The actors on the stage were babbling and singing, and the tourists in the audience listened with interest.

This was still the late 1990s, and exchanges between the East and the West were not very frequent, let alone between the Ministry of Magic of each country.

Therefore, everyone feels very novel when watching this well-known legendary story in the British magic world performed by Chinese drama.

At this time, the drama on the stage was still going on, and the audience off the stage was gathering more and more.

With the increase in personnel, Huolong Park, which has always advocated "service first", naturally responded.

Staff from the Park Management Office first came to cast a spell to expand the space around the stage so that it could accommodate more spectators. Then, in conjunction with the spell, they created a tall terraced stand surrounding the stage.

To make the audience feel more comfortable and relaxed.

"Hey, Harry, come and see this!"

In the crowded crowd, Harry and Ron, who had just passed by the front, were each holding a lemon ice cream.

Inside the yellow chocolate shell is dense and cold lemon ice cream, followed by sweet and sour jam.

Take a bite, and the three different textures and flavors directly give people the most wonderful feeling. Sure enough, sweets are the best choice for making people happy.

The two of them walked on the busy shopping street, feeling the relaxed atmosphere brought about by the end of the semester.

Suddenly, Ron discovered the huge circular building at the end of the road, and walked over curiously. After hearing the sound coming from inside, he immediately called Harry over.

"Kill Harry Potter~"

"Kill James Potter."

"I used the red gallbladder loyalty magic spell~"

"Who thought the secret keeper would be chosen wrong-"

After hearing the story about himself, Harry couldn't help but walk into the theater, and together with Ron, he found a seat near the front and sat down.

"There's only one Harry Potter left~"

Behind the scenes, even after so many years, watching others perform this scene again, the black dog transformed by Sirius Black was still depressed, with tears in his eyes.

At this time, the performance on the stage has come to an end. As a huge flying motorcycle rumbles down from the sky, the first act of the Peking Opera "Harry Potter" also comes to an end.

The curtain closed, the actors exited, and the actors for the next act began to prepare. Taking advantage of this gap, the audience in the stands talked about this performance form that they had never seen before.

Ron saw that Harry's originally very happy face was now drooping, as if he was very depressed, and he quickly changed the subject.

"This drama is really weird, but it's also really interesting. Only Clark can come up with these things."

Harry didn't listen to Ron's words seriously and just said to himself: "Black is still on the run."

"Harry, we're about to go on holiday," Ron said uneasily.

"Black is still on the run!" Harry looked at Ron excitedly. "There has been no news since the last time he broke into Hogwarts Castle."

"Either he is planning to attack me outside school after my vacation.

Or, he has given up and is on his way to find Voldemort! "

Harry's words made Ron squirm uncomfortably.

"It's You-Know-Who, Harry, can we not mention that name?

And the Ministry of Magic will definitely protect you. Even if you are on summer vacation, I believe they will arrange for someone to be around you to protect you. "

Ron was talking to Harry. On the stage, the Peking Opera "Harry Potter" was already in its second act, and the first actor to appear on stage shocked everyone present.

Most of his body was shrouded in darkness. Only a beam of light from above his head hit his face, allowing everyone to see his face clearly.

Dirty tangled hair hung down to his elbows, and if it weren't for the light in his deep-set eyes, he would have looked like a corpse.

The waxy white skin is taut on the cheekbones, like a skinny skeleton, with a wide grin on its face.

Showing a mouthful of yellow teeth.

This is none other than Sirius Black!

Everyone was startled by his appearance at first, and then clapped quickly. In their opinion, this must be the appearance of an actor who relied on magic to change his appearance.

Even Harry and Ron in the stands thought so. After all, this was a large theater where hundreds of people gathered, and Black was a criminal wanted by the Ministry of Magic. How dare he do this.

After getting used to the dark environment, everyone saw Blake kneeling on the ground, his hands still bound by chains.

"Sirius, tell me the cause and effect of this!" A vague narration sounded in the theater.

“I was ~Sirius Bu~Lake, Azka~Ban, and I was tortured.

When I was young, I took that advanced course at Hogwarts, and my parents were classmates. "

Blake's voice was hoarse, as if it hadn't been used for a long time.

"And that Peter Pettigrew, it's all his fault for framing me~ He takes orders from Voldemort, his full name is Tom Marvolo Riddle~"

There was a lot of discussion on the originally quiet stage. "Blake's" lyrics were beyond their expectations, but some people also believed that this might just be a man-made dramatic conflict.

The performance on stage continues.

"The Dark Lord is a traitor and a traitor~

Kill your father and mother, James and Lily, in Godric.

Little Harry, little Potter, don't listen to evil people.

I am your godfather, and I will show my heart to you~~"

There was a sound of gongs and drums, and another figure appeared next door amidst Blake's lyrics.

No, maybe it was a human figure, because the red-haired boy in Hogwarts uniform was obviously carrying a small mouse in his hand.

The mouse was very skinny, and its fur had fallen off in large chunks, revealing the pink skin underneath. In addition, it was missing one of its paws, making it look pitiful.

Originally, in this dim situation, the audience would not notice this, but with the gathering of lights and the amplification of magic, everyone could see it very clearly.

"This is—Banban?"

"This is you -"

Ron and Harry asked almost at the same time. They looked at each other and saw surprise and surprise in each other's eyes.

However, the performance on the field would not stop because of their reactions. The little boy walked not far away from Blake with the mouse.

The spotlight was cast on him. At this time, Blake had just finished singing. The mouse in the little red-haired wizard's hand seemed to have gone crazy, struggling and jumping from his hand to the ground.

Then, the next moment, the audience saw a magical scene.

Just like a fast-forward shot of a tree growing, first a head comes out, and then the limbs come out.

In less than a moment, a man stood where the mouse had been, cowering and wringing his hands.

This was a very short man, not much taller than Harry and Ron, with messy, thin, lusterless hair and a large bald patch on his head.

His skin looked wrinkled, like a fat man who had lost a lot of flesh in a short period of time. His skin was very dirty, almost like the fur of the mouse just now. His pointed nose and watery mung bean eyes still looked a bit like a mouse. Characteristics.

Some young wizards may only think that this is a magical trick, but among the parents watching, there are still knowledgeable adult wizards.

"Illegal Animagus!" This was shouted by a wizard who happened to work in the Ministry of Magic's Office for the Administration of Dangerous Magic and was responsible for the registration of special talents.

"Peter Pettigrew!" This was shouted by a witch who had dealt with Peter Pettigrew's mother.

In this quiet theater, their voices carried far away, so almost everyone heard them.

"What's happening here?"

Ron turned to look at Harry with a shocked face. Why did his mouse suddenly turn into a human? And this man is still Peter Pettigrew, the hero who was killed by Sirius Black?

Harry naturally felt that his outlook on life was shattered. What on earth was going on?

Soon, everyone present will know the answer.

After Peter Pettigrew turned into a human, he shook his head, as if he had just woken up from sleep, and was still a little dazed.

"Hello, Peter -" Blake's words were like a cold wind blowing from hell, causing Peter Pettigrew to wake up completely.

His pupils began to focus and shrink, "Little--Sirius..."

Blake kneeling in the shadow startled him, but fortunately the other man's empty hands and the chains on his hands made him feel relieved a little.

Here is that?

Peter Pettigrew was thinking in his head as he glanced around nervously.

The dark stands were filled with people, and everyone was staring at him, as if they were conducting a huge group trial.

Peter's breathing hitched, and Harry saw his eyes darting toward the exit.

"You have nothing to say about what I just said?"

This time, Blake did not use that strange Chinese dramatic emphasis, but just spoke normal words.

As a result, the sense of drama weakened a lot, and the audience felt more real.

"No one will believe you..." Pettigrew said hastily, and Harry saw beads of sweat appear on his pale face, "You're lying!"

"Lying? Haha!"

Black's face looked more like a skeleton, his unfathomable eyes fixed on Peter Pettigrew.

"In front of so many people, we can definitely clarify one or two questions, can't we? Unless-"

"You're trying to kill me again!" Peter suddenly screamed, pointing at Blake.

Harry saw that he was using his middle finger, since he had no index finger.

"It was you who killed Lily and James, and now you want to kill was you who kidnapped me here! Where is this, the evil lair of the Dark Lord?"

Compared to the always calm Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew's performance made people frown.

Sometimes things are like this. When people face rigorous reality, they will always believe that there are all kinds of absurd coincidences and reasons in the world.

When watching absurd dramas, you will think that those random coincidences and dramas are very reasonable.

Just like now, if this incident were a real scene that happened around them, they would definitely attack Black first and rescue Peter Pettigrew.

Others may not be sure, but Harry will definitely not be able to help but take action.

However, after watching a drama and telling themselves that it was just a fake performance, they were able to withdraw from the incident and look at the matter with a calmer and more objective attitude.

In this calm state, many smart audience members quickly discovered the strangeness in the performance story.

Peter Pettigrew was too nervous. He was not as righteous and confident as a hero.

"This actor's acting skills are too bad," some audience members who have studied theater performances also complained to their friends. "His aura is too weak, and he was completely overwhelmed by the actor who played Blake." Go down."

On stage, the performance continues.

"Before we figure something out, I won't kill you, and no one else can kill you." Black said coldly.

"Get it figured out?" Pettigrew screamed, looking around in panic again, giving a lively performance to a guilty-minded person.

His eyes glanced down the dark aisle, and then to the backstage of the stage, which was covered by thick curtains.

"I knew you would come to me! I knew you would come back. I have been waiting for twelve years!"

"Did you already know that I would escape from Azkaban?" Blake's eyes narrowed, as if to see him clearly in the dim environment.

"I don't remember your grades in Divination class being so good. You know, no one has ever done this before."

"You must have mastered black magic that we have never dreamed of!" Peter Pettigrew screamed, "otherwise how could you have escaped from there? I guess that person who must not even be named taught you several tricks!" "

Some wizards turned their questioning eyes to actor Blake. Yes, Azkaban is the most terrifying prison in the wizarding world, and the dementors themselves are extremely dangerous dark magic creatures.

No one has ever been able to escape from there, unless it is a darker and more terrifying black magic given by a mysterious person, which makes this possible.

Blake laughed, a terrible, joyless laugh that filled the entire theater and echoed above the stage.

"Voldemort? How many tricks did you teach me?"

Peter Pettigrew's body shivered in fear, as if Black's words just turned into a whip and hit him hard.

"What? Are you scared when you hear your old master's name?" Black sarcastically said, "Yes, it's excusable, Peter. Those scum under him are not very satisfied with you, are they?"

"I don't know - what are you talking about - gibberish, Sirius -"

Peter Pettigrew mumbled disorderly, his breathing became more rapid, like a huge bellows, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans kept dripping from his forehead.

At this time, some astute people finally began to realize that something was wrong.

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