"Lombard, Professor Lupin also mentioned you in his letter. He said... he said that you killed three dementors."

Professor McGonagall's expression was very serious. Clark and the others couldn't guess what she meant, and no one dared to say anything more.

There was silence in the room for a while, and finally Neville nodded slightly.

"Hey..." Professor McGonagall sighed, and the atmosphere in the room became even more depressing.

Hermione was still a girl after all. She couldn't hold her breath at first and asked anxiously: "Professor, is there any problem with this?"

"Those dementors are considered employees of the Ministry of Magic. Although they cannot be compared with serious wizards, Neville killing them is equivalent to disobeying the orders of the Ministry of Magic and losing their face."

Clark suddenly spoke, disrupting Professor McGonagall's rhythm. Her brows furrowed, "Yes, this is very troublesome. The Ministry of Magic needs an explanation."

"Then let them come to me," Neville took the initiative to stand up, "or I go to the Ministry of Magic to accept their trial..."

Before he could finish his words, Clark put his hand on his shoulder, interrupting him.

"The dementors suddenly went crazy and attacked the students while patrolling on the train. Fortunately, Neville took action and saved the students on the train. Professor, what do you think of this reason?" Clark said calmly. With.

"Mr. Prewett, do you think those Ministry of Magic officials would believe such nonsense?"

Professor McGonagall almost laughed out of anger at his sophistry, and at the same time, she became more and more determined in her own opinion. It seemed that these children really needed to be taught a lesson. Such a big thing happened in the third grade. If it were older, she would simply not dare to think about it.

However, before she could continue to scare them, Clark said, "Of course they will believe it, because we have evidence!"

"What evidence!" Professor McGonagall asked subconsciously before reacting.

What kind of evidence this is is not important at all. She just wants to "educate" these children so that they will stop causing trouble.

You know, they broke through and obtained the Philosopher's Stone in the first grade, and found the secret room and fought a basilisk in the second grade.

Although these behaviors have earned Gryffindor points and honors, as a teacher, she still hopes that her students can study safely in school.

Unfortunately, things didn't seem to go as she expected.

“Colin happened to be there when the Dementors attacked, and he took photos of the monsters going crazy.

I think that as long as this evidence is published in tomorrow's "Daily Prophet", coupled with the letters sent by some young wizards to their parents, the door of the Ministry of Magic will definitely be overwhelmed by those angry parents. "

Clark's voice was neither fast nor slow, and he looked like he had the pearl of wisdom in hand, as if everything was within his expectation.

Professor McGonagall almost gasped with air in her chest, but Clark still didn't shut up.

"Besides, Principal Dumbledore probably doesn't like seeing those monsters appearing around the school, does he?

You see, he didn't show up today. You know, he personally talked to Harry and Ron about the speeding car thing last year, so I think he might be using this excuse to attack Minister Fudge at the Ministry of Magic. Woolen cloth? "

Professor McGonagall was completely speechless. She finally knew why Dumbledore could not help laughing when she talked about this matter.

It turned out that he had known for a long time that the little guy in front of him was as slippery as a loach.

Clark did not continue to stimulate her, and Professor McGonagall could only wave her hand, indicating that the matter was over.

"Okay, the school has the obligation to protect each of you, even if you are on the way to school, so we will not hand you over.

Well, this matter is over now, Mr. Longbottom, you can go to the dinner party.

Remember to close the door, I have something to talk to them both about. "

Neville glanced at Clark and Hermione, bowed to Professor McGonagall, and then exited the room.

"This child has changed so much!"

Looking at his back, Professor McGonagall couldn't help but sigh, and then took out two long and thin gold chains and placed them on the desk in front of him.

Clark recognized that thing at a glance. It was a time turner!

This thing is also a major feature of the Harry Potter world. To use this tool, you only need to be an excellent model student and take all courses in the third grade to have the opportunity to apply to the school.

Both Clark and Hermione have met the requirements.

On the slender gold chain, there is a small sparkling hourglass hanging. Inside the hourglass, there are tiny golden transparent sand grains.

It was obviously less than the thickness of a thumb, but from a distance, the hourglass seemed to contain an entire desert, just like what they saw in Egypt, it looked both exquisite and grand.

"Mr. Prewett, Ms. Granger, this is the time-turner the school has applied for for you two.

In view of your previous excellent performance and outstanding academic performance, I wrote many letters to the Ministry of Magic this holiday to prove that you are indeed model students, so they agreed to send two. "

Professor McGonagall looked at Clark sternly but kindly. To be honest, if he didn't often get into trouble, this student was smart, studious, humble, and united with his classmates. He was almost perfect. There was no teacher who didn't like him.

"Of course, before you can get this, you must sign a pledge and swear never to use it for anything other than studying."

Professor McGonagall said seriously: "You need to prepare a diary to record what happens every time you use the time turner, and I will also conduct random checks at any time."

"If I catch you messing around with the Time-Turner, then unfortunately I will take it back."

The two of them signed the guarantee form almost without hesitation. Hermione was so excited that her hand was shaking when she signed.

Professor McGonagall handed them two small hourglasses and instructed: "The method is very simple. Just turn the hourglass. Every time you turn it, time will go back one hour."

"However, I still want to solemnly remind you that the use of a time turner is an extremely dangerous thing. You must be careful not to allow time to go back more than five hours."

Professor McGonagall's face looked particularly stern, "Countless experiments have proven that all people who have tried to go back in time for more than five hours have suffered serious damage, most of which is irreversible."

"I understand, Professor McGonagall." Both Clark and Hermione nodded cautiously.

"The 'Sands of Time' in this time turner can be used by you ten times, which is fifty hours. Once the 'Sands of Time' is used up, you need to go to the Ministry of Magic to replenish it.

Based on the consumption rate of your ‘Sands of Time’, as well as your course schedule and usage log, you will be able to know whether you have violated any rules, so don’t try to play tricks! "

When Professor McGonagall said the last words, she looked directly at Clark, almost naming him.

"Of course, you have to keep the matter of obtaining the time turner a secret from everyone, and you must be careful when using it. Don't appear in front of your past self, because there are many people who have killed your future or past selves."

After Professor McGonagall explained all the precautions related to the time turner, Clark took the device, put it around his neck, and carefully hid it in his robe.

Then they walked out of the office together, down the marble stairs, and returned to the auditorium.

But when they returned to the auditorium, they happened to see Professor Flitwick, a little wizard with white hair, walking out of the auditorium holding an antique hat and a three-legged stool.

"Well," Hermione said softly, "it looks like the Sorting Ceremony is over."

Professor McGonagall strode towards her empty seat at the staff table, while Clark and Hermione turned to the other side and walked as quietly as possible towards the Gryffindor table.

Fortunately, Neville left a seat for them, and they sat next to Neville.

As soon as the two sat down, Principal Dumbledore stood up.


After a fairly enthusiastic opening speech, the old man began to focus on things related to dementors, which was what the young wizards present were most concerned about.

"This year, our school welcomed several dementors from Azkaban, who were appointed by the Ministry of Magic to perform official duties.

You all probably already know this because they conducted a search on the Hogwarts Express. "

He paused, and Clark could see that the old principal had a bad look on his face. It seemed that he was not very happy about sending dementors to guard the school.

"They are stationed at every entrance to the school," Dumbledore continued, "so I must make it clear that no one is allowed to leave the school while they are around."

"No trick, trick, magic or disguise can fool the dementors - not even the invisibility cloak." He added lightly.

"The nature of Dementors does not understand what excuses and begging for mercy are, so I remind everyone here not to give them any reason to harm you.

I hope that the prefects of each house, as well as our newly elected Head Boy and Girl, will ensure that not a single student comes into conflict with a dementor. "

Percy was a few seats away from Clark. He puffed up his chest following Dumbledore's words and looked around with great dignity.

Dumbledore looked around the entire auditorium with a very serious expression. Under his blue pupils, no one moved or made a sound.

"Well, let's switch to something a little more cheerful," he continued, "I'm delighted to welcome three new teachers to join us this semester."

Three new teachers? !

The students below were talking a lot.

"First, there was Professor Lupin, who readily agreed to fill the Defense Against the Dark Arts vacancy."

The ragged Professor Lupine only received sparse applause. After all, they are still children and are used to judging people by their appearance.

Fortunately, Lupine didn't seem to care much, or he was used to this situation.

"As for our second new teacher..."

After Dumbledore waited for the applause to subside, he continued, "I regret to tell you that the original Care of Magical Creatures teacher, Professor Kettleburn, retired at the end of last semester, and his replacement was none other than Rubeus Haye. grid."

Harry and Ron looked at each other in surprise.

Then they also applauded together with everyone. Compared with before, the applause this time was much more enthusiastic, especially at the Gryffindor table.

Clark saw that Hagrid's face was flushed, his eyes were looking down at his big hands, and his big smile was hidden behind the shaggy and tangled black beard.

"We should have known better!" shouted Ron, pounding the table. "Who else would ask us to prepare a book that likes to bite people?"

Clark and others were the last to stop clapping. At this time, Professor Dumbledore began to speak again. They saw Hagrid wiping his eyes with the tablecloth.

"Finally, I am honored to tell you that your senior, Charlie Weasley, who once studied in Gryffindor House, will serve as the teacher of the school's latest course-dragon research and breeding."

Wow! ! !

The whole auditorium was boiling, and the little wizards jumped up with joy, slapping the table, excited by the information revealed in Dumbledore's words.

The newly opened course is called "Dragon Research and Breeding", which means that the dragon farm at Hogwarts can finally be put into use, and they can get close contact with those big guys.

Charlie Weasley stood up, his face flushed, and many students greeted him and gave him the warmest welcome.

"Okay, okay," Principal Dumbledore had to press his hands down to signal them to quiet down.

"Of course, this course is now only open to students above the sixth grade, who have passed the Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination, and have an O (excellent) score in Protecting Magical Creatures."

"Oh, no..."

"Okay, there are so many important things." Dumbledore said immediately, barely waiting for the students to object, "Let's have a banquet!"

The golden plates and goblets in front of them suddenly appeared full of food and drinks, and everyone's appetite was whetted.

Clark and Neville took portions of everything within reach and started eating.

As for Hermione, she said she was trying to stay in shape and only ate a little.

It was truly a delicious feast. The auditorium echoed with the laughter of children, and the clink of knives and forks was like the most beautiful note.

Finally, when the last pieces of pumpkin pie disappeared from the golden platter, Dumbledore stood up and announced that everyone could go to bed.

Harry and Ron finally had a chance to congratulate Hagrid, and Clark also walked to the staff table.

"Congratulations, Charlie! How does it feel to be a teacher?"

"Awesome!" Charlie said happily.

After saying goodbye like this, Clark and the others walked up the marble stairs together with their well-fed and drunk classmates.

After a day of running around, they were very tired and could only drag themselves through corridors one after another and climb stairs one after another.

Finally arriving at the hidden entrance to Gryffindor Tower, a fat lady in a pink dress asked them: "Password?"

"Come here, come here!" Percy shouted from behind the crowd, "The new password is auspicious stars!"

They filed through the portrait hole and into the familiar common room, then climbed separate stairs and threw themselves onto the warm and comfortable four-poster bed.

"Good night, Clark!"

"Good night, Harry!"

"Good night……"


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