Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 41 Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw

"Can I take it away?"

Clark could tell that Harry's voice was shaking with excitement.

"Yes." A smile actually appeared on Professor McGonagall's face, "I believe you need to ride this broom to get a feel for it before the competition on Planet Six, right? Potter -"

She stared at Harry, "You must strive to win, okay? Otherwise we will miss the Quidditch trophy for eight consecutive years. This is what Professor Snape kindly reminded me last night."

Harry was speechless and could only nod vigorously, then took the Firebolt and went upstairs with Clark back to Gryffindor Tower.

They turned a corner and saw Ron rushing towards them, grinning broadly.

"She gave it to you? Great! Listen, Harry, can I ride on it and give it a try? Just tomorrow?"

"Okay...anything is fine..."

Harry was also very excited. In the past month, his mood had never been as relaxed as today, and a stone finally fell to the ground.

The three turned into the corridor leading to the Gryffindor common room and saw Neville being questioned by Sir Cadogan.


"Strange body and strange skin."

Neville opened the door to the common room and was about to go in when he heard footsteps. When he turned around, he saw Clark and the three of them and said hello quickly.

"Hey, Clark, Harry, and Ron, come in together."

Harry and the others quickly quickened their pace. Seeing this situation, Clark finally remembered why Sirius Black hadn't broken into the Gryffindor common room recently to search for Peter Pettigrew.

It turned out that it was due to the butterfly effect caused by himself.

In the original work, Neville, who was not changed by Clark, was cowardly, timid, and his head was not very bright.

In this state, he could not remember the frequently changing passwords of Sir Cadogan, the new guard, so he could only write them down on a piece of paper.

As a result, Sirius Black seized the opportunity and ordered Hermione's cat Crookshanks to steal the note with the password, so that he could break into the Gryffindor common room.

However, today is different from the past. Under the influence of Clark, the time traveler, Neville has changed a lot, becoming more confident and brave, and even his mind has become much more flexible.

This also resulted in Sirius Black not having the opportunity to obtain the password to the Gryffindor common room.

At this time, the three Clarks had followed Neville into the lounge. As soon as they entered, there was suddenly a burst of excited whispers around them.

Everyone turned their heads, and Harry was surrounded by those who were shouting about the Firebolt.

"Where did you get it, Harry? Did Professor McGonagall give it to you?"

"Can you let me try?"

"Have you ever ridden one, Harry?"

"Ravenclaw is definitely out of luck.

They can ride a broomstick and still sweep the seven stars! "

"Can I take it, Harry?"

People passed the Firebolt around and admired it from all angles. Harry and Ron were surrounded in the middle, looking proud.

Clark was standing outside, thinking about how to get Black the password without arousing suspicion, when Hermione suddenly appeared next to him.

"What are you thinking about, about Sirius Black?"

"What?" Clark was stunned for a moment.

Hermione glanced around and found that everyone else's attention was on Harry, so she said, "It's obvious, isn't it? This broom must be a gift from Black."

"You guessed so accurately, you might as well apply for a job as a divination professor." Clark joked.

Hermione rolled her eyes at him, "Don't make trouble, doesn't this reasoning come out? You have already said that Black was unjust. He actually cares about Harry. In addition, his family is rich, and this broom is not Is this what he gave you?"

Clark nodded and agreed with her, and Hermione asked again: "Honestly, aren't you going to help him get rid of his crime? Why aren't you looking for him?"

"There's no rush." ​​Clark looked at Harry who was surrounded by the crowd.

"A person like Black is a typical Gryffindor, reckless, impulsive, arrogant and stubborn. If we approach him rashly, he will not cooperate with us.

You have to hang him up first to make him impatient and powerless. Only in this case will he be more honest.

But now there is a problem. "

"What's the problem?" Hermione asked.

Clark told her about how to get Black into the Gryffindor common room, and Hermione was also very troubled, because the key to the problem was how to disguise the matter as a coincidence so as not to arouse the suspicion of the professors and Black.

At this time, Neville put forward his own opinion.

"Why did you let Black into the common room? You were going to hang him up and just ignore him?

He couldn't get into the common room even though he tried various methods. Isn't it also a kind of torture? Anyway, you just need to make him feel powerless. "

A flash of lightning seemed to light up in Clark's mind. Yes, he was mentally retarded. Why did he have to follow the development in the original work and let Blake into the common room?

All he had to do was wait until Black was powerless before appearing in front of him again.

After thinking about this, Clark no longer cared about Blake's affairs.

In the days that followed, Harry, who got the Firebolt, became a star in the school. People pointed at him wherever he went.

He also took Ron to participate in the last training before the game between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, so that after the training, Ron could try riding the Firebolt.

Harry originally invited Clark and Hermione, but they found a reason to refuse because Clark was not interested in riding a broom.

On the morning of the competition, Harry went downstairs to have breakfast with his classmates in the dormitory. They all seemed to think that it was necessary for the Firebolt to have an honor guard.

When Harry walked into the Great Hall, the students all turned their heads in the direction of the Firebolt, and there was a buzz of excitement in the Great Hall.

Clark, who was eating breakfast, saw all the Quidditch players on the Slytherin table, including Malfoy, stunned.

"Have you seen Malfoy's face?" Ron sat down and said happily to Clark, "His look of disbelief is really great!"

Captain Wood of the Gryffindor team was also proud of the glory of the Firebolt. He happily asked Harry to place the broom in the center of the table and turn it carefully so that its nameplate faced upwards.

Soon, students from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff also came to watch. This thing was like a supercar. No one, male or female, could help but notice it.

Cedric Diggory came over to congratulate Harry on getting such an excellent broomstick to replace his Nimbus 2000. Percy's girlfriend Penelope Crevat also asked if he could let her touch the fire. Crossbow arrows.

"Okay, okay, Penello, don't do any damage!" Percy said excitedly when Penello looked at the Firebolt carefully.

"Penello and I made a bet," he told the team, "ten galleons on the outcome of the game."

Penello was a little unhappy after hearing this, put down the Firebolt, thanked Harry, and turned back to her table. Percy saw this and quickly chased after her to eat a piece of toast with her.

Clark shook his head at his humble appearance. At this time, a cold, drawling voice came from behind them.

"You'll have no problem with that broom, Potter?"

Without looking back, Clark knew who it was just by listening to the voice.

Sure enough, Draco Malfoy also came to look at the broom, followed by Crabbe and Goyle.

"I guess so," Harry said casually.

"Perhaps it has many special functions, doesn't it?"

Malfoy noticed Clark sitting next to Harry, and his tone softened slightly, but it also sounded full of malice.

"It's a shame it didn't come with a parachute - just in case you got too close to a dementor."

Crabbe and Goyle chuckled.

"It's a pity that you can't have an extra arm, Malfoy," Harry muttered as he calmly stuffed the bread into his mouth. "That way your chances of catching the Golden Snitch might be much greater."

Laughter erupted from the Gryffindor long table. Malfoy narrowed his gray eyes, but finally glanced at the group of tall Gryffindor team members sitting at the long table, and still chose Turned around and walked away.

Everyone watched as he walked among the other Slytherin players, and saw that those people put their heads together, presumably asking Malfoy if Harry's broomstick was a real Firebolt.

After breakfast, at a quarter past ten, the Gryffindor team set off to the locker room, and Clark and others also came to the stands of the stadium.

Compared with when they played the Hufflepuff team, the weather today was exceptionally sunny, and the cool breeze blew slowly, making people feel refreshed.

Both teams walked onto the court and were greeted with thunderous applause.

The Ravenclaws wear blue jerseys and their Seeker, Autumn Chang, is the only girl on the team.

The red uniforms of the Gryffindor team are particularly eye-catching, but what is even more eye-catching is the Firebolt in Harry's hand.

The two teams faced each other and stood behind their respective captains.

"Wood, Davis, shake hands."

Mrs. Hooch said crisply, and Wood shook hands with the Ravenclaw captain.

"Get on the broom...listen to my whistle...three-two-one-"

With the piercing whistle, the game officially started.

Harry kicked his feet, and the Firebolt instantly activated and rose steeply, flying faster than other brooms and jumping higher, making the young wizards sitting in the stands marvel.

Lee Jordan, who served as the commentator for this competition, excitedly used a lot of space to introduce the Firebolt, as if he was advertising it.

"The game has begun. The biggest excitement of this game is the Firebolt that Harry of the Gryffindor team rides. The "Broomstick Encyclopedia" says that the Firebolt is the first choice broomstick for the national team in this year's World Cup——"

"Jordan, can you tell us how the game is going now?" Professor McGonagall's voice interrupted.

"No problem, Professor—I'm just giving you a little background information. By the way, the Firebolt has a built-in automatic braking device that—"


"Okay, okay, the ball is in Gryffindor's side, Katie Bell is running toward the goal with the ball in her arms, and she's trying to throw the ball into the goal... Well done, good girl!"

Harry passed Katie head-on, looking around for the golden light.

Ravenclaw's seeker Qiu Zhang followed closely behind him. There was no doubt that she was also an excellent seeker, but under the pressure brought by top equipment such as the Firebolt, she He seemed to have given up on searching for the Snitch and just kept an eye on Harry.

Whenever Harry wanted to dive in any direction, she would suddenly pass in front of him, block his way, smile brightly at Harry, and force him to change direction.

Not to mention, it seemed like this was the first time Harry had faced this kind of beauty trap. He was helpless when flying, and he really didn't dare to bump into Qiu Zhang, so he had no choice but to change direction.

"Show her your acceleration, Harry!" Fred yelled, flying after a Bludger aimed at Arya.

Only then did Harry react. As he rounded the Ravenclaw goalposts, Harry urged the Firebolt to speed up. Soon, Qiu was lagging behind.

Just when Katie hit the second ball in the game and the Gryffindor court was boiling, Harry also saw a golden light appearing near the ground. Flying around the fence.

Harry swooped down quickly, and Qiu Zhang behind him saw this and followed closely. However, her broom was no match for the Firebolt, so she could only eat ashes behind.

But just when Harry was only ten feet away from the golden light, a Bludger suddenly flew over, interrupting his dive.

It's a Ravenclaw beater!

Harry could only dodge to the side to avoid this powerful and heavy blow, but in these critical seconds, the Snitch disappeared.


The Gryffindor supporters let out sighs of disappointment, but the Ravenclaw side cheered for their batter.

In order to vent his angry feelings, George Weasley hit the second Bludger directly at the batter who had just caused trouble. The opponent was forced to roll several times in the air in order to avoid it.

Next, the game was still very tense. Gryffindor led by 80 points first, and then was pulled back by 30 points by Ravenclaw. At this time, if Qiu Zhang caught the Golden Snitch before Harry, Ravenclaw wins.

Clark and others discovered that Harry soon saw the Golden Snitch again. He began to swoop towards the Gryffindor goal, but Qiu Zhang immediately appeared out of thin air and blocked his way.

"Harry! Now is not the time to be a gentleman!"

Wood yelled rudely as Harry spun around to avoid a collision.

"Knock her off the broom if you have to!"

Harry glanced at Qiu, who still had a smile on her beautiful face, which made Harry feel a strange twitching in his lower abdomen.

Damn, what happened to me!

Harry cursed secretly, and when he turned around to look again, the Golden Snitch had disappeared again.

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