up on them. Many officials from the north wrote letters one after another. For a time, the north and south of the Ming Dynasty were at odds with each other.……"

"Zhu Yuanzhang made a prompt decision and directly canceled the results of the imperial examination and re-opened the examination six months later. This time he carried out an unprecedented reform, which was to recruit officials according to the North and South rankings.……"

"According to the division of north and south regions, candidates from the south were compared with those from the south, and students from the north were compared with those from the north. The same ratio of students was admitted, which suddenly won the hearts and minds of the people in the north and calmed down the dispute between the north and the south.……"

"Then Zhu Yuanzhang carried out another reform of the paper-dividing system.……"

"Because the education level of each region in the entire Ming Dynasty was different, it was divided into three regions: north, middle and south, and the test papers for the three regions were different.……"

After the paper-based examination and then the admission by list, the imperial examinations in the three regions will be completely independent, completely calming down the antagonism between students from the north and the south.……"

"So since Zhu Yuanzhang, he has achieved fairness in the examination system and unity among the public.……"

After hearing what Sun Hang said, many people in the Dragon Kingdom were in an uproar:

"Damn it, isn’t this the modern college entrance examination?"

"Are our Dragon Kingdom still implementing the method of different college entrance examination papers for different regions? I didn’t expect that this method actually came from Zhu Yuanzhang, the great emperor of Hongwu.……"

"Yes, the educational resources in each region are different, so the quality level of candidates is different. Zhu Wenwen’s move completely reconciles the contradictions caused by different educational resources among candidates in different regions. It is simply too smart.……"

"Everyone can see that it is not in the field of science and education. The system created by Zhu Yuanzhang is systematic and can be directly used by future generations.……"

"Xiang Zhu Yuanzhang’s paper-based examination and list-based admission are actually our current college entrance examination.……"

"Its universal compulsory education, including food and accommodation, free tuition, uniform school uniforms, and credit-based graduation season are simply a one-stop service for education.……"

"In the entire examination field, even if modern people have not jumped out of Zhu Yuanzhang's framework, he is really the well-deserved king of science and education.……"

All the people in Longguo couldn't help but marvel at this matter.

This is the most precious wealth that Zhu Yuanzhang left to future generations.

"Zhu Yuanzhang is well-deserved as the ancestor of science and education.……"

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