Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 15: 0 Years of Bad Fate, Voodoo Doll

In the eyes of Hermione and others, time passed by less than a second.

But in the eyes of the voodoo wizard, it seemed like centuries had passed.

Hermione and others first saw his eyes blank for a while, as if his soul had left the body.

Then, the next moment he regained his energy, but this time, his eyes were very strange, as if he was a different person.

It wasn't until a while later that he finally came back to his senses and shouted in horror: "Ah~ no!"

The voodoo wizard looked at Clark with fear on his face, "You are simply a devil, that's enough, that's enough, I surrender! I'll tell you whatever you want to know."

Just now, he felt as if he had been reincarnated hundreds of times in this space.

Every time, no matter what he said or what he did, when the time came, he would go back to the beginning.

Countless repeated cycles made him go from surprise to fear, from fear to numbness, and in the end he even thought that he would just cycle through time forever.

Laura, Hermione and others looked at the scene in front of them in surprise. They really couldn't figure out what method Clark had just used to make this voodoo wizard who was not even afraid of death suddenly become like this.

Clark's face was still expressionless. In fact, the spell he used to deal with the voodoo wizard just now was not a time loop.

Like the DND world, in the world of "Harry Potter", all magic involving time is also the most advanced occult knowledge.

With Clark's current ability, he can't even scratch the surface.

What he just used to deal with the voodoo wizard was actually the Psion's level 4 ability [Create Memory].

The method is also very simple. It is just to make up some identical false memories and then instill them into the other person's mind, creating the illusion that the same thing happens repeatedly.

After such a "time loop" in memory, the voodoo wizard soon revealed his true nature.

In fact, it can be seen from the fact that he would rather suffer fatal injuries and pretend to be dead than fight back against Clark and others. This guy just regards his immortal body as a means of survival, and his true colors will be revealed after a scare!

"Are there many foreign wizards coming to Egypt recently?"

Clark's first words,

He didn't ask about the location of Hamna Tower, but asked about an unrelated matter like a casual chat.

The voodoo wizard had already been prepared, but when he heard his words, he was stunned for a while, "Yes, there are indeed a lot of wizards coming to Cairo recently."

"Why?" Clark asked.

The voodoo wizard hesitated for a while, "I don't know either...ah...don't! Don't!"

He looked at Clark's raised finger, and without any time to make up lies, he said directly: "It's because of Hamna Tower! The legendary capital of the dead, the tombs of the pharaohs, the place where the secrets of death are buried."

Speaking of this, the voodoo wizard hanging on the wall took the initiative to show a flattering smile, "You also want to go to Hamna Tower, great, I know the location of that place, you put me down first, we can have a good time Let’s talk, maybe we can become teammates.”

Laura asked doubtfully: "How do you know how to get to Hamna Tower? And why do you want to sneak there?"

The voodoo wizard showed a greedy smile: "Of course I went there for the burial objects of the pharaohs. Legend has it that Hamna Tower has countless gold and jewelry, as well as various ancient magic books and magic items."

Clark sneered mockingly: "Similarly, it's also very dangerous there, right? You can even use the curse there to easily eliminate the enemy."

The Voodoo wizard's heart trembled, and he quickly and cautiously said:

"That's for sure. Even the pyramids next to Cairo still have residual curses after being excavated for so long.

Not to mention that the Capital of the Dead is the tomb of the pharaohs of the past generations. There are sacrifices ordered by the pharaohs of the past generations, and there are even many powerful curses set up by the pharaohs themselves.

That kind of place, even among us in Voodoo, is a taboo place, filled with unspeakable horrors.

It is said that all greedy people try to find it, but their bodies are usually left dead, even powerful wizards.

So, I still advise you to give up this idea..."

Clark interrupted him with a calm face, "It seems that you still haven't learned from the lesson just now. Do you need me to remind you? For example... the one in Hamna Tower has been buried for thousands of years. guy."

The voodoo wizard was so frightened by Clark's finger that he shook his head desperately, but the next moment, the finger was still on his forehead.

It was another reincarnation that I had gone through countless times. This time, after the Voodoo wizard woke up, he seemed to be completely honest. Like pouring beans from a bamboo tube, he explained the dangerous situation in Hamna Tower in detail.

In 1719 BC, in the city of Thebes in Egypt, there was a high priest named Immoton. He fell in love with Ansuna, the favorite concubine of the then Egyptian Pharaoh Seti I and the future queen of Egypt.

In Egypt at that time, royal power was equal to divine power, and the pharaohs were either gods themselves or the sons of gods.

Therefore, even as the high priest, Immorton and Sunam's love affair was not tolerated by the world and could only be carried out secretly.

Unfortunately, there is no airtight wall in this world, and the relationship between the two was still discovered.

When the pharaoh arranged for his guards to catch the adulterer, Ansuna chose to commit suicide in order to cover the escape of Immorton, the high priest at the time.

The grief-stricken high priest Immorton, in order to resurrect his dead lover, took the risk of offending Osiris, the god of the underworld, and stole Ansuna's body and the "Black Book of the Dead".

However, his plan failed. Just when Immorton relied on the "Black Book of the Dead" to guide Ansuna's soul back from the underworld, the Pharaoh's guards suddenly broke in.

Immorton, who had already exhausted his vitality, was no match for the guards. In the end, he could only watch helplessly as Ansuna, who was about to be resurrected, was dragged back to Hades again.

Later, for betraying the Pharaoh and blaspheming the gods, Immorton was sentenced to the most cruel punishment in ancient Egypt - insect bite.

That is, his eyes were gouged out alive, his tongue was cut out, and he was wrapped in linen cloth to make a mummy. At the same time, two jars of carnivorous scarabs were poured into the coffin and buried at the foot of the statue of Anubis.

As a result, Immorton, who became a mummy, would never be reincarnated. He could only lie in the coffin and struggle, leaving bloody scratches on the coffin lid, feeling the pain of his body being gradually devoured by scarabs.

When the voodoo wizard said this, Hermione and Laura shuddered together. They could even imagine how it would be for a person to be buried alive in a coffin, surrounded by a group of beetles feeding on flesh and blood. A desperate and miserable experience.

“The painful part of this punishment is that the punished person will suffer the double curse of the pharaoh and the gods and will never die.

According to legend, Immorton's soul cannot return to Hades. The resentment he suffered from being eaten by insects made his soul and mana become more powerful in the darkness, even more terrifying than in life!

Once he is released, he will bring ten powerful plagues to Egypt and destroy all life on this land.

And this resentful spirit, which has been cursed for thousands of years, is buried in the deepest part of Hamna Tower. "

The voodoo wizard said this in one breath, and then looked at Clark, "Actually, it's not that I don't want to tell you about Hamna Tower. It's just that that place is not the place you should go to."

He said sincerely: "Although you have caught me, I can also see that your strength has not reached the point where you can deal with Immorton. You can't even break through the curse that protects Hamna Tower."

Clark gave him a faint look.

"You're ignoring the role of the calendar and time... In the ancient Egyptian calendar, this was a special year.

The birthday of Osiris, the god of the underworld, ends when Sirius is at its heliorise, which is when it appears on the horizon at dawn.

On that day, during the planetary time ruled by the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, the curse of the City of the Dead will be at its weakest. It will reappear before the eyes of the world, and even ordinary mortals can come and go at will.

And if you miss this time, you will have to wait another 60 years to encounter such an opportunity next time. "

The muscles on the Voodoo wizard's cheek twitched, and he asked in a panic: "How do you know this? Who told you? Only the tribe that guards the Pharaoh's tomb will know this news, and you are one of theirs! "

Clark nodded calmly.

"It seems that my guess is correct. As for why I know?

The mysticism of ancient Egypt is indeed amazing, but the magic of British wizards is no less impressive. Times are progressing, and things in the past may not be completely better than the present.

To be honest, you are still immersed in the glory of the past, and it is really foolish to study magic thousands of years ago through archeology! "

After realizing that he had absolutely no upper hand in front of Clark, the voodoo wizard completely gave up, but he didn't seem to be that worried about his own life safety.

After all, in his opinion, no matter how eloquent and fanciful Clark's words were, they could not deny the fact that they could not find the specific location of Hamna Tower.

At this time, Hermione tilted her head, looked at his gloomy face, and said, "Tell me, how can we get what we want from him and make him obedient in the next period of time?" Woolen cloth?"

Hermione's worry was not unreasonable. It was impossible for them to stay beside the voodoo wizard with a knife at his neck.

Likewise, they don't seem to have any means to ensure that this guy doesn't cause any trouble on the road.

After all, this guy is an immortal, and he can make a few people suffer big losses just by leading them into danger on the road.

"Didn't you notice that there was something missing from him?"

Clark didn't seem to be worried about this. With a confident smile on his face, he gestured to Hermione, Laura and others.

Hermione and the other three stared at the voodoo wizard hanging on the wall carefully. After looking at it for a long time, they couldn't see anything.

Clark could only explain to them.

“His voodoo doll isn’t on him!

Every Voodoo wizard, when he officially steps into the path of transcendence, will make a Voodoo doll that is entirely his own under the guidance of his teacher.

Voodoo shamans believe that all things have spirits.

Voodoo dolls made of spiritual materials can confuse the spiritual fluctuations they emit, thereby avoiding the gaze of death.

Even in constant contact day and night, those voodoo dolls will emit the same spiritual fluctuations as them, and when necessary, they will die on behalf of their masters.

Therefore, voodoo wizards never leave their voodoo dolls. They use voodoo dolls to resist the curses imposed on them by others, deflect the harm they suffer, and even bear the backlash when they use certain evil spells. "

"Then what does it mean that his voodoo doll is not on him?" Neville, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked.

“This means that his soul is not in his body, and the body we see today is just a puppet he controls.

If I guessed correctly, he should have hid his soul in the natal doll, and then transformed his body into a resurrected corpse.

In this way, even if he suffers any fatal trauma to his body, such as being decapitated or having his heart stabbed, he will not really die. "

Looking at the voodoo wizard who was starting to lose his composure in front of him, Clark even had the thought to make associations.

Voldemort's Horcrux was exactly the same as the guy in front of him. I'm afraid that guy also absorbed part of the black witchcraft knowledge of Voodoo when he was traveling around.

Unfortunately, in Clark's opinion, these two methods of avoiding death are a little immature compared to the Lich Phylactry technology in Faerûn.

He grabbed the tail of the javelin stuck in the heart of the Voodoo wizard and shook it down hard. The spear trembled on the opponent's chest and collided with the ribs, making an ear-piercing cracking sound.

"However, this method is not so perfect." Clark looked at the voodoo wizard and smiled, "Whether it is magic that can target the soul, or the body is completely damaged, it is a good way to deal with him."

The voodoo wizard began to panic.

"Didn't you say that his body is just a resurrected corpse? Why are you still afraid of you destroying his body?" Laura asked curiously.

Hermione, who also knew some occult knowledge, answered at this time.

“Maybe it’s because he’s worried that he hid the voodoo doll too well!

In the supernatural world, except for ghosts, the soul cannot move alone without material existence.

So if he really attached his soul to his natal voodoo doll, he would lose the ability to move alone and could only rely on controlling the resurrected corpse.

And if we destroy this resurrected corpse made from his corpse, then he will be imprisoned in the voodoo doll forever, until some lucky person discovers his voodoo doll. "

Hermione couldn't help but smile a little when she thought about the situation where the other party dug holes and jumped by himself.

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