Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 73 The Minister’s Victory


In addition to receiving benefits that benefit the future, Clark also receives benefits that immediately improve his current strength.

First of all, after experiencing the baptism of the Water of Time, the True Water of Eternal Light, all of Clark's attributes increased by 1 point.

This alone is equivalent to Clark rising several levels, which can be said to have endless benefits.

In addition to this, when Clark looked at the attribute panel, he was very surprised to find that his experience points had turned into 90,550 points, a total of 90,000 experience points. This was enough for him to reach level 12 and more. It is equivalent to Clark directly reaching the level of an outstanding seventh-year graduate of Hogwarts, even surpassing many adult wizards.

After all, for many people, their knowledge and abilities are at their peak when they graduate.

Clark was dizzy and flushed by the pie falling from the sky. After being excited, he was still a little confused. Why didn't the system prompt him for the experience points he gained?

With this question in mind, after carefully looking at the experience of more than 90,000, Clark gradually came back to his senses. 1511 multiplied by 50 equals 90550, so it is obvious that these experience values ​​​​are 50. He was under the influence of the power of time. , gathered together as one, gathered together after closing the timeline.

Why we came to this conclusion is because in addition to the extra 90,000 experience points, Clark also found that his age on the system panel also changed from 13 to 14 years old.

This means that he spent a year in that short period of time.

Of course, this alone is not enough for him to obtain such great benefits. In addition to the consumption of time, Clark helped "Harry Potter" capture a small world, which is how he can get feedback from the power of time and be able to be captured by Zhou Guang. The reason why true water cleanses the whole body.

Just like those with extraordinary abilities, a world can also be improved.

The Buddha said that there are three thousand great worlds, three thousand medium worlds, and three thousand small worlds. Although this is a false reference, it is still quite different.

The world of "Harry Potter" was once vast, with all kinds of gods and goddesses. In that golden age, the age of myth, it could certainly be regarded as a vast world.

But now, with the changes of the times and the fall and departure of the gods, this place has been separated from the timeline of the main world and has declined into a middle-thousand world.

It is even possible to encounter that in the not-too-distant future, the extraordinary will completely disappear. This world may not even be able to survive in a thousand worlds, but will completely fall into the "big universe" and become a point of light in the vast starry sky.

As for the consciousness of heaven and earth that exists in the world itself, she certainly doesn't want this to be the case. This is a self-saving instinct in a thousand worlds.

And if you want to continue to maintain the size of the world,

Even further, in addition to promoting the rise of extraordinary powers within the world, another better way is to capture many other small worlds and various special world fragments.

Therefore, Clark opened up a new timeline in a closed system, upgraded a magically shaped dimensional space into a small world seed, and brought back the world of "Harry Potter". This is what world consciousness means. A great deed with merit.

The world of "Harry Potter" not only received a small world supplement, but also gained a high-end technical talent, coupled with Clark's own [Destiny Concern] focus expertise. In this case, the world consciousness consumes a little energy and uses It seems only natural that the very precious water of time should be used to train him and at the same time open a small stove to increase his experience value fifty times.

At this time, there was also some movement in the lounge next to the office.

Clark focused half of his attention on the system panel, and more on his perked ears.

Relying on his high perception attribute, even without using psychic powers, Clark could hear the conversation next door full of swords and swords.

"I heard, Minister, that you captured Blake, who was on the run, and Peter, who had been dead for many years?" Crouch's voice was very characteristic, every word was smooth and indifferent, like a cold robot, without any emotional fluctuations.

"Mr. Crouch is really well informed. We have just captured them and brought them back, and you got the news." Fudge's tone was mixed with a trace of dissatisfaction.

"I think Sirius should be thrown into Azkaban immediately. As for Peter Pettigrew, it is very likely that he is a counterfeit. We need to verify his identity to see if he has been affected by Black's confusion spell. ." Crouch said directly, ignoring Fudge's sarcasm.

Clark shook his head subconsciously after hearing this, and was also very disappointed with Crouch's behavior.

For the sake of his own position of power, even though he knew that he had made a mistake and wronged a good person, he still refused to admit his mistake, tried to use power to cover up the mistake, and confuse right and wrong.

For this kind of person, the competence and sense of responsibility he displays are just an illusion for outsiders to see. His seriousness, responsibility, and competence in his work do not really mean to serve the general public in the British magical community. But to serve his own political career and his own future of power.

A bird of a feather is worth a pound of gold!

Clark mentally defined the two Ministry of Magic dignitaries as the conversation continued in the next room.

"I don't need to worry about this, Mr. Crouch. I think our Aurors are capable enough to distinguish whether a person is awake or under a confusion spell." Fudge rarely became tough in front of Crouch. , just listening to the tone of his voice, you know that he must be very happy at the moment.

"Furthermore, I am ready to ask the Magical Law Council to retry this case. If necessary, I think I will also invite members of the Wizengamot to attend. Oh, by the way, Principal Dumbledore of Hogwarts is also here. Should be there.”

Crouch must have been very angry after hearing Fudge's words at this time, because Clark didn't hear his voice for a long time.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Crouch laughed angrily.

"The trial is good, then I also have a request. If the trial finally proves Sirius Black is guilty, the slanderers must be tried." His voice was cold and murderous.

"A trial for slanderers?" Fudge asked puzzled, "There are no slanderers here."

"Really? But you don't have to say whether there are slanderers or not!" The anger in Crouch's tone could no longer be suppressed. "I have reason to believe that this matter is definitely caused by someone with ulterior motives. No matter what the final result is for smearing my personal image, I will be labeled as a hasty divorcer."

"Mr. Crouch, Pettigrew is still alive. This is an undeniable fact that I, Principal Dumbledore, all the staff at Hogwarts, and nearly a thousand people in the entire dragon farm have witnessed. Could it be that all of us have been under Sirius's confusion spell?" Fudge spoke faster.

"Dragon farm? It's that scourge again. I've said it before. Hogwarts is a place for learning. To have a dragon farm or amusement park that's not trivial is to put the cart before the horse and make nonsense! You see, whatever I say will cause problems."

Crouch's words were mixed with gun and stick, and he launched a verbal attack on Fudge from another angle, "So, Minister, where did you hear such a beautiful and touching story?"

"Crouch, this is not a story. We have a responsibility to inform the public of the discovered truth, especially since Sirius is the only descendant of the Black family."

Fudge calmly made unfunny jokes, and the bloody and bloody words in his words made Clark, who was eavesdropping next door, secretly dumbfounded.

"You don't want the Black family to be extinct, do you?"

The room next door fell silent immediately, and Clark could predict that Crouch's face would look ugly at this time.

Clark knew that the outcome of the confrontation between the two was decided at this time, so he focused more on the system panel that he had not yet finished reading.

But apart from the information and attributes of the two priesthood fragments and the gain in experience points, the rest is nothing special.

Among them, [Messenger of Justice] is a special specialty similar to [Enemy of Evil].

[Messenger of Justice]: Having saved countless people, you have become the embodiment of justice. When facing characters from the lawful and kind camp, it is easier to gain their favor and trust. At the same time, when attacking characters from the chaotic and evil camp, there will be a certain chance of shocking the opponent and making them freeze. ——I am a cute and charming decent character.

As for some information about the legendary specialty [Heroic Character]——

[Heroic Character]: Legendary expertise, heroic deeds are sung by people, all your attributes are +1, you can be immune to the effects of fear and low morale, and the morale of your partners is +1. Note: This feat can make your attributes exceed 20.

(You need to collect four special feats: [Messenger of Justice], [Enemy of Evil], [Destined Attention], and [Leadership], then complete a heroic deed, and finally sacrifice 50,000 experience points to obtain this feat. )

——The so-called heroic men in ancient times must have their own merits.

Depend on! Clark cursed inwardly, he had only gained 90,000 experience points, and now he had a big experience consumer.

However, this legendary expertise seems to be extraordinarily powerful, especially since I have already completed most of the conditions for obtaining it. I only need the last special expertise of [Leadership] to achieve it.

Just as Clark was thinking about it, the door to the lounge not far away opened with a bang, and then he saw Crouch walk out of the room with a livid face, and left the minister's office without even saying hello. .

Before leaving, he gave Clark a hard look.

"I'm sorry, something happened suddenly. I was neglectful. I was neglectful." Fudge followed Crouch out and watched Crouch leave with Clark.

"Mr. Minister looks very happy." Clark said with a smile.

"No, no, I'm just happy that innocent people can be exonerated." Fudge waved his hands quickly, but he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

"That's thanks to you, Mr. Minister, being a fair and selfless person."

Everyone likes to hear good things, and now that Fudge is in high spirits, Clark will naturally not slander him and pick up some of the good things he likes to say.

"I just don't know when this case's trial will end?" Clark asked during the chat.

Fudge was very optimistic about this, "Don't worry, it should be soon. After all, Amelia Bones, the director of the Legal Enforcement Department, is a very fair person. She will definitely listen to what Sirius Black has to say." .”

Clark knew in his heart that this person should also be from the Fudge camp.

The two sides continued to chat, and also talked for a long time about turning the dragon farm into a small world. Although Dumbledore existed in Hogwarts, Clark knew the benefits of upgrading the dragon farm into a secret world. The increase in size will surely attract the attention of more evil wolves.

In this case, it is better to recruit a few more partners before others react.

On the one hand, this can share the voice of other school directors, on the other hand, it can also resist other financial wolves.

The two were chatting very passionately when suddenly, their conversation was interrupted by a rapid knock on the door.

"Mr. Minister, Ms. Bones has just arranged for telegraphers to complete preliminary evidence extraction on Peter Pettigrew. She said that in order to avoid a more complicated situation, it is recommended that Sirius and Peter Pettigrew be tried unannounced."

The Ministry of Magic employee who pushed in the door briefly introduced the situation.

"In order to avoid more complicated situations..."

Clark and Fudge looked at each other, quickly packed up their hands and feet, got up and followed the Ministry of Magic employee.

The three of them walked out of the minister's office. This is the underground level of the Ministry of Magic. You don't even need to take the magic elevator. You can just go down the steps on the side and reach the Department of Magical Law Enforcement on the second underground level.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Director, the minister is here." The clerk who led the way knocked on the door and then pushed it open.

"Please come in."

Clark followed Fudge and walked in. In an office dominated by brown and black, he saw a middle-aged witch with short gray hair, a broad build and a square chin, and a short, fat man wearing pink clothes. The witches were talking.

Beside them, Roger MacMillan, who had just escorted Sirius and Peter over, was standing cautiously.

"Amelia, how's the situation?" Fudge greeted.

The slightly burly lady turned her head, but before she could speak, the witch next to her started speaking in a high-pitched, thin voice like a little girl making a fuss.

"Things are good, Minister, everything is under control."

It was only then that Clark saw the witch clearly for the first time.

On the broad cheeks, the loose muscles and a big mouth drooped. His big eyes were more white than black, making him look like a big pale toad.

Even the small black velvet bow on her short sideburns reminded Clark of a big fly, as if this lady was ready to stick out her long tongue to catch it at any time.

With such an uncomfortable appearance, Clark knew who she was without Fudge's introduction.

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