Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 16 Blood sacrifice to the gods, old friends from a foreign land

Voodoo dolls can often be seen in many Hollywood horror movies.

In the story, the hero and heroine often discover a voodoo doll that has been placed in a corner for a long time.

Then, they experienced a series of horrific events, and the cause of those horrific events was that the evil spirits living in the voodoo dolls wanted to take over the bodies of the hero and heroine.

The story usually ends with the death or escape of the hero and heroine. As for the voodoo doll, it can only stay in the corner, waiting for the next unlucky person to be discovered.

However, the world Clark and the others are in now is not a Hollywood horror movie.

“For a voodoo wizard, only when someone rediscovers his voodoo doll can he manipulate the other person to perform various evil spell rituals, seize the other person’s body, or refine a new resurrected corpse.

So in Benin and Haiti, locals often fear those old voodoo dolls hidden in remote places, believing that they are things cursed by voodoo wizards. "

Clark continued Hermione's words.

“However, some outsiders don’t know this, and curious tourists often suffer because of it.

This also proves that although the voodoo doll is magical, it must also abide by the basic conservation of energy. In the absence of driving force, a wooden doll will not move on its own. "

"So..." Clark said with certainty: "Every voodoo wizard is worried about how to hide his voodoo doll."

“If they are not hidden enough, they may be found by their enemies, and life or death may be decided by others.

And if it is hidden too secretly, if no ordinary people find it for thousands of years, it will be over! "

Clark looked at the voodoo wizard hanging on the wall with a half-smile: "This one in front of me must be too hidden!"

"So he's afraid of us destroying his body, but not so much because he doesn't think we'll be able to find the voodoo dolls he's hiding, right?"

Laura sighed and looked at the voodoo wizard, her eyes full of pity. This guy would soon know how terrifying the child in front of him would be.

"Yes, we are not prophets, so we naturally don't know where his voodoo doll will be hidden."

The voodoo wizard heard this,

There was excitement in his eyes.

However, the next moment, Clark sneered and put away his excitement: "But for me, this matter doesn't need to be that troublesome at all."

“Voodoo magic is indeed cruel, mysterious and unique.

But the methods are cruel and ruthless, sorry... I haven't lost yet. "

There was a trace of ridicule in Clark's voice. He leaned in front of the voodoo wizard and whispered: "It seems that you can't feel real fear, otherwise you wouldn't play so many tricks with me." Already..."

The voodoo wizard stared into his eyes, trying to detect any hint of bravado.

However, he could see nothing. There was only arrogance and indifference in those dark golden pupils, as if he was a butcher looking at the lamb to be slaughtered.

Could it be... that he really had a way to harm his own soul through the resurrected corpse?

The voodoo wizard suppressed the fear in his heart and shouted crazily: "What are you going to do? If you destroy my body, I won't tell you anything!"

Clark remained unmoved and just continued the unfinished ritual. He piled some jewels at his feet, then took papyrus with various knowledge written on it and pasted it around him and in the middle of his forehead. A divine emblem of the [God of Wisdom, Knowledge and Magic] was drawn with blood.

When all this was completed, the voodoo wizard's soul began to send out warning signs crazily, and he vaguely felt as if there was some powerful and mysterious existence that was ready to come at any time.

The pressure projected from higher dimensions scared him to tears.

He is too familiar with this sense of oppression that comes directly to the soul. During the big festival every four years, he can feel this pressure from the totem statue in the center of the Voodoo Holy Land.

Although the intensity and feeling of the two are different, the oppression of the soul belonging to God remains unchanged.

Yes, just like Voodoo, the little guy in front of me actually worshiped an evil god!

Doesn't he know that every evil god will be strangled by the joint efforts of all forces in the supernatural world?

The voodoo wizard's defense was completely shattered, and he wailed: "No, no, please, I will cooperate, I will cooperate with everything, my voodoo doll is hidden..."

Clark's face relaxed, "Very good, tell me what you did earlier, wasting so much of my time."

"What a pity, you are still too cowardly!" Clark said into the Voodoo wizard's ear.

“Actually, when I saw you chose the spirit-possessed voodoo doll, I knew you were a coward.

A voodoo wizard who truly has no fear of life or death can only refine a stand-in doll, and then transfer the damage he has suffered to the stand-in doll. That kind of voodoo wizard really dares to pick up a knife and fight with someone hard!

And a coward like you who only wants to fake your own death is not worthy of my trust easily! "

Clark paused, then took what Neville had just brought.

It was woven from hair, smeared with blood, and carved from the bones of the body into a skeleton, which was also engraved with witchcraft.

Such a simple voodoo doll, when held in the hand, immediately has a cold aura, like a poisonous snake wrapped around a person's arm.

Clark hung the voodoo doll on the javelin on the voodoo wizard's chest, and then took out the illuminated statue he obtained last semester from his magic pocket.

When the voodoo wizard saw what was in Clark's hand, he immediately struggled wildly. He wanted to pull out the javelin from his heart, but Neville took action first and nailed his palm with two sacrificial daggers.

As if worried that this was not safe enough, Neville nailed his feet with his dagger again. This time, the wizard collapsed against the wall, like a large insect specimen.

Clark looked at his appearance and frowned: "Why do you make him look like a ghost? This is the image of the crucifixion of the Son of Jesus. We are wizards, not judges of the church. Besides, he doesn't deserve this!"

Neville sternly nailed the Voodoo wizard's legs to the wall. The wizard on the wall did not thank him for this move.

Clark held the idol in hand and began to make sacrifices to the so-called [God of Wisdom, Knowledge and Magic], and the sacrifice was the voodoo doll of the voodoo wizard in front of him.

"Dear [God of Wisdom, Knowledge and Magic], you are the recorder of knowledge, the creator of magic, and the protector of wizards.

Magic flows because of you, and knowledge lives on because of you.

Here, devout believers offer you this magical voodoo doll, hoping that you can guide us in the direction forward. "

At this moment, the voodoo wizard felt deep fear. He opened his mouth wide, but he could only scream silently, because the next moment, some kind of turbulent and surging power completely descended on the voodoo doll. Cut off its connection with the resurrected corpse.

On the other side, Clark also felt the satisfaction and joy coming from the fragments of the godhead in his mind.

Although he did not kill the sacrifice, Clark's behavior of offering the soul of a non-believer to the gods can be regarded as a blood sacrifice.

To a god, blood sacrifices are both delicious and harmful.

Every soul is the spiritual crystallization of the nature of heaven and earth, and is a treasure that even the devil values ​​​​very much.

In ancient tribal times, when warriors caught enemies, they would often kill the captives under their own totem poles, perform blood sacrifices, and use the souls of the dead to feed their ancestral spirits.

This ancient sacrificial method is still used by evil gods to this day, because it is indeed an excellent way to strengthen the power of gods.

For the gods, the fear and resentment of the sacrifice before the soul is devoured is like the spicy stimulation of humans when eating, which will give them a different and strange feeling.

And those devoured spirits will also make them stronger.

However, these special stimulations and ways to quickly improve their strength will only make those gods who enjoy blood sacrifices gradually become obsessed with them and demand more and more.

At the same time, the resentment lingering around them will also accelerate their fall.

Therefore, some foresighted righteous gods soon abolished the blood sacrifice method after becoming powerful. And those evil gods and demon gods who enjoyed blood sacrifices were quickly defeated and sealed by the righteous gods.

Fortunately, this [God of Wisdom, Knowledge and Magic] was invented by Clark. He did not directly make a blood sacrifice to the [God of Knowledge]. There was another layer in between.

At the same time, the fragments of the Godhead of the [God of Knowledge] are still in his mind, so Clark's behavior is actually worshiping himself.

Therefore, although he cannot completely control the fragments of the [God of Knowledge]'s godhead, he can still have a slight influence and change the process of sacrifice.

Feeling the voice of prayer in his mind, Clark stirred up the fragments of the Godhead of the [God of Knowledge] and refused to swallow the soul in the voodoo doll.

The voodoo wizard's soul was reconnected with his resurrected corpse, but before he could recover from the joy of escaping from death, as Clark manipulated the fragments of the godhead, a faint blue wave burst out. Flames suddenly set his voodoo doll on fire.

Clark has no habit of giving up when faced with delicious food.

The pain of a burning soul made the voodoo wizard let out an earth-shattering scream.

Even Hermione and the others who were standing by He couldn't bear to watch hearing this heart-wrenching voice, and turned their heads to avoid looking directly at his struggle.

Fortunately, after the flame burned for a few seconds, it went out!

After a while, the voodoo wizard stopped screaming. He looked at his voodoo doll and said excitedly: "I'm fine... Haha! I'm fine!"

Neville and Laura turned their heads and noticed that he looked really angry, not tortured.

Only Hermione noticed that the chest of the voodoo doll was branded with the "God of Wisdom, Knowledge and Magic".

She looked at the voodoo wizard who was overjoyed there with sympathetic eyes, and silently mourned for him for a rare three seconds in her heart.

A few minutes later, the ashen-faced voodoo wizard poured out everything like beans from a bamboo tube.

"You said it would be better if you were so honest earlier."

Clark patted the voodoo wizard on the shoulder, ignoring the tearful expression on the other person's face, "Okay, now you help us prepare the equipment and supplies for our adventure into the desert, and then wait for my news."

After saying that, he took Hermione and others and turned around to leave the place.

The voodoo wizard opened his mouth behind them, but as Clark waved goodbye with the voodoo doll, he could only watch the four of them leave with a nervous look on his face.

Leaving the gloomy tomb and returning to the bright sunshine, Laura couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

For her, everything just now was too depressing.

But after relaxing, she asked Clark again: "Can we really trust that guy?"

Clark smiled and patted the pocket containing the voodoo doll, and did not answer anything, but his confident look dispelled the last trace of worry in Laura's mind.

Having achieved the main purpose of their trip, the four of them did not intend to stay in this "City of the Dead" for a long time. They prepared to leave the same way according to their memories when they came.

However, less than two blocks away from the exit of "Dead Man City", they encountered new trouble.

A group of residents living in the "City of the Dead" were forming a circle, punching and kicking the two guys in the center.

Judging from their clothes, they looked like two foreign tourists who had strayed into the "City of the Dead".

Therefore, although the residents of the Dead City hated them, they still had room for action and did not use weapons.

Therefore, seeing that the two people would only suffer a little physical pain, Clark and the others also avoided the fighting people and had no intention of causing trouble.

But just when they were about to leave this group of people behind, Clark suddenly heard a familiar voice.

He was sure that he heard it correctly, that it was spoken in plain Mandarin.

"I said, Fatty Wang, can't you take good care of your pig's hooves? Return what you stole just now!"

"Hey, can you blame me? Old Hu, you said this place is backed by green mountains and faces green water. It hides the wind and gathers energy, gathering the aura of heaven and earth. It is the place with the best Feng Shui in Cairo and the most likely place to find treasures. ?

It turns out there are quite a few graves here, but not many treasures.

Ouch... stop fighting, stop fighting, I will pay... I will pay..."

The chattering sounds were mixed with the local dialects of the local residents, making it extremely difficult to distinguish, but Clark captured the information in an instant.

The four great joys in life are meeting old friends in a foreign land.

Although Clark looks like an authentic British person, his soul still comes from the vast land of Kyushu and the Central Kingdom.

"What's wrong?"

Hermione asked curiously when she saw him stop.

Clark turned to look at the crowd not far away, with a bright smile from the heart on his face.

"It's okay, I just found something interesting."


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