Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 46 The End of the Dinner Party and the Goblet of Fire

Ron felt like he was in love!

In this cold October, he seemed to be in the warm spring breeze.

Looking at the other party's big azure blue eyes, smelling the sweet breath exhaled from those white teeth, his face suddenly flushed with heat.

He stared blankly at the beautiful girl in front of him, opened his mouth to answer, but only made some strange small sounds, as if his throat was stuck.

Yes, this must be the so-called heart-pounding feeling!

For a moment, Ron thought he had finally grown up and understood the difference between a man's and a boy's hobbies.

"Of course, Miss Delacour, you can take it away."

Clark didn't notice his cousin's nympho behavior. He smiled and pushed the plate of seafood to the girl, and called out her name.

That's right, the beautiful girl who came here to ask for the bouillabaisse was exactly the girl Clark met when he was helping the black and white witch Kuyinla in France during the summer vacation of the first grade——Fleur Delacour.

It seems that this time, she came to participate in the Triwizard Tournament as a student representative of Beauxbaton School of Magic.

"Oh, thank you, have you finished eating, this Mr. Prewett?" Fleur said with the same haughty expression.

Obviously, this female student also recognized Clark. After all, his appearance may change with age, but his wise temperament and eyes full of wisdom will not change.

"It's over," said Ron breathlessly, "it's over, it's delicious!"

Regrettably, Fu Rong didn't even look at him, but silently watched Clark with her big, sparkling eyes.

The eyes of the two met, and an electric current shot straight down from the back of Clark's head along the spine in an instant, until it reached his tailbone.

"This girl's magic power has become stronger again!" Such a thought suddenly popped up in Clark's mind.

Compared with the last time I saw her, Furong became more beautiful obviously.

In addition to the reason for her long appearance, it also shows that the concentration of her Veela blood has increased, so that her charm has greatly increased.

Fortunately, Clark himself is not a vegetarian. As a [Psychic], he just mobilized his psychic energy a little bit, and he was able to shield the charm effect of this magic level.

"We've already tasted it, take it away, it's okay." Clark said calmly, and pushed the plate towards Furong again.

Fleur gave him a very surprised look, then said nothing, picked up the plate, and walked cautiously to Ravenclaw's table.

Ron's eyes were still fixed on her graceful and graceful back, and he didn't want to leave for a moment, as if he had never seen a female classmate before.

"Okay, Ron, don't stare at people so impolitely," Harry said with a smile that seemed to snap Ron back to his senses.

"I dare say, she must be a Veela!" He said hoarsely to everyone.

"Certainly not!" said Hermione sharply. "I don't see anyone staring at her like an idiot except you!"

She wasn't quite right either.

As Fleur walked through the auditorium, many boys turned their heads to look at her, and some of them seemed to have lost their voice for a moment, just like Ron.

"I said, that girl is really extraordinary!" said Ron, turning sideways so that he could still see her clearly. "There's no one like that at Hogwarts!"

"The girls at Hogwarts are not bad either," Harry said without thinking.

His eyes followed Fleur to the long Ravenclaw table, where Cho Zhang was sitting a few seats next to Fleur.

"That's right, there are good girls in Hogwarts." Clark nodded and looked at Hermione with a smile.

A reserved smile immediately appeared on Hermione's face, and the corners of her eyes were filled with joy that was almost overflowing.

"You still have some eyesight.


"By the way, Clark, do you know her?" Ron didn't come back to his senses until he completely lost sight of Fleur, and asked nervously and curiously.

"Of course," Clark added some sausage and baked potatoes to his plate. "Her name is Fleur Delacour. I met her when I traveled to France during the summer vacation of my first grade."

"She has a bit of Veela blood, right?"

Seeing Clark nodded, Ron had such an expression on his face, and he wanted to continue to inquire about things related to Fleur.

However, Hermione said very bluntly, "If you all look back, you can see who came in just now."

She pointed to the staff table, where the empty seats next to the two Dumbledores were now filled.

Ludo Bagman, director of the Department of Sports and Sports of the Ministry of Magic, sat on Professor Karkaroff's side, and Percy's immediate boss, Mr. Barty Crouch, director of the Department of International Magic Exchange and Cooperation, sat at Maxim next to Mrs.

"What are they doing here?" said Harry in surprise.

Clark then explained in a low voice.

"The Triwizard Tournament is also a sport, and it belongs to the Department of Sports and Sports of the Ministry of Magic. As for Crouch, he will definitely participate in such a major competition involving the participation of foreign magic circles."

But Ron and the others were not thinking about this issue at the moment, because when they finished their main meal, the second course was also served.

Like the previous main course, there are many desserts that they have never seen before.

Ron carefully held a strange, white plate of blancmange in front of him, then carefully moved it a few inches from his right hand so that it could be clearly seen from the Ravencrouch table. .

It's a pity that the girl who made her dream about seemed to have had enough, and she didn't come over to serve this plate of sweets.

As for Clark, he was sharing a delicious Welsh roast rabbit with Hermione.

Of course, just as there is no fish in fish-flavored pork shreds, and there is no wife in wife cakes, there is no rabbit in Welsh roast rabbit.

It's not even a meat dish, it's just slices of toast with a sauce like cheese puree.

But don't underestimate the taste experience that this piece of toast can bring you. Although the Welsh rabbit looks simple, the essence is all concentrated in the sauce.

The sauce for this Welsh rabbit is typically made with cheddar cheese, ale, mustard, chilli, bechamel (a basic sauce made with cream, flour, and milk) or creamy mayonnaise.

When the various sauces are melted and mixed, a subtle chemical reaction occurs immediately, bursting out with a special mouth-watering aroma.

Brush evenly thick soft bread slices with butter, bake until fragrant and crispy, put them on a delicate porcelain plate, and pour over the golden sauce that has just been boiled. A delicious Welsh rabbit is ready!

When you take a bite of this thing, the bread slices on the ground are toasted and crispy, and the sauce on top is salty and rich in milk, which just neutralizes the dry and hard taste of the bread slices.

A little bit of spiciness is the finishing touch, making the milky aroma and the sweetness of the bread more prominent.

After tasting these desserts, the golden plates were scrubbed and Dumbledore stood up again.

A feeling of tension and excitement seemed to pervade the auditorium, and everyone turned their eyes to Dumbledore, staring at him very intently.

"The moment has finally come!" Dumbledore smiled with a tensed face, "The Triwizard Tournament is about to begin, I would like to explain a few words before bringing the box in—"

"Bring what in?" Harry asked softly.

Ron shrugged, not knowing what that meant.

"Next, I will explain our program of activities for this school year.

But first allow me to introduce two guests, because there are still people who don't know them. "

Dumbledore stretched out his hand to feint—

"This is Mr. Barty Crouch, Director of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Magic."

There was sparse applause in the auditorium.

"This is Mr. Ludo Bagman, Director of Sports and Sports at the Ministry of Magic."

The applause was much louder for Bagman than for Crouch, perhaps because of his minor fame as a hitter, or perhaps simply because he was much more relatable in appearance.

After all, he was happily waving to the students below to express his gratitude at the moment, and when Barty Crouch was introduced just now, Crouch neither smiled nor waved.

No wonder his approval ratings plummeted after Voldemort's downfall.

After all, this kind of strong leadership can give subordinates and people a sense of security in times of crisis, but it can't make people get close when they are in peace.

"Over the past few months, Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch have worked tirelessly to arrange the Triwizard Tournament."

Dumbledore continued.

"They will form a panel of judges together with me, Professor Karkaroff and Mrs. Maxim to judge the efforts of the warriors."

As soon as they heard the word "warrior", the students seemed to be more attentive.

Dumbledore also seemed to have noticed their sudden silence, and he smiled slightly and said.

"We have carefully reviewed the specific items of the Warriors' competition this year, and made many necessary arrangements for each item to ensure the safety of the participating Warriors.

There are a total of three events in the competition, which test the warriors from many different aspects in three different places at different times throughout the school year...

Put their talents in magic to the test! Their guts! Their reasoning ability! Of course, the most important thing is their charisma and charisma. "

Dumbledore's last meaningful words made the entire auditorium silent, and everyone seemed to have stopped breathing.

"As you already know, there will be three warriors representing their respective schools."

Dumbledore continued quietly.

"We will grade them according to the quality of each event they complete. After the three events are over, the warrior with the highest score will win the Triwister Cup. It is an impartial selector who is responsible for selecting the warrior. It is the Goblet of Fire."

"Mr. Filch, please bring up the box."

No one noticed that Filch had been sitting in the corner of the auditorium just now.

At this moment, following Dumbledore's call, he held a large wooden box inlaid with jewels in his hand and walked to the teacher's seat.

The students stretched their necks and watched curiously, talking about what was in the wooden box with great interest.

In order to see better, Dennis Creevey simply stood on the chair, but he was so small that even if he stood, his head would not be much higher than others.

As the box was placed on the table, Dumbledore drew his wand and tapped the lid three times.

"Squeak - creak -"

The lid was slowly opened, and Dumbledore reached in, and took out an ordinary-looking wooden goblet with rough craftsmanship.

The cup itself was inconspicuous, but it was filled with dancing blue and white flames.

Although it is a flame, it does not have the scorching burning feeling of a raging fire at all. On the contrary, it has a little bit of coldness, like a pulsating water.

Dumbledore closed the box and put the wooden cup on the lid so that everyone in the Great Hall could see it clearly.

"The Great Era of Rebirth"

"Every student who wants to be a warrior must write his name and school name on a piece of parchment and throw it into this goblet."

said Dumbledore.

"Wanted to become a warrior can sign up within 24 hours.

Tomorrow night, the night of Halloween, the Goblet of Fire will select the names of the three students it thinks best represent the three schools.

Tonight, the Goblet of Fire is placed in the hall, and all students who are willing to participate in the election can touch it. "

The students who heard this were moved, but Dumbledore's next sentence made them howl in disappointment.

"In order to avoid the temptation of underage students," said Dumbledore, "when the Goblet of Fire is placed in the hall, I will draw an age line around it. No one under the age of seventeen will be able to cross this line." line."

"Finally, I would like to remind everyone who wants to participate in the election to pay attention, please think carefully about whether you really want to participate in the competition.

This competition is not a child's play, so don't take part in it rashly.

Once the warrior is chosen by the Goblet of Fire, he must fight to the end.

Whoever puts his name into the cup actually forms a magic contract that must be obeyed.

Once you become a warrior, you are not allowed to change your mind.

So please think twice.

Well, I think it's time for everyone to go to bed. Good night everyone. "

"Age boundary!"

Fred Weiss had twinkling eyes.

"That's easy, you can definitely be fooled by the aging potion, right?

As long as your name is in that cup, you can smile happily-it can't tell who is seventeen or under! "

By this time the dinner was over and the students were walking through the auditorium towards the two doors leading to the foyer.

"I don't think that with Professor Dumbledore's level, such a big hole will be left." Hermione said, "If there is, it can only prove that your strength has been recognized by him."

"That's not sure," George said impatiently. "The seventh grade students are not much stronger than us, aren't you, Harry, you will try to participate?"

Harry didn't know how to answer.

He was worried about Dumbledore's insistence that students under the age of seventeen could not sign up, but he also thought of the glorious scene when he won the Triwizard Tournament trophy, and the crowd cheering for him.

Maybe, he could too, isn't it?

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