Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 41 Legilimency, closed brain

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"This book is really interesting!"

In the orange Gryffindor common room, Clark nestled on the sofa.

Surrounding him were a group of Gryffindor students who were playing card games. Obviously, the business of the Weasley twins was still booming.

Even Ron and Harry didn't have the mind to do their homework. They gathered around the table, watched those rich classmates play cards, and gave advice from time to time.

Thanks to winning Professor McGonagall's magic chess game last year, and having participated in the first test of magic cards, his suggestion is still very authoritative.

And in this noisy environment, only Clark was still reading the book seriously.

On the cover of the book, there is a beautiful witch's face printed on it. The witch's eyes are indifferent and empty, like a dark tunnel, bottomless, as if it can swallow people's eyes... And the name of the book is "" Shut Down Your Brain".

"Hey, Clark." At this moment a voice interrupted him, "Don't read the book, let's come and play a game together."

George called his name loudly, and Clark woke up from the trance.

"What an interesting book!" he repeated.

At this time, Hermione had just crawled in through the hole, and happened to hear this sentence, "What's so interesting?"

Clark looked at the cover of the book, and then looked up at the wall clock hanging on the wall. At this time, the time was pointing to six in the afternoon, and he had been sitting on the sofa for two hours, but the book, unexpectedly Didn't open it.

"Shut Down Your Brain, what book is this?" Hermione walked to Clark's side and looked down at the book in his hand.

However, just this one glance made her stand there in a daze.

Clark quickly turned the book over, and Hermione woke up.

"What happened just now?" He looked at Clark suspiciously.

Clark turned the book back again, but this time, neither of them dared to look at the cover of the book.

"This book, Occlumency Your Brain, teaches how to learn Occlumency,

Obviously, the picture on the cover of this book is magical, as long as people see it, they will be addicted to it, no matter how time passes, they will not be aware of it. "

"It's terrible." Hearing Clark's explanation, Hermione exclaimed, "If no one reminds me, I won't be starved to death like this."

Clark smiled and opened the book to the first page, "Of course, otherwise why do you think it is stored in the restricted area?"

"Where did you get this? There is only one way to borrow books from the restricted section: get a note signed by a teacher."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Clark to answer, she suddenly realized: "Professor Lockhart, it must be Professor Lockhart! It turns out that you left to find him to get this."

Clark nodded, which pleased Hermione who guessed right.

"What's this about?" she asked Clark, who was reading.

"Occlumency, a magic that prevents your brain from being invaded by outsiders, without the use of wands and spells, is a very remote but very useful magic." Clark explained.

"As you can see, the picture on the cover of this book should have a Legilimency mantra attached, so as soon as we see it, we will immerse ourselves in the good memories of the past and forget the passage of time."

Hermione seemed to be transformed into a curious baby at this moment, "Legilitim, what is that?"

"That's also a spell, the equivalent of Occlumency, which extracts sensations and memories from another person's mind—"

"Can it read minds?" Hermione asked immediately.

"No." Clark shook his head, looking away from the book, "There are still some subtle differences."

He paused for a while, as if organizing his language, so that he could speak out the knowledge in an easy-to-understand manner.

"Only Muggles have the saying of 'reading people's hearts'. People's hearts are not a book, and it is impossible to read them casually. Thoughts are not engraved in the skull, and it is impossible for people to get in and read them.

The human mind is a complex, multi-layered thing. Just as cowardly people sometimes suddenly become very brave, some seemingly brave people suddenly become very cowardly when facing danger.

We can never really see through people's hearts. "

Of course, this doesn't include [Psychic].

Clark secretly added in his mind, compared with the advanced psychic powers of psions, Legilimency is as simple as a bicycle in front of a tank.

He laughed and said, "However, a person with Legilimency can study other people's minds and give correct explanations under certain circumstances.

Just as Headmaster Dumbledore can almost always spot when someone is lying to him, only someone who is good at Occlumency can seal away feelings and memories that contradict a lie, and lie in front of him without being detected. "

"This sounds a bit like micro-expressions in psychology." Hermione, who had a dentist father, quickly came up with her own understanding based on her past knowledge reserves.

Clark froze for a moment, appreciating her.

"You're right. They are indeed a bit similar. They can judge whether a person's words are true or not based on a person's reaction? It's just that one relies on body movements, while the other relies on soul feedback."

"This book is really interesting!" Hermione looked at the "Close Your Brain" curiously, "Let me read it too."

Clark nodded with a smile, "Okay, but you have to wait for me to finish it before you can watch it."

Hermione snorted, turned her head and left, which made Clark a little confused. He didn't know which sentence annoyed him, so he could only lower his head and continue to study the book in his hand.

It took two full days for Clark to finish reading "Close Your Brain".

Then, he spent another day watching "Let You Forget Being Unhappy".

It was only after he finished reading that he sighed that the salary he paid Lockhart for these two books was really worth it.

Even for his [Psychic] profession, these two books are of great help.

Unlike Muggle's understanding of memory, in wizard's perception, people have souls.

Therefore, memory is no longer the overlapping of neurons and the secretion of hormones. Whether it is Occlumency or the Forgetting Curse, they all act on the human soul through magic.

To better understand Occlumency, one must first understand the principles of "Legiliency" and "Forgetting Curse", because these two are like a spear and a shield to Occlumency, and they are an opposite relationship .

It is because of them that Occlumency exists.

As Clark told Hermione, Legilimency wasn't mind reading, it wasn't as subtle and it wasn't as powerful.

According to Clark, it is more similar to [Feeling Emotions] in psychic powers, which can only perceive changes in people's emotions, not even the [Detect Thoughts] that can read the surface thoughts.

Not to mention the fifth-level ability [Mind Probe] that can fully detect all the secrets in the target's mind.

Of course, this does not mean that Legilimency has no advantages.

First of all, these are the few mind-detecting spells left in the wizarding world today. Apart from them, the only way to obtain the secret of the target is Veritaserum.

Compared with [Feeling Emotions] and [Detecting Thoughts], Soul Fetching can also actively detect the thoughts in the target's mind.

As the saying goes, the thoughts and thoughts in people's minds are often complex and changeable, and sometimes we don't even know what we are thinking.

Therefore, whatever the target thinks, [Feeling Emotions] and [Detecting Thoughts] can only receive what is received. This is a passive way, at most it uses language to guide the target to think in the direction he wants to perceive.

However, Legilimency is not like this. It uses magic power to stimulate the soul of the target, so as to judge the other party's thoughts through the other party's stress response.

This is very similar to the way Muggles study the functions of brain blocks. They first stimulate and then judge the corresponding function of this block according to the feedback. It is a kind of exhaustive method.

Therefore, a brilliant Legilimency master often relies more on rich experience, and therefore they will always use this ability subconsciously.

As for the Forgetting Curse, it also uses magic power to stimulate the target's soul, but it is different from the Soul Reaper.

It doesn't need the opponent's reaction, but takes advantage of the disordered soul of the target, twists and forges a false memory with its own magic power, and inserts it into the soul of the target to form a memory overlay.

Yes, the Forgetting Curse does not actually delete the memory in the soul, it can only overwrite the original memory.

Among them, novices with rough methods can often only forge a blank memory and insert it into the soul of the other party, forming a memory loss, which is discovered by others.

And a master-level character like Lockhart, who is as clever as Lockhart, can naturally weave a false memory that is logically consistent, reasonable, and echoes back and forth.

In this way, the original memory of the target is overwritten, to the extent of deceiving the real ones.

Now that you know the principles of the Soul Reaper and the Forgetting Curse, doing the opposite has become the core idea of ​​Occlumency.

The first step of both spells is to stimulate the target's soul with magic power, so the first step of Occlumency is to resist this stimulation.

No, perhaps it is a bit inaccurate to use the word "resistance". A more vivid term should be "tolerance".

After all, the human brain and soul are extremely delicate things. If there is a resistance conflict with external stimuli, who knows what kind of damage will be caused to the soul?

Therefore, the first sentence on the title page of "Close Your Brain" is "Empty Your Brain". This point is quite a bit of Taoism's meaning of being pure and natural, avoiding the real and focusing on the virtual.

Get rid of distracting thoughts, throw away all emotions, and your heart is like a quiet lake, without any waves.

The brain that I emptied first made the soul blank, and the enemy had no way to find what they wanted. The so-called covering memory of the Forgetting Curse naturally became impossible to talk about.

Of course, this is only the most basic way to use the brain defense technique. Simply put, it is to empty one's own house so that the thief has nothing to gain.

And a more advanced application should be like Lockhart and Snape, who can even construct a false memory by themselves, deceive the probing enemies, and make them unaware.

Seeing Clark here, combined with his professional perception of [Psychic], he has gained more.

No wonder brain defense does not require the use of wands and spells, because this is not magic in itself. According to his understanding, this should be a way of spiritual cultivation similar to Buddhist meditation.

No, it may even be just some superficial Buddhist practice obtained from their colony in India, which is different from the complete set of concepts and detailed rituals of Buddhism.

The entire book "Close Your Brain" describes only some ramblings and specious perceptions, which makes wizards who want to learn this kind of magic can only comprehend it with their own roots and talents.

It's no wonder that the book clearly states that Occlumency is a magic that requires a lot of talent. People with talent can learn it very quickly, while people without talent can't learn it even if they practice for a lifetime.

Just like Harry in the original book, as an impulsive Gryffindor, his recklessness is almost etched into his bones. It’s okay to let him be a fighting monk. If you want him to sit down and meditate, it’s almost impossible.

Perhaps the only good thing about this book is the enchanted picture on the cover.

After all, we practice Occlumency to hide the secrets in our brains. Naturally, it is impossible to ask a powerful wizard to perform Legilimency on us to verify this.

And looking at the teaching content that is full of emotional rambling and has no level of logic in this book, no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to know how far you have trained.

Only by looking at the cover of the book and the time I spent on the magic pictures can I roughly judge how effective my Occlumency training is.

After initially understanding these, Clark began to try to operate them.

Compared with Legilimency and the Forgetting Curse, which still require magical power, Occlumency, which uses purely mental power, can be used even by Clark.

He didn't choose a place, just sat cross-legged on the soft bed, imitating the meditation appearance he had seen on TV before, relaxed his whole body, and closed his eyes directly, as if falling into a deep sleep.

Empty mind, no thoughts, no thoughts...

Maybe it's because he's a [Psychic] himself, or maybe he's really talented.

In short, when Clark began to enter the training state of brain defense, his breathing became lighter and lighter, and his sense of presence became weaker and weaker.

In the end, his breathing was even imperceptible, his chest didn't rise and fall, and his whole body seemed like a lifeless stone statue.

An unprecedented tranquility began to fill Clark's body and mind.

This kind of tranquility is not the kind of physical tranquility in the usual sense, but a kind of spiritual tranquility.

It was a very strange state. In this state, Clark only felt as if he had discovered a new world.

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