
"Let's take a gamble!"

The blue sky shattered into pieces, and the sun formed by magic directly opened a big hole.

The dim yellow sand is like a waterfall, falling from the sky along the gaps, pressing towards the Fire Dragon Park below.

Wizards of all ages gathered together. When faced with this all-pervasive situation, Huang Sha, who had the power of time and could kill time, was horrified.

At this moment, 49 Clarks turned the time converters in their hands together.

From the 49 exquisite golden hourglasses, the Sands of Time turned into a curtain of light and swept out, and gathered together in the air, wrapping Clark around.

That familiar, special feeling that transcended time came to him once again.

Everything in front of him began to become elongated and blurred, and as the light and shadow changed, 50 Clark's thought aggregates jumped up like a carp jumping through a dragon gate.

The already tattered small world barrier was powerless to stop him, and the long river of time appeared in front of Clark again.

The difference from before is that after gathering the power of 50 of himself, Clark was finally able to take a good look at the scene of the long river of time this time.

It is still the magnificent torrent of history, with countless golden sands of time gathering together, as if it contains everything in the world and all possibilities.

It is vaster than deserts and oceans, and more brilliant than the stars in the sky. It just rolls forward and never stops.

Clark also noticed that right under his feet, a quicksand vortex formed by the sand of time was spinning rapidly, consuming everything within it.

And outside this vortex, a crystal clear "Klein's bottle" that seemed to be condensed from the concept of space was wrapping them together with the vortex of time.

It's just that at this time, the transparent "Klein's Bottle" is already covered with shocking cracks, as if the next moment it will be unable to withstand the pressure brought by the internal time vortex and explode.

At the same time, Clark's consciousness aggregate also saw its own form of existence.

If, as a weak observer, he is just a slightly larger grain of sand in the sand of time, then the existence of the [Psychic Link] ability is like a thread that binds these grains together. Weaving into a big net that spreads into the long river of time.

Each of them is a node on this network. These nodes work together, plus the spiritual network, and the wizards gathered around him, just like the breakers on the seaside.

Together they form a loose "strong observer", distributed in the light vortex, slowing down its rotation.

If you have to describe it, it's like throwing a fishing net onto a rapidly rotating propeller, twisting it around, slowing it down, or even forcing it to stop.

Of course, before this, when the Clarks were still sinking in the long river of time, they couldn't do it.

But when he used the time turner to transcend the long river of time, his reputation as a "strong observer" was temporarily established.

At this time, accompanied by a series of crisp cracking sounds of "click, click", the "Klein's Bottle" that enveloped the entire small world exploded. The time vortex inside could no longer be restrained and collapsed directly. In the long river of time in a small area, huge waves were set off.

This time, the time of Hermione and others did not restart in a loop. In the field of vision of Clark's aggregate, a new, weak stream of time flowed out of the space of the dragon farm, like glue, binding the little one on the verge of collapse. The world is glued together.

A new tributary of destiny is born!

Outside the dragon farm, due to the sudden attack and closure, the students who had long discovered that something was wrong reported it to the school leaders of Hogwarts.

Principal Dumbledore was the first to arrive, and he was also the first to shake his head and sigh after checking, saying that there was nothing he could do.

After receiving the news, Cornelius Fudge, the British Minister of Magic, who had just arrived, felt a chill in his heart when he saw Dumbledore's actions.

You must know that this dragon farm, including many subsequent projects, is not only a political achievement project when he was in office, but now many students and parents are trapped in it. Its involvement is so wide, and it covers so many wizard families, that he It's a lot of pressure.

If something goes wrong, he can immediately announce his resignation on the spot.

"Dumbledore, how is the situation? Can the people inside be rescued? Is there any problem?" Fudge looked anxiously at the most powerful old wizard in the wizarding world and asked, placing all his hopes on him. On my body.

The wrinkles on Dumbledore's old face could almost kill a fly. He withdrew the wand inserted deeply into the void, sighed and shook his head.

"It has become a space of its own, and time has also formed a cycle. It can be said that it is completely independent from the current world and belongs to another time and space.

The key is that the current situation over there is very chaotic. If you rush in there rashly, it will disrupt the fragile evaluation over there and pose a danger to the people inside.

Second, wanting to cross the distance of time and space and enter that small world is a very dangerous move in itself, and there is a high possibility of getting lost in the turbulence of time and space. "

The more Dumbledore spoke, the sadder his face became, and the more Fudge's expression became the same as his.

Among the several professors around, only Professor Flitwick, who was proficient in magic, could discuss things with them. In addition, a deputy director of the Department of Mysteries brought over by Minister Fudge, together with several clerks, were also there. Help them make suggestions.

Just as this group of people stood helpless in front of the empty gate of the dragon farm, suddenly, Dumbledore waved his wand, and the ground beneath their feet rolled and undulated like waves, pushing them backwards.

Everyone was surprised. The next moment, the original entrance of the dragon farm suddenly began to change. The originally ordinary space was twisted, cut, folded, and spliced ​​like a child's kaleidoscope.

The chaotic space is constantly changing, making the bronze dragon farm gate change into various shapes like building blocks. You can imagine what kind of terrifying situation they would be in if they were in it just now.

"What is going on?" Fudge looked at the scene in front of him, his face changed drastically.

The deputy director of the Department of Mysterious Affairs had been exposed to this phenomenon before, and explained very calmly: "This is the turbulence of time and space. It seems that the small world inside has reached its limit and can no longer maintain its own existence. It is about to run away." Collapsed."

"Collapse!", the minister's voice rose a few degrees, "What happens after the collapse? What happens to the people inside? Can they come out?"

The deputy director's face also became serious.

"What will happen? According to the records of the Department of Mysteries, among the time turbulence incidents that have occurred so far, there is only one case with normal survivors. In the other 33 cases, the parties involved died after aging rapidly, and luckily became younger. But 12 cases had their memories wiped away.

Living people can still be seen here. In addition, 317 cases are missing, and only partial body remains can be found in 226 cases, with various organs spliced ​​together at will..."

The expressions of everyone present became cautious. As far as they knew, today was the opening day of Fire Dragon Park, and there were at least thousands of tourists visiting the park.

If calculated according to the probability he just said, the number of these thousands of wizards and wizards who can successfully survive the turbulence of time and space is probably less than a palm.

Fudge's face turned pale and lost all color. He seemed to see his ministerial throne waving to him and then leaving him.

"Albus, think of a way!" Fudge begged.

"I'm trying to figure it out."

Dumbledore's brows were furrowed, and he held his wand upright, as if he was holding an extremely sharp sword, wanting to plunge straight into the chaos of time and space.

However, as powerful as he is, it is extremely difficult to face forces such as [Time] and [Space] that are at the forefront of all the worlds.

He was clearly heading towards that space-time "chaotic texture", but the distance was getting further and further away, occasionally deviating to the left or right, but he couldn't get closer anyway.

???While Dumbledore and others were worried about the accident at the dragon farm, Clark and others were also actively saving themselves within the time and space vortex. ??

In the chaotic vortex of time and space, 50 Clarks connected 50 fellow wizards in series, forming a large net that packed up the wizards in the entire dragon farm, as well as the dilapidated Fire Dragon Park.

The rolling sea of ​​sand surges outside this big net, and the dilapidated park is wrapped in the giant net, like a broken boat, floating on the sea of ​​sand.

Occasionally, some fall through the holes in the big net, but most of them are still blocked by it.

When the wizards in the park looked up, they could see that the sky above them was broken into countless pieces, but it was still held up by a giant net.

At this critical moment, they finally put aside their distracting thoughts, and under the command of Hermione, Neville and others, they prayed, hoping that Clark could successfully rescue them.

The power of united thoughts gathered together, like wisps of green smoke, floating up, and then captured by the spiritual net outside the Fire Dragon Park, and passed to Clark's body.

Waves of heat flowed through his body, eliminating his mental fatigue, and even had the effect of strengthening his spiritual power.

"No wonder those gods always like to bring disasters and then arrange saviors to save mankind. The power of faith generated in such disasters is really pure and powerful."

Clark thought secretly in his heart, and at the same time isolated the power of faith provided by the wizards and injected it all into the spiritual network to maintain its existence.

After all, incense is poisonous. He has not yet ignited the divine fire. He has ascended to the throne of God and absorbed these things with a mortal body. It can be said that the gain outweighs the loss.

Fortunately, with the support of these spiritual powers, the spiritual network surrounding Fire Dragon Park, which had been crumbling in the long river of time, was finally stabilized.

At this time, the waves of time that collapsed outside also began to calm down from far to near as time went by and under the action of the repairing force. It seemed that everything was developing in a good direction.

But Clark knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

The dragon farm space where Clark and the others are currently located has created a new time tributary due to the time vortex. It is independent of the long river of time in the Harry Potter world and can be said to be its own world.

However, there are countless such small worlds in the long river of time. However, because their size is too small, most of them spin up and down, making it difficult for them to exist for a long time.

What Clark has to do now is to anchor this small world to the world of "Harry Potter" as soon as possible before the time and space waves subside and the time and space barriers in the Harry Potter world have not been fixed.

Only by doing this can this dragon farm world be stabilized with the help of the power of the big world.

It should be noted that in the process of getting closer and attached, just like two high-speed space stations meeting and docking in space, there is a risk of collision with each other at any time, resulting in the destruction of the station and the death of people.

Of course, what will be destroyed and killed will only be Clark's small world and the thousands of wizards in it.

Clark's mind aggregate carefully sensed the surrounding space-time wind and waves, like a captain at the helm in a storm, adjusting the drifting trajectory of the small world of the dragon farm little by little, while not forgetting to use a high-dimensional perspective to observe the Harry Potter universe. The flow of time.

From this perspective, the long river of time in the world of "Harry Potter" is just a small tributary branched off from another more majestic, vast, magnificent and indescribable river.

"All the heavens and worlds! Perhaps this river with no beginning and no end also leads to my hometown."

Clark thought to himself, but quickly put these distracting thoughts behind him. Now he had more important things to do.

In the real world, Principal Dumbledore, who had tried several times, holding the Elder Wand in his hand and protected by the time turner, had approached the center of the distorted time and space.

The old man with a gray beard stood there, every hair tip on his body was filled with magic power. Even the hem of his robe was as if made of iron, motionless to resist the influence of the distorted time and space around him. pressure.

After inserting the Elder Wand into the fleeting space crack in the distorted time and space, Dumbledore's old face, which was originally slightly bitter, also smiled slightly.

His wand resisted the cracks in the space that were constantly emerging and dying, and stirred it hard twice, making that part of time and space more chaotic, and then began to slowly pull back.

The struggling look was as if what he was holding was not a magic wand, but a fishing rod that had hooked a big fish.

If someone could transcend the long river of time like Clark at this time and ascend the dimension for a short time, he would be able to see that a pure white magic beam really emerged from the tip of Dumbledore's wand.

The other end of the beam went deep into the long river of time, winding around the dilapidated Fire Dragon Park.

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