Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 35 The 3rd Christmas

"I'm fine."

Harry denied Hermione's words calmly.

But Ron also said a little worriedly: "Harry, you look really bad."

"I'm really fine!" Harry had to emphasize again.

Ron wanted to continue, but Harry interrupted him directly.

"I'm fine and I'm sober. Clark is right. My strength is indeed too weak, so don't worry, I won't do anything stupid."

"For example?"

"Such as finding Black alone." Harry said this very frankly.

At the same time, looking at Clark and the others around him, a warm current surged in his heart.

Harry could tell that they must have rehearsed how to persuade themselves many times while he was sleeping, but Harry said nothing.

"You're sure not, are you, Harry?" Hermione asked.

"It's not worth dying for Black," Neville said.

The corners of Harry's mouth twitched upward slightly, and Clark also smiled at this time, "Okay, haven't you heard yet? He said that he would not look for Black 'alone'."

Hermione, Neville, and Ron all looked at Harry, and he nodded and sighed.

"Do you know what I see and hear every time a dementor gets too close to me?"

Ron and the others shook their heads, and Harry sneered.

"I heard my mother's screams and how she begged Voldemort to let me go.

If you heard your mother scream like that, you wouldn't soon forget it. Once he learned that someone who was said to be his friend had betrayed him and allowed Voldemort to hunt him down——"

Hermione looked unbearable, and the corners of her mouth twitched, and she almost told the truth.

"There's nothing you can do!" Ron said in panic. "The Dementors will capture Black and put him back in Azkaban - he deserves it!"

"But you also heard what Fudge said. Black is not affected by dementors like most people. It is not a terrible punishment for him."

"Then what do you want to say?" Ron asked,

Looking very nervous, "You want to-kill Blake or something?"

"Don't be stupid," Hermione said in a very unfriendly tone, "Harry doesn't want to kill anyone, does he, Harry?"

"I'm not that stupid, Clark told me before that I still have a 'future'.

So I just wanted to catch him with my own hands and ask Blake face to face whether he had heard my mother's screams in his sleep over the past ten years. "Harry said coldly.

Although there is still hope for his dead parents to be resurrected, Harry cannot accept that Black, the murderer, is allowed to go free while he, as his son, does nothing.

So he ignored Ron's earnest advice and turned to look at Clark, "As compensation for hiding it from me, Clark, you have to help me."

"Harry, do you still want to drag Clark and the others into the water?" Ron said angrily.

"Listen... do you know what Peter Pettigrew's mother got after Black took action? My father told me - the Order of Merlin, First Class, and a finger of Peter Pettigrew, which was packed in the box. inside.

That was the biggest piece of remains they could find. Black was a madman. He was inhuman. Harry, he was dangerous! "

Hermione and Neville looked at each other, remembering what Clark said yesterday about "Peter is missing."

Under the persuasion of Ron, Harry's original firm idea suddenly wavered. He was not afraid of Black, but if something happened to Clark and the others while helping him, he would be responsible.

Clark seemed to notice his wavering and waved his hand at Ron.

"It's okay, Harry, I understand how you feel, so I won't refuse to help.

However, we still know nothing about Blake's whereabouts. Even if you want to catch him, I advise you to wait patiently for the opportunity. "

"Malfoy knows," Harry said suddenly, "Do you remember what he said to me in Potions class? 'If I were you, I would definitely take revenge and I would hunt him down myself.'"

"You want to listen to Malfoy but not our advice?" Ron didn't give up yet, "He is trying to anger you and encourage you to do stupid things!"

"Malfoy's father must have told him," Harry ignored Ron, "that he is in Voldemort's core group -"

"Speaking of You-Know-Who, okay?" Ron interjected angrily.

"-So obviously, the Malfoy family knows that Black is working for Voldemort, and their family must know something-"

"Malfoy would love to see you blown into a million pieces like Peter Pettigrew! Come to your senses, Malfoy just wants you to die before the Quidditch match."

"Impossible," Clark said at this time, "Malfoy was also involved in the original division of the Black family's property. It is impossible for their family to have anything to do with Black."

Harry opened his mouth, but had nothing to say. Clark patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, just leave everything to time. Evil people will never escape the punishment of fate."

"That's right," Ron was obviously trying to change the subject, "it's the first day of the holidays! It's almost Christmas! How about we-why don't we go down and see Hagrid? I haven't seen him for a long time. "

"No!" Hermione said immediately, "Harry has to stay in the castle, Ron -"

"Okay, let's go see him now," Harry stood up directly. "I just wanted to ask him why he didn't mention Black when he told me about my parents!"

It was obviously not Ron's intention to continue discussing Black's matter.

"Maybe we can play a magic card in the lounge," he said quickly. "It's too cold outside, and the magic card has just released a new deck - "The Lost Civilization of Egypt". I got it from George. Come——"

"No, go to Hagrid!" Harry said firmly.

So the five of them took their cloaks and scarves from the dormitory, climbed out of the portrait hole, walked down the empty steps, and passed through the oak door.

It's still very cold in the Scottish Highlands after winter. Although it can't be called ice, it can still exhale a thick white breath.

Clark and the others walked on the lawn, one foot at a time, leaving grooves of different depths on the fine powdery crystal snow. The socks on their feet and the hem of the cloak were both wet and frozen. .

Under the clear blue sky in the distance, the Forbidden Forest looked as if it had been enchanted. Every tree was shining with silver. In this case, Hagrid's big wooden house looked like a large wooden house sprinkled with frosting. cake.

Ron walked up and knocked on the door, but no one answered.

"He's not going out, is he?" Hermione said, tightening her thick cloak.

Gu Xiao

Ron put his ear to the wooden door.

"There was a strange sound," he said. "It sounded like teeth."

Harry also put his ear to the door, and heard low, throbbing sobs coming from the cabin.

"Do you want to call someone over?" Ron asked nervously.

"Hagrid!" Harry shouted, banging on the door. "Hagrid, are you in there?"

He and Ron pounded it several times, and the reaction in the room became stronger. They even heard the sound of claws scratching the wooden door.

Just as they were hesitating whether to rush in directly, a thick voice suddenly sounded from behind several people.

"What are you doing!"

At the edge of the Forbidden Forest, heavy snowflakes fell from the treetops. Hagrid was wearing the fur coat he usually wore, and his huge body squeezed out from the gap.

"Didn't I tell you not to run out of the castle casually?" As soon as he got closer, Hagrid yelled loudly, and at the same time, he waved the dead pheasant in his hand to strengthen his tone.

"We just wanted to come over and see you," Harry quickly explained. "I've been calling you for a long time, but no one responded. We're a little worried..."

Hagrid pushed open the door, "I just went to the woods to help Charlie."

The hound Fang happily rushed to Harry and the others and circled around them.

"Okay, okay, come in first." Hagrid greeted them and placed a copper kettle on the fire. "Wait, I'll look for tea leaves first."

"Don't bother, let's just leave." Clark shouted, but Hagrid didn't listen.

"Okay, I found it," he picked up a palm-sized paper bag, "I haven't touched the Sri Lankan black tea that Charlie gave me."

While Hagrid was making tea, Harry was about to speak when Ron asked first, "How are you doing, Hagrid? I mean, how are you doing lately?"

"It's bad, terrible!" Hagrid complained and found a few more huge wooden cups.

“The amusement park inside the dragon farm is about to open, and Charlie can’t do it alone, so I have to help him.

I didn't do well in Care of Magical Creatures last year. The children were always listless in my class. I also planned to catch some interesting people in the Forbidden Forest.

And those dementors, they were flying around the school, which made me feel particularly bad. "

Hagrid poured a full cup of scalding tea into the cups in front of them and shuddered suddenly.

"Every time I want to go to the Three Broomsticks for a few drinks, I have to pass by them. It feels like I'm back in Azkaban again—"

He was silent, poured himself a cup of tea, and drank heavily.

Harry and Ron looked at him with bated breath. They had never heard Hagrid mention his brief imprisonment in Azkaban.

Only Clark comforted him with gentle words, "It must have been a terrible experience, but it's all over, and the person who framed you has also received retribution."

"Yeah, to be honest, it's a really scary place!" Hagrid said softly.

"There has never been any place like it. You know, on the first day I went there, I thought I was going crazy. I was always thinking about terrible things... I was expelled from Hogwarts. That day...the day my father died..."

As he spoke, his eyes slowly filled with tears. Clark and others knew that Hagrid and his father had always had a deep relationship.

“After a while, you no longer know who you are, and you don’t know what the point of living is.

During the few days in Azkaban, I even wished that I would die in my sleep... When they released me, it felt like I was reborn, and everything became beautiful. Woke up.

It was the most wonderful feeling in the world, and the dementors didn't want to let me go. "

"But you are innocent!" Hermione defended him.

Hagrid snorted in anger.

"Do you think they value this? They don't care. As long as there are people staying there, they can get used to happiness. They don't care who is innocent."

Seeing his depressed look, Harry, who was originally planning to ask about things related to Black, unexpectedly showed a rare understanding of being considerate and did not speak.

So after they finished their tea and sat down to chat for a while, they got up and left.

In the next few days, colorful Christmas decorations were quickly put up in various places in the castle as in previous years.

Although there are very few students staying in school, the teachers still want the remaining students to have better memories.

So thick ribbons of holly and mistletoe were stretched across the empty corridor, and each suit of armor shone with a mysterious light.

In the auditorium, there were twelve Christmas trees placed as usual, with golden stars floating on the trees, twinkling and blooming.

In addition to these dreamy decorations, the entire corridor is filled with a strong and attractive fragrance that penetrates directly into people's noses, making people drool. Even Hermione's pet cat is greedy. I have to leave early and come back late, and I don’t know where to find food.

On Christmas morning, Clark and Neville were the first to get up, then Ron, who threw a pillow at Harry's bed, knocking him awake too.

"Hey, Merry Christmas, Harry!"

"Merry Christmas!" Harry reached for his bedside table, picked up his eyes and put them on.

"Hurry up and open the gifts. Clark and the others are making breakfast downstairs."

Upon hearing this, Harry squinted towards the foot of the bed in the half-darkness and saw a small pile of packages already there, and Ron was tearing off the wrapping paper from his own gift.

"Mom sent me another hooded sweater... again in dark red, let's see if you got one too."

Harry dug out the gift sent by Mrs. Weasley. As Ron said, it was also a scarlet hooded sweater, with a Gryffindor lion knitted on the front of the sweater.

In addition, the kind lady sent him a dozen home-baked mince pies, some Christmas pastries, and a large box of pralines.

In addition to these, Ron gave him the latest set of magic cards, and Hermione gave him a pair of magic glasses that are waterproof, dustproof, anti-fog and automatically adjust the degree.

Hagrid gave him a silver-white hemp rope bracelet.

While Harry was fiddling with the bracelet given by Hagrid, a tempting fragrance came from the door, and then, Clark walked in with two plates of breakfast.

"The gift...hiss! Harry, who gave this to you?"

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