Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 60 Accident and Rescue


The screams came as expected when Clark was most relaxed, and he couldn't muster the strength at this time.

His body was already sending him a strong warning, but just now he could still run back here in one breath.

But now that he had seen Hermione safe, he had let it out, so much so that he could only watch helplessly.

Looking not far away, the werewolf prisoner who had been tightly bound and could only lie on the ground suddenly broke free from the rope.

Watching him transform from a human being, his bones gradually stretched, his hair grew crazily, and finally he turned into a werewolf.

Seeing the children around her screaming, Hermione felt like she was facing a powerful enemy, but she was caught off guard. In order to protect the children, she was knocked down by a werewolf!


For the first time, Clark discovered that he could also be afraid, so scared that even his screams were broken due to too much force.

He discovered that during these three years of getting along day and night, someone had already left a shadow in his mature and closed heart.

The feeling was different from fighting side by side with Neville before and seeing the other party in danger.

Is it love? Or friendship? He couldn't tell himself.

Anyway, when he heard Hermione's shrill, frightened voice coming from the crowd, his heart almost stopped beating.

An indescribable power flowed out of his mind and instantly dominated every muscle in his body.

Clark just ignored their protests. He was like a puppet, being manipulated, staggering through the crowd, walking towards Hermione in the distance, and walking faster and faster.

At this time, the werewolf who knocked down Hermione not far away seemed to be aware of the coming danger, and raised his head and looked around cautiously.

He happened to see Clark rushing towards him. He recognized the guy who had just subdued him. He let out a strange scream and ran away. He rushed to the street and jumped into the lake.

Clark had no intention of catching up at this time, he just quickened his pace and rushed to Hermione.

However, when I saw her appearance,

Clark's heart dropped.

He stretched out his hands and tremblingly took the girl into his arms. Looking at the bloody bite marks at the junction of her slender neck and shoulders, he knew that the matter was irreversible.

Anyone bitten by a transformed werewolf will be infected with the wolfsbane curse, transform into a werewolf on a full moon night, and be dominated by the bloodthirsty beastly nature, and no one will be spared.

Not only that, there is not even a good enough way to treat this situation in the current magic world. The only useful thing is the wolfsbane potion that keeps the werewolf sane when transforming.

The pain and regret in Clark's heart almost overwhelmed him like a tide.

He looked at the girl in front of him who was unconscious due to injury, looked at her brows furrowed in pain, and thought of the suffering she would have to suffer every month in the future, and for the first time he hated his lack of strength.

If he could be stronger, if he had killed those two werewolves just now, if he had been more firm before, he could have forcibly ordered Hermione not to come here...

But all this cannot be changed now.


Clark looked at the gold chain hanging around Hermione's neck and couldn't help but tighten his arms around her. It seemed that... all this was not completely irreversible.

Clark, who had regained a glimmer of hope, successfully got rid of the entanglement of negative emotions such as sadness and regret after venting, and his mind finally became clearer.

After all, it was just a werewolf curse. With his smart mind, as long as he calmed down, he quickly came up with several ways to solve this problem based on the existing conditions.

Whether it's using a time turner to go back in time like how Harry and his friends rescued Sirius Black and Buckbeak in the original book.

It should be feasible to slowly accumulate strength, wait for becoming a god, and then use divine power to change reality.

It's just that the former involves time travel, and the time sand consumed cannot be hidden from the Ministry of Magic at all. It will inevitably be held accountable by the Ministry of Magic. At the same time, there are various hidden dangers in the process.

Waiting to become a god and using magic to get rid of the curse is indeed a foolproof method, but it also means that Hermione, who has been bitten by a werewolf, needs to endure several years of pain and suffering like Professor Lupine, and face the surrounding environment. Strange and repulsive looks from people.

Don't think it doesn't matter. There are many children in the magical world who have been bitten by werewolves, but how many of them can eventually develop a kind character like Lupine?

It’s not just because of my different status that I have been discriminated against, isolated and bullied by other children since I was a child. This is just like those children who are bullied in school. In the end, most of them develop extreme personalities and go down the wrong path.

Therefore, Hermione cannot be allowed to endure such pain!

Clark's eyes shone with determination again, and he finally made up his mind. He looked up and looked around, and found that the people around him were already in a mess because of the werewolf attack just now. There were children crying and adults. There was a chorus of anxious shouts.

He was not in the mood to care about this anymore. He picked up the injured Hermione and took advantage of the chaos to walk to a remote place. The most important thing now was to find a clean place where no one was.

Fortunately, there were many places that met the requirements in this Fire Dragon Park, and Clark quickly found an unused employee lounge in a certain toy store.

He placed Hermione on the wooden bed, cast [Rejuvenation] to stabilize her injuries, then locked the door, fumbled in the collar of his robe, and pulled out a long, thin gold chain.

At the top of the gold chain is the magical time turner.

Clark stared at the small hourglass and the beautiful golden sand grains in the hourglass, and then at Hermione who was still lying on the bed. He hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind.

Even for the sake of the kind-hearted Grangers, I still need to return their daughter intact!

However, just in case, Clark did not act immediately.

He first took out some food from the magic pocket he carried with him and replenished his energy and water. Then he squinted for a while to regain his energy. After adjusting his condition, he was ready to set off.

Of course, he didn't forget to bring Hermione's time turner with him. After all, he had used it several times. He hadn't had time to hand it over to the Ministry of Magic to fill up the time sand in it. At best, he could only use it. Five hours back.

Fortunately, there is still a little magic sand in Hermione's hourglass, so it's estimated that going back seven or eight hours won't be a problem.

As the small hourglass turned over, pale golden light spots floated out, and the familiar sense of time travel came again.

But Clark, who was already familiar with this, was not in the mood to observe the process of time travel. Soon, he felt his feet stepping on solid ground again.

Everything around him became clear again. Clark looked up and found that he was standing on a broken and deformed glass plank.

Not far above his head, he could still see a corner of the building on the top of the mountain, and at the same time, he could vaguely hear the sound of a huge fight.

Based on this situation and the length of time he went back, Clark quickly judged that he should still be on the top of the mountain with Neville, fighting the werewolf.

He was not in the mood to care about this at this time, so he turned around and ran down the mountain. He needed to get to Hermione as soon as possible and control the damn werewolf first to prevent him from suddenly attacking and hurting Hermione.

While going down the mountain, Clark accidentally saw a twisted figure in black robes who fell to death on the mountain wall.

That was the werewolf who had jumped down from the mountain and was about to break into the Fire Dragon Park, but was caught up and killed by the guards.

Looking at this figure, Clark suddenly remembered that when he ran down the mountain a few minutes later, the guards did not look surprised when they saw him.

This shows that they have not seen themselves before this, that is, now.

So just in case, and for the sake of continuity and rationality of time, Clark suddenly decided to change the route, bypassing the guards at the entrance of Fire Dragon Park, and climbed in from the side of the gate.

This time he came back early and soon hid at the corner of a certain store and saw Hermione who was guarding the werewolf captives not far away.

Clark finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her safe and sound.

He looked at the two werewolf prisoners lying on the ground and found that these two guys had their eyes closed at the moment. They seemed to have been stunned by the current. There was nothing strange about them.

"Then how did this guy break free of his own rope?" Clark was filled with doubts.

He remembered that he tied the other party with an alchemy rope. This kind of rope was enchanted and had a certain spirituality. It would be difficult to untie it unless ordered by the master.

Doubts remain doubts, but Clark's movements don't stop.

He looked at the tied werewolf and was about to use mind spells to control him so that he could delay him until he could successfully rescue Hermione.

However, at this moment, a shout suddenly came from not far away, "Who is hiding there? Come out!"


Clark looked so ugly that he turned around and saw a wizard not far away holding a wand and approaching cautiously.

"Damn sense of justice!"

This must be a wizard who was spontaneously searching for suspicious characters to ensure the safety of the children, and happened to see the sneaky Clark again.

He turned around, and at this time, another Clark appeared panting not far from the commercial street. Time was running out, and he did not intend to pay attention to the wizard and quickly cast a control spell on the werewolf.


The magic beam and sound arrived almost at the same time. When the bold wizard saw Clark not responding, he decisively cast a coma spell to subdue him.

Of course, Clark, who had a keen perception, would not be hit by his spell so easily, and just rolled away to avoid it.

However, after such a delay, the werewolf prisoner not far away suddenly became angry and threw Hermione to the ground.


The anger in Clark's heart was almost ready to burst out. He raised his hand and wanted to kill this troublemaker, but in the end he controlled it, gritted his teeth and got into the shadows.

Leaving the place where the chaos occurred, Clark became more and more angry as he thought about it, and couldn't help but kick the trash can on the street hard.

Almost! Just a little bit closer! He could save Hermione.

Clark tried to calm his breathing, trying not to let negative emotions interfere with his thinking.

"still have a chance."

Clark looked at the golden hourglass in his hand and the few golden sands in the hourglass. He had just turned half a circle just to be cautious, and now he still had four hours to go back.

It's just that the upper limit of time retrieval should not exceed five hours, and there is only one hour of extra time each time, which means that he now has four more chances.

"Don't panic, I can do it!"

Clark cheered himself up while hiding in an empty room and turned the time turner in his hand half a turn again.

The light stretched and time reversed. This time, Clark appeared directly inside the Fire Dragon Park. Surrounded by brooms, mops and rags, it should be the utility room of a certain store.

He opened the door, and the shop outside was still crowded with wizards and children who were hiding from danger. Through the half-open window, Clark happened to see himself rushing to the gate of Fire Dragon Park more than an hour ago.

"good chance."

Clark knew that Hermione should have just defeated the two werewolves at this time and was guarding the spot, but he heard the voice of the fire dragon Norberta and was about to check the situation.

He could take advantage of this time difference to meet Hermione directly and take away the two werewolf captives first, or even kill them——

Just as he thought, Clark sneaked out of the room and ran towards where Hermione was. Soon, he saw the girl's figure again.

Only this time, before he could say hello to Hermione, suddenly, a strong warning of danger sounded in his heart again.

He didn't even have time to determine where the danger came from. He instantly held his head and leaned forward while laying down a layer of air wall around himself.

The next moment, an empty shop next to him was hit by a dragon flame fireball falling from the sky.

It's Norbert!

Clark remembered that at this time, he should have met the mysterious man in black robe riding Norbert at the entrance of Fire Dragon Park. It was precisely because he competed with him for control of Norbert that the Fire Dragon lost control and flew into the sky at will. Breathing dragon flames.

And he should be one of the affected people.

Before Clark had time to lament his misfortune, the dragon flame fireball that fell into the room suddenly expanded and exploded. Huge flames first poured out from the windows and doors of the room, and then the wooden wall panels and roof were all blown into pieces. fragments.

If Clark hadn't laid down just now, he would have been beaten into a hornet's nest by these fragments at this moment.

However, just as he was about to stand up, a wooden beam thrown into the air by the explosion spun and fell from the sky, hitting him squarely on the back of the head.

Clark's vision went dark, and he passed out before he could even say "Damn".


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