Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 42 Heart is like still water, goodbye Tom

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Scientists have discovered that the human brain is a restless machine.

Even during sleep, the brain will exercise through dreaming, let alone in ordinary study and life.

It can be said that our brains are thinking all the time, and all kinds of new ideas are emerging, generating sparks of wisdom.

Although most of these sparks are meaningless, just because we haven't found them doesn't mean they don't exist.

And when Clark fell into the state of Occlumency training, the generation of this spark of wisdom obviously slowed down.

At this moment, Clark's mind was clear, without the slightest noise. Fear, joy, sadness, anger and other emotions all left him, and the whole person completely fell into a tranquility that was difficult to express in words.

Clark enjoyed this wonderful feeling very much, as if he had been running all the time, suddenly slowed down, and his whole person was relaxed both mentally and physically.

And what's amazing is that this state is different from a coma or a deep sleep. Clark's consciousness is very clear, even clearer than usual.

Sometimes slow is fast. When the running speed slows down, we can enjoy the better scenery along the way.

And when the speed of thinking slows down, we can focus more on those fleeting sparks of wisdom.

In this state, Clark suddenly remembered some content in "Close Your Brain" that he read a few days ago, and the knowledge in those books began to flow in his mind, flashing in front of him like a waterfall passed away.

Combined with some of the current feelings, he immediately comprehended the above content that was originally considered to be ravings.

It turns out that the knowledge recorded by the predecessors is not really illogical and chaotic, it is just because they are like this. Human thinking is inherently unconstrained and unpredictable.

They just recorded all this truthfully.

"Before you look at this flower, this flower will die with you; when you look at this flower, the color of this flower will become clear for a moment, and you will know that this flower is not outside your heart."

All the contents of the books recalled in Clark's mind suddenly condensed into this sentence at this moment.

I think therefore I am, that's how it is.

The so-called brain defense training is nothing more than seeing one's own heart clearly.

Just like the Buddhist gatha of Shenxiu, the founder of Northern Zen.

The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is like a mirror stand.

Wipe it frequently so as not to cause dust.

The training of the brain defense technique is clearly a practice method that continuously refines the mind. As for other fake memories and deceiving others' Legilimency, they are just derived from it.

It's ridiculous that Lockhart and Snape ignored the effect of this practice method, and thought that the fake memory later was a higher level.

With the delusion in his mind, the special tranquil state was broken, and Clark immediately woke up from the state of meditation.

The loud shouts in the lounge downstairs, the howling wind blowing outside the window, the soft bed on which he was sitting, and the joy of mastering Occlumency... came back to Clark's mind again, causing him to wrinkle deeply. frown.

If I had never seen the sun, I would have endured the darkness.

This is how Clark feels now, as if suddenly returning from a leisurely vacation to a busy work station, and the next vacation is still far away.

For ordinary people, the tranquility of the closed-brain state is simply a supreme enjoyment, and that kind of spiritual relaxation is ten times stronger than going to the bathhouse to be a horse and a chicken.

It's no wonder that Snape's attainments in Occlumency are so deep. Guilt towards Lily, unrequited love, fear of Voldemort and hatred of Dumbledore, these emotions tortured his heart all the time.

Perhaps only by keeping his brain closed all the time, can Snape live like a normal person.

Of course, none of this has much to do with Clark.

He seemed to have sent out the system information just now.

"Ding, you have experienced a special state of mind through learning, and thus obtained the information of the specialty [Heart Like Still Water]."

[Heart like still water]: Monk professional expertise, heart like still water, no waves. A long time of Zen practice makes your mind extra powerful. When fighting against mind-type enchantment spells, the intelligence judgment will be extra +1. ——Women only affect the speed and strength of my punches. (You need to complete a complete Occlumency training and invest 1000 experience points to obtain this skill. The current progress is 0/1.)

It seems that his sudden withdrawal from the state of Occlumency just now cannot be regarded as a complete training.

Clark looked at his experience value again. After these few days of fermentation, the influence of "Hogwarts School Journal" began to decrease. When reflected in the experience value, the growth had stopped.

But even so, the first issue of "Hogwarts School Journal" brought Clark 1410 experience points. If one person counts 10 experience points, there are 141 people who fully agree with and understand Clark's article .

Don't think that this number is too small. You know, people read magazines and newspapers more for fun, and this is not a class. How can so many people listen to your lectures seriously.

It's like on the short video software, there are many anchors who spread knowledge, but their attention is not as good as a fraction of Ikawano's dancing video.

Now that Clark already has 1801 experience points, if he doesn't upgrade, he can just exchange for the 【Heart Like Still Water】specialty.

Anyway, there wasn't any major danger recently, so Clark didn't hesitate, and immediately adjusted his sitting posture, and once again devoted himself to Occlumency training.

After spending one night and adding 1500 experience points, Clark successfully obtained the [Heart Like Still Water] feat.

After experiencing it, this specialty is a bit like a constant weak Occlumency state, which can make people calmer, and will not be easily influenced by the outside world, and it is worth the money.

Now that Occlumency has been introduced, Clark didn't hide it, and went directly to Professor Lockhart, asking him to guide him on how to proceed to the next step - weaving false memories.

Under the double effect of the threat of money, Lockhart knew everything, and he taught him all the methods he used to fabricate memories.

However, unlike what Clark imagined, this method should actually be divided into two stages, namely disguising emotions and fabricating stories.

Among them, camouflaging emotions requires users to observe and understand the generation and expression of various emotions, and then simulate them. The rest is long-term practice to achieve practice makes perfect and the point where thinking can be separated from simulated emotions.

As for making up stories, Clark was quick to pick it up.

Because he was an online writer in his previous life, what are the three golden chapters, pretending to be slapped in the face, and a sense of anticipation, not to mention the clear background, he also has a little bit of experience.

In contrast, that is to say, the wizard's logical thinking ability is somewhat lacking, which makes it a difficult problem to fabricate a false story that can echo from beginning to end and has no logical problems.

But for him, it is still very simple.

During the period when Clark followed Lockhart to learn to forge memories, their "Hogwarts School Journal" also successfully issued the second issue.

In this issue, although other content sections are a bit dull, Clark still managed to find the hot spot, which is his pet, the black dragon Nobeta who is currently being released in the Forbidden Forest.

In fact, as early as last semester, this news had already spread to the British wizarding world as the students returned home. After all, there is no child who doesn't like to show off.

But that has always been gossip, and there is no official announcement, but this time, Clark took Colin, accompanied by Hagrid, deep into the Forbidden Forest, and gave Norberta a group of close-ups in the temporary fire dragon field full-body shot.

This kind of exclusive internal photos, together with some introduction materials of the fire dragon, immediately ignited the enthusiasm of the readers again.

Unlike the Muggle world, parents in the wizarding world were not worried about their children's safety at Hogwarts just because there was a dragon in the school.

I don't know if these parents are really big-hearted or trust Dumbledore. They are even proud of the fact that Hogwarts has a dragon, and they have sent letters one after another, urging the school to build a dragon breeding facility quickly. , open the dragon training class to the students.

Of course, Hagrid had mentioned a few words to Clark about this period, but since the last time he met with the representatives of the Hogwarts school board, the matter of setting up the dragon farm seemed to have disappeared. no respond.

Clark knows that the calmer the sea, the more dangerous the undercurrent is. Similarly, the fact that there is no movement in this matter now just proves that the forces involved behind this matter are conducting a series of confrontations .

It's a pity that he doesn't have the strength to intervene in it for the time being. This kind of big event that vaguely involves the confrontation between the extraordinary forces of several countries is like a big mill, and all he can do is wait.

The strength is still not enough, whether it is soft power or hard power.

Clark thought secretly.

Fortunately, he is still young and has unlimited potential. The second issue of the school magazine just released has contributed 730 experience points to him.

So the first thing to do now is to increase strength steadily, build walls high, accumulate food widely, and become king slowly.

For example, he could first drain a certain Horcrux named Tom Riddle.

After planning for so long, preparing so well, and even slightly exceeding it, it was time for the third contact with Voldemort's diary.

As the saying goes, there are only three things, this time, he must take Tom Riddle down.

Clark directly chose a dark and stormy night and sneaked into the suitcase.

And as he approached, that Voldemort's diary seemed to feel something.

Before Clark could make a move, he opened the page on his own initiative. It was obviously in a closed living room, but it seemed to be blown by a strong wind, and the pages slammed and stopped in the middle.

But this time, words never appeared on the diary as before.

Clark was surprised to find that a small square that looked like a miniature TV screen suddenly appeared on the paper in the middle of the page.

He subconsciously walked over and brought his eyes close to the small window. Before he could react to what was going on, an invisible and strong suction came from the window, and then he turned forward involuntarily. dumped in the past.

Clark waved his hands, trying to maintain his balance.

It's a pity that it's already too late, that small window keeps enlarging and enlarging in front of his eyes.

Clark only felt as if his body had left the ground all of a sudden, and fell headfirst into the window of that page, entering a swirling color, light and shadow.

When he felt his feet landed on solid ground and stood firmly, the blurry scene around him suddenly became clear again.

Clark knew where he was right away. This large room full of desks and chairs was the Hogwarts classroom he was very familiar with.

There were still quite a few people in the classroom at this time, and Clark saw some strange faces around him. Only the teacher on the podium looked a lot like Dumbledore when he was young.

His beard and hair are not so white and not so long. It can be vaguely seen that the principal must have been a handsome guy when he was young.

In front of the middle-aged Professor Dumbledore, a handsome senior student was standing there talking gracefully.

He has just completed a very complicated advanced transfiguration technique, and he is now telling the students around him some of his little tricks in transfiguration practice, and he received warm applause and praise from Professor Dumbledore for this.

Obviously, after experiencing Clark's rough treatment the first two times, the remnant spirit of Voldemort residing in the Horcrux has also learned to behave.

This time, without waiting for Clark to communicate with him, he directly took him captive into his memory illusion, without giving him a chance to refuse.

Such a rough behavior would make this remnant soul who was not rich in magic even worse.

But I have to say that it is also meaningful to do so. It is just the realization of a scene, with Dumbledore, a familiar classroom, and students in the classroom. This scene is enough to make most Hogwarts students Lost vigilance.

It can be seen that when Tom Riddle was young, his IQ was still online.

Of course, this may also be because he successfully read some of Clark's inner "desires" this time.

As for why the desire to put quotation marks?

Because these emotions perceived by Tom Riddle's Legilimency are also false memories constructed in Clark's heart through brain defense.

He just brought some envy, jealousy and hatred from his previous life into this place, and combined with the predicament he encountered in Transfiguration, he misled the remnant soul of the young Dark Lord.

If it weren't for his past life memories, it would be really difficult to imitate the feeling of struggling in ordinary life and envious of the bustling world just because of his status as a pure-blood wizard who has been smooth sailing since he was a child.


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