Latest website: After hearing Karkaroff’s words, the expressions of several warriors were also different.

Clark, Fleur and Bruce looked at each other. In fact, the three of them knew a little bit about the format of the Triwizard Tournament.

The so-called historical illusion is said to be an illusion, but in fact it is both real and illusory. It should be said that it is a kind of re-enactment, or projection, of a past history with the help of the "Great Holy Grail" system that goes straight to the source, using the secret realm as a carrier. .

This is actually not much different from the principle behind Clark's summoning of "heroic spirit" followers. They also need to sacrifice "sacred objects" related to that period of history, and also need to put some materials into them.

The only difference is that the former summons "people", while the latter summons a certain fragment that exists in history.

Of course, this is where the problem lies.

Although the prerequisite for forming a historical illusion is that the history must be very famous, understood and sung by countless people.

But Clark and the others are not historians.

Moreover, the history of the wizarding world is different from that of the Muggle world, which means that in addition to understanding the so-called history, they may also need to understand the mythology and folklore of various places.

Compared with them, Viktor Krum, who was also very nervous, was more confident.

As a warrior of Durmstrang, he should have gotten a lot of information about the background of the fantasy from his principal.

At this time, Karkaroff had returned to the referee's seat and continued to speak.

"Because it is an illusion space that evolves from holy objects and secret realms, you will not suffer real fatal injuries in it.

However, some special items in the illusion can be brought out.

But you only have one chance. Once you die, you will be spit out by the illusion.

After you come out, the judges will give you points based on the value of the items you each brought out. "

After Karkaroff finished speaking, Bagman continued to host.

"Okay, thank you Principal Karkaroff for the introduction.

Next, let us invite Bruce Stewart, the first warrior to participate, and the fire dragon he challenged.

Enter the playing field together. "

Following Bagman's words, Bruce walked out of Clark's team.

But most of the people present turned their attention to the other end of the playing field.

There, several dragon trainers headed by Charlie walked in slowly, holding their wands high and controlling the large iron cage containing the fire dragon.

The Swedish Brachysaurus in the cage was still in a coma, but its silver-blue body still made the little wizards in the stands exclaim.

Charlie and the others moved the iron cage containing the fire dragon in front of the flame portal.

As if sensing the approach of the fire dragon, the blue flames on the door began to rotate rapidly, forming a huge flame vortex.

Countless flame tentacles stretched out from the vortex, wrapped around the body of the Swedish brachynosaurus, and swallowed the dragon eggs in the cage together.

After swallowing these things, the flame portal seemed to be full, and the rotation speed of the vortex began to slow down.

At this time, Bagman shouted, "The first warrior can go in. Other warriors, please return to the waiting area!"

Bruce trotted and plunged into the huge flame space door.

This time, the conditions seemed to be completely met, the flame vortex stopped directly, and the huge blue circular portal became as smooth as a mirror.

Some blurry shadows also began to appear on the mirror, which seemed to turn into a large screen displaying content in the environment.

And this was what Clark and the others saw before they got into the tent.

The three of them sat down in the tent again and listened to what was going on outside.

Everything was worse than they imagined, and when Bruce tried to steal the treasure from the Swedish Brachysaurus, the crowd was like a unified body with many heads, screaming... chanting... and pouring Breathe air conditioning.

Krum was still staring at the ground, and Fleur was now following in Bruce's footsteps, pacing around the tent.

Bagman's explanation made everything worse... "Oh, it's so dangerous, so dangerous."... "His move was really suspenseful!"... "A very smart way - but it was a pity that it didn't work. !”

Suddenly, Krum, who had been silent all this time, said: "The Ring of the Nibelungs!"

"What?" Furong, who was paying attention to the outside world, stopped immediately when she heard this.

However, after saying this, Krum continued to remain silent, as if the words just now were just Fleur's auditory hallucination.

Fortunately, Clark continued what Klum said: "'The Ring of the Nibelung' is a large-scale musical composed and written by the German musician Wagner."

"A large-scale musical! What the hell is that?" Fleur looked surprised.

"In other words, the background of our first competition project is based on a musical created by a Muggle."

Clark said.

"If I guess correctly, the stack of parchment scrolls that Principal Karkaroff put into the Goblet of Fire may be the original manuscript of "The Ring of the Nibelung" handwritten by the German musician Wagner."

"I don't want to know who created that story. I just want to know, what is that story about? Can you tell me?"

Fleur clasped her hands together and stared at Clark pitifully with her big watery eyes.

It was obvious that she had used her talent for seduction as a half-Veela.

Of course, Clark didn't agree with this.

But since Krum revealed all the background information when Bruce Stewart was away because of the alliance between the three schools, he naturally would not ignore the overall situation.

"The Ring of the Nibelungs" tells the legendary heroic epic story of Siegfried, a young blacksmith.

During the creation process, Wagner extensively adapted the medieval German folk narrative poem "The Nibelungenlied" and mixed it with many ancient Nordic mythological epics and some Icelandic historical heroic stories.

The whole story is grand and complex, and is mainly divided into four parts: "Da Rheingold", "Valkyrie", "Siegfried", and "Twilight of the Gods".

The plot revolves around the gold at the bottom of the Rhine..."

Outside the tent, Bagman's explanation continued. Fleur was very anxious, but she could only listen patiently as Clark continued to tell the story.

Legend has it that in Norse mythology, the world is supported by a huge world tree.

The World Tree is divided into three levels, with a total of nine kingdoms, and various races thrive in the nine worlds.

Among them, in the misty country Niflheim, also known as the Nibelungen, which is full of mist, there is a clan of dwarfs living.

The Nibelung dwarves were short and ugly, but they were known for crafting a variety of ingenious and powerful tools and imbuing them with magical powers and curses.

One day, the dwarf Alberich was so restless that he left his hometown and went to the center of the nine worlds, which is the kingdom of mankind, to enjoy the beautiful natural scenery.

When he came to the Rhine River, he saw the fairies living in the Rhine River.

In the eyes of this dwarf who lives alone all year round, these fairies are so young and beautiful.

Their beautiful bodies are reflected in the sparkling river water, and their attractive curves shine like the dewdrops shining with colorful light in the morning.

The dwarf Alberich instantly fell in love with these fairies and began a crazy pursuit of them.

However, with his ugly appearance and short stature, he is destined to be the loser in this love game.

Alberich's love was ridiculed and despised by the river nymphs, who rejected him thousands of miles away.

Faced with this situation, Alberich, who was repeatedly tortured by the flames of love and desire, wandered along the Rhine River, unwilling to leave for a long time.

As time goes by, this dwarf, humbled by love, gradually understands the reason why fairies live in the Rhine River.

It turns out that these fairies have been guarding a piece of gold that has been here since the creation of the world.

That gold possesses powerful magic power, and is the embodiment of the origin of the world that collapsed when the world was created.

Once a tool is made from this gold, it will have magical powers.

And if this kind of gold is used to make a ring, it can connect with the supreme authority in the origin of the world.

But the fairies are not worried about someone stealing the gold.

Because if you want to take away the gold bred by the original power of this world, you must exchange it with a more precious and rare "love" as a price and sacrifice.

After learning the news, the fire of power in the dwarf Alberich's heart surpassed the flame of love.

He gave up the right to love someone and be loved by others, abandoned his "humanity", and finally succeeded in stealing the gold of the Rhine at the price.

After obtaining the gold, Alberich returned to Niflheim (Niebelungen), the Kingdom of Mist, and with the help of his brother Mime, he created a magic ring that could control the world's supreme power.

That is, the Ring of Nibelung that can gain supreme power.

Unfortunately, this kind of artifact that can communicate with the origin of the world and control supreme authority is not something that dwarfs from the lower world like Alberich can covet.

When the Ring of the Nibelungs was forged, God King Odin sensed its existence in Asgard, the divine domain of the Asa clan in the Nine Worlds.

In order to ensure that his status as the King of the Gods would not be threatened by the Ring of Nibelung, Odin first used Freya, the goddess of love and beauty, as a reward to invite the giant family to help build the majestic Valhalla Hall of Valor.

Then, under the pretext that he could not give up Freya, the god of love and beauty, he found Loki, the god of fire and trickery, who was also a giant, and sent him to stir up the giants' desire for power.

When men have to make a choice between love and power, they always give up the former because they choose the latter.

Loki, the god of fire and trickery, came to Jotunheim, the kingdom of giants. Following Odin's teachings, he told the giants the legends of the Rhine's gold and the Ring of the Nibelungs.

During this period, Loki boasted about the ring and successfully aroused the giants' desire for power.

So they agreed to Odin's conditions and agreed to release Freya, the god of love and beauty, in exchange for the Asa Protoss supporting them in seizing the Ring of the Nibelungs and helping them resist the intervention of the Vanir Protoss.

After signing a contract with Odin, the giants set off to the Nibelungen, the Kingdom of Mist, and with the help of Alberich's younger brother, the dwarf Mime, successfully found his brother.

Because Ymir, the ancestor of giants, was conceived before the creation of chaos and was the source of the birth of the world.

Therefore, they will not be restrained by the Nibelung Ring, which connects to the origin of the world and controls supreme power.

Therefore, under the powerful power of the giants, the dwarf Alberich lost the Lord of the Rings, which symbolized endless rights.

The moment before the ring was taken away, the dwarf craftsman also completed the last step of their race's forging.

That is to put a curse on this golden ring at the cost of life - anyone who wears this ring will inevitably die.

The arrogant giant clan did not take this so-called curse seriously.

But retribution came quickly.

When the giants faced the numerous treasures and Nibelung rings plundered from the dwarfs, they also fell into their endless desire for power and wealth.

None of the giants could remain calm in the face of these things, and they first quarreled and then insulted.

In the end, the giants fought each other for this ring that represented supreme power.

In this cruel and bloody fight, the Nibelungen ground was shattered by the majestic power of the giants, and the sky was torn apart by the aftermath of their battle.

Even though the entire Nibelung world was on the verge of destruction, the giants did not give up killing each other. Their desire for murder and greed completely blinded their eyes, and countless giants fought for this small golden ring.

Eventually, a giant named Fafnir got the ring.

And when he stepped on the corpses of his tribe and put on the ring excitedly, the dwarf curse attached to the ring, coupled with the resentment of the dead giants, turned the giant Fafnir into a huge evil dragon.

"So, what we just saw in the flames was the giant Fafnir turning into a dragon after receiving the Ring of Nibelung?"

Fleur asked after listening to Clark's story.

Clark nodded, "Yes, the time point in that historical fantasy should be after "Das Rheingold" and before "Valkyrie"."

At this time, almost fifteen minutes had passed, and Clark had already heard a burst of sparse applause outside.

This can only mean one thing: Bruce Stewart has successfully passed the test of the illusion and brought out the treasure from it.

"It's really outstanding!" Bagman shouted at the top of his lungs, "Now please give the referee a score!"

However, he did not announce the score loudly. The referees should have raised the score for the audience to see.

"One is down, there are three more!" When the whistle sounded again, Bagman shouted, "Miss Delacour, please come on!"

Fleur, who was about to continue asking Clark about the illusion, trembled when she heard this. She could only tighten her wand in her hand, and left the tent with her head held high amidst Clark's blessing.

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