Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 66 Mind Network


People who have never been in management will never understand how difficult it is to organize a group of people to carry out group activities.

In this world, there are only a few people in this world who can be like Han Xin in ordering troops. The more the better. After all, they are only a few, or even one in a million. More people may not even be able to lead a small team of dozens of people well.

There are quite a few wizards trapped in this dragon farm today. In addition to some parents, most of them are children of different ages.

They totaled about a thousand people, and they wanted to make these people obey orders. Dumbledore would have done the same.

"This won't work, and that won't work either. What should we do to solve this dilemma?"

Hermione covered her head and complained angrily. The next moment, the sound of poor signal contact reappeared around the room, and the girl experienced another refresh in front of Clark.

Clark 1 patiently told the newly refreshed Hermione what happened, while the other three Clarks gathered around and began to discuss specific solutions.

"Is it feasible to organize a large-scale prayer ceremony?" Clark No. 2 was the first to speak. He looked at his other two selves, "I still have some influence among the students, and with the endorsement of the reputation of the Prewett family, when I grow up, There should be some among the wizards who can activate it.”

"Stop dreaming," Clark No. 4 retorted directly. "You are not unaware of wizards' rejection of gods and beliefs. If you dare to expose it, things will be even more troublesome."

Clark 3 tried to smooth things over, "The matter of gods is very troublesome. We don't know if after solving this problem, the memory of everyone in the small world will be restarted or the memory will be retained. If it is retained, the gods will be removed prematurely, especially Or if a god like the [God of Wisdom, Knowledge and Magic], who is particularly closely related to wizards, is exposed, the consequences will be difficult to control."

"Then that's the only plan..."

Clark No. 2 spoke, and then looked at each other with the others.

"What's the plan?" Hermione, who had just received all the information from Clark 1, approached them and suddenly asked.

Several Clarks glanced at him and said in unison: "Of course it's 'Clark has completed the plan'!"

Next, with Hermione looking confused, Clark told them about their plan. As the plan was revealed in full, Hermione's expression changed from confusion to shock to realization and then adoration.

"This plan... this plan..." Hermione was almost at a loss for words in her excitement and could only keep shouting "666".

Now that the plan has been initially determined,

The Clarks didn't hesitate and started taking action directly.

The first step they have to do is to gather together the Clarks who appear after each timeline restart.

This matter is neither big nor small, because in order to save Hermione, he used the time turner 4 times in a row in the time loop of this small world, so he exists on the same timeline at the same time. With 5 Clarks.

In addition, from just now to now, time has cycled a total of 4 times, which means that there are already 25 Clarks in this small world who will not be reset by the time cycle.

The only good news is that once you find these Clarks, the steps to gain their trust are not that difficult.

Clark himself is a smart man, plus he knows the existence of the time turner and has psychic powers to back it up, so he quickly established trust with his other self who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Because there were too many people, the Clarks had to change places and choose a more spacious place to gather in the woods.

If someone went into the woods at this time, they would see 25 Clarks who looked exactly the same and were dressed exactly the same, communicating in low voices with no expression on their faces. The scene was weird but harmonious.

When the people arrived, Clark No. 1 took the initiative to stand up and told everyone present the plan they had discussed before, and this plan also received unanimous approval from them.

Soon, these 25 Clarks all took action, cast the [Psychic Link] power together, and jointly formed a psychic local area network. Each Clark was both a psychic server and a terminal of this psychic local area network.

This is a brand new feeling that Clark has never experienced before. He has tried to have a [mind link] with Hermione before, but that feeling is just a telepathic connection between two people. No matter what the other person is thinking, the other person People will understand immediately.

Although that feeling was wonderful, it was completely different from what Clark felt now.

The minds of 25 Clarks with the same thought fluctuations and the same memories are linked together to form a spiritual network, which is directly equivalent to Clark's own spiritual power increasing 25 times.

The minds of all of them instantly merged into one, like water and milk, regardless of each other. Whether it was memory, thinking ability, or reaction speed, they all doubled.

What 25 pairs of eyes saw, what 25 pairs of ears heard, and 25 noses smelled, all these sensory signals were gathered into Clark's collective consciousness, and they were all processed by him easily.

At this moment, he even felt that he was a god in this state and could do whatever he wanted and be omnipotent.

Fortunately, the increase in psychic power also enhanced his control, and Clark quickly broke free from this false sense of power.

He knew that his current state was indeed similar to the way God restrained himself in every timeline.

But this is only achieved in the special environment of a closed small world and relying on a chaotic world line. It has no meaning at all.

So the 25 Clark aggregates quickly corrected their mentality. At this time, they all looked at Hermione. Under the gaze of 25 pairs of eyes, even as bold as her, they were all very nervous.

But thinking that this was just Clark's attempt, she controlled herself to relax.

Soon, it was time to restart the time loop, and the feeling of poor signal around her strengthened again. However, unlike the previous times, Hermione's dissipation slowed down a lot this time.

"Slowed down by 2.5 seconds!"

25 Clarks spoke almost at the same time, but there was only one magical voice.

"This shows that this approach can work, but we still need more of ourselves to network."

"But we don't have much time. Judging from the current situation, this world can no longer bear several time loops."

The Clark Aggregate, which has an all-round vision with no blind spots, can certainly see that with the restart of time, a thin layer of yellow sand has fallen on the branches and leaves in the forest.

And he had found some of this kind of yellow sand in those rooms before.

Obviously, as the entire small world becomes overwhelmed, desertification and sandification may be the fate of this small world.

"Preliminary estimates suggest that this world can withstand up to five to six time cycles."

"It's not enough. This only adds 30 selves at most, which is just a drop in the bucket for the entire small world."

"Perhaps we can sacrifice a little area. The most important thing right now is to ensure the safety of tourists in this park, right?"

The 25 Clarks talked to each other, and there was obviously only one voice, but it seemed like many people were talking, and the conversation was lively.

"I agree with this point of view. If people lose land, both people and land will survive. The large forest outside the park has not been developed anyway, so I won't feel bad if it loses it."

"That's it, I'm fine with it."

After the discussion, the Clarks immediately took action. First, they found the five selves refreshed by this time cycle and let them join the spiritual network. Then, they started the first self-rescue experiment in the Fire Dragon Park.

The longest link distance of the psychic link is 5 meters. In addition, as Clark's professional level increases, an additional distance of level/2 will be added, so the total is 9.5 meters.

Based on this limit distance, 30 Clarks will stand one person every 9.5 meters, striving to expand the coverage area of ​​the entire [Clark Card Mind Network] to the maximum, so that the aggregate mind can see more things.

During this process, not all wizard parents or young wizards were curious about this mysterious guy who suddenly appeared, wearing a black cloak and hiding his head and tail.

But soon, they unconsciously looked away from Clark, as if he didn't exist.

The time loop is as usual, and after reaching the node, it starts to restart again.

Although the "hissing" sound of poor signal contact is still there, this time, in the places covered by the 30 Clark Mind Network, the sound of poor signal is much smaller. At the same time, the scene of cracked and broken space in the void background is also It looks weaker and less obvious than outside the network.

Of course, the time restart is still going on, but Clark, who is in the state of spiritual link, relies on his greatly improved perception, and still finds that the place covered by his sight is refreshed and reset at an obvious speed. Slower.


This sentence popped up in the minds of 30 Clarks at the same time, and something called hope began to shine in their hearts.

Yes, Clark's method is actually very simple. Since gathering the crowd cannot be completed in a short time, then just gather "self".

Although Clark is also a weak observer, the 30 Clarks gathered together through spiritual links have become a force that cannot be ignored.

Based on the data collected just now, they quickly conducted a second experiment.

This time, in addition to the five new ones, Clark also added Hermione and eight other students he could find to join the duel club, and at the same time, he also pulled more trustworthy students into the spiritual network.

As the number of people connected to the psychic network increased, the Clarks found that the observer effect became stronger this time, and the collapse of the small world caused by the time loop was further weakened.

So next, Clark completely let go of his hands and feet, pulling himself refreshed after each cycle into the [Psychic Network]. At the same time, he also used his now more powerful psychic power to seduce and persuade with words, or directly Use supernatural powers to suggest and control.

Anyway, soon, his [Clark Brand Psychic Network] used himself as the backbone and attracted a large number of adult or underage wizards.

But even so, in several consecutive time loops, the Clark Aggregate still failed to change the terrible current situation of the small world.

Except for the Fire Dragon Park where they were located, the forest outside the park began to become desertified on a large scale at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye.

Whether they are trees, animals, soil, or steel, they are like hastily piled fortresses under the erosion of time. They are simply vulnerable and have no resistance.

Every time time goes through the cycle, the outer edge of the forest disappears a little.

The dead, dry yellow border surrounded and eroded their space bit by bit, and the rolling yellow sand began to wreak havoc throughout the entire dragon farm space with an unstoppable attitude.

Faced with this situation, even the fire dragon Norberta trembled and cuddled up to Clark, let alone the wizards.

After trying various means, they finally recognized the reality and took the initiative to move closer to Clark.

But Clark did not accept them all, because he discovered that his [Psychic Network] also had a capacity limit, and the more people connected to it, the better.

Those who have too complicated minds will join in, but it will reduce the purity of spiritual energy, weaken his control, and thus become a drag on him. Therefore, when Clark goes long, he will link the same number of outsiders as himself.

However, even with the addition of so many people, Clark still felt that he was just a little bit behind.

Yes, no matter how hard he stimulated his own strength and how hard he tried to observe carefully, in the end it was like looking at flowers in the mist or the moon in the water, unable to break through the hazy sense of distance.

Because of this, everyone who has gone through several time loops can only watch in despair as the yellow sand erodes little by little and buries them.

"What else is missing?"

"damn it!"

Clark, who always showed his rationality, cursed in a low voice. He saw the despair on the faces of the children around him, and also saw the hatred some people had for him.

He suddenly understood a sentence he had seen when watching a movie in his previous life: "If you play with time, you will be played by time."

Perhaps the smooth sailing of the past few years has indeed made him arrogant and arrogant, so much so that even though he knew that excessive use of the time turner would have adverse consequences, he still stubbornly insisted on his own opinions regardless of...

Wait... Time-Turner!

Clark, who was regretting in his heart, was suddenly startled. Together, he took out the time turner he took from Hermione from his pocket.

That's right, just like him, this time turner involving the power of manipulating time has actually been refreshed to 50.

The golden sand grains flowed in the hourglass, echoing with the yellow sand raging in the sky outside, and reflected in Clark's eyes.

Who said I was wrong? I, Clark, can't be wrong!

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