Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 37 Fire Dragon Park is open for business

Harry's Firebolt was still confiscated.

So, this person should not get too carried away sometimes.

For example, this time, although there was no report from Hermione, the news that Harry received an expensive Firebolt as a Christmas gift still reached the ears of Professor McGonagall.

It was the night before term started, and Harry was in his dormitory with his Firebolt and the broomstick care kit Hermione had given him as a birthday gift, trying to see what he could do with the Firebolt.

But there were no short, crooked branches to trim, and the broom handle was so smooth and shiny that there seemed no need to wipe or wax it.

He and Ron just sat there, admiring it from all angles, while earning frequent side glances from other students.

Suddenly, the hole in the portrait opened again, and Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor team, got in.

"Harry, I heard, a Firebolt!"

He strode up to Harry, his eyes never taking his eyes off the broom for a moment, and there was uncontrollable excitement in his words.

"That's it, isn't it? This is awesome! I'm going to make you order a new broom."

"Yes, this is indeed great." Harry was also very happy.

Wood sat down, looked at the Firebolt, and then at Harry, suddenly remembered something, and said in a low voice.

"I thought about it during the holidays, Harry. If the dementors come again next time... I mean... we can't risk you... how should I put it..."

Wood paused, looking a little embarrassed.

"I'm working hard," Harry said quickly. "Clark is helping me. He said he will train me to resist dementors, which should start this week."

"Ah," Wood said, the expression on his face became cheerful, "If that's the case - I actually don't want to lose such a great Seeker like you, Harry."

"I know, don't worry, Wood." Harry said.

While they were chatting, the portrait in the lounge opened again, and Harry and the others didn't take it seriously. However, this time, it was Professor McGonagall who came through the hole.

Although Professor McGonagall is the Head of Gryffindor House, Harry has rarely seen her in the common room before. The last time she came was in the second year because of the basilisk, and she came to announce the news.

"That's it, right?" Professor McGonagall said sharply, walking to the fireplace and looking at the Firebolt carefully, "I heard from my classmates that someone gave you a broomstick, Harry."

Harry and Ron both held onto their Firebolts and stared at her blankly.

"Show me, can you?" Professor McGonagall asked. Before they could answer, she took the Firebolt out of their hands and looked at it carefully from beginning to end.

"Well, no note, Potter? No card? No news?"

"No?" Harry replied blankly.

"Any questions, professor?" Wood also asked.

"I see, there's a problem..." Professor McGonagall said, "Well, I think I'm going to have to take this broom away, Potter."

"Wha-what?!" Harry stood up hastily, "Why?"

Wood also stood up, "Professor, Harry is going to participate in the Quidditch match soon."

"Of course I know that," said Professor McGonagall, "but we still need to check if there are any jinxes on it. Of course, I'm no expert, but I think Ms. Hooch and Professor Flitwick will take it apart - "

"Take it apart?" Ron asked in disbelief, as if he thought Professor McGonagall was crazy.

Wood's face also turned pale, "Professor! This is a Firebolt... an authentic Firebolt, in our team... You also hope that the Gryffindor team will win, don't you?"

"Don't worry, it won't take a few weeks," said Professor McGonagall. "This is also for your own good, Harry. You know, Sirius Black is looking for you, and this broomstick is very likely to be his conspiracy. "

Seeing their disappointed looks, Professor McGonagall added: "If we confirm that it doesn't have a curse, you can take it back."

"There's nothing wrong with it!" Harry argued quickly, his voice trembling a little, "Really, Professor -"

"It doesn't matter what you said, Potter," Professor McGonagall's tone was still quite kind, "At least you won't know until you fly by on it."

"But until we make sure that it has not been tampered with, I'm afraid you can't ride it. I will notify you of the specific situation in time."

After saying that, ignoring Harry and Wood's pleas, Professor McGonagall turned around and came out of the portrait hole with the Firebolt.

The door closed behind her, and Harry stood there, looking at the place where she had disappeared, with the can of Quick Clean Handle Polish still in his hand.

Because of this incident, Harry was depressed for several days, and so was Ron. They hated the person who revealed the news in front of Professor McGonagall, but they didn't know who it was, so they could only live in anger. Stifling.

Fortunately, the first big thing after school distracted their attention.

Hogwarts Dragon Farm, the affiliated Fire Dragon Park, is finally open for business.

On the first weekend after school started, the gate of the dragon farm was crowded with young wizards joining in the fun. Even though there were dementors flying in the sky not far away, their enthusiasm did not diminish at all.

It was nine o'clock in the morning, and as the gate of the dragon farm opened, the little wizards lined up like a long snake and walked in one after another, including Harry and Ron.

Different from the last time I came here, today's Fire Dragon Park is completely alive. Not to mention anything else, at least the fire dragon head on the park gate will really spit out magic flames for them.

In addition, all the shops in the park were open. As soon as Harry and Ron walked in, they saw puppet fire dragons of various shapes flying in the air on the roadside stalls.

Many little witches were surrounding it, and some of the people passing in front of them were followed by these things.

In addition, there are many delicious and fun shops. Harry and the others discovered that Honeydukes actually opened a branch here, the main product of which was strawberry gummy candies that can make people breathe out flames.

If you are not interested in shopping, there are many entertainment facilities in Huolong Park.

A real haunted house with real ghosts and vampires inside;

The Fire Dragon Roller Coaster has no tracks and the passengers are really flying in the air;

The high-altitude viewing platform is built above the clouds. If you are lucky, you can see the fire dragon flying in the dragon farm...

Every little wizard who has been to Fire Dragon Park is full of praise for the whims and wonders inside, and even lingers over it.

Because of this, the number of people in Hogsmeade Village on weekends began to decline at an almost visible rate.

People always like the new and hate the old. Since there are more fun entertainment places, why would they go to a small village that they are tired of visiting?

Even those merchants who had rejected Clark's solicitation were annoyed by their short-sightedness. Except for the Honeydukes store owners and couple, they quickly shifted the focus of their business to the Fire Dragon Park branch.

In addition, the Three Broomsticks Pub, Mrs. Puddieffe's Tea House and Zuko's Magic Joke Shop also came to Clark, hoping to get a storefront in Fire Dragon Park.

But Clark rejected them on the grounds that there were no vacancies in the park. After all, the biggest thing in the world is the rule. If these people didn't come when the investment was first invited, it would be too late to regret it now.

Seeing that the business in Fire Dragon Park is getting more and more prosperous, the remaining shops in Hogsmeade Village are also struggling and offering various discounts and promotions.

But most of these stores are just small businesses. Faced with Clark's dimensionality reduction attack that imitates the amusement park model of Disney Parks, they have no power to fight back.

However, there are some residents in Hogsmeade itself, and with some old customers, their business can still be maintained, but decline is inevitable.

After the Fire Dragon Park was officially open for two weeks and ensured that the park was operating normally, Clark summoned some other Hogwarts school directors and announced to them the park's income in the past two weeks.

Thanks to the work-study students (cheap labor) recruited from Hogwarts, the park's revenue in the past two weeks has been very considerable, which has also greatly inspired several school directors who invested. For some of his subsequent plans, It also boosts confidence.

Of course, Hogwarts is still a magic school after all. Although Fire Dragon Park is fun, it is just a pastime in after school time. The main task of the young wizards is to learn magic knowledge.

So on this cold and humid January morning, Clark and the others had to go outside for Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures class.

Originally, the last thing everyone wanted was to stay in the outdoor field for two hours. Unexpectedly, Hagrid had an idea today. In order to make the students happy, he made a bonfire and threw some salamanders into it.

These magical little animals live in and feed on fire, and their blood has highly effective healing and healing effects.

However, if they leave the flame, they will die quickly. Even if they are fed pepper regularly, it can only extend the survival time of the salamanders by six hours.

Therefore, this class was very interesting. The students had to try their best to collect firewood and leaves to keep the fire burning.

Those lizards that love flames are jumping around in the crackling firewood, and their dazzling white skin changes from time to time to blue or bright red as the heat from the flames changes.

Compared to the Care of Magical Creatures class, the first divination class of the new semester was not that interesting. Professor Trelawney now taught them palm reading.

As soon as she got the chance, she told Harry that he had the shortest lifeline she had ever seen.

Harry didn't care about this now. What he was more concerned about now was how Clark would teach him to resist Dementors.

After talking to Wood, he hoped that training against dementors could begin as soon as possible.

"Harry, I know." Clark replied, they had just come out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

"The first few days of school are quite busy. Let me think about it... How about Thursday night at eight o'clock? It's at the Duel Club's training ground. You know the place. It's big enough... and there happens to be a Duel Club training that afternoon, so... Just put them together.”

It was three o'clock in the afternoon on Thursday, and some students had already gathered in the spacious duel club. They were standing or sitting, looking at the three Clarks standing on the stage in front, with uncontrollable curiosity on their faces.

Nothing else, but the attire of these three people is really strange.

Hermione, who is standing on the far left, is wearing a wizard robe, but the robe is embroidered with abstract patterns such as flames, thunder and lightning, ice, and whirlwind with silk threads of different colors, which makes it look even more interesting. A bit of mystery.

Neville, standing on the far right, has completely lost the image of a wizard.

He was dressed in a suit that made it easy to move around, holding the elf dagger at his waist, and wearing a dull dragon skin armor on his upper body.

The originally round and fat face has become angular due to unremitting exercise. He looks determined and courageous. He already shows a hint of masculine charm at a young age.

With his tall and strong body and the calluses on his hands, he looks more like a warrior than a wizard.

Between Hermione and Neville, Clark looks the most ordinary.

He wore a pure black woolen sweater on his upper body and a pair of jeans on his lower body. He looked no different from a Muggle boy who could be seen everywhere.

But it was such an ordinary Clark, standing between Hermione and Neville, like a dazzling star, attracting everyone's attention.

Everyone present, whether intentionally or unintentionally, would look at him involuntarily, as if there was a strange magic power in him. No matter where he stood or how he was dressed, he was the center of the world.

It was as if even the world was revolving around him.

"Okay, everyone!"

When the last member of the Duel Club entered the club room, Clark finally spoke.

“In the past six months, our club has added many new players, and of course, they have successfully passed Neville’s training and caught up with our original progress.

So next, we're going to teach you something completely new. "

The young wizards present applauded, especially the old members who joined the Duel Club last year. They had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Of course, before learning new things, you still have a task, which is to first determine your fighting style."

"What is a fighting style?" a new Ravenclaw student raised his hand and shouted.

Clark glanced at him and said, "Good question!"

"The so-called combat style can be said to be the synthesis of your combat skills, combat rhythm, combat wisdom, and strength system, etc., all related to combat.

It determines how you fight when facing the enemy, and also involves your future development direction in dueling. "

He pointed at Hermione and Neville.

"Just like the two teachers standing in front of you now, Neville and Hermione. They represent two different fighting styles."

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