"Being able to learn Animagus transformation is a relatively rare skill. A wizard who masters this skill can transform into various animals according to his own wishes, and there is no difference at all.

However, this magical ability is also dangerous. "

Lupine stared at Peter intently, looking at him condescendingly, while the other man sat on the ground with a look of panic on his face.

Colin held the high-end camera provided by the school magazine and took a photo of the scene, then immediately turned around and squeezed out of the crowd of onlookers.

He ran out of the theater, ran along the commercial street, climbed up the glass plank, passed through the reception hall, and was about to leave the dragon farm quickly through the gate.

Suddenly, Colin felt as if he had hit a thick and solid wall, and his whole body was bounced back by a powerful force. He took a few steps back and fell to the ground, crying out in pain.

"Boy, watch carefully when you walk!" A tall body blocked the light above the head, and the shadow cast completely enveloped Colin.

Colin subconsciously raised his head and saw a strange man covered in a black cloak. The man seemed to be looking down at him, but he didn't look at him. This weird feeling made people very uncomfortable.

He struggled to get up from the ground, ready to argue with the weirdo. However, he remembered the mission assigned by Clark, and looked at the other person's strong figure and several other tall men also wearing cloaks following behind him. The figure finally suppressed his dissatisfaction in his heart, muttered a few words secretly, and then got past the man.

This small conflict did not leave any impression on Colin. The only thing that made him complain was perhaps the smell that he smelled when passing by those big men, as if it had been marinating in the sewers of London for a long time. odor.

On the other side, Peter on the theater stage was still accepting Lupine's questions.

“As a wizard who is proficient in Animagus transformation, you know very well the price of this kind of game, which is that you will make the false become the real and lose yourself.

The longer one remains in another beastly form, the greater the danger.

Their minds will be eroded by the animals they transform into. In the end, the nature of the animals will prevail in the person, and the person's reason will gradually disappear, and he will truly become a beast, hunted and killed by people. "

The wizards present felt frightened by the dangerous consequences described by Lupine, and they remembered the stories about the wizard Webger that they had heard when they were children.

It is said that the wizard Wei Bojie especially likes to transform into a bear. He will change back and forth like this every three days, enjoying the freedom and unrestrained feeling in the forest, teasing and frightening the hunters who go into the forest to hunt.

However, the tragic thing still happened. The characteristics of the bear finally prevailed in him, and he gradually disappeared. He really became a bear and killed his own young biological son in the forest. Finally, he was captured by more hunters who entered the forest and put into a cage.

Therefore, no one knows how many of the dolphins jumping in the depths of the sea were once humans, very smart people. They were intoxicated in the rough sea and forgot their wisdom and names.

"I'm innocent, but I'm also scared!" Peter Pettigrew screamed, "If Voldemort's men are looking for me, it must be because I sent their most capable officer to Azkaban - This spy, Sirius Black!"

Blake's face was twisted with anger.

"How dare you say that!"

He roared, and his momentum sounded a lot like the big bear-like dog he had transformed into, jumping in front of you.

"Me, Voldemort's spy? When have I ever curry favor with someone more powerful and powerful than myself?

And you - I don't understand why I didn't figure out you were a spy from the beginning.

You always like strong friends so that you can get their care, right? It used to be us... Remus and I... and James..."

Pettigrew wiped the sweat from his face, almost out of breath.

"I, spy... you must be crazy... there is nothing... I don't know how you can say such-"

"Lily and James asked you to be the secret keeper after listening to my suggestion." Blake said almost through gritted teeth, his tone so fierce.

"I thought it was a good plan...a package swap...Voldemort would definitely come to me, but I didn't expect that they would use a weak and incompetent thing like you...You told Voldemort that you could dedicate the Potters to him, That must have been the happiest moment of your despicable life.”

Blake beat his chest remorsefully, feeling like his heart was being cut by a knife.

The wizards surrounding them were also in an uproar. Some of them had more or less heard of that incident back then.

After all, it involves You-Know-Who, and Harry, the little savior.

It's just that they had always thought that the spy who betrayed the Potters was Sirius Black, but now the murderer told themselves that the real murderer was someone else, Peter Pettigrew, who was promoted as a hero by the Ministry of Magic and had been dead for a long time.

They just felt that their minds were in chaos, and they couldn't tell whether this was a real fact or a strange theatrical performance designed by Fire Dragon Park.

However, there are always some guys with sensitive political experience among them. Watching the "Revenge" staged on the scene, they turned countless corners in their hearts, with uncertain expressions on their faces. After discovering that they could not use magic to communicate with the outside world, they finally Still gritting his teeth, he turned and walked outside the theater, preparing to inform the department as soon as possible.

"There must be an earthquake now!" The guy who walked to the door sighed secretly, and then found that there were several guys who came out with him, and the faces of these guys were very familiar.

The few people looked at each other vaguely, quickly pretended not to know each other, and started running towards the exit of the park.

Most of the people in the theater did not notice these episodes. On the stage, facing the continuous questioning of Lupine and Black, as well as the suspicious eyes of the people around him, Peter's psychological defense was on the verge of collapse.

Harry heard him mumbling incoherently, with words such as "ridiculous" and "crazy" coming out of his mouth. At the same time, he also noticed his dusty face and a pair of eyes that glanced behind the scenes from time to time.

"Professor Lupin?" Ron, who was once Scabbers' master, suddenly spoke up and asked timidly, "I-can I say something?"

"Of course, Mr. Weasley," Lupine said politely.

"Scabbers...well...I mean, this - this person - he used to be a pet in our house, and then I went to school and took him to Hogwarts.

He was in our dormitory, staying in the same room as Harry. If he was the accomplice of the mysterious man, why didn't he hurt Harry? "

"Yes!" Peter Pettigrew screamed as if he was grasping a life-saving straw, pointing at Ron with his incomplete finger, "Thank you, my master! Did you see it, Lesim?" I didn't touch a hair on Harry's head! Why would I do that?"

"Let me tell you why," Blake took a step forward, "because you never let go of the rabbit before you see it."

"Voldemort has been missing for twelve years and everyone says he is half dead. You wouldn't kill someone under the eyes of Albus Dumbledore for such a crippled and fallen wizard, would you?

You have to make sure that he is still the biggest overlord before you go back to follow him, right? Why else would you find a wizarding family to hide in? Because that way you can keep your ears open and eavesdrop on the news first hand, isn't it, Peter?

If your old patron suddenly makes a comeback and the situation is safe, you can still choose to go back to him and sacrifice the life of your good friend's child again..."

Faced with Black's accusation, Peter Pettigrew opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word, as if he had lost the ability to speak.

Seeing this situation, the balance in everyone's mind tilted a little towards Blake.

"I have a question." A big kid raised his hand in the crowd. Clark had a little image of him. He seemed to be a senior Ravenclaw student with good grades. "Uh...Mr. Black... …Sirius?"

After being imprisoned for so many years, this was the first time that Blake heard someone address him so politely. He was startled and stared at the boy, as if he had never seen anyone like him before.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, how - how did you escape Azkaban? Without using dark magic?"

"Thank you!" Peter Pettigrew shouted excitedly, nodding towards him, "Yes! This is exactly what I -"

He wanted to say more, but Lupine interrupted him with a sharp look.

Blake frowned slightly and looked at the boy, but he didn't seem to be annoyed by his question, but seemed to be thinking about how to answer.

"I don't know how I did it," he said slowly, "but I have a guess. I think the only reason why I didn't lose my mind is that I knew I was innocent."

"It was not a pleasant thought, so the dementors couldn't suck it out of my head... but it kept me sane and aware of who I was... and allowed me to conserve my magic..."

"So when things get too tough...I can transform into a dog...in my cell, you know, unseen by the dementors..."

He swallowed, "They approach people by sensing their emotions... When I turned into a dog, they probably didn't think my emotions were big - not very human-like, not too complicated..."

"But of course, they thought I was losing my mind like the other prisoners and didn't care.

But I am weak, weak, and without a wand, I have no hope of banishing them..."

Harry listened to Black's explanation, combined with what Clark had told him about the nature of the Dementors' abilities, and quickly came to the truth of the matter.

It turns out that the Dementor's ability is to amplify a person's inner desires, causing them to expand infinitely and make them dissatisfied, causing them to fall into a state of depression and loss.

But for Sirius Black, who was already heartbroken, no matter how the dementors induced him, he no longer had any desire, so his resistance to the dementors was greatly increased.

In addition, if he turns into an animal, his desire and thinking as a human will be suppressed, and he will naturally be able to maintain his sanity in front of the dementors.

"But just when I felt like I couldn't hold on any longer and was about to give up, I saw Peter in that photo..."

"Photograph?" Harry didn't understand what Blake meant, but Blake spoke quickly, so he couldn't dig deeper.

"At that time, I realized that he was at Hogwarts, next to Harry... If news reached his ears that the dark forces were resurgent, it would be the most appropriate place for him to start... …”

Peter Pettigrew shook his head and moved his mouth silently, but as if he was hypnotized, he couldn't say anything and could only keep staring at Black.

"...once he was sure he had an ally, he would take action...to sacrifice the last of the Potters to them.

If he could offer Harry, who would dare to say that he had betrayed Voldemort? He will be welcomed as a successful minister..."

"So you have to understand, I have to take action, I'm the only one who knows that Peter is still alive..."

Harry thought of what Mr. Weasley had told his wife the night before term started: "The guards said he talked a lot in his sleep... always saying... 'He's at Hogwarts.'"

"Spurred on by this thought, it was as if someone had lit a fire in my mind, a fire that even the dementors could not extinguish... It was not a pleasant thought... but it gave me strength. , to clear my head.”

Blake's voice swept away the decadence and became extraordinarily firm.

"Just like that, inspired by this flame, one night, when the dementors opened the door for me and brought food in, I turned into a dog and slipped over...

Remember what I said, they are not very sensitive to animals, so they were fooled...I was very thin at the time...so thin that I could slip through the gap between the iron fences...

Then, after escaping from Azkaban, I swam across the channel in a dog's body and returned to the mainland... Then I walked north and slipped into the Hogwarts campus.

In school, I always stayed in the Forbidden Forest, hiding near this dragon farm, where there were several abandoned material sheds.

Of course, except when watching Quidditch, you fly as well as your dad, Harry..."

After saying all this, Blake let out a long sigh of relief, as if he wanted to spit out all the worries and regrets he had accumulated in the past twelve years.

His eyes looked at Harry without blinking, and Harry didn't turn his head, choosing to look at him.

"Trust me, Harry!"

Blake looked at him affectionately and said hoarsely, "Believe me, I have never betrayed James and Lily. I would rather die than betray them!"

"Don't believe him," screamed Peter Pettigrew, "he's lying!"

However, Harry finally believed it. He felt his throat was tight and couldn't speak, so he could only nod slightly.

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