HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 289 Life and death situation!

"Okay, in addition to the wealth of the Li family, I also want to absorb all the power of the Li family. I will leave this matter to you. I will send six people to protect your safety." Lin Yao said with a smile.

For Lin Yao, it would be best if Li Jiahui is willing to cooperate with him.

Because he knows many unknown secrets of the Li family.

Let her help him deal with all the forces of the Li family, which will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

After hearing Lin Yao's words, Li Jiahui did not reply.

She knew that those six people not only protected her safety, but also monitored her.

"Very good, thank you for your cooperation!"

"Jianguo, it's up to you to do the next thing. I have to leave first."

After Lin Yao finished speaking, he left the room.

The next moment, Wang Jianguo brought someone in from another room. This person was the pretty boy raised by Li Jiahui.

Wang Jianguo said to Li Jiahui: "Brother Yao talks about benevolence and righteousness, but I always feel uneasy. Li Jiahui, you must hand in the certificate of surrender!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled out the gun from his waist and handed it to Li Jiahuisui.

Then a few horse boys walked in.

These horse boys all hold miniature cameras in their hands.

Wang Jianguo pointed at the pretty boy and said, "If you kill him, I will completely trust you."

"Sister Hui, don't do it. We have feelings for each other. Don't do it! Wuwuwu...!" The pretty boy was so frightened in front of the gun that he begged.

Without any hesitation, Li Jiahui picked up the gun and pointed it at the pretty boy.

Bang bang!

After two gunshots. That pretty boy was shot directly in the head by Li Jiahui!

Wang Jianguo muttered: "Damn, I didn't expect this woman's marksmanship to be so accurate!"

the other side.

M country Tanshan, Hongmen headquarters.

Situ Chu looked at the telegram from the Nanyang branch in his hand and said to Zhong Jiabin, the Hongmen seat in front of him:

"Old Zhong, do you know what this telegram says?"

Zhong Jiabin shook his head and said he didn't know.

Situ Chu handed the telegram to Zhong Jiabin and said: "The Lin Yao of Hong Kong Island has now destroyed the Baili family. It will be even more difficult for us to transfer Hongmen's power to Hong Kong Island."

After Zhong Jiabin received the telegram, he looked at the content carefully. It was a series of things Lin Yao had done in Hong Kong Island, Aomen, Bay Island, and Nanyang, including that he was the actual controller of the Twenty-Seven Free Territories!

Since the last time Hongmen sent the world's number one assassin to Hong Kong Island to assassinate Lin Yao, all their energy has been focused on the war with the mafia and the Youth Gang of Country M.

He had never had time to deal with Lin Yao, but he didn't expect that in just two months, Lin Yao would grow to this point, which made Zhong Jiabin amazed and horrified.

"Mr. Situ, what should we do now?" Zhong Jiabin asked Situ Chudao.

Situ Chu did not answer Zhong Jiabin's question. Instead, he asked: "Old Zhong, I want to hear your opinion first."

After Zhong Jiabin thought for a while, he said: "Mr. Situ, now we have nothing more than two choices, one is war, and the other is peace."

"If we want to fight, with Lin Yao's current power, if we in Hongmen want to deal with them, we must gather the strength of at least two branches."

"Although our war with the Mafia and Youth Gang has basically subsided, it is still very difficult to mobilize such a large force!

"And Lin Yao is a local snake in Hong Kong Island. It will be even more difficult for us to deal with him!"

Hearing this, Situ Chu smiled and said: "Old Zhong, do you mean that our Hongmen will ask Lin Yao for peace?"

Zhong Jiabin shook his head and said: "Mr. Situ, Hong Kong, Aotai and Hong Kong are not originally within our sphere of influence."

Speaking of this, Zhong Jiabin sighed and then said:

"However, he has already set Nanyang as his next target, and he has the freedom of the 27 capitals at his back. Once he enters Nanyang, he will be like a tiger descending the mountain and is unstoppable!"

"Nanyang Branch is our branch in Hongmen, second only to San Francisco and Nuoyue in Country M. Nearly half of our No. 4 boys and thugs are provided by Nanyang Branch, so Nanyang Branch cannot afford to lose anything. "

Zhong Jiabin talked for a long time, but did not express his true thoughts.

It was obvious that he wanted Situ Chu to make this decision.

After listening to Zhong Jiabin's words, Situ Chu continued to ask: "So, Lao Zhong, do you think we Hongmen and Lin Yao want to fight or make peace?"

"I want to hear your thoughts, war or peace, one word is enough!"

After Zhong Jiabin heard Situ Chu's words, he sighed. He looked at Situ Chu and said, "Mr. Situ, I personally prefer to talk to Lin Yao first."

"If we can't negotiate, we can fight again. This is also the tradition of our Hua people. We should be polite before fighting!"

Situ Chu glanced at Zhong Jiabin and said slowly.

Just like Hongmen sent Killer 42 to assassinate Lin Yao before, because Lin Yao was not taken seriously by Situ Chu and Zhong Jiabin at that time.

So they directly sent assassins to assassinate them without any regard for courtesy first and then attack.

But now it is completely different. Lin Yao has become a powerful force in Hong Kong, Aotai, and even Nanyang.

"Old Zhong, who do you think is the most suitable person for our Hongmen to send to talk to Lin Yao?" Situ Chu looked at Zhong Jiabin and asked.

After Zhong Jiabin thought for a moment, he said: "The person who goes to negotiate with Lin Yao must be highly respected and occupy an important position in our Hongmen, including several road marshals, the helmsman of the San Francisco branch, or the Nanyang branch. I think both the helmsman and the helmsman are good.”

Situ Chu shook his head and said, "Old Zhong, I think they are not suitable!"

Zhong Jiabin asked: "Mr. Situ, does he already have someone in mind?"

Situ Chu said calmly: "The most suitable person is you, Lao Zhong. I wonder if you would like to go to Hong Kong Island to talk to Lin Yao on behalf of Hongmen?"

Hearing this, Zhong Jiabin was surprised at first, and then he realized that there was indeed no more suitable candidate than him!

Although Marshal Dalu has a high status, he only has honor and no power.

The status of the helmsmen of several sub-rudders seems to be lower than that of Lin Yao now.

He is the only one with both status and real power. He is definitely the perfect candidate to negotiate with Lin Yao.

Thinking of this, Zhong Jiabin smiled and said: "Mr. Situ, Hongmen needs me, I will never refuse!"

Hearing this, Situ Chu laughed loudly and said, "Old Zhong, I feel relieved to have someone like you sitting in Hongmen's court."

"In this way, you go to Hong Kong Island to meet Lin Yao as soon as possible. Whether it is war or peace, I will wait for your news!"

Zhong Jiabin nodded and said: "Mr. Situ, please don't worry, I will take care of everything!"

Looking at Zhong Jiabin's leaving figure, Situ Chu's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he secretly said:

Lin Yao, you should feel honored to have a Hongmen man sit in the hall to be buried with you!

This time he took Zhong Jiabin to Hong Kong Island, and the purpose was not to negotiate with Lin Yao at all.

Situ Chu has only one purpose, to create a life and death situation.

This life and death situation is not just for Lin Yao, but also for other people, other enemies of Situ Chu!

For this reason, he did not hesitate to use the third person in Hongmen, Zhong Jiabin, as a sacrifice.

On the night when Situ Chu, the leader of Hongmen, and Zhong Jiabin, the leader of Hongmen, discussed dealing with Lin Yao, Lin Yao received a phone call from Lei Yingdong.

It turns out that Lei Yingdong was favored by Hongmen when he was young and owed Hongmen a favor.

Now Zhong Jiabin, the seat of Hongmen, came to him and asked him to be the intermediary. He wanted to talk to Lin Yao to see if he could resolve the grievances between Lin Yao and Hongmen!

This kind of thing is actually a good thing. How could Lei Yingdong refuse?

So after receiving Zhong Jiabin's call, he agreed immediately, and after hanging up, he dialed Lin Yao's number.

"Lin Yao, I am Lei Yingdong."

"Hello, Mr. Lei, why are you calling so late?"

For more than half a year, Lei Yingdong helped Lin Yao transport a large amount of military supplies, polar bear mercenaries and armed soldiers from Jinshanjiao to the 27th Capital.

It can be said that Lin Yao's plan in Nanyang was successful this time, and at least three of the successes were attributed to Lei Yingdong.

Lei Yingdong is willing to help him. In addition to valuing himself, the other reason may be his self-consciousness as a Hua native.

Therefore, Lin Yao respects Lei Yingdong very much.

"Lin Yao, it's a good thing. Zhong Jiabin, the seat of Hongmen, found me. He wants to talk to you on behalf of Hongmen!"

"We are all from Hua. There is no need to quarrel. It is good for everyone if we can sit down and talk!" Lei Yingdong said with a smile.

Lin Yao knew that Lei Yingdong had been away from the world for too long. He didn't know that once a war started, it would be either you or me!

Lin Yao must conquer Hongmen.

The same goes for Hongmen. If they want to maintain their interests in Nanyang, they will never compromise with themselves.

In fact, this negotiation is doomed to fail before it even begins.

However, Lin Yao still decided to meet and talk with Zhong Jiabin, the Hongmen official, for no other reason than to give Lei Yingdong face.

Therefore, Lin Yao said: "Mr. Lei, please tell Zhong Jiabin that I can meet with him in my office in Tianyao Building on Hong Kong Island!"

"Okay Lin Yao, I will notify him!" Lei Yingdong said after hearing Lin Yao's words.

Then, Lei Yingdong immediately spoke to Zhong Jiabin again.

He said that he had already negotiated a meeting with Lin Yao and asked Zhong Jiabin to fly to Hong Kong Island as soon as possible.

The next day, Zhong Jiabin took a flight to Hong Kong Island.

But what he didn't know was that as soon as he left, there was a mercenary team of eight people on the back, also embarking on the journey to Hong Kong Island.

Eighty-seven people were the ones sent by Situ Chu to send Zhong Jiabin on his way.

The next afternoon, Zhong Jiabin arrived at Hong Kong Island, but he did not enjoy the treatment of Ma Zai to pick him up at the airport.

After all, Hongmen's power in Hong Kong Island has long been wiped out by Hongxing.

Zhong Jiabin booked a presidential suite at the Grand Hyatt International Hotel, and the hotel had a dedicated pick-up staff to pick him up at the airport.

After Zhong Jiabin got into the car sent by the hotel, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Lei Yingdong's number.

"Mr. Lei, I am Zhong Jiabin. I have arrived on Hong Kong Island. Please help me inform Lin Yao and ask him when he is free and I can meet him!"

Zhong Jiabin wanted to find out Lin Yao's true purpose earlier so that Hongmen could decide whether to fight or make peace with Lin Yao!

But Zhong Jiabin didn't even think that Situ Chu had already made a choice in his heart, and he was just a sacrifice in Situ Chu's hands.

"Old Zhong, okay, wait for my news." After Lei Yingdong finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Soon, Lei Yingdong contacted Lin Yao and told him that Zhong Jiabin had arrived in Hong Kong Island.

"Mr. Lei, please tell him that I will be waiting for him in my office." Lin Yao said to Lei Yingdong.

"Okay!" Lei Yingdong responded and hung up the phone.

An hour later, Zhong Jiabin appeared in Lin Yao's office.

"Lin Yao, your name is like thunder in my ears in country M!" Zhong Jiabin said with a smile after seeing Lin Yao.

Lin Yao pointed to the sofa in the office and said, "Mr. Zhong, please sit down."

Then, he said with a half-smile: "This is the first time I heard your name today!"

The two sides had just completed the first round of fighting, and Zhong Jiabin was secretly taunting Lin Yao for being too arrogant.

Lin Yao replied, "You are so useless."

"Mr. Lin, I came to Hong Kong Island to meet you for only one purpose. I want to know whether you want peace or war."

Zhong Jiabin directly stated his purpose of coming to Hong Kong Island.

Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and said, "If there can be peace, of course I am willing to make peace!"

Zhong Jiabin nodded and said, "Mr. Lin, you think the same thing as I do."

Lin Yao continued: "I also ask you a question, what is the price of peace?"

Zhong Jiabin looked at Lin Yao deeply, and then said: "There is peace now."

Lin Yao shook his head and said: "The peace you seek is not peace. You Hongmen have no sincerity for peace."

Zhong Jiabin's meaning is very obvious. Hongmen and Hongxing will keep their existing spheres of influence unchanged.

But the problem now is that Hongmen is the one being challenged, and of course he wants to keep the current status unchanged.

Zhong Jiabin naturally knew what Lin Yao meant. He said slowly: "Mr. Lin, I have to admit that you are very strong."

"Don't forget, the predecessor of our Hongmen is the Tiandihui. The heritage of Hongmen is beyond your imagination."

"Lin Yao, cherish the peace you have now and take care of yourself!"

Lin Yao shook his head and said: "I would also like to advise you, your era of Hongmen has passed!"

After Zhong Jiabin heard Lin Yao's words, "The era of Hongmen has passed," he stood up suddenly, squinted his eyes and smiled:

"Mr. Lin, you are so arrogant, you really don't know what to do!"

Lin Yao said slowly: "Please remember, this is Hong Kong Island, not Country M. When you say harsh words, pay attention to the location and occasion!"

"Lin Yao, since you choose to reject peace, there is only war!"

After Zhong Jiabin finished speaking, he left Lin Yao's office directly.

Zhong Jiabin has been in the world for so many years, but no one has dared to talk to him like this.

Even for his own sake, he couldn't continue talking to Lin Yao!

Lin Yao looked at Zhong Jiabin's back and shook his head, thinking to himself:

"What does Situ Chu mean by sending this person to Hong Kong Island? Is it just to declare war on himself?

Hongmen sits in court, the dignified number three figure in Hongmen, and he is asked to make a special trip to Hong Kong just to declare war on his own?

Lin Yao didn't think Situ Chu would do such a boring thing.

Situ Chu must have other purposes for sending Zhong Jiabin to Hong Kong Island.

However, even Lin Yao couldn't imagine for a moment what conspiracy Situ Chu had laid!

Until a few minutes later.

A war hall member hurried into Lin Yao's office and said breathlessly:

"Mr. Lin, you were just at the door of our big...big...building."

When the members of the war hall said this, Lin Yao interrupted him directly: "Take a few deep breaths before talking to me."

Following Lin Yao's instructions, he took a few deep breaths and calmed down a lot, then reported:

"Mr. Lin, there was a shooting at the door of our building just now. The man who just came out of your office and his horse boy were shot dead at the door of our building!"

Hearing this, Lin Yao stood up directly.

If nothing unexpected happens, the person who died should be Zhong Jiabin, the third person in Hongmen, Zhong Jiabin.

Then, an idea flashed in Lin Yao's mind, and then gradually enlarged.

Lin Yao's idea was that Zhong Jiabin, the leader of Hongmen, was killed by people sent by Situ Chu, the leader of Hongmen!

Reason: Zhong Jiabin’s trip from Tanshan to Hong Kong Island was very mysterious, and he even only brought one horse boy with him.

Obviously, he came to Hong Kong Island secretly this time.

In this way, there should not be many people in Hongmen who know that Zhong Jiabin has come to Hong Kong Island.

On Hong Kong Island, apart from himself, only Lei Yingdong knew about Zhong Jiabin's arrival on Hong Kong Island.

The most important thing is that Lin Yao doesn't believe that there are still underground forces in Hong Kong who dare to commit crimes in front of Hongxing's headquarters.

In this way, the forces in Hong Kong Island can be eliminated directly!

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