HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 387 A devastating blow!!!

"You don't know what background means!"

"Even if I lose another 200 million, I'm not afraid, because the three words "Chen Wanxian" alone are worth 1 billion Hong Kong dollars!"

"But what about you?"

Your name is worthless in Hong Kong Island! Most of your money is mortgaged! Once you fail, you will go bankrupt! You have no ability to resist risks at all! Do you know?"

After a series of questions, he was like a cannonball and hit Chen Taotao's head!

Chen Taotao was not scared by Chen Wanxian!

He nodded and joked: "Of course I know, but I want to see whether it's you who dies or me!"

"Humph! Then we'll see!"

Chen Wanxian left in a huff!


"Amin! ”

At this time, Zheng Jimin and Fang Ting also saw each other and greeted each other!

Wang Yong, Zhang Linwei, Zheng Jimin and others walked towards Chen Taotao and Fang Ting!

Because of Fang Ting, Chen Taotao also knew Wang Yong and Zhang Linwei, and they were all on good terms!

As friends, they naturally advised Chen Taotao not to fight with Chen Wanxian at this point!

However, Chen Taotao was completely blinded by hatred and did not listen to the advice at all!

Wang Yong could not help but said: "A Tao, even if you want to fight, you should not choose this time!"

"If Mr. Lin bets right, then all the stocks in your hands will become waste paper, and you will go bankrupt!"

Chen Taotao laughed and said: "Uncle Yong, I admire Mr. Lin, but please forgive me for not agreeing with his prediction of the stock market crash this time!"

"How prosperous is the economy of Hong Kong Island now? How could a stock market crash suddenly break out? "

Wang Yong knew that he couldn't persuade Chen Taotao, so he stopped talking!

As everyone was chatting, the time came to ten o'clock!

The stock market opened!

The battle between Chen Taotao and Chen Wanxian began, and the competition between the two for the Wanxiang Group quickly became white-hot.

But what they didn't expect was that the entire stock market situation was plummeting!

Blue-chip stocks opened lower one after another, and selling orders surged in!

Just 15 minutes after the opening, the Hang Seng Index had fallen by 110 points.

By 12 noon, the Hang Seng Index fell another 130 points to 3524.64 points!

The Hong Kong Island Index Futures have a suspension system.

When the Hang Seng Index's maximum intraday decline exceeded 150 points in the morning, it triggered the "circuit breaker" mechanism and entered a short !

At noon, all kinds of panic news broke out!

At 2:30 pm, the stock market opened again!

Buying orders came in like a tidal wave, and there was no one under the buying orders of countless stocks!

At 3 pm!

Spot and futures fell another 180 points.

The futures market was suspended for the second time!

Inside the Stock Exchange, there was a gloomy cloud!

Ma Guowei looked at the huge stock price display screen and was dumbfounded!

Ma Guowei's book wealth went from 2.7 million to 2.4 million.

At the end, only 1.7 million was left!


There are countless people in a similar situation to Ma Guowei!

No one in the entire Stock Exchange was spared, and there were wailing!

Ma Guowei roared like crazy: "Impossible! That panel is definitely broken, how could it keep falling!"

"There must be someone behind the scenes manipulating it!"

"Yes, that's it!"

"Lin Yao!!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he suddenly roared:

"That's right, it's Lin Yao, only he has this ability! "

"He bet that there will be a global stock market crash, and he has the motive to do so!"

"Investigate him!"

"Investigate this fucking bastard, he is going to kill me!"

Ma Guowei was venting hysterically!

As for blaming Lin Yao, of course there is no logic at all!

What's more terrifying is that there are many people like Ma Guowei!

His two friends too!

The Stock Exchange had to dispatch security personnel to drive these overly excited stockholders out of the exchange!

The Stock Exchange was in a mess!

There were flying buy and sell orders everywhere, as well as faces that were either sad or desperate!

Wang Yong, Zhang Linwei, Zheng Jimin and others stared at what was happening in front of them with their eyes wide open.

There was no joy in their hearts that they had made the right bet and were going to make a lot of money!

Some were just trembling with fear!

It was not until this moment that they were completely convinced that the stock market crash was really It's coming!

After the market closed, there were not many people in the Stock Exchange!

Chen Taotao held countless sell orders of Wanxiang Group in his hand, his eyes were sluggish, full of disbelief, and he murmured: "The stock market crash, the one in a million stock market crash is really coming"

On the other side, Chen Wanxian in the VIP trading room did not leave!

His face was ashen!

It's over!

It's all over!

No matter how Chen Taotao fights him, it doesn't matter. He can afford to lose 200 or 300 million, but not the stock market crash, because his loss today alone is more than 1 billion!

And this money is either from asset-backed banks or borrowed from some big guys!

He can't pay it back at all!

"Lin Yao!"



Chen Wanxian laughed bitterly and said: "Awesome, you can win in betting against the world, what else can't you do? "

After sighing, Chen Wanxian walked out of the VIP trading room and came down from the second floor!

He passed by Chen Taotao!

He patted Chen Taotao on the shoulder and said:

"You little brat, you are still so young, don't be easily defeated by a failure!"

After that, Chen Wanxian turned and left!

Chen Taotao threw Chen Wanxian away and shouted: "Stop being so hypocritical!"

Chen Wanxian didn't answer any more, he just turned around and walked forward!

But when he was about to walk out of the gate of the Stock Exchange, he suddenly fell to the left and fell hard. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but he didn't care at all!

Stand up and leave directly!

At six o'clock in the evening, Chen Wanxian went home!

As usual, he was having dinner with his wife and two children, talking and laughing.

After eating, I went to my study room and started reading and writing!

That night, it was three o'clock in the morning.

Chen Wanxian tied a rope to the beam and hanged himself!

A generation of giants in the stock market ended their sinful life!

Inside the Stock Exchange!

Chen Taotao's spirit instantly collapsed at this moment, his fierce eyes were no longer there, and his spirit became extremely depressed!

The atmosphere at the scene was desolate!

Chen Taotao stretched out his hands and rubbed his face hard to cheer up his spirits!

"Tao, forget it!"

"Ahua, aren't you?"

Chen Taotao looked at the middle-aged man and said:

"You don't think the jokes I tell are good, do you? I have told many jokes before, and you have heard me tell many too!"

"But I can guarantee that this time will definitely be the funniest one!"

Then, Chen Taotao couldn't help but start talking!

"This story takes place on Wall Street, in a long-established securities company with a century of experience, and the selection of the best trader at the end of the year!"

"Peter is the best trader in this securities company!"

"Finally, on the day of the awards, the boss announced in front of everyone that Alpha was elected!"

"Peter is dumbfounded!"


"Because Alpha is just a dog, Peter went to his boss angrily and asked, "Am I not even as good as a dog?" The boss said yes, but if you don't believe me, just listen!"

"Woof, woof, woof woof!!"

Chen Taotao imitated a dog, barked at his people a few times, and laughed: "Hahaha!"

"Peter thought he was capable, but he didn't expect that when the stock market crash broke out, he would be no different than a dog!"

No one in the audience was laughing except him!

At first it was just embarrassing!

Now I feel even more embarrassed and sad!

Everyone knows what happened next!

If the Hong Kong stock market crashes, everyone still has some luck.

Then when the world's largest financial center opened, it also collapsed!

Hope is completely dashed!

This side of Hong Kong Island!

Black Monday and the subsequent stock market crash in New York set off a chain reaction.

Investors, the government and the management of the Stock Exchange are all nervous!

At 8:30 a.m. the next day, the Stock Exchange held a press conference.

Announced a four-day suspension of trading!

This completely destroyed the investment sentiment of the people of Hong Kong Island!

In the face of the sudden stock market crash, relevant personnel in New York also held nervous meetings, but they came to the conclusion that...

Resolutely open the market!

On Hong Kong Island, there are many reasons why the Stock Exchange decided to suspend trading.

Not only do we need to clear the backlog of transactions, but also because there were too many previous sell orders, which caused system chaos and many loopholes!

Various factors combined and finally decided to suspend the market for four days!

Of course, the Stock Exchange and the Securities Regulatory Commission also asked Lin Yao for his opinion, and Lin Yao firmly opposed it.

But in their opinion, this is just Lin Yao's desire to continue to expand his own benefits!

The heads of other relevant departments still unanimously decided to suspend the market!

The impact is extremely bad!

On October 26, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which had been closed for four days, reopened. Even if it reopened, it was one hour later than usual. As a result, the Hang Seng Index fell sharply like taking laxatives!

On this day, the Hang Seng Index plummeted 1,120 points.

It closed at 2241 points, a drop of 33%!

The futures market has dropped to its limit four times, which is so magical that people wonder if they are dreaming!

They swallowed an unspeakable bitter pill for their decision to suspend the market!

Although the stock market crash is also scary, it depends on what it is compared to. If compared with market sentiment, it is nothing!

This is the reason why the New York stock market dropped so low that it stopped trading!

It is easy to completely destroy the investment sentiment of ordinary people. Just a few days are enough, but it is difficult to restore it!

This is the fundamental reason for Lin Yao's opposition!

He did make a lot of money betting against the world, but the real big profits were not in Hong Kong Island.

As his base camp, the funds he used on Hong Kong Island were pitiful!

To a certain extent, it is completely unable to match the value of Hong Kong Island, a financial center city!

In fact, he doesn't care even if Hong Kong Island doesn't make a penny!

Of course, there is a premise: if he does not make a penny and the Hong Kong stock market can escape this disaster, then he really will not make this money!

Unfortunately, the answer is no!

On this day, countless tragedies happened on Hong Kong Island. The rooftop jump is no longer just a meme or a sentence, but a reality that is happening!

After this day's sharp decline, Ma Guowei was completely desperate and chose to end his life in Tianyao Building!

In fact, he has long understood that he did not die from Lin Yao's short selling of the Hang Seng Index, but from his own greed!

People like him are like crucian carps crossing the river!

Chen Wanxian foresaw what would happen next and ended his life early!

Chen Taotao declared himself bankrupt and began liquidating his assets.

He will have to work hard to pay off his debts for a long time!

This stock market crash started on October 19th, and until mid-October, the financial markets of most countries gradually stabilized!

Hong Kong Island was similar, but the situation in Hong Kong Island was more difficult!

The reason?

Two points!

First, it was the stupid decision to suspend the market for four days that caused many listed companies to suffer heavy losses!

Second, foreign capital withdrawal!

Because according to the statistics of all transactions in the Hong Kong Island stock market last year, the respective proportions are as follows:

Britain: 25%! !

M country: 15%!

Funds in Southeast Asia and Australia: 10%!

Although their share is small, it is extremely important.

The more ordinary investors enter the stock market, the more prosperous the stock market will be!

However, the global stock market crash broke out!

All overseas funds withdrew, and Hong Kong Island lost blood instantly.

This time, unlike previous stock market crashes in Hong Kong Island, the withdrawal of overseas funds was not because they had plundered enough wealth and wanted to cash out and leave!

Instead, they suffered heavy losses themselves and had to withdraw funds!

Throughout October, this stock market crash caused huge economic losses to several major stock markets in the world!

Now it is not just Hong Kong Island that is in a gloomy mood, but the whole world.

And in this wailing and bleakness, there are some investment giants who are exceptions, and the focus can't help but focus on them!

When the stock market crash was over for a week, people's mood calmed down a little!

Until then, they found that it was not just the mysterious rich man from the East who predicted the stock market crash!

There were also two investment geniuses on Wall Street who also predicted the time of the stock market crash!

Like Lin Yao, they not only did not lose a penny in this stock market crash, but also made a lot of money!

One is Bridgewater Fund, Ray Dalio!

The remaining one is a guy named Paul Tudor Jones, whose Tudor Fund has achieved an ultra-high return rate of 60% in the past few days!

In comparison, the 22% return achieved by Bridgewater is also exaggerated, but it is not enough!

It should be noted that the difference between the two is so big, entirely because the size of the funds managed by the two is different!

Using 100 yuan to make 50 yuan and using 10,000 yuan to make 5,000 yuan, the return rate is 50%.

But can the difficulty be said to be the same?

Of course not, these are two completely different concepts!

Ray Dalio and his Bridgewater Fund became famous in one battle!

Also famous is Paul Tudor Jones, a new generation of investment genius.

Some people have put them on a par with Soros, a predecessor who became famous earlier!

Various interviews, like snowflakes, are pouring in!

Dalio answered all the questions of the reporter humorously, and finally told the reporter that he was very interested in Lin Yao!

If there is a chance, I hope to meet him and talk!

The report of the two quickly spread to Wall Street and spread to several major financial markets in the world!

During the period when the stock market crash broke out, Lin Yao sold all the futures in his hands!

After six days of operation, the results came out soon!

Taking the Hang Seng Index as an example, Lin Yao bought 40,000 lots with 1.6 billion Hong Kong dollars.

At that time, the Hang Seng Index was 3960 points. After two days of plummeting, the lowest point was 2136 points!

But he couldn't sell all of them at this price, because the size of Hong Kong Island couldn't swallow them all in an instant!

Because that would have a devastating impact on the futures guarantee company! (End of this chapter)

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