Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 13 The shadow of Cairo rises up in rebellion

Outside the Dead City in Cairo, near the intersection of the main street.

These are small stalls selling flowers and green branches, which are very similar to Chinese customs. It is customary to place flowers here when worshiping ancestors.

At the entrance to the City of the Dead, there are strings hanging on them, similar to the paper money used by Chinese people for funerals.

But these paper money are not round, but rectangular white paper cuts about twenty centimeters in size.

Four people, one tall and three short, stood in front of these white paper-cuts. Laura looked curiously at this mausoleum where the living and the dead coexisted through the thin lines.

"As an archaeologist, have you never been here before?" Clark asked.

"No," Laura shook her head, "Although I have been to Cairo before, I mostly went to the museums and pyramids, and I have never been here."

"It's understandable," Clark nodded, "As a beautiful lady, I really don't recommend you to come here."

When Laura heard Clark's praise, the corners of Laura's mouth turned up subconsciously.

“In fact, no matter how exciting tourists are, they will not come here casually.

Although this is one of the characteristics of Cairo, it is more representative of Egyptian culture than those ancient pyramids. "

At this time, they had crossed the dividing line just now and were walking on the empty streets of the "City of the Dead".

On both sides of the road, there is stinking domestic garbage. Like other poor areas in Cairo, it is also filthy, with cats and dogs roaming around.

It's just that the streets here are narrower and more messy. There are no street name signs, personnel instructions, or road signs. There are only maze-like streets and alleys, empty under the scorching sun.

"If you ask me, this place is simply a modern pyramid."

Clark was careful to steer them away from the filth beneath their feet.

“There are approximately more than one million Egyptians living in the entire ‘City of the Dead’. Here, the living and the dead live together, and new religions and traditional cultures are mixed.

The garbage of modern cities is dumped here, and with it comes the shadow buried under the light of this country. "

The arrival of four people, one big, three small,

It seems to have attracted the attention of local residents.

Hermione found that behind the half-opened doors and windows, there were always some people secretly watching them with very strange eyes.

"But just like the slums in Rio, no matter how unique they are, this is not a place that tourists want to set foot in. They would rather stay in a magnificent hotel than here."

Clark deliberately lowered his voice, "After all, gangsters in the slums are not very particular, and there are always some desperate lunatics who will do unreasonable things."

"Since the ruler of the slum is a gang!" Laura looked at the surrounding situation, her right hand subconsciously touched her belt, and said with a serious face: "Then who is the ruler here?"

"That is a more dangerous existence than the gang!" Clark sighed.

“After all, gangsters also want to pursue profits, and they don’t want to live in such a place that is useless and full of bad luck.

Who would want to live with the dead except those who truly have nothing. "

"Who?" Hermione asked.

"Of course, only those crazy people from Voodoo would be happy to stay here.

Although Wagadu Magic School also exists in this land of Africa, the power of that group of voodoo wizards is also very large.

After all, the more a place is filled with war, ignorance and death, the more suitable it is for the growth of dark wizards.

Therefore, the entire Cairo City of the Dead can be regarded as a paradise for voodoo wizards.

They believe that living in such a place where the boundary between life and death is blurred can better communicate with the souls of the dead, which can make their magic power more powerful. "

As if to verify Clark's words, some strange characters with oil paint on their faces and skinny bodies began to appear in the shadows of the surrounding streets.

Clark, Hermione and others had to reveal the wands on their waists to frighten these guys who were ready to make a move.

"Come on, I always feel uncomfortable staying here."

Laura rubbed her arms and complained. Even though the sun above her head was dazzling, she still felt that there was a cold air around her, looking for an opportunity to get into her body.

Clark nodded and scanned the surrounding buildings.

Since it is the "City of the Dead", the buildings on both sides of these streets are naturally tombs.

However, unlike ordinary tombs, the tombs here are built in the style of residential buildings.

A small tomb house has a walled courtyard, a house, a tomb, and even a door for living people to enter and exit.

However, unlike those unfinished buildings in downtown Cairo, the tombs here are all roofed, and most of them only have one or two floors, making them particularly low.

On the walls beside the gates of these tombs, the name of the tomb owner and the number of the tomb are also engraved. As for the coffin and bones of the owner of the tomb, they are naturally buried under the tomb.

Clark introduced to Laura and the others while looking at the street numbers at the entrances of these tombs, looking for his target.

"Don't think this is a tomb area. For those voodoo wizards, there are actually very rich treasures buried underground here!"

Clark's words stunned the three of them for a moment, but Laura finally reacted, "You mean... they can also rob graves?"

"Otherwise, you wouldn't think those people were here to do charity, would you?

The reason why the rich people made the tombs like this and hired tombkeepers was not only to drive away the poor people who had nothing, but also to protect the remains of their relatives and grave goods in the underground tombs.

And those voodoo wizards took a fancy to this.

The underground here is rich in corpse resources, as well as rich burial objects that are perennially imbued with death and yin energy and can be made into spell items and spell-casting materials.

To voodoo wizards, these items are the real treasures. "

Clark stopped in front of a more magnificent tomb, "Okay, we're here."

At this time, the dangerous eyes that had been following them and spying on them suddenly disappeared. It seemed that the tomb in front of them was a very dangerous place.

Laura looked at the door plate with the name of the owner of the tomb in front of her and asked curiously.

"Actually, I'm very surprised. Where did you know this knowledge at such a young age? Does that magic school still teach you these things?"

Clark smiled.

"Of course not, but compared to the noble Earl Crawford, maybe I can go deeper into the grassroots.

After all, these secret gossips are usually only engraved in the shadows of the city. Only when you are close to here can you understand them. "

Laura frowned when she heard this, “How do you know that I…”

Before she could finish her words, Clark knocked on the door of the tomb.

They didn't keep them waiting for long. Almost immediately, there was a voice with a West African tribal accent, alert and asked in English: "Who?"

"Introduced by a friend, come here to buy some things." Clark deliberately lowered his voice and said.

The people in the tomb were silent for a while, and then they heard the sound of someone getting up from a chair and mopping the floor.

The man came to the door and whispered, "Who introduced you here?"

"Ulysses Crow!"

With a click, the door was opened inwards, but it was so dark inside that it was impossible to see clearly what was going on inside from the outside.

Clark walked in first, followed by Neville and Laura.

Everyone filed in, and Hermione was the last to close the door. There was a tomb at her feet, so the whole house was very dark. The only light source was an oil lamp in the corner.

With the help of this only light source, they could clearly see the current occupants of this tomb.

He was a very thin black man, carrying all kinds of weird and disgusting voodoo magic materials, including various bones and magic tools taken from corpses.

Clark found a seat and sat down, directly in the face of the voodoo wizard.

The man looked at Clark's young face, frowned at first, and then asked expressionlessly, "Ulysses Crow introduced you here? That liar, thief, and smuggler, what do you want to buy?"

Clark did not answer him, but asked: "I heard from Ulysses Crow that you had sold him a batch of ancient Egyptian cultural relics, and also asked him to buy a batch of arms, saying they were used against him. Some large tribe in the desert?”

The Voodoo wizard stared at him impatiently, "What does that have to do with you?"

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something, and looked at the four Clarks with disgusted expressions, "You don't want that kind of metal like that guy, do you?"

"This is absolutely impossible. Those are the treasures of us Africans. What Ulysses Crow stole back then, we haven't even settled the accounts with him yet?"

Accompanied by the voodoo wizard's threatening words, scorpions, spiders, and poisonous snakes suddenly emerged from the shadows of the tomb, startling Laura.

Clark turned a blind eye to these, as if he was not afraid at all, and just waved his hand.

"No, no, no! I have no intention of getting involved in your dispute about a certain metal mineral. I am just a little interested in an ancient tribe located in the Egyptian desert."

However, the Voodoo wizard didn't quite believe what he said, and prevaricated: "Little guy, there are many nomadic tribes in the Egyptian desert. I don't know which one you are talking about!"

While saying this, his eyes were still moving on the faces of Clark and others, as if he wanted to find some flaws.

Clark felt a little unhappy at this time. He found that the voodoo wizard had a problem with their attitude from the moment they entered the door.

“But there aren’t many large nomadic tribes that are unknown to the Egyptian government, right?

You voodoo wizards also master the spells to control insect beasts. Unless you are facing a large tribe with more than a thousand people, you will not buy ordinary people's weapons. "

Clark said with certainty.

"So you're targeting that one!" The Voodoo wizard suddenly reacted.

He looked at Clark with a sneer, "But why should I tell you?"

"It seems you really know." Clark spread his hands helplessly.

"Actually, as British people, we just want to plunder the great ruins of your country... ah no, it's just expedition archeology.

If you don’t believe me, here we have the most powerful archaeologist in the British Empire. "

When Laura heard this, she glared at him dissatisfied, but Clark pretended not to see it.

"You must know that your cultural relic protection technology is not yet developed. Those ancient cultural relics are very precious and fragile. Only we can help you take good care of them."

"Hypocritical British!" The Voodoo wizard almost burst into flames. "This is Egypt, not Britain. If I say I don't know, what can you do to me?"

Following his words, the scorpions, spiders and poisonous snakes on the ground began to approach Clark and the others.

"Then I will help you recall it." Clark just said calmly, and then took out a silver-white pistol from under his robe, aimed at the chest of the Voodoo wizard, and pulled the trigger.


The loud gunshot startled Laura, but Hermione and Neville seemed to have expected such an outburst, and immediately followed suit.

[Dasong’s Tempering Prison]!

The magic book in Hermione's hand opened to the page recording this magic. Under her control, the extremely cold air spread in a ring around the four people.

The scorpions, spiders and poisonous snakes on the ground were instantly frozen into popsicles in this low-temperature climate that had never been seen in Egypt.

At this time, Neville had already pulled out his dagger and rushed towards the voodoo wizard who was hit by Clark's magic-breaking bullet.

Different from the information that most people get from movies and TV series, the power of bullets is actually very great.

Those situations where you are shot many times and still fight back and forth with the enemy can only happen to the protagonist of the movie.

As for dodging bullets, that's even more impossible.

Of course, maybe some wizards will have their own resistance fields after receiving a period of training due to the magic of chaos, but the voodoo wizard in front of Clark obviously does not have this ability.

Although they also have the word "wizard" in their names, their spellcasting methods and power systems have almost nothing to do with chaotic magic.

So the Voodoo wizard's chest, without any surprise, opened up a big bloody hole, and his skinny body flew backwards instantly as if he had received a heavy hammer.

But despite being so seriously injured, he was still able to speak.


Along with these words, there was a dark grimace emerging from his bone bead bracelet.

The ghostly face, which is almost identical to "The Scream" created by Norwegian painter Edvard Munch, seems to be composed of countless insects as fine as dust.

They howled silently and rushed towards Clark and others. The first one to bear the brunt was Neville, who was holding a sword in his hand.

The distance between the two sides was only a few steps, and they collided almost instantly.

However, the final result was a bit beyond the Voodoo wizard's expectations.


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