Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 61 The Secret of the Timeline

Next to the ruins of the burning house, charred wood fragments lay on the ground.

It seemed that only a moment had passed, or a long time had passed. The center of the wood fragments on the ground shook slightly, and then a black head lifted up from below. ?

Clark, who had just been knocked unconscious by a wooden beam, struggled to stand up, touched the back of his head with his hand, then looked up not far away, and happened to see "himself" picking up the injured Hermione.

"Damn it!"

Clark punched the ground in front of him hard. Twice in a row, he missed the opportunity to rescue Hermione.

To say that this was just a coincidence, he was the first to not believe it.

There is no such coincidence in the world. As soon as he wanted to save Hermione, he was interrupted by various accidents and missed the opportunity.

It's just that there is less information collected now. Although Clark has some guesses in his mind, he is not sure yet. He is ready to try again and do an experiment first.

Clark stood up from the ruins, found a deserted corner, and turned the time turner again. This time, he turned the time turner three times, preparing to go three hours ago.

The familiar feeling came again, and the process was no different from the previous two times.

However, as Clark's accumulated travel time increased, the consequences of frequent time changes and travel time gradually brewed and took shape in the void.

Relying on his keen perception, coupled with a little insight into time brought by the prophecy system, Clark vaguely felt that at the moment when he used the time turner to travel, those things that were almost materialized In the sea of ​​time, something was whispering and looking at him greedily.

Something outside of time, something rejected by the universe, was watching him.

These things cannot come into contact with life or matter at any time in this universe, but now Clark feels that as he repeatedly uses the time turner and goes back to the past repeatedly, he appears more frequently on the same timeline, and is exposed The risk of being in the presence of those dangers has also increased.

So much so that the universe's protection for him seemed to be weakening, as if there were some invisible hands pulling on him, making him feel a little heavier.

This little weight is so insignificant, it may even be just a fragment of time, its mass is less than one thousandth of an electron, but this is a very bad sign...


The barrier between him and these things is being weakened!

At this time, he combined the knowledge he read in the books at home and the warning from the professor when he obtained the time turner, and finally came back to his senses - time is a constraint for the lives in it, but it is even more important. A kind of protection.

It's like four-dimensional us can decide the fate of the characters in two-dimensional pictures at will, but once we really want to contact the characters in those pictures, we must first reduce a part of ourselves to the two-dimensional world, and This process of dimensionality reduction may cause some surprises.

Time also has an impact on those guys.

However, this short shuttle time did not give Clark more opportunities to think. Soon, when Clark landed, he found that he was guarding the entrance of Fire Dragon Park with the guards three hours ago, stopping attempts to A werewolf broke into the park.

Clark looked at the heated battle scene in the distance and had no intention of getting involved, nor did he take advantage of the chaos to get rid of the werewolf who hurt Hermione.

He just glanced at it from a distance, then turned around and walked in the opposite direction, towards the hill not far away.

Climbing up the steps, carefully avoiding Neville and the werewolf Greyback who were fighting fiercely on the mountainside, Clark soon reached the top of the mountain.

There was no one on the top of the mountain at this time, and even Charlie didn't know where he was. There was only a friendly voice calling him through a spiritual link from a big shed not far away.

"Clark, you're finally here, what's the situation down the mountain?"

Clark heard the eager thoughts in Norberta's words. When he walked into the work shed, he saw that this guy had already stood up and waved his wings, and he couldn't wait to fly out.

"It's okay, they're just some clowns." Clark comforted her softly, and at the same time kept looking outside the shed, waiting for the arrival of the mysterious man in black robes who controlled Norbeta.

However, Clark waited and waited for a long time without waiting for the mysterious man to arrive... Then, he suddenly understood - wherever there was a mysterious man in black robe, what he saw was himself.

So Clark picked up the black robe used for work hanging on the wall of the work shed and put it on his body. Then he turned over and rode on Norberta's back, giving her orders.

With an excited roar, one dragon and one man spread their wings and soared into the sky.

The strong wind blew across Clark's face. Under his command, Norbert quickly flew over the gate of Fire Dragon Park, and then fell from the sky, crushing the gate of the park.

This act of destroying things filled the young Norbert with the pleasure of venting her power. She roared excitedly, wanting to participate in the battle against the werewolves.

At this moment, another "Clark" suddenly appeared in front of one man and one dragon.

"Why are there two Clarks?" Norbert felt that her small brain had turned into a ball of mush. Could this be double masters and double happiness?

But soon, she felt double the pain. After the master who appeared later roared, he and the master on his back began to fight at the spiritual level, and the battlefield was her mind.

It felt like there were countless little people chattering in her head, making Long upset and manic.


A dragon roar emerged from Norberta's mouth that only the two Clarks could understand. While waving his long tail and wings, he deliberately avoided the escorts and knocked down several werewolves.

The past version of "Clarke" who still didn't understand the specific situation was stunned for a moment. Taking advantage of this opportunity, future Clark, who was riding on Nobelta's back, quickly ordered her to take off into the air and fly towards the forest not far away.

The refreshing breeze blew across Clark's cheeks, as if he were driving a convertible Maybach and putting his hands on the window.

Clark no longer had any doubts in his mind. After the verification of his own battle just now, he finally confirmed his guess, that is——

You can go back in time and influence the subsequent development of history, but you cannot change what has already happened/experienced. Because the world you live in and the things you experience are already the result of being affected by your future self!

He remembered the time when Hermione forgot to go to Charms class because she overslept and missed learning the Happy Charm.

As a result, after Clark and the others reminded her, Hermione did not use the time turner to travel through time and go back to Charms class.

Because Harry and others did not see Hermione in the Charms class at that time, this has become an established fact. If you want to change this fact, in addition to time travel, if you want to change history, you also need to change the time. The memories of everyone in the class, including Professor Flitwick.

So regardless of whether Hermione tried it at the time, she couldn't change the fact that she didn't learn the Happy Charm.

The situation was similar to this incident, but the result was very different, was the time in the original book when Hermione and the others rescued Buckbeak.

In the original book, the hippogriff Buckbeak faced the fate of being tried and beheaded by the Ministry of Magic because he scratched Malfoy.

And when Harry and the others went to look for Hagrid, they happened to see the executioner from the Ministry of Magic entering Hagrid's room and heard the sound of beheading.

As a result, Hermione and Harry used the time turner together to go back a few hours and rescued Buckbeak very easily.

It was only then that they discovered that the sound of beheading they heard was just the sound of the executioner chopping down the tree stump in anger.

In this way, all time logic is closed, and Buckbeak in the original book is successfully rescued, carrying Sirius and flying away into the distance.

After carefully analyzing these two events, combined with the several attempts he made just now to save Hermione, and some time-related knowledge he obtained from the godhead fragments, Clark finally understood the entire Harry Potter in his mind. Have a general understanding of the unique time rules of the world.

Yes, different worlds have different time rules, but they can be roughly divided into three categories.

The first category is the "fixed timeline", just like the "sacred timeline" shown by Kang the Conqueror in the American TV series "Loki". It is a fixed line that extends toward the future. On this timeline , history is in a state of "circulation" and "conclusion", and the character's time-travel behavior cannot change history.

In this state, the time of this world, or history, itself is restorative and logical, forming the fate that people often like to talk about.

Even if time travelers go back to the past, what they do will not change the future. All events remain on a fixed "timeline", and the actions of time travelers have become part of history, or even the same thing. Because of his arrival, the history they had seen was formed.

The world of "Harry Potter" where Clark now lives falls precisely into this first category.

In the third part, when Harry encountered the Dementor crisis, it was his future self who traveled back and rescued him, forming a "loop". What Clark just tried was to ride a dragon and meet his past self. It also belongs to the same operation.

The second type of time rules is the "dynamic timeline". In a world with this kind of timeline, history is also linear, and there is only one, but it can be changed, and the changed history will also affect looking towards the future,

The only thing that needs to be noted is that this influence can be good or bad for future changes. It is very likely that your time travel will lead to your own disappearance or even future destruction.

There is an old movie called "Time Traveling", which tells the story of this situation.

In addition to the above two types of time rules, the third type of time rule is the "multiverse", or "parallel universe".

In the time and space before Clark traveled through, the third phase of Marvel Films focused on the concept of the "crazy multiverse", and this was also first seen in Avengers 4.

For a world with the "multiverse" as the background, if a traveler travels through time and goes back to the past, a new, divergent timeline will be generated based on the original timeline as soon as you change the past. .

This is just like when the female Loki killed Kang the Conqueror in the TV series "Loki". On a "sacred timeline", because there is no one to maintain it, countless branches have emerged, splitting into infinite individuals. Parallel universe.

In this case, the time traveler can do anything unscrupulous in history, because doing so will only cause new timelines to be split off.

Of course, the "time" rules in the world are not simply divided into three categories. Sometimes they are mixed together and take effect at the same time, and even occasionally because of some powerful existence.

For example, in the Marvel Universe, based on the concept of "multiverse", it is also combined with the concept of "fixed timeline".

After understanding these concepts related to "time" and "history", Clark also understood why accidents happened every time he tried to save Hermione who was injured by a werewolf.

Because the time rules of Harry Potter are the first type of "fixed timeline". In this world, the history of the past is fixed and cannot be changed by people.

Any attempt to change this kind of history will be affected by the mysterious "fate" and will fail. Therefore, Clark will be discovered and interrupted for the first time, and will be hit in the head by a piece of wood and become comatose the second time.

From this point of view, wanting to save Hermione from the werewolf curse seems to be a wishful thinking.

However, Clark found a loophole in this rule that was not a loophole.

Is that what is called history? Is it really “real” history?

Just like the incident of saving Buckbeak in the original book, at the beginning, Harry and Hermione heard the sound of beheading, so for them, Buckbeak's beheading was history.

But later, after they traveled through time and rescued Buckbeak, they discovered that Buckbeak's beheading was not real "history". They had just misunderstood before, and the real "history" was that the wooden stake was chopped off. .

So you see, many times, a lot of things, what we see with our own eyes, hear with our own ears, or even experience personally, are not necessarily the truth of the matter.

History, too.

How many of the traitors and villains we think of are actually loyal ministers and good generals, and how many of the heroes we talk about are actually despicable people.

Just like the matter of Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew, without putting the evidence in front of us, who can know what the truth of history is. Maybe before we delve into it, he is both good and bad.

Clark calls this Schrödinger's history.


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