HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 433 Dramatic Change!

"Zhami, our communications can enter the mainland market first."

"Mr. Lei will lead an inspection team to the mainland in a few days. If I am free, I will go with them."

"If I am not free at that time, you will go on my behalf."

"Also, simplified Chinese pagers are not for sale."

Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and said slowly to Zhanmi.

"Brother Yao, this..." Zhanmi frowned and was a little confused.

"Zhami, communication technology is divided into analog communication, digital communication, and hybrid communication."

"Analog communication can only be used as a transitional technology."

"The analog signal pager is now used in the Magic City. As far as I know, companies like Motorola, Ericsson and Nokia have already started to develop Chinese pagers."

Hearing what Lin Yao said, Zhanmi's face changed.

But he soon understood what Lin Yao meant.

What Lin Yao meant was that the pagers produced by Tianyao Group now do not have the basic conditions for use.

If analog signals are used, the time they exist in the market will be very short, which is not in line with the long-term development of Tianyao Group in the mainland.

Lin Yao doesn't want his product to be a flash in the pan in the mainland, because that would not only fail to make any quick money, but also lose a huge market.

You know, in the field of communication technology, the mainland's market potential is definitely one of the best in the world.

"Zhami, how much does it cost to build a digital patrol station?" Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and asked Zhanmi this question.

Zhanmi nodded and said.

"The cost of building a digital paging station is about 600,000 Hong Kong dollars, and the bulk of the cost is the construction of base stations."

Lin Yao said: "Well, if it only takes 600,000 Hong Kong dollars, the cost is not high."

"You can go to the mainland with Mr. Lei and others to investigate, and by the way, let me decide on the cities where Tianyao Communication will build digital paging stations."

"Don't choose one or two best, go to investigate all densely populated cities in the east, south, west, north and center, and discuss the details of the investment with the local investment promotion department."

"For the initial investment, I can give you 500 million Hong Kong dollars.

"Okay, Brother Yao, I got it! "Zhami was already very happy when he heard this.

As long as Tianyao Communication builds digital paging stations in all the major cities in the mainland,

then electronic companies such as Motorola, Ericsson, and Nokia will not be able to make any money.

But in general, electronic products such as pagers are just transitional products from fixed-line phones to mobile phones.

The hottest sales will not exceed 5 years.

The world's largest market is still in the mainland.

Besides, at this time, the number of mobile phone users in Hong Kong Island has been increasing, and the mainland will be delayed by two or three years at most.

But the mainland has a large population.

The pager market is still extremely large, and the profit is very considerable.

Lin Yao will of course eat this big mouthful of fat meat, and more importantly, occupy the market first and gain the first opportunity for the next step of mobile phone development.

He also established connections with the major governors of the investment promotion departments of major cities in the mainland.

Make full preparations for long-term cultivation in the mainland, which is an intangible asset.

"Europe and the United States want to apply 2G technology to real life, and it will take at least 4 years from now.

"It will take at least 8 years to miniaturize the current brick-like mobile phones into handheld treasures."

"Our company can do it. After obtaining huge profits from pagers, we must immediately build base stations for mobile communication technology."

"Zhanmi, this matter cannot be delayed, and we must coordinate to do it."

"Neither is indispensable."

Then Lin Yao asked Yun Piaopiao to hand Zhanmi two documents.

"Zhanmi, the two documents in your hand are 2G communication technology and 3G communication technology."

"Within a year, 2G technology must be developed."

"I hope that our Tianyao mobile phone will be available in a year."

Hearing Lin Yao say this, Zhanmi opened one of the documents with great curiosity.

There was a small long machine on it, not much bigger than a box of cigars.

It can be folded.

After opening the folding cover, there is a small keyboard inside.

"Okay, Brother Yao, I will hand it over to the Electronic R\u0026D Department immediately and ask them to speed up the R\u0026D."

"Give me one year, and I will issue a military order that eight months will be enough."

"Our current R\u0026D team is the most advanced in the world. Just last month, we introduced 10 top students from Yellow University."

Afterwards, Lin Yao asked the stutterer in charge of Tianyao Clothing to report on the situation in the past few months.

"Brother Yao, something happened, something big happened!"

Just then.

Wang Jianguo walked into the office with a panicked look on his face.

Lin Yao asked the stutterer to pause the report. Then he asked Wang Jianguo:

"Jianguo, what are you panicking about? What happened?"

"Brother Yao, Kunsha in the Golden Triangle publicly announced the establishment of the Shan State Communist Party, and appointed himself as the supreme leader."

"Now Lao Myanmar and Taiguo have issued a joint statement, announcing that they will eliminate Kunsha from now on."

"Brother Yao, this is today's newspaper, take a look."

Lin Yao took the newspaper and read it.

The situation in the Golden Triangle these days. The Northern Military District of Tai State led the attack on the base camp of Kunsha, Daqili, with 15,000 troops.

The two sides exchanged fierce fire at the border of Chiang Rai Province.

Although the two sides of Tai and Mian had more troops and more powerful firepower,

they were unstoppable from the beginning and soon entered a stalemate because they had no geographical advantage.

Kunsha's men took advantage of the geographical advantage and exerted great combat effectiveness.

The Thai-American coalition suffered heavy casualties in one day.

However, both the Thai and American sides have increased their troops and firepower again.

They are preparing to encircle and suppress Kunsha with a force 10 times that of Kunsha, and they have also mobilized the air force to deal with Kunsha.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Kunsha prepared to withdraw his men back to the primeval forest.

After reading the newspaper, Lin Yao immediately called Abu, the current person in charge of the Golden Triangle Training Base, on a satellite phone.

After Lin Yao answered, he immediately said to Abu. The situation has changed, and our plan must be advanced, and plan B will be launched! "

Abu replied: "Yes, Brother Yao, I will implement plan B immediately. ”

After a year and a half of development, the base now has 5,000 people.

Among them, 2,000 are in the training base in Laojie.

The other 3,000 are distributed in the Golden Triangle training base.

There are more than 500 people in the most sharp battle hall.

The situation has quietly changed!

The existence of Lin Yao's 5,000 troops has threatened Kunsha's power in his eyes.

In the past six months, Kunsha has begun to make things difficult in secret.

He didn't know that getting into trouble with Lin Yao would be the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Lin Yao's existence is the "stabilizer" of the Golden Triangle, and he has connections with all the major local armed forces.

Except for No. 4, he does all other trade.

Five thousand troops, 3,500 of which are young and strong recruits from the local area.

"Brother Yao, Kunsha's second son Zuo Ka wants to see you, do you want to see him?" Abu suddenly remembered this and asked.

"Okay, Abu, during this period, withdraw one thousand people from Laojie to prepare for Kunsha's attack!" Lin Yao ordered.

"Okay, Brother Yao! "

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yao asked the little stutterer to continue reporting.

The little stutterer has now become the core of Tianyao Group.

She is no longer the little gangster girl.

Both her clothes and her temperament have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Now she only wears light makeup and a women's suit.

She also wears a pair of black-framed glasses.

She looks like a business elite in every gesture.

"Brother Yao, can we also enter the mainland market?"

"The labor and land there are much cheaper, and there are tax incentives."

"We have plenty of cash on hand now, so we can move the factory and warehouse there. "

Little Stutter asked cautiously.

Of course the clothing industry is very profitable.

With the rapid rise of the mainland economy, people's clothing is no longer the monotonous woolen clothes or Zhongshan suits.

Instead, it presents a trend of diversification, and the aesthetics are also diverse.

Various township enterprises have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, and most of them are engaged in industries such as clothing and food.

Because the threshold of such industries is relatively low, profits come relatively quickly.

But the quality of ready-made clothes made by Lin Yao's clothing group is much better.

Now the A-goods market has shrunk, and Lin Yao has not done much for a long time.

The main thing is to make his own brand Tianyao Clothing.

The brand has also gradually won the recognition of Hong Kong people.

After hearing what Little Stutter said, Lin Yao frowned slightly.

"A Xi, if you want to engage in the clothing industry in the mainland, the first step is to acquire a large amount of land in the mainland to build factories."

"In other words, the real estate industry must be entered first. I have asked Zhanmi to follow Mr. Lei and prepare to go to the mainland for inspection."

"By then, a lot of land will be acquired all over the country, and Yangcheng and Pengcheng will be the first batch. "

"After Zhanmi gets the land, we will first use it to build factories, and the rest of the land will be used to build buildings."

After some contemplation, Lin Yao made a decision.

"Okay, Brother Yao, then Zhanmi and I will go to contact them. When the land is acquired, you must first supply it to our clothing company."

The little stutterer said coquettishly.

Lin Yao looked at her two dimples and nodded slightly.

Then, the little stutterer seemed to remember something and said to Lin Yao:

"Brother Yao, I went to my uncle's house in the mainland some time ago. My uncle's house is in Pengcheng."

"He is a fisherman, and now they also live in a building."

"I went around and there are dance halls everywhere there."

"The environment is very simple and there is no service. It's almost the same as Hong Kong Island more than ten years ago."

"But there are many people going there to consume. Can we also plan the leisure industry in advance? "

"You can let Axiang go there first"

Hearing what the little stutterer said, Wei Jixiang stood up hurriedly and said with a smile:

"Brother Yao, it is indeed easy to make money there. I also have ideas, but I haven't figured out how to do it for the time being, so I didn't report it to you."

Lin Yao nodded. He knew in his heart that Hong Kong Island is too competitive now.

The population base is only 5 million, and there are so many nightclubs, so the potential is limited.

The annual profit has not exceeded 1 billion, which has reached the limit.

It is simply incomparable with other subsidiaries of Tianyao Group.

"Axiang, when you have time, go to Pengcheng and Yangcheng, inspect the local market in person, and then write a report to me."

Lin Yao looked at Wei Jixiang and said with a smile.

"Okay, Brother Yao."

Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar, and then said to Yun Piaopiao:

"Piaopiao, the security in the mainland is not stable now."

"Go tell Feiji to transfer 10 members of the station hall to protect Axiang's safety."

"Yes, Brother Yao, I understand." Yun Piaopiao responded and hurriedly went down to call the plane.

The others couldn't help but look at Wei Jixiang. This was the first time that Lin Yao personally provided bodyguards for others.

Wei Jixiang's eyes were so moved that he naturally wanted to kneel down.

"Thank you, Brother Yao..."

Lin Yao stopped him with cold eyes. He slowly said: "Axiang, the leisure industry in the mainland is now a very sensitive and even dangerous industry.

"You can leave the business on Hong Kong Island to your girlfriend Ruby."

"If you want to explore the mainland market, you have to stay there for a long time, and security issues are very important."

"Of course you can also bring Robbie over and choose someone else to take charge of Hong Kong Island.

"But I want to tell you, if you want to open a nightclub in the mainland, it must be the most high-end!"

"In the shortest possible time, we will develop our Tianyao brand."

"You can start in Yangcheng, with nightclubs, bars and other leisure industries."

"As for security, the security company won't send anyone here. If you recruit locally, you can recruit veterans from the entire Dragon Kingdom."

"Don't involve colors in the store. It's okay for ladies to go out and do whatever they want in private."

"But there is a red line that I must keep. I must not touch No. 4."

"If I touch it, no matter who it is, I will use my family's methods."

"Yes, Brother Yao, I will always remember what you said, I will never touch No. 4!"

"Thank you Brother Yao for your cultivation!"

Wei Jixiang's eyes flashed and he nodded repeatedly.

The next day, nine o'clock in the morning.

Kunsha's second son, Zuo Ka, came to the office of the chairman of Tianyao Group under the protection of several bodyguards.

After seeing Lin Yao, Zuoka wanted to give Lin Yao a warm hug.

However, Lin Yao responded indifferently and just stretched out his hand to ask him to sit down.

Seeing Lin Yao's indifferent action, Zuo Ka looked embarrassed.

But soon he forced out a smile and said to Lin Yao:

"Mr. Lin, my good brother, we haven't seen each other for almost 7 months. I really miss you."

Come to think of it, the last time I saw Lin Yao, Lin Yao personally went to inspect the Golden Triangle.

He also reached deals with the Peng family and Kunsha from Laojie.

Zuo Ka discovered that within the Kunsha Group, he was really Lin Yao who succeeded and Lin Yao who failed.

At the beginning, his success prompted Kun Shark to reach an agreement with Lin Yao, which caused his status within the family to rise rapidly, once surpassing his eldest brother Ha Kun and Sweeping Somchai.

He was also regarded as the heir to Kun Shar's career by Kun Shar's old subordinates.

But as Lin Yao became more and more powerful in the Golden Triangle, subtle conflicts arose with Kun Shark.

In the past few months, Zuoka has also been ignored by Kunsha, and his status has declined.

At this time, when Zuo Ka came to see Lin Yao, it was when a big change occurred in the Golden Triangle Kunsha Group.

Attacked from the east and west by the Myanmar-Taiwanese coalition forces, the Kunsha Group retreated steadily into the primeval forest.

He came here today to ask Lin Yao to help them fight against the Burmese and Thai coalition forces.

But after seeing Lin Yao's cold attitude, Zuo Ka suddenly felt cold!

A year ago, Zuoka couldn't bear Lin Yao's indifference.

But now things have changed, and the status of the two people has undergone earth-shaking changes. (End of chapter)

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