HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 401 He is not a human being at all! He is a demon from hell!

Those first two calls for help were naturally to attract the attention of passers-by like Lin Yao!

It's a pity that the security in this area is extremely chaotic!

At least a dozen cars had passed by before, but none of them stopped.

The woman immediately calmed down and calmly negotiated with the three men!

Lin Yao became interested and said to Aji: "Aji, stop for a moment!"

The car window slowly rolled down, Lin Yao looked at the woman, and then he was even more surprised!

She has exquisite facial features and is born beautiful!

The woman is estimated to be eighteen years old, just an adult!

At such an age, when faced with such a situation, he has such determination, which is really impressive!

No matter who she is, she deserves praise!

This is a very capable woman!

Lin Yao had already made a preliminary conclusion about this woman.

Vaguely, I even saw a bit of Zhang Linwei in her!

Seeing Lin Yao parking his car, he immediately stepped on the accelerator.

He decisively opened the car door and walked towards the alley, observing the surroundings vigilantly as he walked!

The three black men were furious when they saw that someone was meddling in their own business, and it was an Asian!

Oh, the girl they are about to bully is also Asian!

"Fuck, you want to be a hero and save the beauty?"

One of them shouted with a fierce face!

Others also shouted: "Fuck, get out of here if you don't want to die!"

The three of them shouted crazily.

Wang Jianjun had a faint smile on his face, did not speak, and just approached the three of them step by step!

"Fuck! Fuck, you asked for this!"

The first person cursed fiercely and punched Wang Jianjun in the face!

Wang Jianjun raised his hand and punched!

The man was halfway through swinging his fist when Wang Jianjun's fist hit him in the chest!

In an instant, that guy's entire face turned into a mask of pain!

The severe pain made him unable to make a sound!

Wang Jianjun took the guy's head with his left hand and hit it against the wall!

boom! !

The guy's head hit the wall hard and he fainted instantly!

Wang Jianjun let go and the guy fell to the ground!

He moved so fast that the two black men behind him were dumbfounded!

And even more angry!

"Fuck! Fuck!! Are you an Oriental?"

The second man roared angrily, brandishing a dagger and rushed towards Wang Jianjun!

Wang Jianjun easily avoided the dagger, raised his right leg, and kicked out two lightning-like kicks, hitting the guy's knees accurately and fiercely!


The guy screamed in pain and fell forward!

At this time, Wang Jianjun's right leg had been retracted.

Aim for that guy's chin and push up!


Hear another muffled sound!

The guy's entire jaw was split open, and blood and several teeth flew out!

His whole body hit the ground hard and went into shock!

Only the last person left!

The guy looked at Wang Jianjun and subconsciously took a few steps back in fear.

From start to finish, it only takes a few seconds.

His two lively companions have turned into dead dogs!


The guy glared at Wang Jianjun angrily and cursed fiercely.

Then he took out a pistol!

"Fuck, no matter how good you are, can you be faster than a pistol?"

With a roar of fear, the guy had already pulled the trigger!

But the moment he pulled the trigger, Wang Jianjun suddenly started!


Wang Jianjun jumped up and ejected instantly.

Before the guy could turn his gun, he gave him a flying kick to the head!

At the same time as the gunfire rang out, the guy was also kicked unconscious by Wang Jianjun!

The girl looked at Wang Jianjun blankly and said, "Thank you, uncle! Thank you very much for your generous action. Thank you very much!"

Wang Jianjun said: "It's not just me who saves you, but also my boss!"

"Little girl, what's your name?"

The girl immediately replied: "Uncle, my name is Li Fuzhen, from Bangzi country."

The girl named "Li Fuzhen" quickly told her origins!

Born in 1970, I am only 18 years old this year. I am from Bangzi. I have been studying in country M for three years and will return to China soon.

Usually, she is followed by at least six bodyguards!

This time, I sneaked out to attend a party held by a friend. Unexpectedly, the taxi driver took advantage of the situation, and then this happened!

This girl named Li Fuzhen comes from the famous Samsung Group in Bangzi Country!

She is the eldest daughter of Lee Kun-hee, the second generation leader of Samsung.

She is also the eldest princess of the entire Samsung Group!

Samsung is currently developing vigorously, but Samsung Electronics is far from reaching its peak!

In Bangzi Country, Samsung Group is naturally a household name.

But outside the country of Bangzi, Samsung is far from achieving the glorious achievements that everyone knows in later generations!

Wang Jianjun didn't know that Li Fuzhen was the eldest princess of Sanxing. It was normal!

After asking, Wang Jianjun said: "Little girl, let's take you back to your residence!"

Li Fuzhen said politely to Wang Jianjun: "Thank you! By the way, uncle, can you tell me the name of your boss?"

"I will repay him in the future!"

Wang Jianjun smiled and said: "You need to ask this yourself, but I think my boss does not need your repayment!"

"Let's go, I'll take you back first!"

Li Fuzhen was stunned for a moment, nodded "yes", followed Wang Jianjun obediently, and left quickly!

Wang Jianjun first led Li Fuzhen into the car, then immediately walked to Lin Yao's car and reported:

"Mr. Lin, there's nothing wrong with that little girl. She's just a rich girl who sneaked out."

"It's a completely unexpected incident, not directed at us!"

Lin Yao didn't take this little matter to heart and didn't even ask the other party's name!

Of course, Wang Jianjun didn’t mention it either!

Lin Yao was going back to Tianyao Building and happened to pass by Li Fuzhen's residence.

I sent her back on the way!

While still in the car, Li Fuzhen called her housekeeper!

Twenty minutes later!

Lin Yao, Wang Jianjun and his party arrived at the villa area where Li Fuzhen was located.

The Li family's housekeeper, nanny and several bodyguards were standing at the door of the villa, waiting anxiously!

When Wang Jianjun saw Li Fuzhen off the bus, the housekeeper finally felt relieved and rushed to greet her!

"Little girl, don't sneak out alone again. There are a lot of bad people out there!"

Wang Jianjun reminded with a smile.


Li Fuzhen nodded and said: "Thank you uncle, I will pay attention to it in the future!"

Wang Jianjun said: "Okay, let's go then!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, returning to the car!

Li Fuzhen saw that the vehicle had started and would leave immediately!

She walked forward quickly and came to Lin Yao's car!


Li Fuzhen lightly knocked on the car window twice!

After rolling down the glass, Lin Yao really saw Li Fuzhen's face!

Previously in the alley, the light was dim, so I couldn't see clearly what she looked like.

See this face...

Well, Lin Yao, like Wang Jianjun, didn’t react much either!

There is no other reason, Li Fuzhen is not a big traffic star!

Even in his previous life, Lin Yao only knew this person and glanced at her photos to death. It was because she divorced her husband who couldn't help but made trouble in the entertainment section!

At that time, Li Fuzhen was already in her 40s, and now she is only 18 years old!

It is strange that Lin Yao can recognize it!

Lin Yao did not recognize Li Fuzhen, but when the car window slowly rolled down,

But Li Fuzhen recognized Lin Yao at first sight!

There is no way, Lin Yao is too famous now!

Uh-huh! !

Li Fuzhen was stunned and said: "Lin, Mr. Lin, it turns out you saved me. Thank you so much!"

Lin Yao smiled lightly and said:

"Don't think too much, go back and have a good rest. Goodbye!"

"Aji, drive!"

Aji heard the words, responded, immediately started the car and left!

"Mr. Lin, please wait..."

Seeing Lin Yao's determination to leave, Li Fuzhen felt a trace of reluctance in her heart.

It's a pity that Aji, an indifferent migrant worker, didn't give her a chance!

Before she could finish her sentence, she stepped on the accelerator and the car sped off!


A slightly resentful sigh!

Li Fuzhen stood there and watched Lin Yao leave.

Until the three cars completely disappeared, they still stared blankly.

It wasn't until the housekeeper and nanny came forward that he turned around and returned to the villa!

"Goodbye, we will definitely see you again, Mr. Lin!"

Li Fuzhen said to himself in his heart.

The five mafia families are in an absolute dominant position in the world of contract breaking!

They occupy the top level of the entire Jianghu pyramid and almost monopolize all the most profitable gray industries.

But for Lin Yao, it is not difficult to deal with them!

The reason is too simple!


In the final analysis, Jianghu depends on whose fist is stronger!

If Lin Yao wants to gain a foothold in Country M, he needs to deal with those powerful consortiums!

But it only takes about twenty days to deal with the four major mafia families!

The real time to take action was only a few hours, and all the four mafia families headed by Baroni and Immortal Edward were finished.

Corleone did a great job in the aftermath!

Meanwhile, the news spread like wildfire.

Soon the news spread all over the world!

Then, the whole world was shocked!


What's going on?

That young man from the East, he actually won.

The five mafia families joined forces, and he defeated all four of them.

One Corleone family remains.

Or do you absolutely surrender to him?

What happened that night?

Urban areas, shantytowns. !

It's still that bar with a lot of Jianghu color.

In recent days, all the guys in the world are talking about one thing!

That is...

Lin Yao!

MacArthur and a group of his friends were drinking beer and chatting in a shocking way!

"Holyshit, that Oriental man settled everything in just one night?"


“But he didn’t do it alone, but in partnership with Mr. Corleone.

"Shit, Corleone would actually choose to side with Lin Yao. It's incredible!"

"Yes, it's unbelievable!"

MacArthur rolled his eyes and complained: "What can't be believed? Mr. Corleone is not a good person. He must have his own reason for doing that!"

A man answered: "What's the point?"

MacArthur smiled and cursed: "Shit! Clark, is there water in your head?"

"What reason can there be? The only reason is that Lin Yao is strong enough."

"So strong that even if the five major families join forces, they are no match for him!"

"I heard that the Corleone family respects Lin Yao very much!"

The man named Clark frowned and said:

"Mark Arthur, how could Lin Yao be so strong?"

"Do you know what happened that night?"

This really stumped Mark Arthur, because he also heard it from hearsay, and he didn't quite understand how Baroni, Undead Edward, Gambino and others died!

Mark Arthur said: "What I know is that the five major families provoked the war, and then Lin Yao settled them!"

Friends booed.

At this time, someone suddenly asked: "Mark Arthur, didn't the Mad Wolf Haggis help the Baroni family?"

Mark Arthur nodded and said: "Yes!"

"Then have you seen him recently?"


Mark Arthur said, "I have always wanted to contact that guy, but I can't contact him. He may be dead!"

Others said "Oh" and stopped asking questions, and they were all sighing in their hearts!

Just ten days ago, they were still happy that Haggis could join the Baroni family and become a glorious mafia.

But the situation suddenly changed!

Bang bang! !

Not long after, a burst of hurried footsteps came.

A drunk man walked into the bar, causing an uproar around him!

"This, this is not the Crazy Wolf Haggis, what's wrong with him?"


"Hey Haggis, how do you feel?"

The person who came was not someone else, but the Crazy Wolf Haggis, a member of the Baroni peripheral.

He was more or less famous, and many people in the bar knew him. He was recognized as soon as he entered the door!

The original Haggis was as strong as an ox.

But he was so thin!

Not to mention being drunk, his eye sockets were deeply sunken, and his condition was extremely bad!

Crazy Wolf Haggis saw Mark Arthur, John and other friends, and walked over directly!

Mark Arthur, John and others were all overjoyed!

Not dead!

As long as Haggis is not dead, it's fine.

After Haggis sat down, several people all started chatting happily!

After a while, the topic returned to that shocking night!

Mark Arthur glanced at Haggis and said, "Haggis, what happened that night? Can you tell me?"

"How did the oriental tycoon win?"

Swish! !

Just after Mark Arthur asked this question, all the noise stopped abruptly, and the whole bar became quiet instantly!

Although everyone was chatting, in fact, since Haggis walked into the bar, their attention has never been diverted from him!

All of them were very curious and wanted to find out!

Mad Wolf Haggis was drunk, but at this moment, he woke up!

This move scared Mark Arthur, John and others!

"Haggis, you, you don't scare us!"

Mark Arthur was affected by Mad Wolf Haggis and said, "Fuck, what happened? Can you tell me?"


Mad Wolf Haggis was very crazy and said, "He...he is not a human at all!

"He is too strong, he is a devil from hell!"

"That guy, he is really God! "

At first, the words of Crazy Wolf Haggis were somewhat logical.

But in the end, he just said whatever came to his mind!

But the people in the bar couldn't understand what he meant!

"Boom! !"

Everyone stared at Crazy Wolf Haggis with their eyes wide open, all stunned!

Couldn't say a word!

The whole bar fell into a deathly silence! (End of this chapter)

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