Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 42 Daily life with surging undercurrents

Harry's abnormality caused the young wizards in the stands to talk about him.

"What's wrong with Harry? He's riding a Firebolt!" Ron complained loudly.

Clark glanced at him, "Maybe it's because spring is coming."

"What does this have to do with spring?" Ron asked curiously.

Clark didn't want to pay attention to his innocent cousin.

At this time on the field, Harry started to take action again. This time, he turned the Firebolt and quickly rose to the sky twenty feet above the field. Qiu Zhang was still following closely behind him.

However, on the way up, Harry suddenly dived again. Qiu Zhang thought he saw the Golden Snitch, and quickly followed him, speeding up the dive.

However, in the middle of the dive, Harry used the powerful braking performance of the Firebolt to suddenly brake, then accelerate in the opposite direction instantly, shooting straight into the sky with a whoosh like a bullet.

Qiu who was following him couldn't stop the broom and kept plowing down. If it weren't for her good flying skills, she successfully knocked the broom sideways at the last moment and changed the direction of flight. I'm afraid she would have come with the earth at this time. A close contact.

"It's Wronsky's fake move!" Ron, who was sitting next to Clark, stood up excitedly. "Harry is really a genius. I bet he has never practiced this before!"

Many young wizards in the stands who knew something about Quidditch recognized this famous fake move and applauded Harry's wonderful performance.

At this moment, flying into the air, Harry saw it again. He saw it for the third time: the Golden Snitch was shining above the Ravenclaw side of the court.

Harry sped up and dived down. Many feet below him, Qiu Zhang, who had just regained his balance, calmed down his violently beating heart and had no energy left to catch up with Harry.

He was about to win, and the Snitch was about to get it - at this moment -

"Oh!" Qiu Zhang shouted, pointing down with his hand.

Harry was still distracted and looked down.

Three Dementors!

Three tall, thin dementors with black hoods were looking up at him.

He didn't stop to think, he just stuffed his hands into the middle of his jersey, pulled out his wand, and yelled: "Get away, there are many obstacles!"

A powerful stream of air spurted out from the tip of the wand, like a hard wall, hitting those ugly monsters directly, but he did not stop to take a closer look.

Harry's mind remained miraculously calm, and his eyes were looking ahead - he was almost there.

He reached out with the hand still holding his wand, catching the struggling Snitch in his fingers.

Ms. Hooch's whistle sounded, and Gryffindor won the game.

Harry turned around in mid-air and saw six bright red blurry figures flying towards him.

It was the other members of the Gryffindor team. They surrounded Harry in the center and hugged him so hard that he almost fell off his broom.

"That's great!" Wood shouted over and over again,

He had to be excited.

After defeating Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw in a row, they only need to defeat Slytherin again, and they can win this year's Quidditch trophy, which will add a lot of color to his campus life.

At this time, in the chaos, the Gryffindor players finally landed on the ground. Harry got off the broom and looked up to see a group of Gryffindor supporters cheering and running towards the field, rushing towards the front. , none other than Ron.

Before he could react, Harry was surrounded by cheering crowds and thrown into the air.

"Win!" Ron shouted excitedly, lifting Harry's arm into the air, "Win! Win!"

"Well done, Harry!" Percy looked very happy, "You won me ten galleons! Sorry, I have to find Penelope -"

"You're so good, Harry!" Seamus Finnigan shouted, "especially that fake move, which is not much different from that of a professional Quidditch player."

"It's really wonderful!" Hagrid said gruffly above the heads of the Gryffindor crowd.

"That obstacle spell worked pretty well." A voice sounded,

When Harry landed on the ground, he turned around and saw Clark, Hermione and Neville standing not far away.

"Thank you, Clark, the dementors didn't affect me at all!" Harry said excitedly, "I didn't feel anything. Your training was very effective!"

"Maybe - I mean, is there a possibility - uh - they are not Dementors?" Clark suppressed a smile on his face, "Come here and see -"

He led Harry out of the crowd and came to a place where he could see the edge of the stadium. He pointed at a chaotic scene and said with a smile, "What you did just now scared Malfoy to death."

Harry's eyes widened in surprise. The figure slumped on the court was none other than Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Marcus Flint, the captain of Slytherin.

They were hurriedly trying to get out of their long, hooded black robes. Looking at their embarrassed looks, it was obvious that Malfoy should have been riding on Goyle's shoulders just now.

At this time, Professor McGonagall was standing behind them, with a very angry expression on his face.

"Shameful trick!" she shouted. "Despicable, cowardly attempt to trick the Gryffindor Seeker!"

"As a punishment, each of you will be put in solitary confinement, and Slytherin will be deducted fifty points!

I'm going to talk to Headmaster Dumbledore about this, that's for sure, ah, here he is! "

If there was anything that could bring a happy ending to the Gryffindor team's victory, it would be the scene before them.

Ron squeezed out from the crowd and watched with Harry as Malfoy struggled to get out of the robe, while Goyle's head was still entangled in the robe. They both laughed so hard that they couldn't straighten their waists.

"Come on, Harry!" George hurried over, "The party! In the Gryffindor common room, right now!"

"Okay." Harry said happily. He felt that he had not been so happy for a long time.

Still wearing bright red jerseys, like bright red flags, he and his team members led the way out of the stadium and returned to the castle.

The three Clarks naturally followed behind the large army, but just as they were crossing the lawn, Clark suddenly caught sight of a black shadow out of the corner of his eye.

That was - at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, a huge black dog covered in shaggy hair was crossing the lawn, preparing to get into the shadow under the newly sprouted branches and leaves.

It's Sirius Black!

Even though he had never seen him before, Clark still recognized him at a glance.

Not far behind Blake was Crookshanks dressed in ginger.

As if he sensed something, the big black dog that was about to dive into the forest suddenly turned around and looked in Clark's direction.

The eyes of both parties collided in the air. The big black dog pretended to be innocent and tilted his head, but in fact he was frightened.

Black didn't expect that just taking advantage of the game to explore the castle, he would be seen when he came out.

Fortunately, he still maintained his Animagus form, so he probably wouldn't be recognized. Blake prayed secretly in his heart.

Sure enough, the little wizard looked away after staring at him for a while.

"What are you looking at?" On the other side, Hermione asked curiously when she saw Clark stop.

The next second, following Clark's gaze, Hermione also saw two creatures at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and her eyes suddenly widened.

"Crookshanks! What are you doing outside the castle? And what is that thing?"

"It looks like a dog, a big black dog." Neville interjected.

Hermione glanced at Clark, but Clark shook his head, "It's nothing. Maybe we saw it wrong. Maybe it's just a big tree or a stone or something."

Neville and Hermione were noncommittal, but did not delve into the matter. They turned around and followed Clark back to the lounge for the next party.

Next, as if Gryffindor House had won the Quidditch Cup, the party lasted all day and lasted until late at night.

Fred and George Weasley disappeared for two hours, and when they came back, they still had a lot of butterbeer, pumpkin soda, and several bags full of Honeydukes candy in their arms.

"How did you get it?" Angelina Johnson asked curiously. At this time, George was throwing peppermint toad candies into the crowd, causing the girls to scream.

"We got a little help from Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs." Fred winked at Clark.

At one o'clock in the morning, Professor McGonagall appeared in plaid pajamas and a hairnet. She insisted that everyone go to bed, and the Gryffindor party ended.

Clark and others climbed up the stairs and returned to the dormitory. Some of them were still discussing the game, but Clark quickly fell asleep.

There was nothing to say all night, and there was nothing in the middle of the night. The crazy murderer relied on a small piece of paper to break into the Gryffindor common room and attempted to kill Ron.

In the following days, everything was normal, the children were attending classes as usual, and the Gryffindor students discussed their house's hopes of winning the Quidditch trophy. Everything was so harmonious.

For Clark, the Duel Club's [Professional] diffusion plan is also proceeding normally.

He investigated those members and found that at this pace, those students would have to continue training like this for one and a half to two years at the earliest before they could truly complete their job transfer.

Fortunately, it was a little slow, but Clark could still afford to wait.

As for the dragon farm and fire dragon park, they are completely on the fast track of development.

In the second month after the official opening of Fire Dragon Park, there are already only a handful of young wizards who choose to go to Hogsmeade Village on weekends.

Not only that, after seeing the operating profits of the Fire Dragon Park and Dragon Farm, some school directors could not sit still. After knowing that Clark had no intention of expanding financing for the time being, they also came up with unique ideas.

In addition to some people trying to move their own and dragon farm-related industries to the vicinity of the dragon farm to promote the establishment of a fire dragon industrial park, some school directors have also set their sights on other small dragon farms in the UK and even Europe.

Trying to increase your shareholding ratio by buying shares with Fire Dragon.

Clark neither agreed nor objected to this, so it was regarded as acquiescence. After all, this did provide assistance to the development of the dragon farm.

However, not everyone is happy with the prosperity of dragon farms.

The Bock family, which has been engaged in the smuggling of magic materials, especially dragon materials, is deeply resentful of the dragon farm business.

Through last year's operation, Clark has completely excluded his family, and no matter how other people lobby in roundabout ways, they can't make him change his mind.

Coupled with the impact of the dragon farm incident on their family's dragon material smuggling business, Darren Bock, the school board representative of the Bock family, often expresses objections on the school board.

Besides him, the other person who saw the prosperous development of the dragon farm and was anxious in his heart was Bruce Stewart, the transfer student from Ilvermorny who came from the United States.

Since the last time he met him in the Capital of the Dead in Egypt, Bruce Stewart has been avoiding him and never appearing in front of him.

Although their names are very similar, Clark has no interest in men.

But Clark saw him one Saturday during an open house at Fire Dragon Park.

At that time, he was chatting with Charlie about the placement of the new fire dragon in the office area on the top of the mountain. As a result, he saw Bruce Stewart walking down the glass plank through the window.

He walked very slowly, blending in with the group of students, and soon fell to the back of the line.

Clark looked at the way he was looking around and guessed that he was afraid that he was being instigated by someone behind the scenes and came here to explore the situation.

I just don’t know if the person standing behind him is the Magical Congress of the United States of America or some interest group in the American wizarding world.

"Clark!" Charlie's voice suddenly came from his ears.

Clark came back to his senses and saw Charlie looking at him, "Ah, where did you just say?"

Charlie was speechless at his distraction, so he could only say, "It's about the safety of the fire dragon."

"Yes! Pay attention to safety!" Clark glanced out the window again, and Bruce Stewart was no longer visible.

"We must not only pay attention to the fire dragons so that they cannot cause harm to the park and visitors in the park, but also pay attention to prevent certain people from causing damage inside the fire dragon park."

Clark looked back and warned Charlie.

Charlie was stunned for a moment, "We will continue to strengthen the defensive magic circle here in the park, and Norbert is also very obedient. It shouldn't be a problem to accommodate two or three more fire dragons in the entire dragon farm."

"But this internal rumor...are you worried that someone will attack the dragon farm?" Charlie asked curiously, "This is Hogwarts. With Principal Dumbledore here, who dares to cause trouble here?"

"I can't say for sure," Clark shook his head. "It's just that you have been in Romania and know that this dragon farm is not just a dragon farm. The interests and various disputes involved behind it are enough to make Some people took desperate measures."

Although Charlie didn't know it very well, he had absolute trust in Clark, his extremely smart cousin.

Hearing this, he nodded, followed his instructions, and went down to arrange the work.

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