Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 15 The Black Family’s Wealth

"This is really great!"

Harry looked at the spacious and bright room in front of him, and couldn't help but reveal a happy smile on his face.

Although the room he lived in in the Clark family's castle was larger and more magnificent than the one in front of him, it was also someone else's room.

Only this, this room that his godfather arranged for him, can be considered a real home that belongs entirely to him!

Harry excitedly reached out and touched the velvet quilt on the bed. The fabric was so soft and comfortable, and it was completely different from the one he used at Uncle Vernon's house.

He opened the wardrobe next to the wall and found that there were several brand-new robes in it, all of the latest styles.

"I don't know your size, so I had to buy some magic robes. They can change automatically and fit the body. If you don't like this style..." Sirius explained a little embarrassedly. Harry was not satisfied with these new clothes. But I can’t put it down because of the clothes.

"No, I like it very much. You know..." Harry's voice changed as he spoke, "I have been picking up my cousin Dudley's old clothes to wear!"

When Sirius heard what he said so pitifully, he couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged him tightly, "No, no, Harry, I swear, this will be your home from now on. Home, I won’t let you go back and live that kind of life again!”

Seeing his godfather and godson having an emotional exchange there, Clark very wisely exited the room and closed the door with him.

Fortunately, the two people didn't let him wait long. Soon Sirius opened the room again, but Clark, who had a keen eye, immediately noticed that this guy's eyes were red. It was obvious that the mood and atmosphere were in place just now. , he must have cried.

However, Clark did not mention this. Sirius, who wanted to be strong, would naturally not show his weak side. Only Harry, who was following Sirius, was still wiping his tears.

"Okay, shall we stroll around again and visit this room? Or shall we get to the point directly?" Sirius looked directly at Clark and asked.

"Let's get straight to the point. It's already very disturbing to come here today," Clark said.

Sirius nodded without saying anything, and took him and Harry back to the first floor. He carefully walked around the portrait of Mrs. Black, then passed through the door at the end of the corridor and went down the steps to the basement. .

"This is the kitchen and the dining room. Of course, I don't usually come here. If you can cook, you can use it. As for counting on Kreacher, then you have to be prepared for him to spit in your food. ”

Sirius and Harry joked, while Clark looked around and found that it was almost as dark as the hall above.

The room was surrounded by rough stone walls. Since there were no windows, the only light source was a few candles suspended above their heads. Plus, it was deep underground, and the entire kitchen was filled with a heavy gloom.

Only the stove next to the fireplace and the surrounding walls were all turned greasy black due to the smoke.

In addition, some iron pots and iron basins hanging from the equally dark ceiling were shaking in the darkness, making them look ferocious and eerie.

Immediately to the left of the kitchen is a small dining room for people to eat. A table that can accommodate many people is pressed on the musty dark green carpet, and there are many chairs beside it.

In the corner of the small restaurant, in the triangular space below the stairs on the first floor, there is a sink, with wooden cupboards covered with spider webs on both sides, filled with silver tableware.

Under the sink, there was a big hole. Inside the hole was a moldy tattered blanket. In addition, there were some strange things, which should be where the house elf Kreacher lived.

"Go this way!"

Sirius led the two of them to the south side of the small restaurant, and pulled open a green decorative tapestry hanging on the wall.

The blue-black brick wall behind is exposed.

He tapped a certain brick on the wall with his wand in a certain rhythm. The next moment, just like the wall leading to Diagon Alley from the Leaky Cauldron, the wall in front of Clark and the others also opened in response, revealing There was a narrow, steep staircase that went deep into the ground.

"In ancient pure-blood wizard families, there are usually secret rooms like this, hiding some unknown secrets of the family." Sirius said, taking the lead and bending down to walk in.

"That's true." Clark nodded in agreement, and Harry followed him, and the two of them walked down the steps together.

After the three of them entered the secret room, the walls behind them closed together again with a creaking sound.

Fortunately, Sirius had already lit the torch on the wall of the secret room in advance, so that Harry and the others would not roll down the stairs.

"Down here is where the Black family keeps their books, and where they contact magic. At least when I leave this home, it will still be here..."

The three of them spiraled down the stairs in the secret passage. After a few minutes, they arrived at a large room deep underground.

The sight in front of me was spectacular, the entire room was divided into two by a huge glass wall.

On the left side of the room is a large library, with rows of solid wood bookshelves reaching to the ceiling, densely packed with books.

The right side of the room is somewhat similar to the Clark's basement. A long table is also filled with various alchemy utensils, but it has been covered with dust because it has not been used for a long time.

Of course, there is no magic circle like the Clark family here. Instead, there are a few small dark cells in the corner, which should be where the Black family kept their experimental subjects.

But Clark's attention was not there. Once he entered this place, he did not take his eyes away from the small library.

The two of them followed Sirius through the thick glass door. Once inside, they found that this place was different from the outside. Both the ground and the bookshelves were very clean.

"After so many years, this place still maintains the protective magic of being dust-proof, moisture-proof, and insect-proof!" Clark exclaimed in admiration. "It seems that the person who built this library must have been a book lover."

"Maybe," Sirius didn't care much about this, "basically all my family's book collections are here, but there are some things I have to say first."

He looked at Clark with sharp eyes.

"Before you came, I had already donated the more dangerous parts of the family collection, the books recording knowledge of evil black magic, to the Hogwarts school library.

Of course, those books are included in our deal, so you can pick up a few more of the remaining ones. "

Clark was not surprised by Sirius' statement. He had guessed that such a deal would happen as early as when he proposed this deal.

After all, this is a routine operation for Gryffindor, who has a strong sense of justice and likes to meddle in other people's business.

So Clark just nodded, "Don't worry, I understand."

After saying that, he ignored Harry and Sirius and began to shuttle between the bookshelves, preparing to pick out his own part of the harvest.

The entire library is divided into four areas. The area on the right hand side, closest to the exit, stores archives related to the Black family.

Includes the Black family's genealogy, historical records of the family's development, and personal biographies of family celebrities.

This is the first thing anyone who enters this library sees.

Walking along these bookshelves, a large area in the front half is filled with a large number of magic books on transfiguration, alchemy, potions, and various conventional spells.

These books are all ordinary goods, and many of them were even bought from Clark's Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore. The only thing that stands out is that the number is the largest, with more than ten bookshelves.

Further on, in the second half of the book collection area, the most common things on the bookshelves are the magic research notes left by members of the Black family in the past generations.

Clark randomly took out a few books and flipped through them, and found that there were often many fantastic ideas in them, and some even recorded some magical knowledge that was very common in that era but has been lost now.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the innermost area of ​​the entire book collection area, the area separated from the front by a rope.

The bookshelves inside were different from the ones in front, they were all an unpleasant blue-black color.

Obviously, that should be where the Black family keeps various books on black magic.

But just as Sirius said, the bookshelves are now empty, and there is not a single book in sight.

Although Clark was a little disappointed in this regard, it did not affect his mood.

Perhaps for people like Voldemort, only dark magic books recording powerful powers are precious enough.

But for Clark, the reserve of the God of Knowledge, knowledge has never been distinguished by high or low.

Whether it is artistic knowledge such as opera music, painting and sculpture, or production knowledge such as planting, hunting, smelting and textiles, or even combat tactics and magic alchemy, these are the crystallization of wisdom and the most precious wealth in the world.

Compared with these intangible wealth, those gold, silver and jewelry will one day be used up, and those magic instruments and alchemy items will one day turn into dust.

Only knowledge, and only knowledge, will remain unchanged through the years, and will be shared and circulated without loss.

So compared with the feast of knowledge in most of the room, what is the little spicy seasoning in the corner?

Sirius, who was standing aside and observing secretly, noticed that Clark only had a slightly disappointed look on his face after seeing the area where the Black Magic Books had been evacuated, and then quickly returned to normal and wandered around again. In the sea of ​​books.

"Am I really worrying too much?"

Sirius was thinking secretly in his heart, and he remembered what Dumbledore said when he first talked about this matter with Dumbledore and said that he wanted to donate all the dark magic books at home.

"Although Clark likes to be a little clever sometimes, he is not bad at heart. You don't have to worry about him at all."

Now it seems that what Dumbledore said was not wrong, but thinking of the first time they met, Sirius always had an indescribable, yet uncomfortable feeling towards Clark.

"Hey, maybe it's because I've been in Azkaban for a long time, and I've had some bad effects on my heart."

In the end, Sirius could only attribute this problem to himself.

On the other hand, Clark didn't know yet that Sirius was wary of him. Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart.

At this time, he was scanning the books on the bookshelf very quickly.

Thanks to the maintenance magic circle in the library, these books are well maintained. Through the gilt letters on the spine, you can know the general content of the book.

Of course, Clark would occasionally see Hunter Xinxi, pick out one or two books that he was interested in and had not read, and browse them quickly.

If it contained knowledge that was very new to him, he would separate the book and put it aside.

After a rough scan like this, Clark found many surprises in these collections of books.

In addition to the magical research notes of the Black family members, some fantastic ideas and lost magical knowledge can be found.

Among the largest number of conventional magic textbooks, Clark also discovered some out-of-print magic books.

Part of this was due to the fact that the content was later proven to be wrong and the printing was stopped. Another part was due to the fact that the content was too esoteric and obscure, which led to poor initial sales and gradually disappeared from the shelves of bookstores.

Many of these out-of-print books, even Clark had only heard of their names but never seen them in person, were now discovered in the Black family's collection. It was really a surprise.

Of course, those were not the biggest surprises here.

That's right, Clark didn't expect that those history books, which were originally used to show the glory of the Black family and illustrate the family's long history, long history, and numerous talents, would actually be the biggest gain of his trip.

You know, although Hogwarts also offers a "History of Magic" course, in Clark's view, it is more like a magic interface for children to learn historical science.

Yes, he will teach you some iconic events that happened in various historical stages, and then let you recite and remember them.

Such dry and boring content, coupled with Professor Binns' boring teaching methods, make "History of Magic" the most troublesome course for young wizards.

However, Clark knew that if "mathematics" is the brightest pearl in the crown of modern science, then "history" is the most solid foundation of human civilization.

A civilization without history is like a river without a source and a child without a mother. It will eventually fall into a whirlpool of nihilism.

Therefore, from the perspective of Clark, who inherited the fragments of the Godhead of the [God of Knowledge], these books that record part of the "past" of the magical world are many times more valuable than the collection of black magic books donated by Sirius.

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