HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 388 Mr. Lin, you are a super stock god that appears only once every five hundred years!

Due to various reasons, Lin Yao's 40,000 stock indexes finally earned 1,500 points and 2.8 billion Hong Kong dollars!

But this is just Hong Kong Island!

But in other financial markets around the world, Lin Yao is like a greedy vampire!

In country m, Lin Yao bought S\u0026P 500 index futures.

One copy is worth $200,000, and the total value is $6 billion!

Earned a full 65 points!

In just six days, Lin Yao's revenue reached US$3.1 billion!

In addition to New York, there are also several major financial trading markets in Europe!

In the end, 3.4 billion U.S. dollars were stolen madly!

Asia has a total of 2.2 billion U.S. dollars, of which Japan is the largest, and its evaporated wealth is second only to country M!

The latter is 800 billion, while it is 600 billion!

In addition, South America must be added, and the final profits will be sorted out quickly!

In the end, Lin Yao's plundered profits during this global stock market crash reached...

Ninety-six billion US dollars!

That’s HK$65.2 billion!

Of course, the evaporation of the market value of the listed companies of Tianyao Holdings is not included in this!

Lin Yao didn't care at all!

The so-called market capitalization is the valuation of a company by the stock market. The actual value has not changed!

For most of the wealthy tycoons, the stock market crash caused them to suffer heavy losses and their values ​​plummeted.

But Lin Yao is different!

His Badu Capital and Badu Fund combined!

It was originally worth 13.7 billion U.S. dollars, but now it has made 9.6 billion!

Such huge wealth must of course be made mobile!

do what?


Of course, I am spending a lot of money, but if I can win the company I like, I will win it!

It is precisely because of this that when 99% of people are losing money, they are still losing money.

When the news spread that Lin Yao had made $2.4 billion from the global financial market, many people were shocked!

Both shocked and frightened!

The news that Lin Yao made $9.6 billion in the stock market crash first came from Wall Street!

Just through this stock market crash, Lin Yao stole at least nine billion US dollars from several major financial markets in the world!

When the news came out, the whole world was shocked!

The news quickly flew out of country m, spread in Europe, and then to Asia, and then the whole world was in an uproar!

It was only then that the people of Hong Kong Island knew what Lin Yao had done!

The Hong Kong Olympics people exploded instantly!

Lin Yao violated the law by shorting the Hang Seng Index?

Of course it’s not against the rules!

In fact, when the stock market crash broke out, the Stock Exchange found Lin Yao and explained to him the difficulties of the stock index futures guarantee company!

Lin Yao directly promised that he would never add insult to injury!

Whether it is the British Hong Kong government, the Stock Exchange, or the Stock Index Futures Guarantee Company, they are all grateful!

When the Hong Kong Olympics people calmed down and realized how good Lin Yao was, the criticism instantly changed!

In the eyes of many people, it is even better than before!

We could do more, but we don't.

The utmost benevolence and righteousness are nothing more than this!

When ordinary people calmed down, they were shocked by Lin Yao's crazy money-making ability.

But for the top tycoons in Hong Kong and Olympics, what they feel the most is shock!

In this global stock market crash, their wealth shrank significantly.

The wealth of the most ruthless family was directly cut in half!

The funds that Lin Yao could use originally amounted to US$13.7 billion, but now he has spent another US$9.6 billion.

In other words, the available funds alone exceed 24 billion US dollars!

This is a whopping 24 billion US dollars, 90% of which belongs to Lin Yao.

The remaining ten percent belongs to Lei Yingdong, Xu Shixun and others!

As long as Lin Yao is willing, he has a lot of funds that he can use to win any company he wants!

There is a problem here. Lin Yao’s vision and experience are destined to make money!

Although only he knows this, no one else knows!

In this case, why did he set up a counterparty fund company and bring Lei Yingdong, Xu Shixun and others on board to make money with them?

It seemed like he was at a disadvantage by doing this!

Of course not!

When Lin Yao goes higher and higher, the more complex the share composition of his companies, the better!

And as Lin Yao demonstrates his extraordinary ability to make money, more and more companies and individuals will want to embrace him!

At this time, it’s time to choose the right partner!

It was during this time that Lin Yao was operating like crazy and making a lot of money.

He received countless phone calls, and they were from many old rivals!

Such as Huo Jingliang!

He is the epitome of being frightened!

After this global stock market crash, the entire Liangda Group's book wealth has shrunk by one-third!

Why did Huo Jingliang call?

It was nothing more than asking Lin Yao if he was interested in Liangda Group.

At the same time, he also solemnly apologized for his attack on Tianyao Group back then!

Lin Yao laughed in his heart, this means that the situation is stronger than the person!

In the past, when I gambled my fortune, all the flaws of Tianyao Group were exposed to the sun.

At that time, they would not think about whether they should take advantage of others' danger!

The first thought was to take a piece of meat from Tianyao!

During the phone call, Lin Yao casually comforted Huo Jingliang and said that if possible, he hoped that both parties could cooperate!

It is true that he is not interested in Liangda Group, but he still has to get the building that should be taken!

It depends on whether Huo Jingliang is willing to cut off his flesh!

Don't want to?

It doesn’t matter, just keep playing!

Huo Jingliang almost exploded with anger after hearing this, but he had to suppress his anger and expressed his generosity.

"Mr. Lin, you are really generous, thank you!"

Lin Yao smiled!

Hang up the phone!

There are many wealthy tycoons like Huo Jingliang.

And Lin Yao's response is the same, that is, taking advantage of the fire!

Don't want me to swallow you?


But you have to cut your flesh and bleed, otherwise we will continue to play!

People like Lei Yingdong, Xu Shixun, and Wen Lishi have naturally called Lin Yao.

But they are not afraid, because they are in the same boat with Lin Yao!

Lin Yao can take action against Ye Xiaoli, Li Bancheng, Huo Jingliang, He Xin and others, but not against them!

If he really does that, Lin Yao will be the public enemy of Hong Kong and Macau!

It is impossible for Lin Yao to be an enemy of everyone!

There is a degree in this, and it must be balanced!

Just after dealing with these things, Lin Yao has started another big thing, which is...

saving the market!

In Hong Kong, with Lin Yao's current status, position and influence, this is what he should do and must do!

He has made an appointment with Lei Yingdong, Xu Shixun and Wen Lishi to make a simple plan at the Jundu International Hotel first.

Then come up with a complete plan to cooperate with the government's rescue.

The time is set at 7 o'clock tonight!

Jundu International Hotel!



The 16th floor, Yangkou Tea Restaurant!

The entire tea restaurant has been booked by Lei Yingdong in advance, and there are people at a long table near the harbor!

The dining table is four meters long!

Lei Yingdong, Xu Shixun and Wen Lishi sat in a row!

There are three people opposite.

The identities of these three people are also very important. The person on the left is the highest person in charge of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, named Li Fuzhao!

The person on the right is the financial giant Lin Dingwei!

The person in the middle is from the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong Island, and it is Zhai Keji, known as the "Financial Lord"!

Today, their faces are not very good!

A little embarrassed!

On Black Monday, after the stock market crash, it was they who made the tough decision to suspend the market for four days.

At that time, they also asked Lin Yao, and Lin Yao's attitude was strongly opposed!

Unfortunately, they didn't listen!

The result was terrible. The four-day suspension of the market severely hit the mood of investors.

When the Hong Kong Stock Exchange reopened, it actually created the highest single-day decline of all financial markets in the world!

It was because of their wrong decision that Hong Kong Island suffered unimaginable losses!

As for now, they hope that Lin Yao can help the market!

The three of them were too embarrassed to contact Lin Yao directly, but contacted Wen Lishi first.

I hope Sir Wen can mediate, after all, he is also an old friend of Lin Yao!

Even if you don't give them face, you should give Sir Wen three points of face, right?


They learned from Wen Lishi that Lin Yao was going to have dinner with him, Lei Yingdong, and Xu Shixun.

Thinking this was a good opportunity, they followed with a frown!

Xu Shixun looked at the three people and smiled at Zhai Keji:

"Mr. Finance, the decision to suspend the market is also for the good of Hong Kong Island. I think Mr. Lin can understand it!"

Wen Lishi and Lei Yingdong also spoke up!

Lei Yingdong said: "Shixun is right. No one wants this to happen!"

Wen Lishi said: "I thought the stock market crash in 1973 was terrible enough, but I didn't expect it to be compared to today, it's just a small witch compared to a big witch!"

Xu Shixun said: "The Hong Kong stock market cannot fall. I think Mr. Lin will agree!"


Zhai Keji said: "From now on, the decision to suspend the market is still more harmful than beneficial!"

"Mr. Lin repeatedly emphasized this point at the time, but we ignored it!"

Hong Kong Stock Exchange boss Li Fuzhao smiled bitterly: "It's not because of reason, but because I think Mr. Lin wants to make the stock market plummet and grab greater profits!"

Lin Ding Wei followed up, "Did you ask Mr. Lin for help once just because of this matter?"

"I hope he doesn't release too much at once, otherwise the futures guarantee company won't be able to bear it!"

Zhai Keji said with emotion:

"If Mr. Lin sat in my position, he would definitely do better than me!"

"As long as he is willing, I will immediately step down and let others do it..."

Before Zhai Keji could say anything else, Xu Shixun interrupted with a big laugh:

"Mr. Finance, Mr. Lin can't possibly sit in your position!"

"It's not that he is not capable enough, it's simply because he doesn't want to!"

Zhai Keji also laughed and said, "I know this too!"

Twenty minutes passed while chatting, and it was almost the agreed time!

Wen Lishi looked at Zhai Keji and said, "Mr. Finance, you three go to the inner room first. When Mr. Lin comes, we will talk to him first."

"Come out when the talk is almost over!"


Zhai Keji nodded and said, "See you later, Mr. Lin. What I want to do is to apologize, a sincere apology!"

After that, Zhai Keji, Li Fuzhao, and Lin Dingwei stood up and walked to the inner room!

Two minutes later!


The door of the tea restaurant opened and Lin Yao appeared!

He did not come alone, but also brought Zhang Linwei.

When Lin Yao appeared, Lei Yingdong, Wen Lishi, and Xu Shixun stood up in unison and greeted Lin Yao with a smile!

Lin Yao responded with a smile!

If the investment of Badu Fund is not counted, the Xu family's wealth has been reduced by one-fifth, and the Lei family's wealth has been reduced by one-quarter!

The same is true for the Wen family, but Wen Lishi does not have much money, only a few billion, and there is not much money to reduce!

This stock market crash hit all the rich people in Hong Kong and Macau hard!

The second-ranked charter king, the family wealth evaporated 8 billion!

It will take at least ten years to recover!

However, the Bao family will never recover, because the Bao family is about to disintegrate!

The charter king has no sons, only four daughters!

The tens of billions of wealth empire he created will be divided into four.

To his daughters and sons-in-law, this is why many people only know Li Bancheng, but not him, the former richest man!

Even if the stock market crash has been over for a while, the people present have a lot of feelings in their hearts!

Xu Shixun looked at Lin Yao and said with emotion: "Mr. Lin, you are really sharp, a super stock god that only appears once in five hundred years!!"

Lin Yao smiled and said: "No, no!"

Xu Shixun's eyes flashed, and he said: "Hey, Mr. Lin, to be honest, how did you determine that the stock market crash would happen?"

This doubt instantly attracted the attention of Lei Yingdong and Wen Lishi!

Even Zhang Linwei is no exception!

She also didn't know where Lin Yao got the confidence to say that a global stock market crash would happen!

Zhang Linwei blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Lin Yao with a smile!

Lin Yao smiled and asked back: "If I say that I just had a dream during that period, and dreamed about what would happen next, do you think this explanation is reasonable?"

"Damn it!"

Xu Shixun naturally didn't believe it, and even cursed, complaining:

"You can come up with such a ridiculous reason, and you actually asked me if I was satisfied?"

"How could I be satisfied?"

"Mr. Lin, if you don't want to say it, don't say it. There is no need to make such a lie and dream. Compared with you, we are dreaming!"

Lei Yingdong laughed and said: "That's true, we are more like dreaming!"

Lin Yao casually said: "Didn't you read the report from Wall Street?"

"I'm not the only one who predicted the stock market crash!"

"Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Fund and Paul Tudor Jones of Tudor Fund, these two guys predicted it with their ability!"

"I'm really curious, you might as well go to Wall Street and see how they did it!"

"Times are different!"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Shixun was shocked and instantly understood what Lin Yao meant!

He learned to trade stocks at the age of seven, and entered the stock market after graduation, earning the reputation of "stock market prodigy".

But now it seems that this so-called prodigy has nothing to compare with!

Compared with the real new generation investment geniuses such as Dalio and Paul Tudor Jones, he is still far behind!

However, Hong Kong Island is not Wall Street.

In Hong Kong Island, pure speculation is simply impossible to become a top tycoon!

Dalio and Paul Tudor Jones, they do this, but Xu Shixun is not, financial investment is only a sideline, and the main business is still management!

Even Huo Jingliang is almost the same!

Wen Lishi took a sip of tea and asked with a smile: "Mr. Lin, why are you so interested today and invite us to meet?"

Lin Yao said: "Nothing, there is something I need to discuss with you!"

Wen Lishi said strangely: "What is it?"

Lin Yao said: "Save the market! Lin Wei, take out the information and show them!"

"Okay, Brother Ling!"

Zhang Linwei responded and took out the briefcase.

Distribute the previously sorted information to Lei Yingdong, Xu Shixun, and Wen Lishi!

That is the rescue plan that Lin Yao has prepared in the past few days! (End of this chapter)

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