Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 58 Harry's blame, the storm is picking up

"Professor, I don't think the cat is dead."

Clark's sudden sound broke the oppressive atmosphere in the office.

Lockhart was still talking there at this time, talking about his great achievements.

"...I remember something very similar happened in Ouagadougou."

He said with certainty, "That was a series of vicious attacks, which I have recorded in detail in my autobiography. I provided local civilians with various magic amulets and solved the problem in an instant..."

When he said this, the photos of Lockhart hanging on the wall nodded in agreement, but what Clark said made him stunned in embarrassment, "What, didn't he die?"

At this moment, Headmaster Dumbledore was leaning over the table, muttering some strange spells under his breath, and tapping Mrs. Norris with his old wand.

It's a pity that nothing happened. Mrs. Norris lay there stiffly, like a freshly prepared animal specimen.

"Mr. Prewett is right," Dumbledore straightened up. "It's not dead, Filch."

"Not dead?" Filch said with a choked voice, peeking at Beloved's body through his fingers, "Then why...why is her whole body...frozen, as if frozen?"

"It was petrified," Dumbledore said with certainty, and at the same time glanced at Clark, "but what happened, I couldn't figure it out for a while..."

"It might be some kind of petrification spell." Clark offered another direction.

Lockhart quickly changed his tone at this time, "Ah! Yes! I think so too!"

"Ask him!" Fer suddenly screamed loudly, turning his tearful old face to Harry who shrank aside.

"It's impossible for a second-year wizard to do this," Dumbledore said firmly, "It requires an extremely advanced knowledge of the dark arts and a very powerful soul, and I don't think Harry has reached that level yet. "

Under the eyes of everyone, Harry tried to stare into innocent emerald green eyes, to prove that he was indeed not that smart as Professor Dumbledore said.

Yet people in grief always lose their minds.

"He did it, he did it!"

Filch was spitting, his fat, saggy cheeks flushed purple with anger.

"Just because I called him to the office just now, and I was going...to criticize him, he held a grudge and murdered my Mrs. Norris."

Filch's face twitched horribly and looked distorted. "He's just taking revenge!"

Naturally, it was impossible for Harry to admit his accusation, and he said loudly, "I never touched Mrs. Norris!"

At this time Clark also stood up, "Mr. Filch, I have to remind you that two of my friends were with Harry at the time. They can testify that Harry did not do anything at that time."

"Nonsense!" growled Filch. "Those brats were all with him. They're the ones who took Harry away from me."

The sharp-tongued Ginny couldn't bear the anger, and immediately replied: "To be honest, if we really have this ability, we won't just use it on one cat."

"Ginny, shut up!" Clark turned his head and yelled at her in a low voice, and Ginny curled her lips in disdain.

At this moment, Professor Snape, who had been hiding in the shadows, spoke.

"Allow me to say something, Headmaster."

Harry began to feel ominous in his heart, and he believed that Snape would definitely not want to be a good person at this moment.

Sure enough, he was an old hermaphrodite when he opened his mouth.

"Perhaps, Potter and his friends just happened to arrive at a not-so-good place at a not-so-good time."

Snape's lips moved in a hint of sarcasm, as if he doubted it deeply.

"But now we do encounter a series of doubts, why did they go to the corridor above?

I saw that Harry was still in his Quidditch training attire, and at this point practice was over, and he must have been starving, eating dinner with his friends in the Great Hall. "

Ron, Ginny and Colin all looked at Harry.

"Because...because..." Harry opened his mouth to prophesy, but the next moment, he reacted.

He vaguely felt that if, if he told them that a ghostly voice, which only he could hear, had led him there, then this reason must not hold water.

"Because we are tired and want to go to bed earlier." He changed his reason.

Snape, however, was not Lockhart, not so easy to fool.

"Skipping dinner?" A smug smile flashed across his skinny face, "I think you should be very hungry after strenuous activities."

As if to match his words, Harry's stomach began to growl.

Snape's ugly smile became more apparent.

"It is my opinion, Headmaster, that Potter is not quite telling the truth," he said.

"Maybe we should take away some of his privileges until he tells us the whole story. I personally think it's best to let him leave the Gryffindor Quidditch team until he's honest."

"Honestly, Severus." Professor McGonagall said sharply, of course he wouldn't let him do that.

"I see no reason why the kid shouldn't be allowed to play, the cat didn't get hit in the head with a broomstick, and there's no evidence Potter did anything wrong."

"You have to know how much this matter is to Hogwarts..."

Clark was silent on the sidelines, watching the two professors fight each other like cockfights.

At this time, Dumbledore also looked at Harry with probing eyes. Clark could clearly sense a wave of soul, and this old guy knew how to use Legilimency for children again.

But of course he got nothing, because it wasn't Harry's doing in the first place.

So next, the development trend of things is similar to the original book.

After confirming that the mandrake planted by Professor Sprout could relieve Mrs. Norris, Dumbledore did not embarrass our little savior, and waved them away.

But just as Clark turned around and was about to leave with them, Professor Dumbledore stopped him alone.

"Mr. Prewett, please wait a moment."

He walked up to Clark and stared at him with bright blue eyes, which almost made Clark feel like he was being seen through.

"I wish you would give us a little more time."

Dumbledore's words were endless, but Clark immediately understood what he meant. He was asking him not to publish what happened tonight in the "Hogwarts School Magazine" and "Daily Prophet" matter.

Don't say a word about the Chamber of Secrets.

As for whether those little wizards who knew about it would write to their parents, some rumors could not be compared with the authoritative media.

Clark neither refused nor agreed, but looked into Dumbledore's eyes and said, "The masses have the right to know the truth."

Dumbledore sighed, "That's to be sure, what they know is the truth."

"I can't press this matter for too long, so hurry up."

Clark turned and left the office, closing the door behind him, leaving only the professors in the room, discussing something.

Outside the office, Harry and the others hadn't left yet, they were all waiting for him.

A group of people left the third floor where Professor Lockhart was at the fastest pace and almost ran.

They went upstairs, randomly chose an empty classroom, got in, and gently closed the classroom.

Harry squinted his eyes at the faces of his friends in the dark, and asked them, "Say, should I tell them about the voice I heard?"

"Don't say it!" said Ron without thinking. "It's not a good sign to hear voices that others can't hear, even in the wizarding world."

Harry heard something from his words, and asked quickly, "You believe me, don't you?"

"Of course I do." Ron looked at him without hesitation. As a friend, he was quite qualified.

Harry looked at Clark again. Compared to Ron, he felt that Clark was more reliable.

"Of course I believe you too."

Clark also said without hesitation, this made Harry's heart warm, at least he still had friends around him who trusted him.

"Because I released the basilisk itself." Clark murmured to himself, and then looked at Harry again, "But... you have to admit, this matter is very strange."

"Of course I know it's weird." Harry said dejectedly, "the whole thing is weird, and the writing on the wall, who must have written it, 'Chamber of Secrets, Treasure, Slytherin', Hogwarts Is there really any Slytherin treasure in Z's castle?"

"I don't know about that," Ron said slowly, "but I remember someone once told me a story about the secret room in Hogwarts... Maybe it was Bill... By the way, Clark might know , after all, he knows so much."

So everyone's eyes turned to Clark again.

"Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets?" Clark pondered for a while, "Of course I know that."

However, under the expectant eyes of everyone, he opened the classroom door and walked out first, "However, it's getting late."

A clock somewhere began to match his words, chiming to tell the time.

"So I think we'd better go to bed before Professor Snape finds us, lest he try to set us up with other reasons."

"Oh, no! Don't whet your appetite like that, Clark." Ron wailed.

In the following period of time, the entire Hogwarts castle was talking about the murder of Mrs. Norris. For little wizards, treasures, secret rooms and adventures are always connected

Filch always walks past where his pet was attacked, as if he thought the killer would come again, and it's something everyone remembers vividly.

Occasionally they could also see the administrator rubbing the information on the wall vigorously, but no matter what detergent he used, it still had no effect, and the words were still intact on the wall, attracting everyone who came here admiringly. human gaze.

And when Filch was no longer protecting the scene, he would sneak around the aisles, catching students he didn't like, trying to take advantage of "breathing too much" or "looking too happy" Outrageous charges, lock them up.

Anyway, because of the matter of the secret room, the atmosphere of the whole school began to change.

On this day, Harry and Ron, who had a quick lunch, went upstairs to the library to find Clark, who had been staying with Hermione for the past few days.

The two found Clark behind the library, where he was doing his History of Magic homework.

Professor Bincy asked them to write a 3-foot-long essay on "The Evolution of the Wizarding Duel Contest".

"Ah, that's great, cousin, you're almost done, and I'm eight inches short." Ron said there, licking his face, "Hermione is already 4ft 7in, and her handwriting Still small."

"I ask you to listen carefully in class, but you don't listen." Clark glanced at them.

"Isn't Hermione with you?" Harry said, grabbing the tape measure and starting to measure his own homework.

"She's over there." Clark pointed his finger along the bookshelf without looking up, "I'm looking for another book."

Just at that moment, Hermione came out from between the bookshelves, looking a bit annoyed, but finally spoke to them.

"All books related to Hogwarts history have been borrowed," she said, taking a seat next to Harry and Ron.

"And even if it's a queue, it's still two weeks away. I wish I hadn't left my copy at home, but I can't fill my suitcase with Lockhart's books. .”

"What do you want that book for?" Harry asked curiously.

"The reason is the same as other people who want this book," Hermione spread her hand, "it's about the legend of the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets."

"Why don't you know? Didn't you ask Clark?" Ron asked.

"No," Hermione took out her homework, "Of course I know, Clark has already told me. It's just that the "Hogwarts School Journal" may publish content in this regard, so I need to find a written Please indicate the source of the content on the website.”

Hearing this, Ron turned to Clark again.

"Cousin, you didn't tell me last time I asked you. In order to soothe my wounded heart, I think you should not only tell me about the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, but also show me your homework."

Clark smacked the back of the hand he was reaching for his homework, and Ron grinned in pain.

"Aren't you awake yet?" Clark rolled up the parchment on which he wrote his homework, "You have to do your homework by yourself."

Seeing the disappointed eyes of Ron and Harry, he said again.

"Of course, about the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, I can."

"Let me see," Clark said slowly, "oh, about the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, that's a legend, one of the many legends about Hogwarts."

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