Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 12 The Ancient and Noble Black Family

"Shut up, you horrible old witch, shut up!"

In the gloomy corridor, Blake rushed over in three steps and grabbed the curtain.

The old lady's face suddenly turned pale.

"you you!"

As soon as she saw Sirius, her eyes widened and she shouted sternly, "Prodigal son, the disgrace of the family, the seed of my birth!"

"I told you - shut up!" Sirius shouted loudly. The mother and son, who were supposed to have the closest relationship, now turned into enemies who hated each other.

Blake spent a lot of effort and finally closed the curtain again.

The old lady's scream disappeared, leaving only an echoing silence.

"Feel sorry."

Sirius panted slightly, brushed his long black hair away from his eyes, turned around and looked at Clark, the guest, and his godson Harry.

Whether it was the house elf Kreacher just now or that portrait, he felt a little uneasy on his face.

"Let you see my mother in this condition."

"Your——?" Harry asked doubtfully.

"Yes, my dear good mother," Sirius said, "I've been trying to get her out of here for a month, but she seems to have cast a permanent sticking spell behind the portrait."

"Why did she hang the portrait here?" Harry asked.

At this time, they had re-crossed the corridor and climbed the stairs to the second floor.

"Who knows, maybe like Kreacher, he protects the oldest and noble Black family or something."

Clark found that Sirius's tone was very stiff and cold.

But the high perception attribute and the psion's insight into the human heart told him that this was not the case.

The colder Sirius appeared on the surface, the more hurt he felt deep inside.

Just like the old woman in that portrait——

Clark turned his head, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the curtain and see the portrait inside.

A person who clearly still has hope in his heart, hoping that his eldest son can change his mind and return to the family, but he can't help but use curses to replace his care.

The other one clearly still cared about family ties in his heart, and was alone and grieving, but pretended as if nothing had happened.

Sure enough, these two people are indeed mother and son, even their personalities are exactly the same.

However, Clark has no intention of interfering in other people's family affairs. Many times, the problem of heart problems cannot be resolved by a few words from outsiders. Not only does it not help, but it will make people annoying.

So he followed Blake to the second floor without saying a word. This was the most important room in the house - the living room.

As a place where the Black family received guests and showed their strength and glorious past to outsiders, this place used to be gorgeous and exquisite.

Beautiful and complex crystal chandeliers hang from the high ceiling, and there is a large floor-to-ceiling window on the right-hand wall overlooking the entire street in front of the house, giving everything a panoramic view, whether it is used to broaden your mind or They are excellent locations to observe incoming enemies.

Opposite the window, on both sides of a large fireplace are two gorgeous glass display cabinets, which should contain alchemical items used by the Black family to show off their wealth to visitors.

As for the side of the window, that is also the most eye-catching place.

When visitors walk up the stairs and enter the living room, they can see a huge wool tapestry hanging on the entire wall in front of them.

On the tapestry, the embroidered gold threads shone with bright golden light under the sunlight outside the window. Clark could clearly see a branching tree-shaped family tree that could be traced back to the Middle Ages.

There are several large characters embroidered on the top of the tapestry:

The oldest and noble Black family


That's the motto engraved on the Black family's coat of arms,

It means "forever pure" in French.

Of course, at this moment, Clark and the others have no chance to see the luxurious scene of this living room when the Black family was at its peak.

In front of them, after removing some of the mystery, it was just a dilapidated, dirty old room filled with all kinds of strange and weird objects.

The outside of the huge floor-to-ceiling window facing the street was already covered with dust and stains, and the sunlight shining on it was difficult to penetrate for a while.

On the other side of the olive green wall, the family tree tapestry representing the glory of the Black family was also covered with dust.

The originally light yellow woolen blanket had turned into dark gray at this time, and there were already holes in some corners that had been eaten by vixen. This was simply unimaginable to the Black family in the past.

The three Clarks stepped on the carpet in the living room, not even daring to step lightly for fear of stirring up a handful of flying dust.

They first came to the genealogy tapestry.

"You're not up here!" Harry asked curiously after looking around.

Sirius Black glanced at it and pointed at the bottom line of the family tree on the tapestry. There was a small black round hole on it, like a cigarette burn mark.

"I was up there once, but after I ran away from home, my dear old mother erased my name from the family tree - Kreacher must have loved whispering this story."

"You ran away from home?"

"Yes, I was about fifteen or sixteen years old at that time. It was the time to be bold." Sirius said.

"Where have you been?" Harry asked, staring at him.

Sirius suddenly fell silent. After a long time, he smiled and said, "I went to your father's house."

"I still remember that your grandfather and grandmother were very considerate, and they almost regarded me as their second son.

Yes, I lived temporarily at your father's house during school holidays. When I was seventeen, I found a place by myself. However, Mr. and Mrs. Porter always welcomed me to their home for dinner every Saturday. "

Speaking of this experience, Sirius's face was filled with a happy smile. You can imagine that it must have been a very enjoyable time.

"But...why did you...?"


The smile on Sirius's face faded, and he smiled bitterly, combing his long, messy hair with his hands.

“Because I’ve hated them all, for more than ten years, and I’ve had enough!

My parents are crazy about pure blood. They believe that being a member of the Black family is inherently noble... As for my idiot brother, who is too weak in temperament to actually believe what they say... that's him. "

Sirius stretched out his finger and pointed at the bottom of the family tree. Next to the scorch marks representing Sirius, there was a name: Regulus Black.

"He was younger than me," Sirius said, "but I was constantly reminded that his son was much better than me, and my parents were always proud of him, but he still died in the end."

Sirius bent down, as if to look at the tapestry more closely.

Clark stood aside and could clearly feel the sadness radiating from his body, which made Clark even more confident in his judgment.

After all, they are close relatives of flesh and blood, and blood is thicker than water. Sirius may not agree with his family's ideas, but this does not mean that he does not love his family and does not desire the warmth of home.

It's just that failed education methods and wrong communication methods have caused this deep regret.

"Dead?!" Harry looked at the Xiangxiang family tree again, and then he noticed that behind the name, there was a line of small characters, which was the date of birth and death of Sirius' brother. It seemed that it was about fifteen years old. years ago.

"Yeah," Sirius said with a sarcastic smile on his face, "that stupid idiot...he joined the ranks of Death Eaters."

"Are you kidding me?" Harry looked shocked.

Clark spoke at this time.

"Harry, in that chaotic era, most of the pure-blood wizards were on Voldemort's side.

After all, with the development of the times and the progress of society, without the persecution of the Holy See, and with the implementation of the Wizarding Secrecy Act, there are more and more mixed-race wizards and wizards from Muggle families.

These increasing numbers of mixed-blood wizards and Muggle wizards have naturally touched the interests of many pure-blood wizarding families.

After all, these people also have to eat, work, and even serve in the Ministry of Magic.

Under this historical background, pure-blood wizards naturally believed that Voldemort's proposition was correct, and it became very common for them to support the maintenance of the purity of wizard blood and reject Muggle-born wizards. "

"Yes, his temperament is too weak, and he actually believed my parents' lies - as a member of the Black family, he is born to be noble... In fact, he is not suitable to do that kind of thing at all, he does not have that ability. "Sirius said with hatred.

At this point, Clark could not agree with Sirius's words. It was this Regulus Black who bravely embraced death at the last moment of his life in order to take away Voldemort's "Horcrux" hidden in the middle of the lake.

He even sacrificed himself for a house elf!

"So - are your parents Death Eaters too?" Harry asked Sirius.

"No, that's not the case," Sirius denied, shaking his head.

"Although they agreed with Voldemort's views, they were timid and retreated when they discovered that Voldemort would do anything to gain power.

But I think my parents must have considered Regulus to be a brave little hero for joining them from the beginning. "

"You can't say that." Clark actually had a good word for Sirius' parents at this time.

“Judging from the sparse number of members of the Black family at that time, they were no longer allowed to take greater risks.

However, as the conflict becomes increasingly fierce, the pure-blood faction represented by Voldemort will not let your family sit on the fence and watch, so your brother has to join it as a last resort. He may not be happy to join it, and your parents must also be very happy. worry.

But as the eldest son, you were not at home at the time, so he could only shoulder this burden. "

Clark's words left Sirius speechless and he could only remain silent.

At this time, Harry hurriedly tried to smooth things over, and asked with some uncertainty: "Then was he killed by an Auror?"

"Oh, no, no," Sirius said, "This is also the most ridiculous point. He was killed by Voldemort, whom he admired. Or, more likely, he was killed under the instructions of Voldemort."

"Actually, I suspect that Regulus is not that important that Voldemort needs to kill him personally.

From what I learned after his death, he was deeply involved in Voldemort's group, and then he became afraid of what others wanted him to do and wanted to quit.

Alas, you can't hand Voldemort your resignation and be done with it. Either work hard for the rest of your life, or die. "

"My condolences!" Harry said dryly, not knowing how to comfort him.

"Okay, this is all over." Sirius wiped his face and cryptically wiped away a few tears from the corners of his eyes to prevent Harry and the others from seeing it.

"Honestly, I haven't seen this thing in years."

"This is Phineas Nigellus...my great-great-grandfather, see?...he was arguably one of the most unpopular headmasters...in the history of Hogwarts."

Sirius pointed to the names on the family tree and showed them to Harry and the others.

"And Araminta Melifren... my mother's cousin... tried to force through a Ministry of Magic decree legalizing the killing of Muggles..."

"And my dear Aunt Eladora... she started the family tradition of chopping off the heads of house elves when they were too old to carry the dishes..."

"Of course, whenever a reasonably decent person appears in the family, they declare to sever ties with him."

Sirius curled his lips, obviously, he was one of the decent people.

Clark was also very interested in this tapestry. He saw his father's aunt Lucretia Black on it. She was the eldest daughter of the fourth generation of the Black family and later married Igne of the Prewett family. Hughes Prewett, that's Grandpa Clark's brother.

"After all, we are still distant relatives?" Sirius followed Clark's gaze and also noticed his aunt's husband's surname.

"Yes, if you want to say that, I have to call you cousin."

Both men laughed.

In addition to this, Clark also saw Halfon Longbottom of the Longbottom family, Melania MacMillan of the MacMillan family, Ursula Flint of the Flint family, and Ya Lysandra Yaxley of the Kesley family…

This map includes most of the pure-blood wizard families in the entire magical world, forming a large network. It is nothing more than the Black family's pride in being "always pure."

Clark even saw the figure of Lucius Malfoy in it. A double-stranded golden thread connected him to Narcissa Black, and then a single-stranded vertical golden thread connected from their names to Draco Malfoy's name.

"You are related to the Malfoys!"

Harry's voice was so loud that Clark couldn't tell for a moment whether he was talking about himself or Sirius.

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