HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 372: Cover up the family property!

Just as they took Ding Man away from Dr. Yan's house?

Dr. Yan decisively betrayed them and leaked the news.

So, the hunting ground was further reduced.


They still planned to take the waterway and sneak away on a black ship.

However, this unlucky group met the police on the way to escape, and there was another fierce gun battle.

Unfortunately, Ding Man, who had just saved his life, was shot again. This time he was beyond rescue and died directly.

The other few people had no choice but to abandon him and flee in panic.

At this time, the plane brought A Chang to Lin Yao.

Lin Yao originally planned to let A Chang contact Li Tai directly.

But she didn't have Li Tai's contact information, and it was always Li Tai who took the initiative to call her.

At this time, the latest situation came from Xin Ji.

After He Yaodong, Li Changjiang and others had a fight with the police, they rushed to the dock.

And He Yaodong had a life-and-death friendship with a red stick in Xin Ji who was nicknamed Baifanyu.

The territory of Baifanyu happened to be in the dock.

The answer was about to come out.

Lin Yao, Chen Xiaodao and others immediately set off, taking Ah Chang to Sai Kung Dock.

This game will end there.


Night, 20:15!

Sai Kung.


Under the dark night, the gentle shore is dotted with private docks one after another.

These docks are very simple.

Because they are all black docks, most of them are used for smuggling.

As for the smuggled things, in addition to goods, there are people. There are countless snakeheads, that is, human traffickers.

Although the power of Xinji has plummeted in the past two years.

Nowadays, although Hong Kong Island is still known as the four major names, Xinji is already in decline.

The sphere of influence has narrowed and the strength has been sharply reduced.

Xinji's new leader Su Long is naturally not a person who easily admits defeat.

He has begun to slowly accumulate strength to prepare for the revival of Xinji.

At present, the bulk of Xinji's income is smuggling.

The dock is the key!

Bai Fanyu, 25 years old, was born into a fisherman family and had been begging for food at sea since he was young.

Last year, Su Long valued him and took him into Xin Ji, and he worked hard enough.

It took only one year for him to become a Xin Ji Red Stick, and he was trusted by Su Long, and the entire dock was under his charge.

This guy and He Yaodong are old acquaintances.

The two knew each other before Bai Fanyu joined Xin Ji.

They have a deep friendship.

Huh! !

A van whizzed past on the road.

There were five people in the car, which were He Yaodong, Li Changjiang, Fei Gu, Da Ba Zai, and Li Tai.

He Yaodong drove, Li Changjiang sat in the co-pilot seat, and the remaining three sat in the back seat.

The five people were sweating profusely and looked extremely nervous.

The target boy shouted in a low voice: "Fuck, it must be that Yan who betrayed us, otherwise how could we be targeted by the police?"

He Yaodong's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Target boy, shut up!"

"What is our purpose this time?"

"It's kidnapping!"

"I didn't ask you to kill people indiscriminately!"

"Doctor Yan just saved Ah Man, you are not grateful, but you want to kill someone else's family, what kind of behavior is this? This is a beast!"

Among the few people, the target boy has the most explosive temper and the most inhumane.

Whether it is He Yaodong, Li Changjiang, Li Tai, or Fei Gu, they do not advocate killing people indiscriminately, let alone killing a doctor who just saved his brother.

The target boy said in annoyance: "Brother Dong, what should we do now?"

"If we knew that Lin Yao had such a strong influence in Hong Kong and Macau, even the police could command him, we should not have accepted this mission at all"

"It's still simpler to do our old business of robbing gold shops and jewelry stores!"

As soon as these words came out, the people in the car all fell silent.

In fact, it was not just the target shooter, but everyone was extremely upset.

Even He Yaodong was the same.

They all underestimated Lin Yao's power!

"It has already happened, why are you talking so depressingly now?"

He Yaodong's face was gloomy, and he said, "What we should do now is to try every possible way to leave Hong Kong Island!"

"Don't be afraid, there is a boat at Baifanyu's place, we can leave overnight."

Others also knew something about Baifanyu.

As long as they forced him with a gun, he would have a reason to assist them, and it would also be considered an explanation to Lin Yao. In addition, with the friendship between He Yaodong and Baifanyu in the past, it should be possible.

The target boy said with regret: "Hong Kong Island is really full of gold. It's a pity that you can't come here to make a fortune."

Fat girl rolled her eyes and complained: "Damn! It's a pity for you. Save your life first!"

"I really admire you!"

"After a few years, when the wind is not so tight, there is still a chance to come back. Then I can think about how to make a fortune!"

The target boy said happily: "Yes, no matter how powerful Lin Yao is, he can't always keep an eye on us small characters, right?"

"Besides, we didn't do anything to his girlfriend."

Fat girl and Li Tai were speechless to him.

Twenty minutes later, He Yaodong, Li Changjiang and others came to a pier, and there were houses nearby.

This is certainly not Bai Fanyu's home, but a temporary hideout.

Bai Fanyu usually works here.

Everyone got off the car quickly and followed He Yaodong to Bai Fanyu's residence.

Five minutes later, they arrived.

Outside the house, there were two members of Xinji.

He Yaodong waved his hand, Li Changjiang and Fei Gu nodded, and immediately took action.

Sneaking behind the two of them, they each knocked them out with a strike from their hands.

Target Boy and Li Tai stayed outside to keep watch, while He Yaodong, Li Changjiang and Fei Gu climbed over the wall into the courtyard and went straight to find the white rice fish.

They were lucky that Baifanyu happened to be here tonight.

The truth is of course not that they were lucky.

But when Lin Yao's order was sent out, Su Long ordered Bai Fanyu to do nothing.

Su Long knew that He Yaodong and Bai Fanyu were friends!

He plans to fish.

The white rice fish is the bait. As for whether He Yaodong can take the bait, that is beyond his control.

He just did everything he could do in advance.

Also because he knew that the two were friends, Su Long called Baifanyu after receiving Lin Yao's order and told him that if he dared to commit a crime, he would be punished by the Yan family!

At this moment, Baifanyu was in a complicated mood. He broke out in a cold sweat at Su Long's words and replied in a deep voice:

"Boss, I know what can be done and what cannot be done."

Su Long said in a deep voice: "Remember, if those bastards really come to find you, you must capture them for me!"

"This is no longer your business, but the entire Xinji's. It is related to the life and death of Xinji. Whether it can be revived in the future also depends on whether it can do this well. Do you understand?"

Fanyu said: "Understood!"

After hanging up the phone, Bai Fanyu had a complicated expression, looked at the sea, and let out a long sigh.

Dadong, you bastard!

You are doing such a big thing and you don't discuss it with him in advance. If you don't die, who will die?

After that.

Baifanyu didn't do anything, just waited quietly.

When the time came to 8:30 at night, He Yaodong appeared in front of him!

in the room.

Baifanyu looked at He Yaodong blankly and said sternly:

"Do you know what you are doing?"

"If you dare to touch Mr. Lin, how many heads do you have?"

"Do you know what will happen if you get Mr. Lin's favor?"

"Everyone comes out to mess around with nothing more than the word 'money'. Mr. Lin is invincible in Hong Kong and Olympic Games, and no one is his opponent."

What Baifanyu said was about the violent storm, which shocked Li Changjiang and Fei Gu.

He Yaodong said: "Brother, don't talk nonsense and get straight to the point."

"I need you to prepare a boat and get out of the way to let us leave!"

Baifanyu flatly refused, saying: "Impossible!"

He looked at He Yaodong and said in a deep voice: "Dadong, it's not that I don't want to help you, but the trouble you got into this time is so great that no one can protect you!"

"The only thing you can do now is to take the initiative to find Mr. Lin!"

"You do whatever Mr. Lin asks you to do."

Click! !

He Yaodong drew his gun, pointed it at Baifanyu's head, and said:

"Immediately prepare a ship for my brothers, and you will accompany us. When we are safe, we will let you go!"

Baifanyu gritted his teeth and said: "You are hurting me now by riding on the horse, let me go?"

"Then what?"

"Have you ever thought about what would happen to me if you let me back?"

"Su Long has given an order, if I dare to help you, then I will do it to the Yan family!

"Shoot!" Dadong shouted loudly, not wanting to talk nonsense.

Baifanyu turned his head, held the black muzzle of the gun, put it against his head, and glared at He Yaodong:

"If you really feel that you are a beast, then shoot!"


He Yaodong was stunned, his eyes flashed with panic.

The development of things once again exceeded his expectations.

Baifanyu looked deeply at He Yaodong and said:

"Dadong, don't think you are evil enough. Compared with Mr. Lin, you are nothing!"

"Don't think that you will be safe if you escape from Hong Kong Island."

"You'd better think about your family."

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside.

Bang, bang!

Intermittent gunfire rang out, and at the same time the shouts of Xinji members came: "Those big gangsters are here, kill them!"

"Fuck him for paralysis!"

Amid the shouting and cursing, the gunfire became more intense.

He Yaodong, Li Changjiang, and Fei Gu changed their minds in an uproar.

After a while, outside the yard, Li Tai and the target shooter, who were responsible for keeping watch, could no longer bear it and retreated in.

Li Tai was shot twice in the arm.

After the target boy rushed in, he pointed his gun at Baifanyu and shouted angrily: "Son of a bitch! Bastard of a bitch!"

"This is a trap. They knew we were coming, so they ambush us in advance!"

"Fuck, I'll kill you with one shot!!"

Baifanyu looked at the target boy with disdain and said:

"I have long said that your only way out is to surrender."

"Fuck, you're so cool, I'll kill you first!"

Target Boy almost went crazy.

"Target boy!!"

He Yaodong glared at the target boy fiercely and shouted to stop him.

Everyone else panicked and looked at He Yaodong.

The fat aunt asked: "Brother Dong, Dong, what should we do now?"

What else can be done?

He Yaodong smiled bitterly in his heart.

Now that the matter has come to this, there is nothing he can do.

Do your best according to destiny.

The only way may be to take Baifanyu as a hostage and break out of Xinji's siege.

It was very noisy outside, at least a hundred people.

It was obvious that they had laid an ambush long ago and were waiting for them to come.

"Baifanyu, you are really my good brother!!"

He Yaodong glared at Baifanyu angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "You want me to die!"

At this point, Baifanyu has nothing to say.

"Dadong, it's not that I want you to die, it's you who wants to die and has no choice but to die."

He Yaodong looked impatient and said sternly: "That's enough!!"

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin!!"

"No matter how evil Lin Yao is, he is still just a human being. How evil can he be?

"I just want to see how evil he can be!!"

He Yaodong's eyes flashed and he shouted: "Yangtze River, you are responsible for the rice fish!"

"Others cover!"

"Let's take Baifanyu as a hostage and get out!"

Li Changjiang, Fei Gu, Target Boy, and Li Tai all shouted in unison: "Yes, Brother Dong!"

Just then, something unexpected happened.

The noise suddenly stopped, and the Xinji members outside the house suddenly became quiet.

next moment.

It was "Mr. Lin" one after another.

Baifanyu: "Dadong, you don't want to see how evil Mr. Lin is, you will know it right away."

"Fuck, you're the only one who talks so much! I'll let you see how evil I am before I get on my horse!"

The target boy vented his anger on the white rice fish, turned his gun, hit the white rice fish on the head hard, and instantly opened the gourd.

Blood slowly flowed down from Baifanyu's cheek and dripped on the ground.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock!

It was not just blood dripping on the ground, but also the sound of everyone's heartbeats.

Just then, a crisp voice came in.

The tone was frightened and trembling.

"Artest, Artest, are you in there?"

Ah Chang!

Li Tai's face changed drastically and he shouted angrily: "Ah Chang! I fucked him to paralysis, and they arrested Ah Chang!!"

"Brother Dong!"

As he spoke, Li Tai looked at He Yaodong. It was obvious that he was going to save his woman, and he turned around and was about to rush out.

He Yaodong was startled and thought to himself: This Lin Yao is really well prepared!

The fat aunt grabbed Li Tai and shouted: "What do you want to do?

Lin Yao brought Ah Chang here just to use her as bait and make you die! "

"You'll fall into the trap if you go out!"

Li Tai asked anxiously: "What should we do now?"

How do I know if I'm riding a horse?

The fat girl roared in her heart.

But what happened next was beyond their expectations, because Ah Chang had been released by Lin Yao and came outside the door.

Boom, boom, boom!

Ah Chang knocked on the door and said, "Brother Dong, Artai, don't shoot. I am Ah Chang. They let me come here."

He Yaodong, Li Changjiang and others frowned.

What is Lin Yao doing?

Li Tai opened the door carefully, then immediately stepped aside, pulled Ah Chang in, and said happily: "A Chang, are you okay?"

Ah Chang: "I, I'm fine."

He Yaodong asked in a deep voice: "Ah Chang, what are Lin Yao's requirements for letting you in?"


Ah Chang: "They just let me go and didn't say anything. I don't know what they were going to do."


He Yaodong frowned deeper, unable to guess Lin Yao's tactics.

As long as he had Ah Chang in his hands, he would be their best hostage, but he just sent her back.

It was just a matter of sending it back, without any request or asking her to take any message.

What the hell?

Several other people also looked at each other in confusion. No one could guess what kind of medicine Lin Yao was selling in his gourd.

He Yaodong was extremely irritable.

I really don’t know what Lin Yao is going to do.

The answer will be revealed next moment! (End of chapter)

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