HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 290 Lin Yao’s killing order!

But Lin Yao didn't believe that anyone could tell the time so accurately. It was obviously a premeditated assassination!

The only person who can do this is Situ Chu, who knows the exact time of Zhong Jiabin's arrival in Hong Kong.

After Lin Yao thought of this, his question was answered perfectly. Zhong Jiabin was Situ Chu's sacrifice!

Unexpectedly, for someone like Zhong Jiabin, Situ Chu would be willing to throw him out as a sacrifice!

Cruelty, determination, and ruthlessness are all reflected in Situ Chu!

"Mr. Lin, what should we do now?" Seeing Lin Yao didn't reply for a long time, the horseman asked weakly.

After Lin Yao heard Ma Zai's words, he asked: "How many killers have taken action?"

Ma Zai replied: "A total of 4 people took action, three of them were killed by us, and one was injured and escaped."

"In addition to these four people, there should be four cover people, two of whom are snipers."

"Two of our brothers in Hongxing died in the hands of the other side's snipers. The brothers didn't dare to chase them out, so the killers ran away!"

"If we issue a fatwa, we will dig through the entire Hong Kong Island to get these people out!!" Lin Yao said slowly.

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

"Also, call the police!" Lin Yao continued.

"Call the police?" Ma Zai didn't respond.

"A killer is killing people at the door of our building. We are citizens of Hong Kong Island, so of course we need to ask for help!" Lin Yao said calmly.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, I'll call the police right away!" Ma Zai said.

At this time, Lin Yao had come to his senses.

Situ Chu's move was not cruel, but it was nothing more than that.

But Situ Chu's move not only gave him a chance, but also gave Lin Yao a chance!

The death order issued by Lin Yao had spread throughout Hong Kong Island that day.

The airports and piers on Hong Kong Island are all covered with Hongxingzi.

As long as they are foreigners, Hongxing's mazai will come forward to ask questions, and they are more active than the note.

In a private house on Hong Kong Island, two ghost guys and two people with Oriental faces were talking.

These five people were the mercenary killers sent by Situ Chu to assassinate Zhong Jiabin.

"Su Zhenchang, you and Xie Zhenwu are Hua people. You leave Hong Kong Island first. We will lurk on Hong Kong Island for the time being."

"Hong Xing cannot guard the airport and port every day. When they relax, we will leave!"

It turned out that when they were about to take a flight to leave Hong Kong Island, they found that Tiaozi and Hongxing's people were guarding the foreigners' boarding gate to interrogate and inspect them.

"This Hongxing leader is really not that simple. He can actually cooperate with Tiaozi."

The person who spoke was Harry, the captain of this mercenary team.

"Harry, Su Zhenchang and I will never abandon everyone and leave Hong Kong Island first!" Xie Zhenwu said firmly.

This mercenary is actually the Situ family's private army.

Not only are they strong, but they also work well together!

Xie Zhenwu continued: "Su Zhenchang and I also came with passports from country m, and we must be the targets of their questioning."

"Although we are Chinese, I guess it will be difficult for us to pass their cross-examination."

"The most important thing is that Su Zhenchang suffered a gunshot wound, so why don't we all wait here until they relax before leaving Hong Kong Island? I don't believe how long they can last like this!"

After hearing Xie Zhenwu's words, Harry also nodded.

"Okay, in that case, let's clean up here first!" Harry said.

After Harry finished speaking, he walked to the bathroom, where two corpses of a man and a woman were lying.

These two corpses were the original owners of this room, and they were very unlucky when they encountered these five killing gods.

Hong Kong Island has a humid climate. If these two bodies are not disposed of as soon as possible,

These two corpses will decompose soon, and the stinky smell will likely attract the attention of other residents, which will be very troublesome!

Boom, boom, boom!

Just as they were disposing of the two bodies, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Old Tan, open the door. I have something important to inform you about in the community!" An aunt's voice came from outside the gate.

"Harry, the woman outside the door has confirmed that there is someone in this house." Xie Zhenwu said to Harry.

"Xie Zhenwu, go deal with him!" Harry knew that if he didn't open the door and the person at the door called the police, people like him would be very passive.

"I know!"

After finishing speaking, Xie Zhenwu walked towards the gate.

After opening the gate, there is an iron gate outside the gate.

Xie Zhenwu saw the middle-aged woman in front of him through the iron gate and said, "Excuse me, what can I do?"

The middle-aged woman said with some confusion: "Who are you? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Xie Zhenwu had already dealt with this. He said: "I am Lao Tan's nephew. I just came back from Australia. If you have anything to say to me,"

"My uncle is having sex with my aunt! Hehe!"

After hearing Xie Zhenwu's words, the middle-aged woman whispered: "Has Lao Tan been cured?"

"Huh?" Xie Zhenwu looked confused after hearing what this middle-aged woman said.

"Your uncle is not good at that, but you didn't expect him to be cured?" the middle-aged woman said in surprise.

"Sister, what do you want to tell my uncle? I'll tell you later." Xie Zhenwu said with a smile.

"I just received a note informing me that a group of international thieves have smuggled themselves into Hong Kong Island. If you see suspicious foreigners, you must call the police!"

The middle-aged woman finally thought of her responsibilities and said to Xie Zhenwu.

Xie Zhenwu smiled and said: "Sister, don't worry, I will definitely convey your words to my uncle!"

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you. By the way, young man, what's your name?" the middle-aged woman asked.

"Xie Zhenwu!" Xie Zhenwu smiled.

"Oh!" The middle-aged woman turned and left after finishing speaking.

Just when she went down to the first floor, she saw a middle-aged man with a wretched face walking towards her.

"Old Tan, aren't you doing something with your wife upstairs?" the middle-aged woman looked at the man and asked curiously.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I worked the night shift all night yesterday and I just came back now!" Lao Tan said with a confused look on his face.

"But, your nephew just said"

"What nephew? I don't have a nephew," Lao Tan said impatiently.

The middle-aged woman suddenly exclaimed: "Old Tan, will something happen to your family?"

She told Lao Tan in detail the scene of her exchange with Xie Zhenwucheng.

"Old Tan, what do you think the two of us should do now?" After the woman finished speaking, she looked at Old Tan and asked.

"What to do? Of course call the police!"

As Lao Tan spoke, he walked to the phone booth outside the building and dialed the alarm number.

In fact, Lao Tan still thinks that his wife is stealing.

His actual purpose of calling the police was to make this woman look embarrassed, and at the same time, let the adulterer spend a few days in jail.

He still doesn't know what evil spirit is in his house now!

Outside the building where the Hongmen mercenary team is located, two officers in military uniforms have come downstairs. They asked Lao Tan:

"Did you just call the police?"

Lao Tan hurriedly replied: "Yes, I reported the police officer."

These two notes came so fast, it took less than 2 minutes from the time he called the police to the time the note arrived.

"The content of your alarm is that you suspect that the international thief informed by our police force is in your home?" a note asked.

"That's right, Chan Po can also prove that that person is really suspicious!" Old Tan was a little embarrassed and hurriedly asked Chan Po to come out.

"Is that so?" the police officer turned to look at Chan Po and asked.

"That person is very suspicious, saying that he is from Australia!" Chan Po said.

After hearing that they were coming from overseas, the expressions of the two officers in military uniforms changed, and then one of them took a walkie-talkie to call for support.

The other simply walked directly to the phone booth and made a call.

Twenty minutes later, a Flying Tigers team arrived downstairs in the building.

The commander of this team walked up to the two uniformed officers and said:

"I am Zhou Xingxing, the on-site commander of the Flying Tigers' first detachment. Are you two sure that those international mercenaries are upstairs?"

A man in military uniform said loudly: "Yes, I'm 70% sure, those international mercenaries are upstairs!"

Then, he turned to ask Lao Tan: "Which floor and room is your home on? Please tell Commander Zhou in detail."

Lao Tan was already shocked by the huge force of Hong Kong Island Tiaozi. He stammered: "Room 09 on the seventh floor!"

As soon as Lao Tan finished speaking, Zhou Xingxing waved his right hand, and then members of the Flying Tigers swarmed in.

Zhou Xingxing finally went upstairs. He turned to the two officers in military uniforms and said: "Disperse the residents and maintain order on the scene!"

Two officers in military uniforms said loudly: "Yes, sir!"

At this time, Lao Tan's home.

Suddenly, a white man said loudly:

"Harry, the police from Hong Kong discovered us and are now on the second floor."

"Fuck, how did the policeman find us! Could it be that woman just now?" Xie Zhenwu cursed loudly.

"Okay, Xie Zhenwu, everything has happened, so don't complain!" Harry said loudly.

Harry walked to the bathroom window, punched the window open, looked down, and said, "Rapid evacuation!"

As soon as Harry finished speaking, a member of the mercenary army began to establish a fixed point in the bathroom.

At this moment, Su Zhenchang said: "Harry, my left hand is injured. I can't descend quickly. I'll stay here to cover your retreat!"

Hearing Su Zhenchang's words, Harry looked at Su Zhenchang deeply, and then patted him on the shoulder. At this moment, Xie Zhenwu said loudly:

"Zhenchang, you are crazy, you will die if you do this!"

Before Su Zhenchang could speak, Harry said loudly: "Xie Zhenwu, we are mercenaries, mercenaries who may die at any time. Put away your childish ideas and evacuate now, immediately, immediately!"

At this moment, the fixed point had been laid and the first mercenary member had begun rappelling.

Su Zhenchang looked at Xie Zhenwu and said, "Xie Zhenwu, I can trade my life for the lives of four of you. It's a great deal!"

Then, Su Zhenchang picked up the weapon and walked out of the bathroom.

At this time, only Harry and Xie Zhenwu were left in the bathroom. Harry whispered to Xie Zhenwu: "Obey the order!"

Then, he also started rappelling. Xie Zhenwu glanced at the bathroom door for the last time, and started rappelling immediately behind captain Harry.

At this time, the Flying Tigers had reached the 7th floor. Zhou Xingxing whispered an order: "Detachment 1 and 2 will attack, and Detachment 2 will evacuate the masses."

Soon, the door to Lao Tan's room was blown open by a C4 bomb.

Then the Flying Tigers members threw two flash bombs directly in, and the two Flying Tigers members quickly entered the room.

At this moment, a huge explosion came from this room.

The two Flying Tigers members who had just entered the room were blown out directly.

"Detachment 2 rescue people, detachment 1, charge forward with me!"

After Zhou Xingxing said these words, he rushed into the room first.

He saw a battered body in the living room.

Then, he turned into the room, only to find that there was no one there.

Then, he heard his men shout: "Sir Zhou, come and see!"

Zhou Xingxing walked to the bathroom, and what caught his eye was a rappelling rope that had been fixed on the wall.


The first time Zhou Xingxing saw the rappelling rope, he knew that these mercenaries must have used the rappelling rope to escape from the 7th floor!

And the corpse in the living room should be the team member who covered their escape!

"Notify the headquarters and request support. Detachment 2 will deal with the aftermath. Detachments 1 and 2 will follow me!"

Zhou Xingxing quickly deployed the order, and then he quickly led the members of the Flying Tigers downstairs.

Zhou Xingxing, known as the number one killer of the Flying Tigers, will never allow these mercenaries to slip away under his nose. This is related to his merit and honor.

At this time, not far away, Harry, Xie Zhenwu and others also heard the explosion coming from the building.

All members of the mercenary army knew what was going on.

But now is not the time for them to be sad. They all know that they are still in danger now.

You may be stuck by the Hong Kong police at any time, and you will have nowhere to hide, and you will never be able to escape!

Just when the four of them walked into an old community in Kowloon City.

The white man was suddenly shot in the head and died instantly.

"There are snipers, find cover to hide!"

Harry shouted as he had already hid in a house on the roadside.

"These people are very well trained!"

Not far away, Li Jie looked at this scene through the sniper scope and said.

Wang Jianguo, who was standing next to him, smiled and said: "We just need to hold them back and leave the rest to the Hong Kong police."

At this time, Zhou Xingxing, the number one killer of the Flying Tigers, who got the news, was quickly approaching here with his men.

He has only one goal, which is to completely eliminate this group of international mercenaries!

Harry and the others knew that if they continued like this, they would be surrounded and annihilated by the other party's people.

So, Harry made a few strange noises, which was the order for them to separate and retreat.

The next moment, Harry began to move cautiously inside the dilapidated house.

Nearly a hundred members of Hongxing have gathered in this area, and they are constantly interfering with the escape speed of Harry and others.

Even drive them in one place until they receive the signal to retreat.

Because at this time Zhou Xingxing had already arrived here with the Flying Tigers.

When Harry saw Xie Zhenwu and another team member, William, he knew that they had been surrounded.

Now they have only one choice, which is to fight their way out.

"Xie Zhenwu, you and William give me fire support, and I'll find the sniper spot."

After Harry gave the order, he ran towards the second floor of the old house.

At this time, guided by the gunfire of Hongxing members, Zhou Xingxing's people quickly found the location of the two international mercenaries.

"Bang!" A sharp gunshot pierced the tranquility of the area.

As the gunfire rang out, a member of the Flying Tigers fell to the ground.

"Everyone is hiding, the other side has a sniper!" Zhou Xingxing shouted loudly as he pulled the Flying Tigers member who had been shot and fell to the ground to a wall.

The hidden sniper is the most terrifying entity in team combat, and it cannot be overstated to describe it as a god of death.

"Team 1 covers Team 2, find the sniper, take him out first!" Zhou Xingxing gave the order.

Then, he rushed out first, but at this moment, Xie Zhenwu and William also fired fiercely at Zhou Xingxing and others from behind the bunker."

"Both of them use AK47, which has very powerful firepower.

After two members of the Flying Tigers fell, Zhou Xingxing knew that the assault had failed again.

He ordered his team members to hide, and then he ordered:

"Flash bomb cover, fire cover from Team 1 and Team 2!"

Then, Zhou Xingxing rushed towards the mercenary stronghold alone under the cover of fire.

At this time, Harry was concentrating on aiming at Zhou Xingxing, through the observation just now.

Harry has discovered that this man is the commander of this Hong Kong island gangster.

As long as he is killed, there will definitely be a certain degree of chaos in Hong Kong Island.

That would greatly increase their chances of escaping.

At this moment, the hair on Harry's body stood on end. This was his sixth sense developed through years of training.

Only when facing life and death danger would one have such a strong reaction.

Just when Harry was about to retreat first, a sniper bullet accurately hit his shoulder blade.

Harry was dying, and he greedily took a breath of air.

Then he looked downstairs worriedly, because there were his two brothers there.

"Zhenwu, William, you must live!" Harry left the last words in his life and passed away!

Not far away, Li Jie held a sniper rifle and said to Wang Jianguo beside him:

"This guy is really powerful. If he hadn't focused all his attention on that cop, I wouldn't have succeeded so easily!"

"Ajie, let's call it a day!" After Wang Jianguo finished speaking, he turned and left.

He knew that once the sniper died, the mercenary would be truly finished.

Following Harry's death, Xie Zhenwu and William were quickly killed by Zhou Xingxing.

Two minutes later, they also found Harry who was dead on the roof of this building.

Zhou Xingxing looked at the two young mercenaries and sighed. For this mercenary, 3 of his men died and 9 were injured. It can be said that the losses were heavy.

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