"You don't know what I'm talking about?

ha! ha! ha! ha! "

In the silent and dark huge theater, Sirius Black's jeers echoed repeatedly.

"In the past twelve years, you have not been avoiding me, but you have been avoiding Voldemort's old subordinates, right.

During my years in Azkaban, I heard something too.

Peter... They all thought you were dead, otherwise they would have asked you to confess... I heard them shouting all kinds of things in the dream.

They all seem to think that you, the liar, betrayed them.

Voldemort went to the Potter's house based on your information... Voldemort was defeated there.

But not all of his subordinates actually entered Azkaban, right? "

Black looked at Peter Pettigrew jokingly, his eyes full of mockery.

"There are still a lot of those scum out there, waiting for their chance to pretend they've reformed... If they find out you're still alive, Peter—"

Some people in the stands were talking louder. This drama has completely exceeded their expectations.

Some very alert wizards with government functions even drew out their wands and prepared to notify the ministry. However, after discovering that the magic failed, they remembered that this dragon farm was its own space, and many communication magics could not be used at all.

Not to mention the growing commotion in the audience, on the stage, Peter Pettigrew's voice became even shriller.

He wiped his face with his tattered sleeve, "I don't know... what are you talking about... you are a madman! A murderer! No one will believe your nonsense..."

"I believe him, Peter." A gentle voice sounded from the front row of the stands.

This sudden change shocked everyone. Could it be that he was also an actor.

No! no.

Some students present recognized the spectator who stood up. His thin body, shabby and patched clothes, and gray hair had very obvious features. He was the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor that the students liked very much. ——Lupin.

"Le-Remus..." Peter Pettigrew seemed to recognize the person, and even the relationship between the two was unusual.

"My friend... my old friend..." He looked at Lupine and shouted hurriedly, "You won't believe him, will you...? He wants to kill me, Remus..."

Lupine did not pay attention to him, but looked at Black, and looked at him, and there seemed to be a silent communication between their eyes.

"It's hard for me to believe...why hasn't he shown up before? Unless-"

Lupine's eyes suddenly widened, as if he saw something behind Black that no one else could see.

"——Unless he is the one...unless you changed...and didn't tell me?"

Black nodded slowly, his sunken eyes fixed on Lupin's face.

"Remus," Peter Pettigrew's voice trembled more and more, "don't believe—"

But he didn't finish, because the scene before him made his voice disappear in his throat.

Lu Ping's whole body relaxed, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his heart, and even the sad wrinkles on his face had smoothed out a lot.

He stared at Blake intently, then walked to Blake, grabbed his hand, pulled him up, and then hugged Blake like a brother in the shocked eyes of the surrounding audience.

In the audience below the stage, Harry could no longer tell whether this was a drama or reality.

He only felt that his heart was sinking heavily.

Harry felt himself trembling, not from fear or anything, but from a newfound anger that he felt he had been cheated on.

"I don't believe it!" Harry shouted loudly, his voice was so loud that everyone was startled.

"Harry?!" Lupine heard the voice and quickly let go of Black and turned towards him.

Harry had already broken free from Ron's pull, jumped onto the stage in a few steps, and stood in front of Black, Lupin and Peter.

"I trust you so much," he yelled at Lupine, his voice trembling uncontrollably, "It turns out you have always been his friend!"

"Harry, calm down, please listen to me!" Lupine shouted, "I wasn't Sirius's friend before, but I am now - because I just confirmed something, let me explain... "

"No!" Seeing the turning point, the nervous Peter suddenly screamed from the side, "Harry, don't believe him, he is Black's accomplice, and he also wants you to die - he is a werewolf!"

There was an eardrum-pressing silence. Whether it was Harry standing on the stage, Ron following him, or the audience of different ages sitting in the stands, all turned their attention to Lupin.

When you cannot refute a person in fact, it is also problematic to attack the person himself, deny him morally, and then deduce the matter related to him. This method may be unethical, but it is often very effective. .

Peter Pettigrew may not have studied journalism, but as a bad guy, he seems to be born with great talent in this area. At least some of the audience present, especially parents whose children are studying at Hogwarts, reacted to this matter It's extremely intense.

Regardless of whether this was a real drama or not, they had already taken out their wands and pointed them implicitly at Sirius Black and Lupin.

Lu Ping didn't seem to notice this. His face was as pale as paper, but he was very calm, as if he had expected such a scene when he stood on this stage.

"Harry..." Lupine looked at him, "I do know Black, but I have never helped him enter the castle, and I don't want you to die."

His face trembled strangely, as if he was struggling to make up his mind, "Of course, I don't deny that I am a werewolf."

Some parents of little wizards in the stands stood up, their wands openly exposed, pointing at Lupin from afar.

"We need an explanation!"

"Yes, this is no joke!"

"Where are the teachers at Hogwarts? Isn't anyone here to explain?"

Along with the roar of the crowd, the atmosphere in the theater was extremely depressing for a while.

Seeing this, Peter Pettigrew secretly smiled.

"Think about it, a dangerous werewolf transforming into a professor at Hogwarts, staying in the school and getting along with the children day and night, oh! I just can't believe such a thing.

What if, on a full moon night, he gets mad, turns into a werewolf, and attacks our children?

Moreover, he also hung out with the notorious murderer Sirius Black who escaped from Azkaban and became brothers.

I am concerned about the safety of this school and we must take action now! "

Peter's words resonated with most parents, and some children were pulled behind them to protect them. More righteous-minded parents squeezed to the front with wands and surrounded the stage.

"But they already know," Lupin's voice was not loud, but everyone present could hear it, "At least the teachers at Hogwarts know that I am a werewolf!"

"What?!" A parent standing at the front asked loudly, "Dumbledore hired you even though he knew you were a werewolf. Is he crazy?"

The parents next to him also looked unbelieving, but the smile on Peter's face faltered.

Cautiously, he looked around secretly again, but at this time the stage was full of people, and it seemed that he could only escape behind the curtain.

"Some teachers do have the same concerns as you," Lupine continued to explain to the people around him. "Principal Dumbledore had to do a lot of work to convince some teachers that they thought I could be trusted. ——”

"But he's wrong!" Peter fanned the flames again, pointing at Blake, "You've been helping him get into the castle!"

"I haven't always helped Sirius," Lupine said, making a shocking move.

He thrust his wand back into his belt and held his free hands out for all to see.

"As you can see, now you have weapons and we don't, so can you listen to my explanation?"

Harry, who was facing him, didn't know how to view this matter. At this time, Peter, who was sweating on his forehead, was still struggling.

"You must be preparing some trick again. If you haven't been helping him," Peter glanced at Black angrily, "How could he kidnap me here?"

Black looked at him with a sneer, while Lupine paid no attention to him.

His long life of being misunderstood has taught him a truth: don't try to explain anything to someone who is hostile to you from the beginning, because what they need is not an answer.

"It's a long story..."

"Then make a long story short, Remus! If you want to tell them something, tell it quickly." Black folded his arms on his chest, still watching Peter's every desperate struggle, "I've been waiting for twelve years, and now I don’t have much patience anymore.”

"Okay...but you have to help me, Sirius," said Lupine. "I only know the beginning..."

He brushed the gray hair from his eyes and thought for a while, as if he was explaining to the crowd, but he was still facing Harry more.

"All of this has to start with Hogwarts twenty years ago, that's where everything started - if I hadn't been bitten, maybe a lot of things wouldn't have happened... If I hadn't been so reckless if……"

Lu Ping sighed with half emotion and half regret, looking exhausted mentally and physically.

Ron wanted to interrupt, but Harry stopped him, "Shh!"

The people around him also listened without saying a word, just staring at him closely.

"I still remember that I was very young when I was bitten by a werewolf. My parents tried various methods at that time, but nothing worked.

The wolfsbane potion that Professor Snape prepared for me was only invented in recent years. You must know that this medicine can make me safer.

As long as I take this potion one week before the full moon, I will be able to maintain my sanity when I transform into a werewolf... I can curl up in the cage in the office, lock the door, and be a harmless werewolf, waiting. The full moon passed.

This is why Professor Dumbledore agreed to my coming to Hogwarts to teach. He had discussed this matter with Minister Fudge of the Ministry of Magic before the start of the semester. "

The hostility of the surrounding parents weakened a lot under his explanation.

"However, before the Wolfsbane potion was invented, I would turn into a horrible monster every month. It would be almost impossible for me to get into Hogwarts. Other parents would not agree to let their children come into contact with a werewolf child. of."

"Fortunately, there was Dumbledore, who became the principal at that time. After learning about my story, he sympathized with me.

He said that as long as precautions are taken, there is no reason why a child of school age should not attend Hogwarts..."

The surrounding families couldn't help but admire Dumbledore's kindness, while Lupine sighed and looked directly at Harry.

"A few months ago, I told you that the whomping willow was planted the year I arrived at Hogwarts, but in fact, it was planted because I entered Hogwarts."

"Under the Whomping Willow, there is a tunnel that leads to Hogsmeade outside the castle.

Once a month on a full moon night, I was secretly taken out of the castle and transformed into the house at the end of the tunnel.

They planted the whomping willow at the entrance of the tunnel just to prevent anyone from running into me during the dangerous period. "

Harry didn't understand what Lupine meant by what he said, but he was still fascinated by it. Apart from Lupine's voice, the only sound was Peter's heavy breathing.

"In those days, my transformation - it was horrific.

The process of becoming a werewolf was painful. When I wanted to bite someone, I had to stay away from other people, so I had to bite myself. This is where the Shrieking Shack came from. "

"Hurry up!" Blake urged impatiently.

"Okay, okay, except for the transformation, that period was the happiest I've ever been. For the first time, I had three wonderful friends, Sirius Black...Peter Pettigrew...of course, Harry, and Your father - James Potter"

“Because of my monthly disappearances, they discovered my secret.

I thought they would distance themselves from me once they found out I was a werewolf. However, they did not leave me. On the contrary, they thought of a way to make my transformation period not only easier, but also the happiest time in my life.

They learned about the Animagus. "

"My dad too?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Yes," Lupine couldn't help but praise, "it took them almost three years to do this. It can be said that your father and Sirius are the smartest students in the school."

"When they were in fifth grade, they learned how to shapeshift and transform into different animals. They came to stay with me when I fell ill on a full-moon night."

"I'm glad you can still remember this!" Peter couldn't help but interjected, "It was really an unforgettable time."

Lupine turned to look at him, "At that time, we gave ourselves nicknames. Black was Padfoot, I was Moony, James was Prongs, and you - Peter, you are Wormtail."

"You still remember these!" Peter smiled sarcastically.

The expression on Lupine's face was very serious. He stood in front of Peter and looked down at him condescendingly.

"Wormtail is a mouse, so - Peter, I very much know why an innocent person would risk identity confusion and be willing to be a mouse for twelve years and stay as a pet in a wizarding family. ?”

Peter staggered back a few steps in panic.


The crisp sound of the shutter, coupled with the flash and fog, recorded this scene on the film.

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