Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 12 Who takes over? The city of death for the living

Dawn in Cairo is the darkest hour of the day.

Here, the broken street lamp casts a dim shadow, and the flickering light does not seem to bring any light or hope.

The thick darkness of night seemed like an oppressive deep sea, bringing boundless despair and silence to people.

Under the streetlight, in the old second-hand Santana, Neville and Laura were silent after listening to Clark's words.

Among them, Neville doesn't read the news in the Muggle world, so I don't know what he means by what he said.

As for Laura, as a high-level intellectual and a British countess, although she focuses exclusively on antiques, documents and relics, she also knows about what happened not far from Egypt a few years ago through her friends and newspaper news. That local war.

As far as she knew, in that battle, the multinational force led by the United States only paid a relatively small price and achieved a decisive victory.

According to her friend, this battle completely changed the traditional combat model and had a decisive impact on the traditional war concepts formed since World War II.

It was modern warfare and the power of technology. Human beings showed their extraordinary potential in massacre.

Airdrops, bombings, air supremacy, informatization, mobile advance, and precise strikes with long-range firepower, all of this means that the transition of world hegemony has been settled, and the empire on which the sun never sets has become a thing of the past.

Laura was silent for a long time, and then asked, "So, are wizards and ordinary people deeply connected to the world? Britain has such a long history, but it can't compare to the United States, which was only founded more than two hundred years ago?"

When Neville heard Laura's words, even though he had a good personality, he felt dissatisfied.

"Nonsense, we have Dumbledore here in the UK, how can American wizards be better than us!"

"Who is Dumbledore?" Laura asked.

"Albus Dumbledore, recipient of the Order of Merlin, First Class, President of the International Federation of Wizards, and Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot, is recognized as the greatest wizard of our time, and is also a student of our Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. headmaster.

With him around, the British wizard is the most powerful wizard in the world. "

Neville looked at Laura, his words filled with pride.

However, the smart Laura asked a crucial question,

"And how old is this Mr. Dumbledore? Is he very old?"

The proud expression on Neville's face suddenly froze.

"Sure enough," Laura continued to ask, "then if he unfortunately dies, will there be anyone in the British magical community who can replace him and resist the powerful American wizards?"

Neville looked at Clark subconsciously, and Laura had already gotten the answer she wanted.

"So, in your mind, there is no one in the British wizarding world who can take on important responsibilities except Mr. Dumbledore, right?"

Silence, all Neville could do was silence.

Although he wanted to say that Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick at Hogwarts were also very powerful wizards in Britain, he also knew that these two professors were also quite old.

At this moment, a decisive and crisp sound, like hard steel biting together, suddenly sounded.

"I can!"

The two of them looked at Clark who said this, but Laura's eyes were full of doubts, while Neville's eyes were filled with fanatical trust.

Clark took in the expressions of both men.

He knew that judging from his age, this sentence was unconvincing.

He also knew that what Laura said was not unfounded.

Although the original story of "Harry Potter" does not describe the future situation of the wizarding world, the destined protagonist Harry Potter is indeed unable to carry Dumbledore's banner.

As a savior, Harry Potter is actually more like a Noble Phantasm against Voldemort. He is just using the power of fate to destroy the evil Voldemort, rather than relying on absolute strength to crush him all the way like those in fantasy. .

So looking at the whole movie, Dumbledore may be the ceiling of strength in the British wizarding world.

If the focus is only on the small society of the British wizarding world, this situation will not be a big problem.

After all, the evil big devils have been eliminated, and the British wizarding world has ushered in a long-lasting peace.

However, if you broaden your horizons, you can find that with the fall of Dumbledore, the pillar of the British wizarding world, the status of the British wizarding world in the extraordinary world has plummeted.

The most powerful wizard in the wizarding world passed away, the chairmanship of the International Federation of Magicians was gone, and the chief magician of the Wizengamot was replaced by someone else.

The decades of continuous struggle between good and evil have neither promoted the progress of magic nor trained a group of powerful wizards.

The entire British wizarding world was severely damaged, and countless young and outstanding wizards and wizards died in the hands of their own people.

Under such circumstances, the rise of American wizards seems to have become inevitable.

Clark's mood suddenly became a little heavier. Perhaps, as he became stronger, one day, the enemy blocking his path to becoming a god would turn from a specific person to a certain country.

"The rise of American wizards is indeed a general trend, but I am also confident that Dumbledore can suppress the entire wizarding world, and I, Clark, can do the same in the future!"

Clark's words were addressed not only to Laura and Neville, but also to himself.

The road to becoming a god is not smooth sailing. Without firm belief and courage, how can we succeed?

However, his words sounded like the rants of a child to Laura.

"Just you? As soon as you heard that the Americans had obtained the information left by the former deputy curator, you chose to give up. How dare you say that you will resist American wizards in the future if you are so cowardly?"

Laura raised her plump lips, as if she was mocking his overestimation. Just as Neville was about to refute, Clark stopped him, "Who said I gave up?"

"You haven't given up?" Laura frowned nicely, "Without the information left by the former deputy director, where can we confirm the location of Hamna Tower?"

Clark didn't sell it this time and said directly.

"As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is often your enemy.

Since we can find the antidote in places where poisonous snakes are found, we can also get their traces from the enemies of those who guard the tomb.

As an organization that has been around for thousands of years, do you believe that they have no rivals? "

When Laura heard this, her thoughts immediately opened up, "Yes, the duty of those tomb guards is to protect the Pharaoh's tomb. Since it is protection, there must be tomb robbers who want to break through the protection..."

"No, are we going to seek help from those tomb robbers? We are going for archeology, not thieves!"

Clark was almost speechless when he looked at Laura, who was having a seizure.

Sister, what is the difference between what you call archeology and tomb robbing? Our British Empire used to plunder the ruins of other countries... No, is there not enough archeology?

Of course, Clark would not say this, he could only try his best to persuade her.

"Please, even if we don't go, won't those American wizards rob the tomb? If we stop those Americans, we are protecting cultural relics!"

The struggling expression on Laura's face flashed away, and she finally convinced herself on the grounds that the excavation by herself and others could better protect the cultural relics.

"Okay, so where should we find the enemies of the tomb guards?"

Clark didn't answer her question this time, but just looked out the window.

"We'll talk about this next time. It's almost dawn. Let's go back first. You can also call Ms. Evelin and ask her to see if she had any contact with the enemies of the tomb guards during the adventure."

Laura nodded, but when they separated, she asked again, "Tell me, how did those Americans know about this?"

Clark knew what she was suspecting, so he said directly: "Only my two friends and I know about this matter, and it was definitely not revealed by us."

"That's not me either!" Laura said.

Clark thought for a while and guessed: "Then there are only two situations."

"Either they were lucky enough to find Hamnatta in the museum after hearing the news that he was about to be born."

This reason did not satisfy Laura, "How can there be such a coincidence in the world? What about the second situation?"

"The second scenario is also the most likely. Didn't you say at the beginning that O'Connor, who brought your mentor Ms. Evelyn into Hamna Tower, also had an American comrade?

Perhaps, your mentor was not the only person who escaped from Hamna Tower that time? "

Laura nodded, now this is the only explanation.

The next few days were dull but fulfilling.

Clark, on his side, was still wandering around various tourist attractions in Cairo with the Weasley family as normal, as if the sneaking into the museum that night had not happened.

As for Laura, she finally got some useful information after making an overseas phone call to ask about Evelin’s mentor.

"My mentor said that after she came back from Hamna Tower, a group of men in black broke into the museum where she worked.

If the deputy director of the museum hadn't used ancient Egyptian magic and a group of tomb guards came to support her, she would have been kidnapped by those people. "

In the crowded streets of Cairo, Clark, Neville and Hermione sat under the umbrella of a tea stall, drinking ice-cold white sugar cane juice.

Because of Egypt's unique water quality and soil, the white sugar cane produced here tastes great, and the sugar cane juice squeezed out is sweet but not greasy.

Opposite the three people, Laura held a glass of hibiscus water and told them the news she had received from Mentor Evelin.

"So she only knows that there are enemies in the Tomb Keeper tribe, but she has never had any contact with these people, right?"

Laura nodded.

"What about the American guide who might have survived? Does your mentor still have an impression?"

Laura smiled bitterly, "It has been so many years. How can my mentor still remember clearly? She only knows that the man seems to be named John."

"So, there are still no useful clues." Hermione interjected.

After hearing this, Laura turned to look at Clark, "Yeah, so last time you said you were going to find the enemies of the tomb guard, what method did you use?"

Clark drank up the remaining sugar cane juice in the glass in one gulp, and then said: "As the saying goes, snakes have their own paths, and rats have their own paths. When you go out and encounter problems, you must first find the right person."

He stood up and began to lead a few people through the streets and alleys, talking as he walked.

“It’s just like when we encounter danger here, the first thing we think of is to contact the local British Embassy.

The enemies of the tomb guards we want to find are a group of tomb robbers. Naturally, we also need to find those antique dealers in Cairo who specialize in selling illegal goods. "

Under his leadership, everyone headed north, and soon they arrived near the famous Al-Azhar Park.

"So where are we going?" After walking for such a long time, even Laura, who was in excellent physical condition, had beads of sweat on her forehead.

Clark stood in the scorching sunshine, squinting his eyes and looking into the distance. Between Al-Azhar Park and Muqaitam Mountain, there stretched a group of low, dilapidated gray buildings.

He stretched out his hand and said, "There, that's our destination."

In Cairo, rich people either settle in the Nas area next to the airport, or live on Tomalai Island in the center of the Nile.

There are evergreen trees and a prosperous scene.

And the poor, the real poor, can't even afford to live in the dilapidated buildings in the center of Cairo. They can only live in the city of the dead!

It was a place comparable to the slums of Brazil and Hell's Kitchen in New York.

This is the dirtiest and messiest area in Egypt, a shadow under the Cairo sun. It is also a forbidden place, a microcosm of the darkest and most chaotic city.

Cairo City of the Dead - This is not an exaggerated rhetorical device, but a real city that belongs to the dead.

Although modern Egyptians are of the Arab race, their long-term immigrant life has inevitably made them influenced by ancient Egyptian religion.

Like the ancient Egyptians, they have a tradition of dealing with death as well as life.

The dead in the underworld still live as they were alive, and those cemeteries are also the beginning of life.

Therefore, the ancient Egyptians created the pyramids, and modern Egyptians also buried the dead in underground tombs, and at the same time built magnificent buildings above the tombs that resembled the residences of living people.

As the most famous cemetery group in Cairo, the capital of Egypt, as early as the 14th century, wealthy families in Cairo began to build cemeteries here.

In this six square kilometers of land, there are countless Egyptians buried, and some tombs can even be traced back hundreds of years.

Of course, this is just a custom. Those wealthy families will not actually live here. They will hire professional tombkeepers to live in these buildings to keep vigil for the dead and protect the grave goods.

But no family will prosper forever, so uninvited homeless people live in it and live among the tomb guards.

This is Cairo - the City of the Dead!

This is the charm of Cairo, a metropolis where civilization and ignorance, modernity and backwardness, fashion and simplicity, nobility and meanness coexist.


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