Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 59 Fire, Thunder and the Lord of the Rings

Latest website: It is a cold November afternoon.

Clark and Professor McGonagall walked out of the castle together.

They walked down the steps and came outside. Professor McGonagall, who looked even more nervous than Clark, suddenly put her hand on his shoulder.

"Okay, don't be nervous," she said, "keep your head calm... Although we can't arrange some wizards to protect you, Dumbledore said that there is no danger in the whole game... The most important thing for you now is to give your best. No one will think that you are inferior to others in terms of your own abilities... Are you okay?"

The Head of Gryffindor was talking nonchalantly, his words full of concern for his students.

Faced with this concern, Clark looked at her with a smile, which greatly relieved Professor McGonagall's nervousness, "Professor, don't worry, I feel great!"

Professor McGonagall nodded, and then led him into the Forbidden Forest, following the previously opened road in the direction of the dragon farm.

When they got closer, Clark found that the space door leading to the dragon farm had been surrounded by a huge wooden ring.

Professor McGonagall took him around to the other side of the stand, where a tent was erected where the warriors were waiting to enter, with the entrance of the tent facing them.

"You must go in with several other warriors," Professor McGonagall's voice was trembling. "Mr. Bagman is also inside... He will tell you the steps... I wish you good luck."

"Thank you, Professor." Clark thanked him. Professor McGonagall led him to the entrance of the tent, and Clark walked in.

The other three warriors were already inside at this time.

Fleur Delacour was sitting on a low wooden stool in the corner. She was not at all as calm as usual. Her face looked very pale and sickly.

Viktor Krum looked sullen than usual, which Clark guessed was his way of showing off his inner nervousness.

Bruce Stewart kept pacing back and forth, and when Clark came in, Bruce smiled faintly at him, and Clark just nodded at him.

Besides them, there was another person in the tent.

"Clark! Great!" Bagman turned to look at him and said happily: "Come in, come in, relax,

Just like at home! "

Wearing the old Hornets uniform, standing among the pale warriors, he looked like a big cartoon character.

"Okay, now everyone is here - it's time to introduce the situation to you!" Bagman said happily.

"I will pass this bag to each of you in turn in a moment."

He held up a purple silk bag and shook it at them.

"You pick out little models of what you're going to face! There are different - well - kinds of them.

As for your mission...it will be announced by the principal of Durmstrang himself after the audience has arrived. "

Clark looked around. Bruce nodded to show that he understood what Bagman said, and then began to pace around the tent again.

Fleur Delacour and Krum didn't react at all. They probably thought that if they spoke, they would be so flustered that they would vomit.

At this time, above their heads, the sound of hundreds of pairs of feet walking across the wooden planks could be heard.

The owners of those feet were talking and laughing excitedly, looking forward to the next performance of the warriors.

In the tent, Bagman was already untying the purple silk bag.

"Ladies first," he said, handing the bag to Fleur Delacour.

She put a trembling hand into the bag and pulled out a small, lifelike model of a dragon - a Welsh green dragon, with a number tied around its neck: number two.

Clark saw that Fleur didn't show the slightest surprise and was relieved.

This is the most harmless of the four fire dragons. It can be said that she is lucky enough.

Krum followed closely behind Fleur, and he took out the bright red Chinese Fireball with the number three tied around his neck.

This was the second worst situation, but without blinking he just sat down and stared at the ground.

Bagman handed the purple silk bag to Clark, but Clark gave in and motioned for Bruce to draw first.

Bruce was not polite. He put his hand into his pocket and took out the silver-blue Swedish short-nosed dragon. The number tied around its neck was No. 1.

This time Bagman sighed, and Clark knew what was left for him.

He reached into his silk pocket, and sure enough, he took out the Hungarian Horntail, No. 4.

When he looked down, the little dragon spread its wings and exposed its small fangs.

"Okay, you all got it!" Bagman said, "You all drew the fire dragon you are going to face. The number on its neck is the order in which you go to deal with the fire dragon. Do you understand?"

The four warriors nodded.

"Okay, I'll leave you for a moment now, because I want to explain to the audience.

After a while, I said, ‘The game begins, welcome the warriors to the entrance.’ You just go out, do you understand?

So... Clark... can I have a few words with you alone? Come outside? "


Clark stood up and came outside the tent with Bagman.

Bagman took him a little further into the trees, then turned to look at him with a fatherly expression on his face.

"How are you feeling, Clark? How can I help you?"

"What?" Clark said, "I--no, I don't need to."

"Do you have a clue in your mind?" Bagman lowered his voice furtively and asked.

"I can give you a few ideas if you want. I mean," Bagman lowered his voice and continued, "You're at a disadvantage here, Clark... As long as I can help …”

"Even if you can help, I won't forgive your debt." Clark said first, "It's just a few words, but it's not worth hundreds of gold galleons."

"I didn't...that's not what I meant," Bagman said awkwardly, "I just wanted to help a little bit. As a fellow British wizard, I..."

"No need, I'm sure." Clark said very simply.

"Okay then." Bagman touched his nose.

At this time, a sharp whistle sounded from the direction of the field.

"Oh God, I have to run!" Bagman said in panic, as if he had been pardoned, and ran away.

Clark walked towards the tent and happened to see Bruce coming out of it, his face even uglier than before. It seemed that the environment inside the tent was too depressing.

But when the two of them passed each other, Bruce still said, "Good luck!"

In his opinion, Clark's humility just now made his task a lot easier.

Clark returned to the tent and sat next to Fleur and Krum.

A few minutes later Bagman's voice sounded above them.

"Okay, I see that everyone has almost arrived. Then, let us welcome the warriors with the warmest applause!"

Thunderous applause sounded above their heads, which meant that they should enter.

Clark and others stood up and got out of the other side of the tent together.

When they opened the curtain, the noisy sound was like pressing the amplification button, making their scalps numb.

In front of the four people, there is an open space the size of a football field. In the center of the open space, the space door of the secret realm of the dragon farm stands quietly there.

In front of the space door is a Goblet of Fire burning with blue flames.

"Okay, you can see that our four warriors have already appeared. They are -

Bruce Stewart of Ilvermorny!

Viktor Krum of Durmstrang!

Beauxbatons' Fleur Delacour!

And Clark Prewett at Hogwarts! "

The audience applauded again, and the four Clarks also waved to the spectators in the surrounding stands.

“Then, our Principal Karkaroff from Durmstrang will start the next step of the game.

Please invite Principal Karkaroff to come forward——"

Amidst the applause of the crowd, Durmstrang's principal Igor Karkaroff carefully walked down from the rostrum holding a roll of parchment filled with words.

His movements were so gentle and so steady, and the two opposing feelings achieved wonderful harmony and unity in his body.

Clark looked at Karkaroff who was gradually walking in, and at the same time looked at the roll of parchment in his hand.

This roll of manuscript paper is very old, the edges are frayed and fuzzed, and it looks like just a few ordinary sheets of parchment.

However, in Clark's extraordinary perception, the walking Karkaroff seemed to be holding up a hill.

It seemed that what he was holding in his hands was not a roll of light parchment, but a heavy piece of history and civilization.

It is a kind of spiritual weight that is different from material things.

The spectators in the stands around the stadium were also shocked by the sense of oppression exuded by his behavior, and the originally buzzing stands became silent.

Everyone's eyes were on Karkaroff, watching him move step by step in front of the Goblet of Fire.

The burning Goblet of Fire seemed to sense that something extraordinary was approaching. The blue flames instantly became a little stronger, and the flames jumped up to Lao Gao.

Karkaroff walked up to the Goblet of Fire. The next moment, he made an unexpected move and threw the parchment in his hand into the Goblet of Fire.

The blue flames licked the yellow parchment and turned it into ashes in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, as if gasoline was poured into the fire, the flames in the Goblet of Fire soared into the sky with a "boom" and expanded into a huge fireball.

The blue fireball was burning in the sky above the competition venue. Along with the ashes of the parchment, countless strange phantoms also flashed rapidly in the flames, one after another.

Countless mountains, rivers, villages and towns appeared and disappeared one after another.

Countless figures were born, grew up, fished and hunted, shouted, reproduced and died.

Countless mermaids, dwarfs, fairies, giants, and fire dragons fought, betrayed, and reconciled.

Various images intersect and compete with each other, as if a long historical drama is evolving, or like a child who has just learned to paint, repeatedly smearing and redoing on the drawing board.

Karkaroff stood under the fireball, with his arms spread wide, and loudly reciting obscure, difficult, twists and turns of German poetry.

Although I couldn't understand what he was talking about, the content of the lyrics seemed to be related to the image in the flames.

So as he chanted, those originally chaotic flame images began to evolve at an accelerated pace.

At the same time, thick dark clouds began to accumulate in the originally clear sky.

While waiting, a scene flashed through the fireball.

The dark world, the broken earth, the poisonous black smoke rising from the fire and lava, making the whole world dark.

Countless huge corpses were lying on the ground, and blood poured into the broken earth like a river.

A giant as tall as a mountain stood with scars all over the corpses of the same kind on the ground. In the palm of his right hand spread out, there was a golden ring shining with charming light.

The giant looked at the ring with fascination and carefully put it on his finger.

The next moment, he roared in pain, growing hard scales and sharp fangs, and his thick breath turned into blazing flames, sweeping the entire sky and earth together.

There was lightning and thunder in the dark clouds in the sky. Karkaroff was shocked. Seeing that the image of the evil dragon transformed by the giant was about to blur, he quickly pushed forward with both hands.

The huge blue fireball with the phantom was like a meteor, hitting the space door of the dragon farm directly.

Accompanied by it, there was a huge winding thunderbolt, like a javelin thrown by the God King Odin, slamming down heavily.

Fear spread instantly, and Huanghuang Tianwei drove everyone watching in the stands to subconsciously raise their arms and cover their faces.

However, things did not develop as they thought. The collision of fireballs, thunder and space gates finally merged together in a strange way.

Those blue lightnings and flames, together with the phantoms in the flames, were all swallowed up by the space gate like a whale sucking water.

After the spectators put down their shielding arms, only an extinguished Goblet of Fire was left in the center of the playing field, and behind the Goblet of Fire, a huge portal burning with blue flames and wrapped in thunder.

Everyone was confused by this strange scene. They didn't understand. Isn't this the Triwizard Tournament? Why did it start so loudly?

Fortunately, Principal Karkaroff quickly answered their doubts.

"First game!

Dear warriors, you need to enter the historical illusion in front of you one by one, fight with the dragon in the illusion, and bring out the most precious treasure from the treasure they guard. "

Karkaroff's words made the audience discuss again.

They didn't know what historical illusion was, but they understood Karkaroff's words.

The next task for the warriors should be to enter the space door in front of them, pass the test inside the door, and bring something out under the guard of a fire dragon.

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