Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 8 Lesson 1 of the School

Latest website: Early the next morning, Clark and Neville ran around the Black Lake twice as usual.

When they came out of the dormitory and walked into the Great Hall to have breakfast, they found that Harry, Ron and Hermione were already sitting at the long table.

"Clark, here!"

Hermione waved, and Clark plopped down into a seat next to her, with George Weasley on his left.

Today's breakfast is quite rich, it is a standard English breakfast, including baked beans with tomato sauce, fried eggs, fried bacon, fried sausages, fried mushrooms...

Well, the calories in these things are quite high.

Clark casually took some and put it on the plate, and then poured himself another glass of juice. However, just as he was about to enjoy it, he saw Harry sitting there glumly, with the food on the plate in front of him untouched.

"What's wrong with him?" Clark nudged Hermione lightly with his elbow.

"Well, it's not that guy." Hermione raised her chin and pouted in the direction of the Slytherin table.

Clark turned his head and saw Draco Malfoy at a glance. He seemed to be telling a particularly funny story to a large group of Slytherin classmates. He occasionally deliberately pretended to faint suddenly, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

"Hey, why are you so naive?" Clark shook his head and sighed, worried about the future inheritance of the Malfoy family, and also felt that the old Malfoy's educational methods failed.

At this time, George happened to be distributing the new third grade curriculum to them. When he heard this, he raised his head and saw Malfoy pretending to faint from fear again.

"That little bastard," he said calmly, "when the Dementor came to the car last night, he wasn't as cocky as he is now. I remember him crawling into our compartment, isn't that right, Fred? "

"I almost wet my pants," Fred said with a nod and a contemptuous glance at Malfoy.

"I'm not too happy myself," George said. "Those dementors are really scary guys..."

"It freezes your insides, doesn't it?"

"By the way, Neville, I heard from Ron that you killed three dementors.

George suddenly looked at Neville, "This is so cool!" "

Fred also asked: "How did you do it?"

This question attracted the attention of all the little wizards on the Gryffindor table. They pricked up their ears and listened quietly.

"Of course it is with strong strength and firm willpower." Neville smiled, showing his white teeth.

This general statement made George and Fred roll their eyes, but Neville added, "If you want to learn, you can sign up for the duel club this semester, and I will be there with everyone. Share some experiences in this regard.”

"Yeah, that's great." Although George and Neville were polite to each other, their words were still listened to by many Gryffindor wizards.

But at this time, Harry was still a little depressed.

"I envy you, Neville, you didn't even faint and you were able to fight back," he whispered.

"Don't think about it, Harry," George encouraged him. "My dad had to go to Azkaban one time. Do you remember that, Fred? He said it was the scariest place he'd ever been. I remember him coming back limp and shaking...the dementors sucked the joy out of it and most of the inmates there ended up going crazy."

"Okay, let's wait and see how happy Malfoy will be after our first Quidditch match," Fred put his arm around Harry's shoulders and said, "Gryffindor versus Slytherin. What about the first game of the season, remember?”

Harry and Malfoy had only played against each other in a Quidditch match once before, and that time Harry won, while Malfoy watched the Golden Snitch snatched away in front of him, which was undoubtedly terrible.

After hearing this, Harry felt better and got himself some sausages and roasted tomatoes.

Hermione, who was looking at the new class schedule at this time, said happily, "Oh, great, we are starting some new classes today."

"Hermione," Ron craned his neck to look over and said with a frown, "They have arranged your class schedule in a mess. Look - they even ask you to take almost ten classes a day. How can you be so... That’s a lot of time.”

Clark also looked at his new class schedule. Similar to Hermione, he also needed to attend six classes today.

Divination, Muggle Studies and Arithmancy were all at nine in the morning, followed by a Herbology lesson, and their first lesson in the afternoon was Care of Magical Creatures, followed by Ancient Runes and Transfiguration.

Among these elective courses, due to the small number of students, they are all taught together in the four colleges.

Of course, he had time to rest at night, but since it was the first day of school, he also wanted to inform the staff of the school magazine to hold a meeting tonight to discuss the subsequent development of "Hogwarts School Magazine". In addition, duel He also needs to worry about the subsequent management of the club and the dragon farm.

If Professor McGonagall hadn't given him the time turner yesterday, he would have had to learn the shadow clone technique.

On the other side, Hermione was also dealing with Ron, "I will find a way. I have already discussed it with Professor McGonagall."

"But look," Ron laughed, still acting like a straight man, insisting on fighting Hermione to the end. "Did you see the classes this morning? Divination at nine o'clock. Next, at nine o'clock, Muggle Studies. And—"

Ron moved closer to the curriculum, as if he didn't believe his eyes.

"Look - down here, Arithmancy, nine o'clock. God, I know you're great, Hermione, but no one is that good. How could you be in three classrooms at the same time?"

"Don't be silly, Ron," Hermione rolled her eyes, "Of course I can't be in three classrooms at the same time."

"and you--"

"Pass the marmalade," Hermione said.


"Please, Ron, even if my course schedule is a bit full, what does that have to do with you?" Hermione said unceremoniously: "I told you, I have already discussed it with Professor McGonagall. Use your thinking to guess the learning methods of top students."

Ron's ears turned red with irritation and he was about to speak when Hagrid walked into the Great Hall.

He was still wearing the same moleskin coat he usually wore as a gamekeeper, and he was absently shaking a dead polecat with one big hand. He didn't look at all like a professor.

"How's it going?" He stopped walking towards the staff table and looked at Harry and the others with interest.

"You guys will come to my first class later, right after lunch. To be honest, I got up at around five o'clock in the morning, couldn't sleep, and got everything ready... I hope the class goes well. ...I finally became a teacher...it's really..."

He spoke incoherently to Harry and the others, and continued walking towards the staff table, still holding the dead polecat in his hand.

"I wonder what he has prepared?" Ron picked at the fried eggs on the plate uneasily, with a hint of worry in his voice.

Clark did know what magical creatures Hagrid would introduce in his first class, but he had no intention of intervening. Things were different now. With him here, there would be no trouble in Hagrid's first class.

After breakfast, the students rushed to their first class.

Clark and others also said goodbye to Fred and George, got up and walked outside.

Their first class today was a divination class. The classroom was at the top of the north tower, which was basically one of the highest floors in the entire Hogwarts castle, well, after the principal's office and the astronomy tower.

Several people jogged through the castle and up the stairs, but eventually got lost.

After all, although they had stayed at Hogwarts for two years, they had not yet fully understood the entire castle, and they had never been to the North Tower.

Fortunately, they met the heroic Sir Cadogan on the road - a crazy knight living in a magic painting.

Under his leadership, Clark and the others gasped and climbed up the rapidly rotating stairs, and finally arrived at the divination classroom.

Above their heads, there was the faint sound of voices. They climbed up the last few steps and came to a small platform, where most of the students in the class had already gathered.

But there wasn't a door on the platform.

"Look there!" Ron pointed to the ceiling. There was a round trap door with a brass sign embedded on it.

"Sibyl Trelawney, Divination teacher," Harry read aloud, "But how are we going to get up there?"

As if to answer his question, the trap door suddenly opened outwards, and a silver ladder was lowered and landed right in front of them.

Climbing up the ladder, they came to a very strange classroom. In fact, it didn't look much like a classroom, but more like a mixture of an attic and an old-fashioned teahouse.

There were at least twenty small round tables crammed into the messy room, and around each table there were calico armchairs and bulging little futons.

The curtains on the walls were drawn tightly, and each lamp was covered with a large crimson scarf, which enveloped the entire room in a hazy red light.

Coupled with the blazing fire under the mantelpiece and the strong fragrance coming from the copper teapot on the table, the heat was so suffocating that it was almost suffocating.

When all the students arrived, a voice suddenly came from the shadows of the room, a soft, unclear voice.

"Welcome," said the voice, "it is so good to finally see you in the physical world."

Clark looked up and saw that it was a woman dressed very strangely.

She was very thin and wore a pair of huge black-rimmed glasses. The thick lenses magnified her eyes several times in size.

A thin and transparent gauze scarf decorated with many shiny metal pieces is draped over the shoulders. Countless beads and chains hang on the thin and long neck. There are also many bracelets and rings on the arms and hands.

This makes her look like a giant, shiny insect.

"Sit down, my children, sit down," she said, and the classmates climbed uneasily into armchairs or sank down on futons.

"Welcome to the divination class!" she said to everyone, sitting lazily on an easy chair in front of the fire.

"I'm Professor Trelawney. You probably haven't met me before. I've found that being out in the chaos and noise of campus life can make my third eye blurry."

This strange argument, combined with the mysterious atmosphere around it, made no one of the little wizards present dare to make a sound.

Professor Trelawney adjusted her shawl elegantly and continued:

"I am glad that you have taken Divination, the most profound of all magical arts.

But I must also say it up front. If you don’t have enough insight and abundant spirituality, then I am powerless.

In this field, talent is more important than hard work. I can only teach you a little bit..."

Her words successfully made the little wizards present become agitated. After all, no one wanted to admit that they had no talent. Only Hermione muttered in a low voice, "Pretend to be a ghost."

As a [Mage], she doesn't believe in this. Among the eight major factions of [Mage], there is a prophecy faction. So in her opinion, the so-called lack of talent is just because you are not strong enough. .

What Professor Trelawney did next seemed to confirm her idea.

The professor first greeted Neville's grandmother and tried to scare him. However, Neville, who had experienced with Clark, was no longer the timid and honest boy he once was.

"I think my grandma is still fine. She even sent me to the train station yesterday."

Professor Trelawney was frustrated by him and could only change the subject calmly, warning Parvati Patil to be wary of a red-haired man.

So much so that the girl looked at Ron sitting behind her in panic and quickly moved her chair further away from him.

She then predicted that there would be a severe flu in February and that around Easter, someone would leave them forever.

This series of words succeeded in eliciting a nervous silence, which also made the expression on Hermione's face become even weirder.

But Professor Trelawney didn't seem to realize this, and was still playing tricks on him.

"Honey," she said to Lavender Brown, who was nearest her and huddled in a chair, "could you pass me the biggest silver teacup?"

Lavender seemed to be relieved. She stood up and turned around. On the circular wall, there were many shelves lined up.

It was piled with divination tools, including dirty quills, candle stubs, many tattered playing cards, countless silver crystal balls, and a lot of tea cups with tea stains.

She carefully picked up a huge tea cup and placed it on the table in front of Professor Trelawney.

"Thank you, dear. By the way, the thing you fear most will happen on Friday, October 16th."

Lavender suddenly trembled.

Hermione raised her eyebrows when she saw it, and was about to close her copy of "Parting Through the Fog to See the Future" with all her might, but Clark, with his quick eyes and quick hands, inserted his hand into the middle of the pages and shook his head at her.

"Don't worry, let's take a look!"


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