HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 196 Jiang Tianyang’s ambition

In addition, polar bear agricultural production has also suffered heavy losses.

Agricultural facilities are aging, farmers lack financial and technical support, and agricultural production efficiency is low.

This has led to a significant drop in the supply of grain and other agricultural products.

Lin Yao knew that serious economic problems had been exposed on the eve of the disintegration of Polar Bear, and the country had put down its pretensions and asked for help from the world.

In order to obtain life-saving civilian supplies and foreign exchange, they also sold large quantities of arms at low prices.

An AK is exchanged for a can of meat, and a motorcycle is exchanged for two thermos bottles.

One plane is exchanged for 10 tons of pork.

Bangzi Country once used 60 million US dollars to acquire more than 30 aircraft.

But in the end, the polar bear couldn't survive this life-and-death crisis.

"Brother Yao, you ask me to go to Moscow to buy arms, can I do that?"

Tony looked unsure, afraid that he would mess up.

Lin Yao smiled and said: "Based on your performance in the past six months, I think you are the most qualified for this matter."

"Tony, people's livelihood there is about to collapse, and non-staple food is in short supply."

"But their heavy industry, especially the military industry, is very developed. A few boxes of instant noodles can be exchanged for a handful of ak."

Hearing this, Tony said in disbelief: "No way? Brother Yao!"

"You'll know what's going on if you go there."

Lin Yao smiled and said:

"After I went there, my main task at the beginning was to spend money to build relationships."

"Find officials from the military industry, drink with them and pick up girls, whatever the fun is."

"After establishing a good relationship, buy their military products. It's best to take down the entire production line."

We will buy as much of their heavy industrial machinery as they should sell. "

After finishing speaking, Lin Yao said to Han Bin and the plane:

"There is no way out for being a gangster. So what if the four major families in the past have a monopoly on Hong Kong Island?"

"With the Gui Lao's order, every one of them will either run away or live in Stanley for retirement."

“Only by making the association international, modern and even semi-military can we go further.”

"The stronger the strength in your hands, the more polite others will be to you, otherwise you are just meat on other people's chopping boards."

"I don't want to be like a lame man, let alone become meat on someone else's chopping block."

Then, he looked at Tony and said, "Tony, what are you thinking about?"

Tony nodded heavily and said, "Brother Yao, don't worry, I will definitely create a world for you over there!"

Lin Yao nodded and said: "Zhan Mi has registered an international trading company in Singapore. This is my first company overseas. You will be the first manager."

"Thank you, Brother Yao!" Tony said with a grateful face.

Lin Yao patted Tony on the shoulder and said:

"You will leave for Moscow tomorrow. Zhan Mi has hired a translator and an assistant for you."

"The first batch of funds is 20 million. If you need it later, you can talk to Zhan Mi!"

"You can do things boldly over there, do you understand?"

"Yes, Brother Yao!"

Tony vowed in his heart that he would live up to Brother Yao's expectations of him this time.

Later, Lin Yao specially gave the three brothers a day off to see their mother.

Of course, their mother is not under house arrest like a hostage.

Because after half a year of testing, the three Tony brothers have become convinced of Lin Yao and are full of loyalty.

They were very grateful to Lin Yao for arranging their mother.

After all, this old lady runs a high-end nursing home. And there are two nannies to serve her.

After the three Tony brothers left, Aji walked in, followed by a person, Jiaqian brother Awu.

After Brother Jiaqian walked in, he threw away a mountaineering bag in his hand with a cold face and said:

"Prince Yao, I've taken care of the matter for you, where's the balance?"

Lin Yao smiled, then sat back on the sofa and took out a check and Hong Kong pen from the inner pocket of his suit.

"This is the final payment. By the way, are you interested in doing something for me?"

Lin Yao walked up to Brother Jiaqian with the check and asked.

He didn't answer, but looked at it repeatedly after taking the check.

After making sure it was correct, he put it back in his pocket, raised his head and looked at Lin Yao and said:

"I'm not interested. Freedom is the best. Next time you want to kill someone, come to me and I promise to help you do it right!"

"But when it comes to money, you must not lose a penny, otherwise I will never let you go!"

Lin Yao originally wanted to accept him.

But a killer like Brother Jiaqian is used to freedom and should not be able to adapt to the life of going to and from work.

And Lin Yao didn't even need to look at it to know whose head was in the hiking bag he brought today.

Although he is the gold medal killer of the number gang, he even kills the veterans of the number gang. Such a person has the best relationship with money.

"Okay, I will kill more people in the future."

"You won't lose money if I let you kill people. If you do a good job, I will give you more money." Lin Yao said with a smile.

Lin Yao found that when Brother Jiaqian heard the word "add money", his eyes lit up for a moment, and then he asked:

"Guess who I killed? Or the person who wanted to kill you was..."

"American ginseng!" Lin Yao interrupted directly.

Brother Jiaqian was stunned, his eyes widened, and he looked at Lin Yao intently, with a black question mark on his face - well, how did he know?

"Take it out and help me take care of it. I won't be fine with the head."

Brother Jiaqian was about to speak when Lin Yao continued:

"I know that you recognize money but not people. You use money to do things, and you are an innocent person. I will hire you again now."

"Who do you want me to kill?" Brother Jiaqian asked.

"Don't fight and kill people all day long. You are a member of the Number Gang. I want you to help me keep an eye on the people inside the Number Gang."

"If someone wants to do something to me, you have to tell me immediately."

Brother Jiaqian didn't hesitate at all and said: "Okay, how do you calculate the money? I only recognize money!"

"Since you are looking for me, you have to pay me whether I do it or not. Remember, not a single penny is missing!"

Lin Yao pointed at Brother Jia Qian and said word by word: "Remember, what I don't need most is money. I will give you money if I do it, but I won't get a penny if I don't do it!"

"You!" Brother Jiaqian was about to extend his finger and say harsh words like Lin Yao...

Lin Yao struck like lightning and grabbed his left hand directly.

Stretch and pull!

Brother Jiaqian's left hand was directly removed from the joint and drooped.


At this time, Brother Jiaqian was shocked and had not had time to connect his left hand.

Lin Yao once again dragged him over. Then lift your right knee and push it upward!

It hit Brother Qiangqiang's chest directly.


Brother Jiaqian groaned, bent down, vomited blood, and then fell to his knees.

"Can you get up?" Lin Yao looked at him and said slowly.

"If you come out to fool around, you must stand at attention when you are beaten!"

"I'll say it again, if you do things for me, you won't lose a penny."

"But you have to know your superiority and inferiority!"

Brother Jiaqian coughed a few times, but he didn't feel as discouraged as a dead dog.

He looked up at Lin Yao with reverence in his eyes.

After Brother Jiaqian left with the balance, Wang Jianguo rushed over.

Wang Jianguo first reported the wind received by Fengtang.

Jiang Tianyang's large-scale distribution of goods has attracted great attention from the anti-drug team.

But every time the police officers from the anti-drug team went to check, they failed and failed to find even a gram of ant fruit.

"Brother Yao, Jiang Tianyang has definitely bribed the top brass within the police force, otherwise it would be impossible not to catch him even once." Wang Jianguo analyzed.

Lin Yao nodded slightly, this was something obvious.

If there were no insiders, a large-scale fan smuggler like Jiang Tianyang would have been caught long ago.

It can also be inferred from this that the high-ranking ghosts in the police force are also trying to get rid of them.

"What is Jiang Tianyang doing these days?" Lin Yao asked.

"Brother Yao, he started an underground boxing match in Kowloon Walled City a week ago."

"The final will be held tonight. Jiang Tianyang's leader, Baoshan, can indeed beat him."

"During this period, several famous boxers in the world were crippled by him, and one was even paraplegic."

"Che Baoshan has been called a giant beast by others, and some people call him the Grand Marshal of Hong Kong Island, which means that he has booked the Grand Marshal in advance."

Lin Yao smiled and said, "It seems that Jiang Tianyang has expanded rapidly, which is a good thing!"

"What, a good thing?" Wang Jianguo looked confused.

This time, the "Giants Competition" organized by Jiang Tianyang is directly related to the status of the rivers and lakes.

"Brother Yao, most of the social groups in Hong Kong have begun to gather around Jiang Tianyang, even Hu Yong is trying to please him."

"I know, as the saying goes, if you want to destroy it, you must make it crazy!" Lin Yao said.

"Go meet Lu Qichang and tell him the information about Jiang Tian's Ant Fruit Warehouse that Feng Tang received..."

"Okay, Brother Yao." After listening to Lin Yao's instructions, Wang Jianguo nodded and left quickly.

"Brother Yao!"

As soon as Wang Jianguo left, Zhan Mi, Han Bin, the prince, Yi Xuefei, and Yun Piaopiao walked in together.

Zhan Mi, you have a lot to do. You report first! Lin Yao looked at Zhan Mi and said slowly.

"Okay Brother Yao!"

Zhan Mi nodded and almost couldn't wait to report.

"Brother Yao, Tianyao Service Company has developed its own brands, namely Hanliu and Tangyun..."

"Zhan Mi, don't report too specifically."

"I have set the general direction, and you just go for it. What Tianyao needs is not a small fight, but a huge wave that sweeps the industry."

Zhan Mi was shocked, and endless light burst out from his eyes.

He immediately said: "Brother Yao, I understand."

"Yeah." Lin Yao nodded and continued:

"Tens of millions or hundreds of millions are small profits, you have to take a long-term view!"

"If we want to expand beyond Hong Kong Island, our Tianyao Group will compete with the world's top 500 companies."

"Clothing is just a stepping stone for the group, but I don't want this stepping stone to be used as rubble."

Tens of millions or hundreds of millions is a small profit?

Zhan Mi said this calmly, but the two female secretaries Yun Piaopiao and Yi Xuefei were stunned.

This tone is what Lin Yao, a peerless hero who has shaped the Tianyao Group in one year, can say.

Not even the top Chinese-funded consortium dares to be so arrogant.

Zhan Mi went to the office pantry and got a cup of cold water. After taking a sip, he continued to report:

"Brother Yao, I've come up with a new idea in the past few days. I want to use the original factory equipment... I won't be afraid of making fun of you, that is, I want to make sexy clothes.

“Tianyao Group and Hongxing own hundreds of bars, KTVs, and leisure clubs combined.

“These places are the best channels to promote sexy clothing.

“Once a sexy clothing brand is created, it will definitely become popular in Hong Kong, and the accompanying products will also include sex toys.

“Sex toys can also be bundled with our magazines.”

"In this way, several related subsidiaries of our Tianyao Group can complement each other and benefit each other."

When they heard Zhan Mi talking about sexy clothes, Yun Piaopiao and Yi Xuefei couldn't help but blush at the same time.

"Well, that's a nice idea." Lin Yao said appreciatively.

Sexy clothing and sex toys have always been huge profits among huge profits.

Especially in Japan, this kind of industry is simply the mainstay.

The investment is small, the return is large, and the profit cycle is very short.

In particular, Zhan Mi's idea of ​​using other subsidiaries of Tianyao Group to help develop sexy clothing and supplies is what Lin Yao admires the most.

The biggest reason why Tianyao Group has established so many subsidiaries is to establish a business cycle.

Resources can be exchanged between each subsidiary.

Thus forming a perfect closed loop and creating more profits.

Lin Yao took a sip of Qimen black tea and said:

"Zhan Mi, let's do this. Let the fashion store on Huayuan Street integrate the business of Your Majesty's goods and distinguish it from sexy clothing and sex toys."

"Use a separate store to open a sex brand and sell sex toys."

"Our own clothing brands, Hanliu and Tangyun, need to gain popularity in the shortest possible time, and we must be willing to spend money on advertising."

After hearing this, Zhan Mi nodded quickly.

"Just do it, I'll give you one month to open ten Tianyao brand clothing stores and sex toy stores on the island and in Kowloon.

Lin Yao waved his hand, and there was no doubt in his words.

"Yes, Brother Yao!" Hearing this, Zhan Mi left the office.

Later, Lin Yao listened to Han Bin, the prince's report.

In the past few days, more and more Hongxing branches have joined Hongxing lobby entrances.

Lin Yao is about to reach his goal of slimming down the entire Hongxing team.

On the contrary, the Hongxing branch founded by Jiang Tianyang has more and more people.

According to Han Bin's estimate, Jiang Tianyang now has more than 20,000 troops.

"It's still the same words, it's not about having too many soldiers, it's about having the best!" Lin Yao said in outline.

The prince nodded and said: "Brother Yao, you still have the foresight. Now the combat power of our Qinglong Hall is no longer what it used to be."

"The centripetal force of the entire society is becoming more and more concentrated. If we go to attack the Hongxing branch now, it will be no problem!!"


Lin Yao shook his head and said:

"Regardless of whether the police officer will intervene, so what if we win? Our losses will definitely be huge."

"It's not worth it. I have my own plan!"

At this point, the phone on the desk rang.

Lin Yao picked up the phone.

The call was from Wang Jianguo.

"Brother Yao, I have already told Sir Lu."

"He said they also knew there was a traitor, and they also had a specific suspect, a ghost guy, Hanks, the former leader of the anti-drug team."

"It's a pity that they didn't have much evidence at hand, so Hanks was not arrested. The higher-ups in the police force just dismissed him."

"And they haven't been fired yet. These ghost guys are really disgusting!"

"Lu Qichang has now been transferred to the team leader. It was Li Wenbin, the senior superintendent of the police force, who transferred him there against all objections."

"Jianguo, share all the information Fengtang has collected about Jiang Tianyang with Lu Qichang." Lin Yao said slowly.

"Yes, Brother Yao!"

Lin Yao was using Lu Qichang to conduct an anti-drug operation covering the entire Hong Kong Island.

Jiang Tianyang, of course he will do it.

Lin Yao had also arranged his ending, which was to go down below and be with his brother.

For the past few months, I have been boiling frogs in warm water just to get a fatal blow!

Lu Qichang's side.

The reason why he was able to take over the position of leader of the anti-drug team was because of a spy operation.

The anti-drug team was in a previous operation.

An action team had just touched one of Jiang Tianyang's ant fruit warehouses, but in the end the entire army was wiped out.

After investigation, it was discovered that there was a mole hidden in the intelligence team where the anti-drug team was located.

This mole is an open Pandora's box.

When he was about to identify the bigger mole, he was suddenly shot, and the anti-drug team was forced to enter the process of self-examination.

In Lu Qichang's view, this is a silent contest between the Chinese police and the ghosts.

Now, the highest-ranking Chinese police officer is Lu Qichang's old boss, Senior Superintendent Li Wenbin.

When Wang Jianguo found the admissions officer, he revealed to him information about one of Jiang Tianyang's fruit warehouses.

Lu Qichang was overjoyed!

After Wang Jianguo left, Lu Qichang sat in the office, tapping his fingers on the table.

After weighing all aspects, he dialed the internal phone number of the anti-drug team.

Tonight, the anti-drug team is on duty with the leaders of the second team, Yu Lichao and Li Jun.

In order to protect the safety of the action team members, Yu Lichao and Li Jun did not go out in the field until other moles were found.

Instead, I was bored sitting in the office.

At this time, the phone rang.

Less than a minute after Yu Lichao answered the phone, he hung up.

In just one minute, Yu Lichao's expression changed several times.

Finally, he stood up excitedly and shouted:

"Ajun, gather your brothers immediately, bring your equipment, and prepare to go out into the field."

Li Jun asked: "Who are we going to arrest?"

Yu Lichao solemnly said: "Jiang Tianyang, Hongxing branch!"

Two hours later, there was an underground boxing gym in Kowloon Walled City.

Hundreds of people packed the entire boxing gym to the brim.

Amidst the crazy cheers and cheers.

Two muscular men were having a final showdown on the front stage.

One of them is none other than Che Baoshan, the man who has recently conquered Hong Kong's invincible opponents.

Che Baoshan showed a crushing attitude all the way, but actually reached the final with high spirits.

He alone allowed Jiang Tian to raise more than 10,000 younger brothers, Ma Zai.

The reputation of Che Baoshan has also spread throughout the underground world of Hong Kong Island.


As the fists and shadows intertwined, Che Baoshan inhaled sharply and punched out, knocking the last opponent to the ground.

"The position of Marshal of the Great Road can be obtained easily."

Jiang Tianyang, who was watching the battle in the audience, clapped his hands gently.

Although everything was as he expected, there were no surprises.

His face was still occupied by a smile.

Just as Jiang Tianyang was biting his cigar and waiting to announce Che Baoshan as the marshal of the road, Shenxian Ke ran over with an anxious look on his face.

Big Brother’s signal in this era is far inferior to that of later generations.

Shenxian Ke had been calling Jiang Tianyang half an hour ago while rushing over, but unfortunately he couldn't get through.

So much so that Jiang Tianyang didn't even know about the big things happening outside.

At this time, Ding Ye, the host of the Hong Kong Giants Ranking Competition, has already taken the stage.

He raised Che Baoshan's right hand high and was about to declare Che Baoshan the Marshal of the Road.

Shenxianke finally ran to Jiang Tianyang, panting, and whispered:

"Mr. Jiang, something serious has happened."

Jiang Tianyang frowned. He didn't know the seriousness of the matter yet and was only immersed in the joy of victory.

Tonight, Che Baoshan became the marshal of the Jianghu in Hong Kong Island. Jiang Tianyang, standing behind Che Baoshan, was like the leader of the Jianghu.

Unexpectedly, the immortal could speak in an urgent tone and whispered again:

"Mr. Jiang, something serious has happened!" (End of Chapter)

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