Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 13 Another Horcrux

"Harry, it is normal for pure-blood families to marry each other."

Clark looked at Harry and said helplessly: "If you only want your children to marry pure-blood people, then your options are actually very limited."

"Yes," Sirius sighed with emotion: "There are actually very few pure-blooded wizards like us left in the wizarding world. After all, blood cannot be eaten as food. How many wizarding families flaunt their pure blood, All disappeared in the long river of history.”

"That can't be said," Clark had a different opinion on this. "The wizard's magic is rooted in the blood, and this method of dissolving magic in the blood and passing it on for a long time has long been a common practice in today's magic world. There is no trace left.”

“Therefore, in order to pass on the power of our family smoothly, maintaining the concentration of bloodline has become an impossible solution.

I remember that your Black family uses crows, stars and skulls as your family emblems, and the power inherited in your blood seems to be mainly about telling the dead and guiding the dead..."

Clark thought of the ending of Sirius in the original work. The last heir of a family whose heritage was to call for death and guide the dead, but in the end could not predict his own death. Isn't this a kind of backlash from the power of blood?

He and Sirius were chatting there, while Harry looked at the Black family's genealogy chart and found a strange name on it:

Bellatrix Black, a twin-stranded thread connects her to Rodolphus Lestrange.

"Lestrange..." Harry covered his head and groaned loudly, looking like he was in great pain.

These two names touched something in his memory, like a primer, pulling out many pictures - castle, corridor, red light, wailing, prisoners, tide...

Harry was sure that he must have seen it somewhere, but now he couldn't remember where it was for a while, which gave him a strange and eerie feeling deep in his heart.

"What's wrong, Harry?" Sirius saw Harry's painful look and quickly supported him, asking with concern.

"I think I've seen them there." Harry said a little uncertainly as his headache eased a little.

"Impossible," Sirius said with certainty, "They were imprisoned in Azkaban. I remember clearly that when I was imprisoned there, she and her husband were imprisoned in the cell opposite me. inside."

When he said this, the corner of his mouth twitched, as if just thinking about the bad experience made people very uncomfortable.

"Azkaban!" Harry suddenly understood. The fragments of images in his mind were now connected by this word. The dream he had at Clark's house last night, and the dream that happened in Azkaban Prison Dream.

Sirius didn't know that Harry had recovered yet. Seeing him standing there blankly, he continued:

"Bellatrix and her husband Rodolphus entered with Barty Crouch Jr., and Rodolphus's brother Rabastan was also with them.

Even after Voldemort fell, they still refused to give up and committed very serious crimes..."

"They were saved by Voldemort!" Harry interrupted Sirius eagerly, "I saw it, Voldemort was in Azkaban, and he saved these Death Eaters!"

Clark and Sirius looked at him in shock.

"You... saw it with your own eyes?" Clark asked doubtfully.

Harry hesitated.

"No...but I saw it in my dream!" He emphasized again, "Voldemort was resurrected, hatched from a big red egg in Azkaban, and he tortured that woman, that... …Bellatrix!”

Clark and Sirius looked at each other, and in the end it was Sirius who said dumbfounded.

"Harry, maybe that's just a dream? Bellatrix and the others are all imprisoned in Azkaban, and I haven't heard the news that Azkaban was captured by Voldemort.

Besides...an egg! Voldemort hatched from an egg? The joke wasn't funny at all, even though he did look like a venomous snake. "

"But..." Harry started to speak, but Clark interrupted him.

"Okay, Harry, it's not that we don't believe you, it's just that the story you told and the dream you had are really... too bizarre."

Sirius nodded in agreement, which made Harry very depressed.

"Yes, everyone knows that the crazy woman Bellatrix is ​​the most loyal lackey of the mysterious man, and the mysterious man also favors her the most.

So I believe you when you say that You-Know-Who tortured or killed a Muggle, and tortured Bellatrix, that's just a joke. "

Clark patted Harry on the shoulder and made a joke, "I know you are eager to move in with Sirius, but you can't say that you had such a nightmare in my house."

Harry was speechless, and he even began to doubt whether he had really had a nightmare as Clark said.

However, that nightmare was too realistic.

But before he could think about it further, Sirius waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's not read this anymore. There's nothing interesting about the name on it."

He thought Harry's words were just the impact of seeing these names, so Harry could only shut his mouth completely.

"Let's fulfill our promise first," Sirius took them away from the family tree tapestry and said to Clark at the same time, "There are also some collections on this floor. Although they are not the most precious, you may be interested. Maybe."

Sirius Black pointed to the dusty glass door cabinets on either side of the mantelpiece. "You can take your pick."

As he spoke, he immediately wanted to open the tightly covered curtains next to him.

Suddenly, Sirius let out a curse, and Clark turned around and saw that the long, yellow-green velvet curtains were buzzing, as if there were many invisible bees flying inside.

The next moment, several adult foxes flew out from the folds of the curtains.

They are covered with thick black hair and have two arms and two legs. They have a human shape but are very small.

Well, that's even more annoying than bees.

As a pest in the magical world, vixen is often mistaken for a fairy by Muggles, but in fact it is a completely different creature from a fairy.

They are more ferocious and annoying than fairies. Not only do they breed quickly and can lay five hundred eggs at a time, they are also very ferocious and like to chew things, so sometimes even humans are on their attack list.

It's like a cross between borers, termites, bees and mosquitoes.

Just now, Blake's hand was bitten by them when he was caught off guard.

At this moment, these little things that had been disturbed by Sirius were flapping their bright beetle-like wings, their small jagged teeth were exposed, and their four little fists were clenched tightly angrily, as if they wanted to continue to attack.

Clark blinked when he saw this, and used his spiritual power to control these vixens and knock them out.

"Kreacher hasn't cleaned the house in these ten years?" Sirius said bitterly.

"Maybe it's because he's very old..." Harry said.

"No! Kreacher will surprise you with what he can do if he wants to."

Sirius pinched his injured finger and sat down on an armchair with a sunken center. Then he screamed in disgust and jumped up——

He looked down and felt relieved. It wasn't alive, it wouldn't hurt anyone, it didn't matter - it was just a nest of dead velvet.

Clark suppressed a smile and said to him: "I remember that Hu Meizi's teeth are poisonous, so I think you'd better take some antidote."

Sirius discovered that his finger at this time was indeed what Clark said. The wound bitten by Hu Meizi became more and more painful and itchy, and even the finger had swollen into the shape of a carrot.

"There seems to be an antidote in my room. You guys can play here for a while. Clark, you can just pick out those things. I'll go up first."

With that said, he strode upstairs without waiting for Harry and Clark to react.

With the owner away, Clark now focused his attention on the cabinet in front of him.

Like other facilities in this room, the two glass cabinets in front of him, which should have been gorgeous and dazzling, have now become very dirty, covered with dust and sticky black glue.

The magical objects in the cabinet are also very strange, and they seem reluctant to leave the dusty shelves.

Clark opened the cabinet door and began to organize everything carefully.

These include:

A magic dagger, but unfortunately it didn't seem to be made by goblins. It had become rusty without anyone maintaining it.

The paw of an unknown animal. Clark, who was well-informed, thought it belonged to a thunderbird, but due to time, its magic power had almost been lost. There was only a weak current that could make people's fingers move. The tip feels numb.

A coiled magical snakeskin, this is a good thing. The material of snakeskin is very tough. It is very suitable for making leather armor or belt.

In addition, there is a clear crystal bottle with an opal inlaid on it, which contains half a bottle of thick blood.

Because the bottle was tightly sealed and the blood was still filled with strong magic power, Clark did not open it, but included it in the transaction.

Because he could see that this was the essence and blood of ocelots, which had a strong amplifying effect on psychic spells and was also an important raw material for truth serum.

In addition to this, Harry also found a silver snuff box and was about to pick it up to check, but was stopped by Clark.

He reached out with his wand and poked the snuff box, which immediately bit down hard on the wand, startling Harry.

"This should contain sarcoma powder." Clark subdued the snuff bottle, opened it carefully, and took a look.

"This is a prop specially used by wizards to tease Muggles. If you get it, your skin will be covered with an ugly crust."

Harry quickly took a few steps back, not daring to touch these things again.

But before he could retract his hand, a particularly ugly silver instrument that looked like a pair of multi-legged tweezers quickly crawled up Harry's arm like a spider, trying to prick him. skin.

Fortunately, Clark was quick-sighted and picked up a book called "Born Noble: The Wizarding Genealogy" and killed it.

"What are these!" Harry was startled.

Clark was not surprised by this, "Obviously, these are some dark magic items collected by the Black family. Of course, the more dangerous ones should have been put away by Sirius."

He picked up a music box and twisted the clockwork, and the ominous music of Tintin Dongdong faintly sounded from the music box.

Clark just thought the music was weird, but when he turned around, he found that Harry had become inexplicably weak, drowsy, and lay directly on the dusty sofa.

So he quickly closed the lid of the box, but Harry had already fallen asleep at this moment.

Well, Clark didn't wake him up and just continued to look inside the glass cabinet.

Then, he suddenly saw the target of his visit, a dusty souvenir box placed in a glass cabinet.

That was Voldemort’s Horcrux—Slytherin’s Locket!

Clark didn't expect that this thing would be placed here so blatantly.

Next to it is a large pile of antique seals.

In addition, there was a dusty box containing an Order of Merlin, First Class, which was awarded to Sirius' grandfather for his "contributions to the Ministry of Magic."

and a large gold ring engraved with the Black family crest and family photos in silver frames.

Clark ignored the useless items and focused on the locket.

It is absolutely unmistakable. Clark had specifically searched for the portraits of the four founders of Hogwarts. Among the portraits,

The locket hanging on Salazar Slytherin's chest was exactly the same as the one in front of him.

On the silver locket, in the center, there is a capital letter "s" inlaid with emeralds, like a curved poisonous snake, covered by a transparent and flawless crystal.

Snake + "s" + emerald, this is the unique symbol of the Slytherin family. As long as you have a little knowledge of the history of magic or the heraldry of pure-blood wizard families, you can know the true meaning of this letter.

And around the uppercase "s"-shaped letters, there is a strange pattern that resembles feathers and snake teeth.

The complexity of its style is like some kind of ancient writing conveying some message.

Clark could only vaguely make out that several of the letters were astrological symbols, which seemed to involve the measurement of the relative angles of the planets and their relationships with each other.

As for the others, Clark didn't recognize them, but he could sense them.

There is a power flowing implicitly among these strange patterns. There is a dark golden light flashing on those patterns, converging from the eight corners of the locket to the emerald in the center.


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