Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 47 Ineffective aging potion

Harry's dream was soon shattered.

Not yesterday, not today, but the next day, Saturday morning.

Generally speaking, on weekends, Hogwarts students would get up very late, let alone go to the auditorium for breakfast.

Some students didn't even have breakfast because the breakfast was only served until half past nine.

However, Saturday was different. Clark and Neville were not the only ones who got up much earlier than usual weekends.

When they took the little wizards from the Warrior Club to finish their morning exercises, took a shower and went downstairs to enter the foyer, they saw more than 20 people gathered there, some of them were still eating bread.

They were all looking at the Goblet of Fire carefully, as if they were about to see a flower from it.

But apart from the blue-white flame that was always burning, there was nothing unusual about this cup.

It was placed unprotected in the middle of the hall, quietly placed on the stool where the sorting hat was usually placed.

A thin gold line was drawn on the floor around the stool, ten feet long on each side, and bounded the cup in a boxy shape.

"Did someone put a name in?"

Ron, who walked into the hall at about the same time as Clark and the others, asked a third-year girl eagerly.

"Yes, all representatives from Durmstrang," she replied, "but haven't seen anyone sign up from Hogwarts yet."

"Someone must have put names in it while we were sleeping last night," said Harry, who was with him. How embarrassing to throw it out!"

When he said this, his hands were stuck in his trouser pockets, tightly clutching a piece of paper with his name written on it.

But before he could take the next step, someone behind him laughed loudly.

He looked back,

Someone behind Harry laughed. He looked back and saw Fred, George, and Lee Jordan hurrying down the stairs, all three looking extremely excited.

"It's done," Fred whispered to Clark and the others in a smug tone, "just drank it."

"What?" Ron asked.

"Aging agent, fool," said Fred.

"One drop each," said George, rubbing his hands together happily. "We've only got a few more months to grow."

"If one of us wins, the thousand Galleons will be divided equally between three people." Li said with a very happy smile on his face.

"I don't think this aging agent will have any effect," Clark kindly reminded, "and many Dumbledores will definitely consider this. You haven't figured out the effect of this golden thread alone."

George frowned upon hearing this, but Fred and Lee ignored him.

"Ready?" said Fred, trembling with excitement, to the other two. "Come on, then—I'll go in first—"

The crowd watching on the side watched in fascination as Fred took out a piece of parchment from his pocket, with the words "Fred Weasley - Hogwarts" written on it.

Fred went straight to the edge of the age line and stood there, swaying on tiptoes like a diver about to jump from a fifty-foot platform.

"Come on!" There was an encouraging voice from the crowd. If he succeeded, it meant that others would also have a chance.

So, with every eye in the hall watching, he took a deep breath and crossed the line.

For a brief moment, Harry thought Fred had succeeded - and Lee Jordan must have thought so too.

He yelled triumphantly and jumped forward following Fred——

However, a hissing sound was heard immediately, and the two of them were thrown out of the golden circle, as if an invisible shot putter had thrown them out.

They fell ten feet away on the cold stone floor in agony, and in addition to the physical pain, they suffered more severe humiliation.

With a loud pop, identical long white beards sprouted from both men's chins.

The hall roared with laughter, and even Fred and Lee Jordan couldn't help laughing when they got up and saw each other's white beards.

"How could this be?" George Weasley opened his mouth in shock.

Clark also saw this scene on the side, and couldn't help but say:

"You haven't figured out at all, the principle of the golden thread taught by Dumbledore. ??

Age-Aging Potion This potion, like Polyjuice Potion, can only slightly change the appearance of the user, making people look older.

It lasts a little longer than Polyjuice and doesn't need to be taken every hour.

The brewing aspect is also much simpler, but it can't make people change in essence.

To put it simply, Fred and Lee Jordan who took aging drugs just became what they grew up to be.

If they drink enough aging potions, they can even turn into senile old people, like they are now, but they are still two teenagers in essence, and they don't really die of old age because of it.

Therefore, this kind of magic can only confuse people's senses, and cannot break Principal Dumbledore's magic, because the golden thread essentially screens the power of time in us.

If we don't spend a day, the power of time will remain in our bodies, and nothing can change this.

Therefore, with our current abilities, it is impossible to use magic and potions to break through the restrictions of Principal Dumbledore.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

"Mr. Prewett is right, plus ten points for Gryffindor!" There was a round of applause, accompanied by a low, amused voice, "Honestly, I have warned you before. "

Everyone turned their heads when they heard the sound, and saw Professor Dumbledore coming out of the auditorium.

He looked Fred and Lee Jordan up and down, with a schadenfreude in his eye, like a child at a joke.

"I suggest you both go to Madam Pomfrey, who is already nursing Miss Fawcett in Ravenclaw and Mr Summers in Hufflepuff.

They are also determined to age a little, but I must say that their beards are far less beautiful than yours. "

Fred and Lee Jordan left for the hospital, George was with them both, he was still giggling, Harry and Ron were giggling too, and they all went into the Great Hall for breakfast.

This morning, the decoration of the auditorium has undergone a new change.

Because it's Halloween, there's a horde of live bats flying around the enchanted ceiling, and there are hundreds of little figures carved from pumpkins squinting at everyone from every corner, the green His eyes actually look weird.

Clark and the others sat down at the long table in Gryffindor, just in time to hear Dean and Seamus next door discussing Hogwarts students over the age of seventeen who might participate in the Tournament.

"Someone said that Wallins got up early in the morning and put his name in." Dean told everyone enthusiastically, "It's the big guy in Slytherin who looks like a sloth."

Harry, who had played Quidditch against Warrington once, shook his head in disgust.

No one had a good impression of Warrington, the big guy was not very popular in the school.

"We can't make a fellow Slytherin a warrior!"

"Yes, that is clearly the worst possible outcome."

"If a Slytherin is really a warrior, I will definitely not support him!"

"The Hufflepuffs are talking about Digory," said Seamus now, contemptuously, "but it seems to me he's not willing to risk his good looks."

"This is another bad choice. After Percy and the others graduated, there aren't any outstanding figures in Gryffindor's class." Ron sighed.

When they thought that the Hogwarts warriors might be produced between Wallins and Diggory, everyone was in a bad mood.

"It's a pity that Clark is not old enough. Otherwise, with his strength, it would be their turn!" Colin, who was sitting opposite Clark, sighed.

"Yeah." Hermione and Neville nodded together.

Clark heard this and was about to speak when Harry suddenly said, "Listen!"

There was loud cheering in the foyer outside, and everyone turned around in their seats to see Angelina Johnson enter the auditorium, grinning a little sheepishly.

She was a tall dark girl who played Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Angelina walked over to them, sat down and said happily, "Yeah, I did it! I put my name in!"

"You're kidding!" Ron looked surprised.

"So, are you seventeen?" Harry asked.

"It goes without saying that you don't see a beard, do you?" said Ron.

"My birthday was last week," Angelina said.

"Ah, I'm so glad Gryffindor is finally being attended," said Hermione. "I really hope you succeed, Angelina!"

"Thanks, Hermione." Angelina said, smiling slightly at Hermione.

"Yeah, it'd be better for you than Diggory the Buttercup," said Seamus, and his words drew angrier glares at him from a few Hufflepuffs passing their table.

Everyone expressed their support for Angelina.

Soon, they finished their breakfast and prepared to leave the auditorium.

"So what are we going to do today?" Ron asked Clark and the others.

They discussed it, and finally decided to visit Hagrid. After all, it was Halloween. It was a waste of youth to go to school on this holiday.

Several people walked across the lawn together and came to Hagrid's hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

From a distance, Beauxbaton's powder-blue carriage was parked 200 yards away from Hagrid's hut. The elephant-like rune horses pulling the carriage were standing next to the carriage. Graze in the enclosed paddock.

When they walked a little further, they happened to see that Beauxbaton's students seemed to have finished their breakfast and were getting off the carriage one after another.

At this moment, Ron's doubts about where the students of Beauxbatons slept were completely solved.

At this time Clark had already seen Fleur, after all her long silver hair was so conspicuous.

Fleur also saw Clark, but she didn't say hello, but just nodded symbolically. As for the other girls, she pretended not to see them.

Ron, still staring wide-eyed at Fleur's back, waited until she and the others crossed the lawn and entered the castle.

"What are they going to do?" Ron asked regretfully.

"Perhaps they are going to throw their names into the Goblet of Fire." Harry guessed.

Neville also looked at the backs of those people going away, and asked suspiciously, "Why don't they have breakfast in the castle, today's breakfast is actually pretty good."

"Maybe it's because we're worried about poisoning our food." Hermione said very dissatisfied. "After all, that would make their heroes eat badly and lose the game."

Speaking of this, Clark remembered in his previous life, the pickle country team that participated in the competition with its own food and chef.

And just as they were discussing, the wooden door behind them creaked open.

"Oh, you're finally here!" Hagrid came out of the room. "I thought you little fellows forgot where I lived!"

Hermione turned and said, "We're so busy, ha-"

However, she was only halfway through speaking, and after seeing Hagrid, she was too surprised to speak, and Clark and the others also stared wide-eyed.

Hagrid was in his best brown suit, with an orange and yellow checked tie.

This kind of outfit is actually nothing, but his suit doesn't seem to have been maintained much, so that it is covered with fluffy threads, which looks very ugly.

Of course, that wasn't the worst: he'd obviously tried to straighten his hair, and used a lot of machine grease and the like.

His hair was now neatly combed into two bundles—perhaps he had intended to wear a ponytail like Bill's and found that he had too much hair.

In any case, the outfit didn't really suit Hagrid.

But Hagrid didn't seem to think so. Seeing the stunned crowd, he triumphantly grabbed his neckline and turned around lightly.

"How about my clothes?"

"Very nice, Hagrid."

In order to avoid hurting Hagrid's pride, Hermione lied against her will, and at the same time secretly kicked Ron in the calf, because the big mouth had been staring at Hagrid's weird hairstyle, and was about to open his mouth to make a move. comments.


Hagrid didn't notice Ron's screams, and looked at them happily, "I thought so too."

As he spoke, he stretched his neck and looked towards Beauxbaton's carriage.

It's a pity that there was no one there at the time, so Hagrid could only look away regretfully, and invited Clark and the others to come in and sit down.

Hagrid's hut consisted of only one room, with a huge bed in one corner covered with a tattered quilt made of unicorn hair.

The same huge wooden table and chairs stood in front of the fire, and above it hung a great pile of gammon and dead birds from the ceiling.

They sat down at the table, Hagrid made tea, and the conversation quickly turned to matters of the Triwizard Tournament.

Hagrid seemed as excited about it as they were.

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