HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 389 Person of the Year! Mr. Lin Yao!

He combined the rescue plan launched by the Hong Kong government in his previous life and based on his current experience.

A perfect rescue plan is freshly released!

Of course, this is just a general direction!

The specific details and how certain rules should be formulated are not his business, but the government's!

Even if he took out the complete plan, it would be useless!

Because he has no right to make financial rules!


Seeing Lin Yao say this and taking out the rescue plan that he had already prepared, Lei Yingdong, Wen Lishi and Xu Shixun were shocked!

It’s all a bit mind-boggling!

The three of them didn't look at the plan, but looked at Lin Yao!

His expression was one of surprise and amazement!

Xu Shixun: "Mr. Lin, these are matters of the government and the Stock Exchange. What does it have to do with you?"

"This is not your responsibility, why are you asking for trouble?"

The same is true for Lei Yingdong and Wenlishi, who are also extremely confused!

Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and said calmly:

"I love my motherland, and I love the land where I was born and raised even more. It's that simple!"

"Sehun, in your eyes, what is Hong Kong Island?"

Lin Yao suddenly asked!

Xu Shixun was stunned!

Without waiting for Xu Shixun to answer, Lin Yao already answered by himself: "Hong Kong Island belongs to you, it belongs to me, and it belongs to every Hong Kong Island citizen!"

"Because there are so many people, Hong Kong Island exists!"

Lin Yao's tone was very casual.

But the faces of Lei Yingdong, Wen Lishi and Xu Shixun gradually became extremely serious!

When he looked at Lin Yao again, he was filled with awe!


At this moment, a loud cheer suddenly sounded from inside!

Zhai Keji, Li Fuzhao, and Lin Liwei walked out!

The one who spoke just now was none other than Zhai Keji!

This person is a relatively old-school politician and hopes that Hong Kong Island will develop well!

Lin Yao's words completely spoke to his heart!

Zhai Keji looked at Lin Yao and said:

"Mr. Lin, based on what you just said, Zhai should accompany you!"

"Mr. Lin, I apologize to you for what happened before!"

Lin Yao said: "Master Cai, you haven't done anything sorry to me, right?"

Zhai Keji said apologetically: "We did not do anything sorry to Mr. Lin, but we should still apologize, not to mention that we still want to ask Mr. Lin to take action now!"

Li Fuzhao smiled and agreed: "Master Cai is right. Thanks to Mr. Lin's mercy on the futures matter, it did not lead to a catastrophic disaster!"

Lin Liwei also nodded, saying that what Zhai Keji and Li Fuzhao said was what he wanted to express!

Lin Yao said no more!

Wen Lishi said slightly apologetically: "Mr. Lin, you don't need me to tell you what the situation is now. Mr. Cai and the others were embarrassed, so they found us..."

"Mr. Wen, there's no need to say more!"

Lin Yao interrupted Wenlish and said, "I know everything!"


Lin Yao looked at Zhai Keji and said:

"Those things are in the past, it's better to sit down together and talk about business!"

Zhai Keji was filled with emotion, nodded and said: "Okay!"

The three of you sit down!

Lin Yao looked at Zhai Keji and said, "I didn't know that Mr. Cai and you three are also here, so we haven't prepared enough information. Just one copy for two of us. Read the information first, and then we'll talk!"

Zhai Keji said: "Okay!"

So, each of the six people present had a portion for two.

Browse the rescue plan prepared by Lin Yao!

The tea restaurant is quiet and you can hear the needle drop!

This situation lasted for a full twenty minutes!

Lin Yao was calm and relaxed and did not rush them!

When browsing these materials, the responses of the six people were surprisingly consistent.

First, my eyes lit up and I was instantly attracted to the information!

Mental, highly concentrated!

Half an hour later, the six people finally read the 28-page document carefully!

They collectively feel: This rescue plan is perfect!

"Oh my God! Mr. Lin, how many heads do you have?"

Xu Shixun stared at Lin Yao blankly, couldn't help but let out an exclamation, widened his eyes, and said:

"You are making money during this period, where do you find the time to do such a thing?"

"You just do it and you do it so perfectly. There is no need to discuss this. It can be promulgated directly!"

"Master Cai, I don't mean anything else, just a few words of emotion!"

Zhai Keji smiled and said: "Mr. Xu, stop talking, I understand what you mean!"

"Don't talk about you either, even I think so myself!"

"This bailout plan alone is enough to prove that Mr. Lin is indeed more suitable to be the Financial Secretary than me!"

"Mr. Lin, if you were the person in charge of the Financial Secretary now."

"Even if there is still a stock market crash in Hong Kong Island, it will never be like this!"

Zhai Keji's face was full of guilt!

Lei Yingdong, Wen Lishi and others also think so!

After sighing, the tea restaurant became quiet again!

Zhai Keji said in a deep voice: "This rescue plan is perfect.

"Judging from everything that's going on right now, we old guys are no longer keeping up with the times."

"Otherwise, the situation on Hong Kong Island would never have developed to such a bad point!"

"Since it can no longer keep up with the times, it should be swept into the garbage dump!"

Lei Yingdong, Wen Lishi, and Xu Shixun had no reaction. They thought so too, but they were too embarrassed to say it!

Furthermore, when something like this happens, you can’t just pretend it’s nothing. Someone has to take the blame!

Who will take the blame?

It's them, they made the decision, and they have to bear the consequences, good or bad!

Swish! !

Li Fuzhao and Lin Liwei's faces changed!

Zhai Keji is not greedy for power and is dedicated to the people, but it doesn't mean that everyone is like him. They are different. They don't want to step down yet, and they want to stay in their current position and shine!

Unfortunately, the situation is beyond our control!

Zhai Keji saw through Li Fuzhao and Lin Liwei's thoughts and said:

"Fuzhao, Liwei, stop thinking about it!"

What else can Li Fuzhao and Lin Liwei say? They can only smile bitterly!

Lin Yao was too lazy to waste time on such things. He took a puff of his cigar and said:

"Mr. Finance, this gathering is mainly about talking about this rescue plan!"

"If there is no problem, we will jointly write a letter and give this plan to Mr. Peng Mo Dai!"


Zhai Keji nodded!

In the next two hours, the seven people present discussed each item of this rescue plan in detail!

In the following three days, the discussion scale expanded and became a large team of 20 people!

After three days of discussion, this rescue plan was completely finalized!

At this time, Peng Modai also knew about this matter and attached great importance to it.

He directly sent Davis, the securities master from Britain, to provide advice and understand the situation!

On the fourth day, Peng Modai met with Lin Yao and personally took over this extremely precious rescue plan from Lin Yao!

In fact, less than a month after the stock market crash, Peng Modai quickly established the Securities Industry Review Committee!

And the highest person in charge was Davis who came from Britain!

This Securities Industry Review Committee has a total of 5 members, each of whom is an elite among elites!

When he learned that Lin Yao was doing the same thing, Peng Modai was overjoyed.

He never thought that a super rich man like Lin Yao would be willing to do such a thing!

Since Lin Yao became the richest Chinese, he has had an unparalleled influence in Hong Kong and Australia!

Everything that is happening now has crowned him and made his influence even higher!

Looking at Hong Kong and Macau, he is the most unique existence!

His every move can have an unimaginable and unspeakable impact on the people of Hong Kong and Macau!

Even the Governor of Hong Kong and the Governor of Macau cannot do this!

Therefore, when Peng Modai learned that Lin Yao was so enthusiastic, his joy can be imagined!

In the long run, the loophole-checking and gap-filling mechanism that Hong Kong Island is currently opening will be of great benefit to maintaining the health of Hong Kong Island's financial market!

Not only will it have a far-reaching impact, it will also benefit future generations!

The result?

The final result is that the six-member team of the Securities Industry Review Committee headed by Davis finally took 4 months and spent 4 million Hong Kong dollars to complete a heavy investigation of up to 443 pages!

On March 2, this report, based on Lin Yao's rescue plan, entitled "Operation and Management of Hong Kong Island's Securities Industry", was officially released!

The main focus of this report is the structure of Hong Kong Island's financial system, the responsibilities of various units and the regulatory system!

Most of the suggestions were adopted by the government and eventually became the cornerstone of Hong Kong's securities supervision, laying a solid foundation for the long-term development of Hong Kong's stock market!

Most of these suggestions originally came from Lin Yao, and Davis only demonstrated them through data!

For this reason, this report is also called the "Lin Yao Report"!

When the government began to do these things, Lin Yao also cooperated with the government's actions and stood up.

He firmly stated that there was no problem with Hong Kong's economy, and there was no problem with the stock market!

He delivered a series of speeches to boost the morale of the people of Hong Kong and Macau.

Lin Yao shorted the Hang Seng Index and made billions of Hong Kong dollars.

But Tianyao was not spared in this stock market crash.

The listed companies under its umbrella also evaporated a lot of market value!

And the money he got was returned to the Hong Kong and Macau society through charity, benefiting many families!

Secondly, Lin Yao responded to the call of the government, stood up, took out a large amount of funds, and began to repurchase his own company's shares!

This gave the majority of shareholders a shot in the arm!

Since Mr. Lin is so confident in his company, what else do they have to worry about?

When Lin Yao did this, Wen Lishi, Lei Yingdong, Xu Shixun and other top wealthy tycoons in Hong Kong and Australia also stood up, just like Lin Yao, giving confidence to the people of Hong Kong and Australia!

In the last two months, the stock market crash was still raging, but Lin Yao has become the benchmark of Hong Kong and Australia!

When New Year's Day comes, it means that it has officially arrived. At this time, the past year can be concluded!

The closing point of the Hang Seng Index was: 2302.75 points, a year-on-year decrease of 10.3%!

Very bad?


But the total turnover of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange reached 380 billion Hong Kong dollars, a year-on-year increase of 201.6%!

After the stock market crash, many companies were instantly scared.

No one dared to go public at this point.

But there were still many listed financing companies before the stock market crash, as many as 31 companies!

This number also broke the record!

It was terrible for most Hong Kong people, but it was also the most lively year!

Everything is far less bad than imagined!

Just when everyone had no time to think and sigh, it had arrived quietly!

In Hong Kong Island, it was in the last two months.

The government conducted a powerful and heavy investigation on the financial stock market and finally handed in a perfect answer!

The wealthy tycoons headed by Lin Yao also actively responded to the government's call and each made their own contribution!

This allowed Lin Yaofeng to take his criticism to another level!

In addition, heads of relevant departments such as Zhai Keji, Li Fuzhao, and Lin Liwei were all replaced as expected.

Li Fuzhao was even put under investigation and arrested and imprisoned!

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Lin Yao!

In addition to actively responding to the government's call and contributing to saving the Hong Kong stock market, Lin Yao has more important things to do!

That is to get land!

This is divided into two parts again!

Part of it is to take advantage of your illness to kill you, and directly attack rich people like Huo Jingliang who have suffered huge losses and whose capital chain is broken at any time!

Lin Yao's goal is very clear, that is to become the king of Hong Kong and Austria!

We want to take advantage of the great opportunity of the global stock market crash to severely damage Hong Kong and Ao real estate!

What Lin Yao didn't know was that someone in the distant country M was already eyeing him and was investigating everything related to him in detail!

The "person" who is eyeing him is named...

"era"! , that is, "Time".

This magazine was founded in 1923.

This newspaper often expresses opinions on international issues, and also tracks and reports on major international events!

In addition, "Time" is one of the three major current affairs weekly magazines in country M!

Far from comparable to the other two major weekly magazines!

Each issue of Time has a cover character.

And every year at the end of the year, Time will select the ‘Person of the Year’!

"Times" headquarters building, editorial department!

Bradley is a very interesting guy. He is in his forties, optimistic and funny. !

He is the editor-in-chief of Time magazine!

Morning, eight o'clock!

Bradley hurried into the newsroom with a shoulder bag slung over his shoulder, a sandwich in his left hand, and a copy of the Wall Street Journal in his right hand!

He ate and browsed the newspaper!

The situation is terrible!

Just yesterday, four more people committed suicide, jumping from the Morgan Tower on Wall Street!

Fortunately, he jumped from a building at three o'clock in the morning and no innocent people were hit!

"Holyshit! Another bad day!"

Bradley frowned and shouted angrily: "When will this fucking stock market crash be completely over? Can't you just hold on a little longer?"

"If you're not even afraid of death, why are you still afraid of living?"

"Idiot, there is only hope if you are alive!"

There are already 4 colleagues in the editorial department!

After hearing Bradley's complaints, someone said: "Kevin, it's not that they don't want to persevere, but reality doesn't allow it. Those who jumped off the building are almost all Wall Street elites!"

"They played a big game and suffered the most losses!"

Bradley nodded and said, "Bruce, you are right!"

"By the way, how did the investigation you were asked to do go?"

Uh-huh! !

Hearing Bradley ask about business, a young man named Bruce's eyes instantly lit up!

The same goes for the other three editors!

Bruce said: "Hey, Kevin, guess what we investigated?"

"Lin Yao is the rich man from the East. He is qualified to be elected as the 'Person of the Year' in our newspaper."

“You really don’t know if you don’t investigate, but you will be shocked if you investigate.”

Bradley frowned and said: "'Person of the Year'?" (End of Chapter)

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