HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 402 Play however you want!

"Shit! shit! shit!"

Crazy Wolf Haggis, this guy is Crazy Wolf Haggis.

What on earth had he gone through to make him so afraid?




How terrifying is that guy from Middle-earth?

Things similar to what happened in the bar are also happening in other places!

Of course Corleone couldn't kill all the Baroni family.

If he really does that, he will push himself into a dead end!

But he handled it equally well and sealed it the most ruthlessly!

After he handled this matter, he naturally reported it to Lin Yao, but he didn't say how he did it specifically!

Lin Yao doesn’t care either!

All he wants is results, and if the results are good, that's fine!

So, along with the fermentation of things.

The descriptions of Lin Yao by the people in the Jianghu who broke the contract are becoming more and more magical, everything is like a replica of the Hong Kong and Olympic Jianghu!

For example: Lin Yao jumped 2 meters high and 5 meters away!

Another example: Lin Yao could use tools to land safely when he jumped from a building hundreds of meters high!

To put it simply, it’s four words:

Invincible in the world!

Gangs in other parts of Country M were completely confused by these guys when they came into contact with Jianghu people who had broken contracts!

fuck! !

What's going on with all these guys? They were really frightened by Lin Yao. He could say such nonsense, and he said it as if he had seen it with his own eyes?

When everything that happened about the contract break was reported back to the Hong Kong and Ao Jianghu, those young and Dangerous boys exploded!

Although they were not the ones who did this, Mr. Lin is the real godfather of the Hong Kong Olympics!

This has something to do with them!

Mr. Lin is invincible!

You still don’t believe it, who will die if you don’t die?

Lin Yao didn't care about this. He mainly did two things!

The first thing was a long-awaited dinner with Soros, Dalio, Lynch, Tudor and others.

Initial acquaintance and exchange of ideas!

I had a great time getting along, especially with Dalio, because this big boss is very optimistic about Middle-earth!

A few years ago, he said that the economy of China and Earth was underestimated by the world!

This investment tycoon not only said this, he also did it!

The economy of China and Earth is indeed underestimated by the whole world!

Lin Yao knows this better than anyone else!

It is precisely based on this common understanding that Lin Yao and Dalio had a great conversation!

At this dinner, a cooperation was reached, which was to inject $100 million into Bridgewater Associates!

Now, a hundred million US dollars is an absolutely generous amount, which makes Dalio shocked and delighted!

It was just the first time they met, and the deal was a hundred million dollars?


When this $100 million is nothing but Christmas pocket money, this wealthy Chinese man is surprisingly generous!

This dinner is the first thing and the second thing is a financial investment!

During this time, Lin Yao had been sold in the financial market.

The stock market crash that broke out last year caused unprecedented heavy losses to financial markets around the world.

Many listed companies are at their lowest stock prices at this time!

Among these listed companies, the ones that attracted Lin Yao's attention the most were Microsoft and Coca-Cola!

And Apple?

No, now is not the best time to buy Apple.

Things have taken a turn for the worse since they kicked Steve out two years ago!

Apple's stock price is certainly low right now.

Because in a few years, Apple will go bankrupt and reorganize!

Japanese giant Sony has launched an acquisition agreement for Apple!

In the first ten years before Jobs founded Apple, Apple grew rapidly.

But not after he, the founder, was kicked out of Apple!

When investing, people come first!

After Sony launched its acquisition of Apple, they brought Steve Jobs back!

Only then did the desperate situation turn around a few years later.

Even after Steve Jobs died, Apple was still eating from the capital he left behind!

Whether you like him or hate him, you have to admit one thing!

That is:

This guy who promises to change the world and change people's lifestyles is a genius who only appears once every ten years!

This guy really fulfilled his promise!

Apple was not yet in Lin Yao's mind, and he began to scan a dozen stocks of listed companies such as Microsoft and Coca-Cola in large quantities!

These dozen or so listed companies were finalized by Lin Yao himself, at a cost of US$6.6 billion!

Among the dozen or so listed companies, four are the most valued by Lin Yao, and three of them are Microsoft, Coca-Cola, and Pepsi-Cola!

It is during this recent period that Lin Yao's generosity in the financial and stock markets has shocked a large number of people!

The stock prices of all the companies that Lin Yao invested heavily in have been driven up and increased significantly, but they are not happy!

Because they all thought that Lin Yao wanted to stir up trouble again!

Unfortunately, they all guessed wrong this time!

When Lin Yao was investing money unscrupulously, Buffett was doing the same thing and began to continuously buy Coca-Cola shares in the stock market!

It is because of Lin Yao and Buffett that Coca-Cola has become a hot stock in the short term!

When all these things were done, Buffett’s invitation finally came!

The stock god mobilized his network, got Lin Yao's personal phone number, called Lin Yao himself, and respectfully invited Lin Yao to meet!

I hope that before Lin Yao leaves Country M, the two of them can meet and get to know each other!

Lin Yao readily agreed!

Going back three months, it was almost June. Lin Yao had just made peace with the five major families in an understatement, and then started his own shopping plan!

From Nike, Microsoft, to Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, and then to Warren Buffett’s Berkshire!

His Badu Fund can now control as much as 20 billion U.S. dollars!

After the stock market crash, Badu Fund and Badu Capital expanded the scale of the two funds to 24 billion, of which 3 billion belonged to Badu Capital and was mainly used for investment in Asia!

There is also a billion dollars, which belongs to Lin Yao. It has been withdrawn from the two major companies and is privately held by him!

This billion US dollars will also be used for investment!

Starting in June!

As if Lin Yao didn't use money as money at all, but a blank piece of paper, during this period of sluggish stock prices, he used Pixiu International Venture Capital Company as a springboard to boldly enter the international stock market!

Whether you like it or hate it, you have to admit that Country M is indeed the only superpower now!

Therefore, most of this huge amount of funds, up to 20 billion U.S. dollars, is used in the financial market of country m. About 70%, which is 14.7 billion U.S. dollars, only 30% is in Europe!

When Pixiu Ventures throws out a large amount of money, it instantly sets off a storm in the financial market!

But the stock prices of any stocks favored by Lin Yao will either stop the downward trend or start to increase significantly, especially Coca-Cola, which Lin Yao and Buffett also value!

Both of them are heavily invested, and the market effect brought about by this can be imagined!

The financial system of country m is like this. The red line for investment holdings is 10%!

As long as it reaches 10%, you must raise your sign!

Raising a sign means telling all investors that you have invested in this company, and then you must also explain the situation of your company!

Over in the Mainland, the threshold for holding a placard is even lower, only 5%!

Hong Kong Island is the same as country m, it is also 10%!

It is for this reason that Buffett invests in many listed companies, and most of his shareholdings are less than 10%. It will never exceed 10%. It is very troublesome to raise a sign or something!

Lin Yao began to scan the market for Coca-Cola shares, and with Buffett acting at the same time, he was quickly noticed by Coca-Cola management and immediately started investigating!

Let’s see who will invest in Coca-Cola at this time!


When the investigation results came out, Leo, the current president of Coca-Cola, broke into a cold sweat and almost died of fright!

Lin Yao!

Buffett! !

Shit, how did these two guys get together?

It's hard to deal with just one, but if two come at once, how can Coca-Cola play?

Of course, it’s impossible for them to kill Coca-Cola!

But if these two people join forces, with their financial resources and resourcefulness, they can definitely deal a fatal blow to Coca-Cola. The consequences will be unimaginable!

Leo didn’t even dare to think about it!

Alas, no!

Nowadays, Lin Yao has become famous in the international financial market. He is a famous speculative stock market sniper. He is the same type as investment giants like Soros, but Buffett is not!

Could it be that Buffett suddenly changed his investment philosophy and wanted to make quick money?

Leo didn't dare to be careless and stopped guessing, so he dialed Buffett's phone number. After a brief greeting, he went straight to Huanglong and asked if Buffett was buying a large amount of Coca-Cola shares!

The answer is of course yes!


Buffett, who was working in his office at Berkshire Hathaway, chuckled and explained:

"Conrad, I bought a large amount of Coca-Cola stock because I am optimistic about Coca-Cola's future development!"

"I mentioned this to you a long time ago, do you remember?"

"This is a long-term investment, and I am very optimistic about the future of Coca-Cola!"

Leo breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a little!

As the president of the world's number one brand, he is naturally a big shot. He has known Buffett for a long time and has a good personal relationship.

Over there, Buffett continued: "By the way Conrad, my investment in Coca-Cola should not be disclosed to the public for the time being. You know what I mean!"


Leo nodded and continued: "Warren, do you know that besides you, there is another person who is also buying a large amount of our company's stocks?"


Buffett was stunned and wondered: "There is someone like me. Who is it?"

"Lin Yao"


Buffett was slightly startled, and he didn't hear it clearly, so he wanted to confirm again!

"Warren, it's Lin Yao!"

Leo said: "That's the lunatic who bet against the world during the stock market crash last year and won the bet!"

"Well, he's not just a madman, he's a genius!"

"Oh Jesus! I really don't know what that guy was thinking, why did he do this suddenly! Could it be that he wants to make a quick buck in our company again, maybe somewhere soon?"

Buffett interrupted Leo, thought for two seconds, and said, "It should be more than just making a quick buck!"

"Why is it not possible?" Leo asked, "Isn't he just the big Soros?"


Buffett still said: "Looking at his long-term investments, it seems that he is of the same type as Soros, but there are still differences. He plays bigger and more fiercely!"

"Either you don't take action, or once you take action, you will often gamble your fortune!"

"Make a quick buck?"

"No, quick money of this magnitude is beyond his reach. Judging from what happened in the past, he won't do that!"

Leo sighed: "I hope so!"

Buffett asked: "Besides Coca-Cola, what other actions does he have?"


Leo continued: "As far as I know, his Badu Fund is frantically shopping for goods, involving more than a dozen companies!"

"Like Nike, Adidas, and your Berkshires!"

What? !

Buffett was startled, and then said: "Well, I know about Conrad, thank you!"

"If nothing happens, just hang up!"

Leo nodded and said, "Okay, by the way, Warren, let's go play golf together if you have time this weekend!"


"Then it's settled, let's get in touch!"


Leo hung up the phone!

the other side!

After Buffett hung up the phone, he immediately called Sal from Berkshire Resources and ordered: "Sal, you should immediately launch a comprehensive and detailed investigation into Lin Yao and his Badu Fund!"

"Remember, I want all the details!"

Sal nodded and said respectfully: "Yes, Mr. Buffett!"

Afterwards, Buffett began to use his connections and easily obtained Lin Yao's private number!

I looked at the series of numbers and thought about it for 30 seconds.

This phone call was never made in the end!

Buffett put the business card with the number on it in his drawer

Then it lasted ninety-two days, and it was like I had completely forgotten about it!

During this period, all Lin Yao's investment work was completed, and the remaining funds were divided into two parts.

A portion remains in the Badu Fund.

The other part was injected into Pixiu Venture Capital.

Find startups worth investing in around the world!

By this time, Buffett had also obtained Lin Yao's investment targets during this period.

When I saw those investments, I also saw the dozen or so listed companies that Lin Yao had heavily invested in!

Buffett couldn't help but laugh!

He already knew what Lin Yao wanted to do, and it was not speculation to make quick money.

It's the same value investing as him, but with his usual investment style!


Buffett does not invest casually, but keeps tracking and investigating for a long time!

But what about Lin Yao? !


There are more than a dozen companies at first, spending nearly 3.2 billion U.S. dollars on Berkshire.

Have fun however you want!

After confirming this, Buffett took out the business card that had been in the drawer for more than three months.

Without any hesitation, he dialed Lin Yao's personal phone number.

So, on October 8th, Lin Yao and Buffett finally met!

The two had lunch at SmithWollensky Steakhouse!

This restaurant is extremely famous!

Financial giants on Wall Street and white-collar workers in the fashion industry like to have lunch here.

This is also known as the "House of Power" on Wall Street!

In later generations, this restaurant would become even more famous because the world-famous Buffett lunch was held here every year!

The lunch time they agreed on was eleven o'clock in the morning.

When the chat is over, it will be over! (End of chapter)

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