Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 59 Legend of the Chamber of Secrets, Attack Again

"When you talk about the Chamber of Secrets, you have to mention Slytherin, and when you talk about Slytherin, you have to mention Hogwarts."

Under the still warm sunshine in the afternoon, Clark was sitting in the library, giving lessons to Harry and Ron, while Hermione was sitting aside, doing homework quietly.

"Do you all know the school history of Hogwarts?"

Facing Clark's question, Harry and Ron looked at each other.

"I asked you to attend class, but you just slept there." Clark shook his head helplessly.

"A thousand years ago, that is, in the golden age around 990, wizards at that time, as extraordinary professionals, were rejected by the priests subordinate to the gods.

Because they claim to be the shepherd dogs of the gods, herding lambs for the gods, and wizards who have magical powers and are not under their control, they naturally become a thorn in their side.

Under the propaganda of the clergy, the ignorant Muggles naturally began to be hostile to wizards.

They think that wizards are the messengers of the devil, and the spells they use are also borrowing power from the devil, so they call the spells 'magic', and crazily persecute those newly awakened children.

So the four greatest wizards of the time: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin.

The four of them jointly established Hogwarts in the castle under our feet. This was also the first magic school at that time to spread extraordinary knowledge for free.

Prior to this, wizards used the master-apprentice inheritance model where the old leads the new. In this model, apprentices are not so much disciples as they are hard work.

That is to say, the college model brought by Hogwarts has just allowed the profession of wizards to flourish, and it has successfully persisted until the end of the Golden Age, until the Silver Age gained the upper hand. "

Clark's words made everyone present proud.

"However, the establishment of Hogwarts was not so smooth.

In the first few years of its establishment, the four founders worked harmoniously together, looking for young people who showed magical talents, and bringing them to the castle to train them well.

But slowly, when Hogwarts became more and more influential, problems arose. "

At this time, even Hermione, who was doing her homework, began to listen to Clark's story attentively.

"Where there are people, there will be strife,

Because of the different educational concepts of the four founders, the students they recruited are also different.

Gryffindor admires brave warriors, Hufflepuff values ​​integrity and loyalty, and Ravenclaw likes wise and knowledgeable children.

Only Salazar Slytherin, because he often lobbied among the various forces around him and saw a lot of Muggle persecution of wizards, so he especially hated little Muggle-born wizards.

He wished that Hogwarts would be more selective in recruiting students, and that magical education should be limited to pure wizarding families. He was reluctant to take in Muggle-born children, considering them unreliable.

In this way, the rift between the four founders, Slytherin and others, grew wider and wider.

It was nothing at first, but as soon as the number of students increased, the children below were also affected and began to follow suit.

As a result, the academy faction was formed, and when the young wizards also started to target each other because of their different ideas and views, the conflict between the founders also escalated.

After all, when the apprentices under him began to have conflicts, it was difficult for the few teachers who were teachers to stay out of it. "

Harry, Hermione and the others nodded. They often had conflicts with Snape of Slytherin College, so they were deeply moved.

"One time, because of the fight among the students below, Slytherin and Gryffindor had a fierce quarrel over this issue, and even fought, and then Slytherin left the school angrily.

And after Slytherin left, there were rumors that he built a secret room in the castle.

According to this legend, Slytherin sealed the Chamber of Secrets so that no one could open it.

His true heir would not come to the school until Hogwarts was betrayed by a Muggle wizard and was in real danger, proving that what he said was true.

Only his heir can open the secret room, release the horrible things inside, and let it purify the school, clearing out those who rebel and are not worthy of learning magic. "

After the story was told, a group of little wizards were already behind Clark, they listened quietly to Clark's words, more seriously than in class.

Ron even praised: "Clark, if only the History of Magic class was as interesting as yours."

Clark said modestly: "Professor Binns is a ghost after all. It's normal for the lectures to be a little monotonous. If you change the teacher, maybe the situation will be much better."

"It would be nice to be you," Ron joked, "It's a pity that I will graduate with you, otherwise I can ask you to give me less homework."

Clark smiled, "With your good words, maybe there will be a day."

At this time, a Hufflepuff girl standing behind him asked, "Clark, what did you mean when you said the 'horrible things' in the chamber of secrets?"

"I don't know about that," Clark shrugged. "Many people think it might be some kind of powerful monster, and only the heirs of Slytherin can control it."

Hearing his words, the students exchanged nervous glances.

"Clark, no loud noises or gatherings are allowed in the library!" Mrs. Pince waved a feather duster and began to disperse the little wizards.

But by the time of dinner in the afternoon, Clark's words had already spread throughout the school.

In the dining hall, the young wizards were eagerly discussing the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, the heir to the Chamber of Secrets, and the monsters and treasures that might exist there.

Although many students have asked the professor and got the answer of "this is all nonsense", they are not completely convinced in this regard. You know, the writing on the wall on the second floor has not been wiped off Woolen cloth.

However, they were not too afraid of the monster in the secret room. After all, it was only an annoying pet cat that was hurt now.

Clark and the others sat at the long table in Gryffindor. A sumptuous dinner was laid out in front of them. Today, creamy lobster soup was made in the kitchen.

In the thick milky white soup, the large chunks of shrimp meat are delicious and springy, paired with crispy garlic baguette slices, dipped in bread and soup and stuffed into the mouth, not to mention how delicious it is.

Clark even thought with a bit of mischievous humor that maybe the professors had spent their money to appease the little wizard.

At this moment, Hermione suddenly discovered that Harry's condition didn't look very good.

She was about to ask when Colin Creevey walked past them and sat down across from Harry.

"Hello, Harry!"

"Hi, Colin." Harry replied absently.

But Colin said: "Harry... Harry... a boy in our class kept saying today that you are..."

Before he finished speaking, Harry said in a slightly impatient tone: "I know, I might be the heir of Slytherin, right?"

Ron looked at him incredulously, "No, how could you be the heir of Slytherin?"

Harry remembered that Justin Finlayry had seen him fleeing in a hurry before dinner, and his mood was even lower.

Hermione comforted him at this moment: "Don't worry, no one will believe these rumors."

"Yes, yes," Ron nodded wildly, "but do you really think there is a secret room?"

Hermione glanced at Clark, who was buried in the big lobster, and was about to remind Ron.

"I don't know, but Mrs. Norris's petrification can't be solved even by Professor Dumbledore, so I think there must be something dangerous."

It's a pity that her kindness was doomed to be in vain. Ron just happily forked the lobster meat in the bowl and put it into his mouth, saying vaguely: "Of course, there must be monsters guarding it around every treasure." .”

The enthusiasm for the Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets continued for a while, but as time passed, the days of the second half of the semester also went by day by day.

The little wizards had to spend more energy on their studies to meet their final exams.

At this time, Ron hoped that the Chamber of Secrets was real. After all, if D really had monsters, maybe their final exams this year would also be cancelled.

God seemed to have really heard his request. A new attack happened again at Hogwarts, and this time the target of the attack was even more frightening.

It was Colin Creevey of the school magazine who discovered it.

At that time, Colin, who had just finished taking photos of the private houses of several seniors, was about to go back to rest in the Gryffindor tower.

He stomped up the stairs and turned to another corridor, where the light was particularly dim at the time. A loose glass window caused the bitter wind to blow in and put out the fire.

Colin was halfway there when he tripped over something lying on the ground.

He got up and turned his head. Under the dim starlight, he squinted his eyes and looked carefully, trying to see clearly what tripped him up.

Then, Colin felt as if his body had been thrown into an icy black lake, and an indescribable coolness permeated his whole body in an instant.

Colin had never seen such a bizarre sight.

It was Peeves who always liked to be mischievous, he was no longer milky white and transparent, but became completely black, like an ice sculpture made of black lake water, with lingering mist.

Almost like a conditioned reflex, Colin took out the camera he carried with him, and clicked and clicked to take pictures.

The dazzling flash light dispelled the darkness in the corridor, and made Peeves' situation more clearly displayed.

As a ghost, he was lying stiffly on the floor now, with a terrified expression on his face, staring at a pair of big eyes, staring blankly at the ceiling.

After taking enough photos, Colin quickly stood up to calm his beating heart.

"Hurry up, people~~someone (ghost) has been attacked~~"

Horrified screams echoed in the empty corridor, classroom doors on this floor were pushed open one after another, and little wizards swarmed out.

During those difficult minutes, the scene was extremely chaotic. Some people wanted to come to the front to see the situation on the scene, while others were so frightened that they wanted to leave and ran in the opposite direction.

Colin found himself pushed against the wall when the professors yelled that they were late.

Professor McGonagall ran all the way and made a loud noise with his wand, and everyone fell silent instantly.

She ordered everyone back to their classrooms, and Peeves was carried to the hospital by Professor Flitwick and Professor Sinista from the Astronomy Department.

Then, they began to question Colin.

Unfortunately, even if Professor Dumbledore came, he couldn't ask anything from his mouth.

After confirming that there was no problem, the professors had no choice but to confiscate Colin's camera and let him go.

However, the news that Peeves was attacked and was lying in the hospital early the next morning had already spread throughout the school.

Along with it, there are also new texts left on the scene.

Yes, because of the light, Colin did not notice that there was a line left by the murderer on the wall:

"The secret room has been opened, the heir is about to get the treasure, all who are his enemies, be vigilant!"

As soon as this line of words was discovered, rumors spread in the school immediately, and everyone was suspicious.

Compared with Mrs. Norris being petrified before, what happened to Peeves is even more frightening. After all, he is a ghost who has already died once.

How horrible it is to kill a ghost who is already dead.

Besides, you should know that this ghost firmly occupies the first place in "The Most Disgusting Thing at Hogwarts". In terms of fame, he is much higher than Mrs. Norris.

Under such circumstances, the first-year freshmen are always clustered together in groups of three or four, attending classes together, having meals together, and...

Anyway, they were inseparable, as if afraid of being attacked if they acted alone.

Not only that, but during this period of time, without telling the teacher, everyone began to exchange amulets, exorcisms, and other things that might protect themselves.

This approach quickly became popular throughout the school, and Ginny also spent a month's salary to buy a pointed amethyst.

It turned out that Clark told her that she was a pure-blood wizard and therefore would not be attacked.

The distressed Ginny found someone to return the goods, and after tracing all the way, she found that the suppliers were her two older brothers, George and Fred.

In addition to these, another thing that interests young wizards is guessing who is the heir of Slytherin.

For this reason, some good-natured people even made a list of suspects, and even submitted articles to the "Hogwarts School Journal".

On the list, bloodline, achievements, fame and strength are used as reference factors.

Number one was Harry Potter, then a Slytherin prefect, and number three was precisely Clark Prewett.

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