Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 72 Political Struggle and Inventory of Gains


Of course Clark had been to the Ministry of Magic before.

As the heir to an ancient wizarding family and a new business star in the British wizarding world, he can be said to be a frequent visitor to the British Ministry of Magic.

Whether it is the Commerce Bureau or the tax office, he is familiar with everything.

But this was the first time that he had passed through the Headmaster's Office at Hogwarts and teleported directly to the Minister's Office at the Ministry of Magic.

A group of people emerged from the large fireplace in a puff of dust. Clark looked up at the center of power in the British magical world.

The spacious and bright living room is eye-catching, and the warm sunlight shining through the window makes people feel as if they are in a large mansion, rather than the British Ministry of Magic located underground in London.

Underfoot, the polished dark wooden floor is covered with Persian carpets that are not expensive, but are not cheap either. On the surrounding walls, there are various collectible art portraits, whether they are works of wizards or Muggle works are included.

It can be seen from this point that although our Minister of Magic, Mr. Fudge, is slightly inferior in political skills, he is still good in personal taste and vision.

"Director Brian, could you please take Professor Snape to the Legal Enforcement Department first? I will discuss the specific situation there."

As soon as he entered the office, Fudge resumed his state as the Minister of Magic. He sat down at the large walnut desk, giving orders and writing and drawing on paper.

Brian nodded, turned around, and left the office with Professor Snape. Behind him, the piece of paper Fudge had just finished writing was folded into a paper airplane and swayed away with him.

"Roger, you did a great job this time. I will tell your director,"

Fudge's appreciation made Roger MacMillan couldn't help but straighten his back. It seemed that he had made a good move by intervening in Sirius Black's reversal of the verdict from the beginning.

"Thank you, Minister, this is what I should do. As a law enforcement officer, it is our responsibility to ensure the fairness and justice of the law."

Fudge nodded with satisfaction, "Well, that's right. I'll have to trouble you next. Let's first send Blake and Peter to the jail room of the Department of Legal Enforcement for custody. The specific trial measures are still up to Amelia. arrange."

Upon hearing this, Roger MacMillan and several others escorted Sirius and Peter out of the minister's office.

As a result, Clark and Fudge were the only two people left in the large office.

No outsiders were present,

Fudge stood up directly and walked to Clark's side.

"Sit down, Clark, coffee or tea?" Fudge asked Clark to sit down.


The two sat down together. On the table next to the sofa, a coffee pot automatically floated up and poured a cup of scalding coffee into the cups in front of them.

"To be honest, thank you very much this time, Clark, here." Fudge kindly helped Clark add sugar and milk to the coffee, and at the same time said it casually, showing his white teeth, looking particularly friendly. .

Clark took the coffee cup with a smile, and gently stirred the dark brown liquid in the cup with the spoon without making a sound.

"Thank you, Minister, what are you saying? It's just a testimony. I am also a good law-abiding citizen."

He responded in a gentle and polite manner, neither humble nor arrogant, which actually made Fudge really start to appreciate him. You know, few young people can behave so calmly and generously when interacting with him, the Minister of Magic.

At the very least, this proves that Clark is indeed "trustworthy" and a smart person who can communicate and communicate.

"So, you discovered Sirius and Peter, right?"

Fudge's expression became gentler and softer, his gaze came over, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"That's not true."

Of course Clark would not admit it, leaving him with the possibility of colluding with a fugitive wanted criminal. Although the wanted criminal would be cleared of suspicion immediately, sometimes rules are just rules.

Moreover, by doing this, he is somewhat suspected of relying on public opinion to force the Ministry of Magic into the palace. In any case, it cannot be shown openly.

"Actually, I didn't expect that Blake would sneak into the park secretly among the tourists. Speaking of which, this is because our security work is not done well."

Fudge was noncommittal about Clark's words, but he also felt a real headache.

In his opinion, the little guy in front of him was like a slippery little loach. He didn't look like a child at all. Instead, he looked like an old fox who had been immersed in official circles for a long time. He was flawless in everything he said and did.

But before he could continue chatting with Clark, a sudden knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

Immediately afterwards, before Fudge could say anything, a middle-aged wizard in his fifties, with neatly combed hair, a straight back, stiff movements, and an extremely serious face, pushed straight away from the minister's office without even saying hello. walked in through the door.

Clark glanced at Fudge, with a trace of amusement in his eyes. If he hadn't been so cautious just now, he might have heard his answer by now.

I don’t know if this is just a coincidence, or if Fudge did it intentionally.

Fudge didn't seem to notice Clark's playful look, and glared at the middle-aged wizard who had just walked in with a slightly dissatisfied look.

The middle-aged wizard also showed no concern for the Minister of Magic's dissatisfaction, and his serious eyes stayed on Clark for a moment.

Clark was not surprised by this. He smiled and nodded to him, exuding a harmless aura all over his body.

"Minister, I have something important to talk to you about." The middle-aged wizard looked away from Clark's face and spoke solemnly, without even a trace of a smile on his face.

Fudge frowned at first, and then relaxed quickly, "I thought you would come later, Director Crouch."

That's right, this middle-aged wizard who broke into the minister's office and knew at first glance that he was not easy to talk to was Barty Crouch, the director of the Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation who appeared in the fourth part of "Harry Potter" .

At the same time, if Clark guessed correctly, he should be the person behind Brian, the deputy director of the Department of Mysteries.

It seems that Mr. Crouch is still very upset about not being the Minister of Magic.

Clark was very perceptive and could guess a lot of things from just a few facts.

Obviously, after failing to run for Minister of Magic, Mr. Barty Crouch did not choose to give up, but temporarily went into hibernation with the intention of making a comeback.

And he is indeed very capable. Compared with Fudge, Mr. Crouch can be said to be a capable official. Not only is he outstanding in his work ability, he is also very courageous as a person. Even in a relatively marginalized world The Department of Magic Exchange and Cooperation has also made many political achievements.

This pragmatic and strong style is immediately like the image of a wise master. Therefore, it has won the support of many young and energetic staff, and gradually regained some influence in the Ministry of Magic.

After his re-emergence, he naturally once again set his sights on Fudge's position as Minister of Magic. Although this situation was not made public, the Ministry of Magic is only so big and there are many smart people, so naturally some people started to vote in line. .

The deputy director of the Department of Mysterious Affairs who targeted Clark should be one of them.

Perhaps because he was not satisfied with his position and wanted to remove the word "deputy", he defected to Crouch's staff, and then wanted to embarrass Fudge by targeting Clark, so as to damage the minister's reputation and make Crouch Rauch's advantage is even more obvious.

However, despite all his calculations, he never expected that Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew would appear at the same time, which meant that Crouch made a big mistake when he tried Black's case.

For the Ministry of Magic, this mistake is of course easy to cover up, but now because of Clark's strength, the political struggle between him and Fudge has reached a point of dire straits.

Supporters on both sides often confront each other at work, and Fudge often falls at a disadvantage in such struggles because of his lack of ability.

If it weren't for the fact that Crouch was sometimes too aggressive, which made many senior officials in charge of power wary of him, I'm afraid Fudge would have had to step aside years ago.

But this situation has also put a lot of pressure on Fudge. Now that he has the opportunity to attack Crouch, even from a politically correct perspective, going along with the flow has become Fudge's best attitude.

This is the underlying reason why Brian decisively surrendered to Fudge after meeting Black and Peter again.

Clark's mind turned countless corners, and at the same time he had a deeper impression of Fudge's character.

Just from his attitude and method of handling this matter, it can be seen that Fudge is not only narrow-minded and irresponsible, but also very lacking in the overall situation.

After all, Crouch is an official of the Ministry of Magic. In the final analysis, the Ministry of Magic is partly responsible for the mistakes he made.

Now that the problem has been exposed, as the Minister of Magic, he does not want to solve the problem as soon as possible and minimize the negative impact of the matter. He even tries to use this matter to attack his political opponents, without even considering the overall losses to the Ministry of Magic. .

At this time, he seemed to have an advantage in the confrontation with Crouch, but with such a leader, that employee dared to follow him wholeheartedly.

Which partner would dare to cooperate with him with confidence?

Of course, these thoughts only exist in Clark's mind, and of course he will not show them on the surface.

Facing the powerful Crouch, Fudge still said sorry to Clark, and then took him into the lounge next to the office.

Sitting alone on the sofa in the minister's office, Clark flipped through the "Daily Prophet" on the table, but he focused more on his attribute panel.

From the moment he got out of trouble until now, he had time to take a good look at the harvest of his adventure.

In the time loop incident in Fire Dragon Park, Clark's gains were not small.

Relying on his own abilities and bold operations, he not only repeatedly traveled through time and redefined the history of Hermione being bitten by a "werewolf", but also successfully opened up a new timeline in a closed system.

These two things alone provided him with some information about the [historical] priesthood and the [opening] priesthood.

To be honest, this is an area that many legendary heroes may not have access to.

[Priesthood], one of the five elements of the gods, represents the scope of the gods' authority, which is related to the power attributes of the gods and the attributes of believers, and is their main source of power.

As I have said before, both the Eastern spiritual world and the Western supernatural world have a common understanding, that is, incense (belief) is poisonous.

Except for those innate ancient gods who were born from heaven and earth and symbolized all things in nature, most of the gods who held their thrones high the day after tomorrow often needed to rely on the faith of intelligent creatures.

However, the thinking of intelligent creatures is complex and changeable. In order to obtain more powerful power, many original gods often accepted the power of faith and took it all into their hands.

The strength of this kind of god may improve rapidly in the early stage, but the chaotic and disorderly beliefs will often affect the gods themselves in the end, making their behavior logically confusing, and eventually they will fall from the internal strife.

Therefore, the subsequent gods learned lessons from the experiences of their predecessors. When they became gods, they determined a self based on their legendary deeds, personal preferences, the power of rules they saw when they went deep into the origin of the world, and their own power system. The “path” after becoming a god.

And the "path" chosen by this god is their [priesthood].

The two pieces of information about the priesthood that Clark has now obtained are the rule information of the two powers [History] and [Development] in the origin of the world. They can be regarded as the background permissions of this huge online game in the world.

As long as you fully master these two permissions, you can make rules, change rules, and accomplish many things that are unimaginable to those with extraordinary abilities just like a game administrator.

Take the [History] priesthood as an example. With this priesthood, you can read all the past events recorded in the long history directly from the origin of the world, and know many secrets of the past.

Sometimes, the God of History only needs one glance to know the entire origin of a person or an item, as well as everything that happened to this person or item.

His followers are often the best detectives, the most knowledgeable historians, experienced archaeologists and wealthy treasure hunters.

Of course, all this is also based on Clark's complete mastery of the [History] priesthood.

Now, he has only obtained part of the information about this priesthood, and there is still a long way to go before he can truly master it.

However, this thing is like a guide on how to obtain the [History] priesthood. As long as Clark follows the information provided by the priesthood fragments and follows the steps, he will have a great chance of mastering this power.

This alone makes him much luckier than many extraordinary professionals who are wandering in the legendary realm and have no way forward.

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