Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 36 Firebolt and Christmas Dinner

"Ah, what's the matter?"

When Ron heard Clark's words, he held a pair of freshly unpacked dark red socks in his hand and turned to look here. Harry also looked confused.

Clark put down the sandwich in his hand, walked over and took a closer look at the bracelet in Harry's hand, and then smiled.

"Harry, Hagrid is so generous to you. If I'm not mistaken, this bracelet must be woven from unicorn tail feathers.

With this weight, if used to make wands, at least ten can be made, which is a considerable fortune. "

Harry was shocked by Clark's words. He didn't expect that Hagrid would give him such an expensive thing.

"This is so precious, I...I..."

"Don't worry, Harry, the unicorn tail hair itself has powerful magic power, especially against dark magic, and is very resistant.

Hagrid must have known about the dementors and was worried about you, so he gave you this thing. Wearing it on your hand will be good for resisting the influence of the dementors. "

After hearing Clark's words, Harry put on the bracelet and found that his mind was indeed much more peaceful.

He opened the remaining Christmas gifts one by one. After he took away everything on top, he found a long and narrow package lying at the bottom of the pile of gifts.

"What's that?" Ron asked as he ate his sandwich.

"have no idea……"

Harry tore open the package, and then gasped, because a sparkling, exquisite flying broomstick rolled onto his sheets.

Ron forgot to swallow the sandwich in his mouth, and muttered with a mouth full of food: "Oh my god, I can't believe it, this is..."

"A Firebolt!"

This thing is exactly the same as the broomstick Harry and the others saw when they were in Diagon Alley. It can be said to be Harry's dream thing.

If it were replaced by this, then Nimbus 2000 would be broken into pieces, which seems... not unacceptable.

Harry held the Firebolt in his hand, the smooth broom handle shining brightly, and he could feel it trembling in his hand as if it were alive.

So he let go of his hand, and the precious broom hovered in mid-air in front of him.

Just the right height for him to ride up.

"This is really amazing." Ron on the side couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

Harry's eyes never moved away from it for a moment. It was like a hand stroking the broom gently. From the golden registration number on the top of the broom handle, he could see carefully the white birch twigs. Flexible and smooth streamlined broom tail.

"Who gave it to you?" Ron asked quietly.

"See if there's a card," Harry said.

Ron tore off the outer wrapping paper of the Firebolt.

"Nothing! Oh my god, who would spend so much money on you! This is much more precious than Hagrid's unicorn tail hair."

"Well," Harry felt confused, "I bet it's not the Dursleys anyway."

"I bet it's Dumbledore," Ron said as he walked around the Firebolt that seemed to be blooming, admiring every inch of its dazzling glory. "Didn't he anonymously give you the Invisibility Cloak? "

"But it belongs to my father," Harry explained. "Dumbledore just gave it to me. He couldn't spend so much money on me. It would cost at least several hundred gold galleons. He It is impossible to give such a precious gift to a student."

"That's why he didn't say it was from him!" Ron said, "otherwise guys like Malfoy would say he was biased, hey, Harry -"

Ron suddenly laughed with joy, "Malfoy! Think about it, when he sees you riding this to compete with him, he will immediately wither. This is an international-level broomstick, yes. , it is said that the national team uses this!"

"I can't believe it," Harry muttered, stroking the Firebolt with one hand.

And Ron was lying on Harry's bed, laughing wildly at the imaginary Malfoy looking like, "Then who do you think you are?"

"I know," Ron said suddenly, controlling himself, "I know who it might be - Lupin!"

"What?" said Harry, now it was his turn to laugh. "Lupin? I mean, if he had that many galleons, he would have bought himself some decent new robes."

"Yeah, but he likes you." Ron said, "He happened to be away when your Nimbus 2000 broke. Maybe he decided to go to Diagon Alley and buy you this after hearing about you. , the salary of professors at Hogwarts shouldn’t be low, right?”

"What do you mean when you say he wasn't there?" Harry paid attention to other information in Ron's words, "When I participated in the competition, was he sick?"

"Yes, he wasn't in the school hospital at the time," Ron said. "I was in the hospital at the time. Snape made me wash the chamber pot, remember?"

Harry frowned and looked at Ron, "I really don't see how Lupine can afford such a thing."

"Can you afford such a thing?" Ron pondered for a moment, and together with Harry, they turned their heads and their eyes fell on Clark.

"This isn't your Christmas gift to Harry, is it?" Ron looked at him and asked.

Clark rolled his eyes, "Unfortunately, although I also wanted to say that this was a gift from me, in fact, my gift was in the pile and Harry had just opened it."

"Oh, Clark, I was just kidding."

"What are you three laughing at?"

While they were chatting, Hermione walked into their dormitory with Crookshanks in her arms and wearing her dressing gown.

"Nothing, and don't bring that cat here, I hate cat hair!" Ron complained.

But Hermione didn't listen at all. She threw Crookshanks, who looked a little bad-tempered, onto Seamus' empty bed, then opened her mouth wide, waiting for the Firebolt in front of Harry.

"Oh, Harry! Who gave this to you?"

"I don't know," Harry said. "It didn't come with a card or anything."

To his great surprise, Hermione seemed neither excited nor interested in the news.

On the contrary, her expression changed and she raised her lips.

"What's wrong with you?" Ron asked, "Did you guess something? Do you know who sent the Firebolt to Harry?"

"I don't know," Hermione said slowly, "But it's kind of weird, isn't it? I mean, this should be a pretty good broomstick, right?"

Ron sighed anxiously and annoyedly, "What do you mean it's not bad? It's the best broomstick in the world right now, Hermione!"

"So it must be expensive..."


"Of course, this broom may be more expensive than all the broomsticks in the Slytherin team put together." Ron said happily.

"So... who would give Harry such an expensive thing? And not tell him who gave it to him." Hermione continued to ask.

"Whatever." Ron said a little impatiently, "Hey, Harry, can I ride for a while? Can you?"

"I think it's best for none of you to ride this broomstick at the moment." Hermione said calmly, clasping her hands on her chest.

Harry and Ron looked at her together.


"What do you think Harry will do with it - sweep the floors?" Ron was particularly blunt.

Clark came forward to smooth things over at this time, "I think since Hermione said this, she must have a reason. Maybe she thinks that this Firebolt may be a gift from Sirius Black."

Hermione was stunned for a moment. She originally wanted to say that this broom might have been given by Peter Pettigrew, but then she thought about it. Harry and the others didn't know that Black was wrongly accused at this time.

And Harry and Ron's reactions were huge.


"Are you crazy? Blake, how is that possible!"

Ron questioned loudly: "Black spent hundreds of gold galleons to give Harry a broomstick. What is this for? Is he stupid?"

"Who knows," Clark spread his hands, "Hermione just raised this possibility without checking it. Who knows if there might be a curse on this broom."

"Of course, I personally think this is impossible." He saw the excitement of Harry and Ron and quickly changed his tone. "After all, Black is a famous murderer and he is wanted across the country."

"In this case, I think it would be very difficult for him to walk into a Quidditch boutique and buy a broom."

"That's right," Ron agreed repeatedly, "you are just too nervous!"

Next, several people avoided the topic in unison. They enjoyed this rare vacation, sitting in the common room playing magic cards, or reading books and chatting.

Harry also brought his Firebolt into the common room and studied it carefully.

At noon, they summoned the house elves in the lounge and had a casual meal.

At dinner time, several people went down to the auditorium and found that the college's dining tables had been moved to the wall again, and a dining table large enough to seat more than a dozen people was placed in the center of the auditorium.

Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, Sprout, Hagrid and Professor Flitwick were sitting there, along with the administrator Filch.

There were only three students, two very nervous first-year students, and a sullen fifth-year Slytherin student.

"Merry Christmas!" Dumbledore said with a smile when Clark and others walked to the dining table. "There are not many of us, so it seems a bit silly to use the college dining table... Sit down, sit down!"

Clark, Hermione, Neville, Harry and Ron sat side by side at the end of the table.

"Ah, Christmas firecrackers!" Dumbledore said cheerfully, handing a large silver firecracker to Snape, who reluctantly pulled it.


With a loud bang like a cannon, the firecrackers exploded, revealing a large pointed witch hat with a stuffed vulture on top, which looked very ridiculous.

Harry and Ron suppressed their laughter, and Snape's lips pursed even thinner as he pushed the hat to Dumbledore, who immediately replaced the wizard's hat he was wearing with it.

"Okay, let's eat happily!" He picked up the wine glass and looked around the table with a smile.

Ron couldn't help it long ago and was the first to take action.

Today's dishes are also particularly rich. The house elves in the kitchen have tried their best to prepare all kinds of delicious food.

Clark is particularly fond of a dish called beef bourguignon, a traditional French dish originating from the Burgundy region, also known as "rustic cuisine."

Although the appearance of this farmhouse dish is "unclassy", with large pieces of beef stewed in red wine until dark, its taste is indeed outstanding, and its characteristic is the use of beef from Burgundy. High quality red wine.

As a world-famous wine producing area, thanks to the local climate, soil and lighting conditions, as well as superb winemaking technology, Burgundy's wines are fruity and full of flavor.

This red wine is paired with rich stock and various spices, and then the best Charolais beef in France is grilled for up to 4 hours to form this amazing and delicious dish.

In the heavy cast-iron pot, large chunks of beef were immersed in a thick black-gray soup, with a few large pieces of potatoes and carrots randomly placed next to them. The appearance was quite rough, and there was no "plating" at all.

But just fork a piece, put it on the plate, cut it gently with a knife, and the stewed beef will be separated directly.

After taking a bite, the taste is unexpectedly good. The top-quality beef has completely absorbed the mellow red wine soup base. The meat is soft, delicious and elastic. After savoring it carefully, the aroma is fragrant and the flavor is unique, with a kind of The unique fruity aroma of red wine.

Even the vegetables served as side dishes are delicious.

Clark and the others enjoyed their meal, and while they were eating, Professor Trelawney, who taught the Divination class, also came.

As soon as she sat down, she opened her eyes and looked around and asked, "By the way, why don't you see Professor Luping?"

"I'm afraid the poor man is sick again," said Dumbledore, gesturing for everyone to get their hands dirty. "It's just too unfortunate to do it just in time for Christmas."

Because of this incident, Professor McGonagall and Professor Trelawney began to verbally target each other. Fortunately, Principal Dumbledore spoke up in time and ended the conversation between them.

Two hours later, the Christmas dinner was over, and Clark and the others were so full of delicious food that their stomachs almost exploded.

Harry and Ron stood up from the table first. They talked and laughed and came to the entrance of the cave. They found that Sir Cadogan, who was guarding the door, was enjoying Christmas dinner with a few friends and his fat little gray horse. .

"Merry Christmas - uh - Merry! Password?"

"Dirty mongrel," said Ron.

"So do you, lad!" cried Sir Cadogan, and the portrait sprang forward, letting them in.

In the next few days, they were very comfortable and happy. Clark was busy helping Charlie with his dragon farm, and Hermione followed him, preparing to publish a series about the dragon farm in the "Hogwarts School Journal" of the new semester. special report.

Neville is preparing the training plan for the duel club next semester, and at the same time following Clark's instructions, he helps Harry with physical training to hone his willpower.

These trainings were not much easier than Quidditch training, but every time Harry returned to the lounge exhausted and stroked his Firebolt, all the fatigue was swept away.

He was even a little impatient, hoping to ride a Firebolt in the next game and show everyone a completely different version of himself that was no longer afraid of Dementors.

But this wish, along with the beginning of the next semester, gave birth to new changes.

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