"You said...what?" Snape was stunned and shook his dizzy head, "I think you are...drunk."

"We have magic, remember?" Murphy said.

"Magic is not, uh... not omnipotent!" Snape shouted, his voice suddenly becoming louder. "Those who think that magic can... do anything are the ones who have not yet explored the depths of magic. Stupid...idiot!"

"Maybe you just shrink from the difficulty." Murphy said.

"You, you know... shit!" Snape put his hands on the table, as if he wanted to support himself to stand up, but couldn't.

"I know more magic than you have ever heard of... about death, I... know much more than you think... imagine! I have come into contact with it, and you have never dreamed of it... uh, never Have you ever imagined, uh..."

He looked like he was going to vomit.

Almost there, Murphy decided to ask the question, "So, what about the elixir of life? It is said that the elixir of life can be used to revive, right?"

"Yes, yes..." Snape sat down. He looked as if he was about to fall asleep, "No, it can only be resurrected, flesh, body..."

"Oh? Are you sure?" Murphy asked, "Can you make the elixir? What is its formula?"

"I can't make it. It needs magic. But I know the formula..."

"It's not sleepy or difficult...rune snake skin, salamander blood, unicorn horn powder, toad tadpoles..."

After a while, he finished telling the formula, and Murphy remembered it in his mind, "Can you use these to resurrect the body?"

"No, the immortality medicine cannot directly resurrect the body. It needs to be combined with...another medicine...but only Voldemort knows about that...he has never told me... …”

Murphy nodded slightly.

It's not bad. Although I didn't get the formula for the medicine to reshape my body, the elixir alone is enough.

He was about to ask Snape to tell him again to verify the formula, when suddenly a voice came from outside, "Ouch!"

Then there were a few pops, as if someone had fallen.

Harry didn't know how he felt when he heard Snape's affectionate confession to his mother.

His mind was a mess.

But at the same time, he also figured out something.

No wonder Professor Murphy said that Snape and his father were enemies. It turned out to be because they both liked their mothers and they were love rivals.

This also explains why Snape hates himself so much - Sirius said that he looks almost exactly like James.

At the same time, he also understood the meaning of Snape's look when he handed him the antidote earlier today.

He saw his mother in himself.

But Harry still couldn't realize Snape's deep love for Lily. He only felt a chill, even fear and a kind of anger as if he had been humiliated.

As a result, he accidentally knocked over a cup when he got excited.

However, fortunately, several of them - Harry, Ron, Hermione, Tom, and now Cho Chang - were all hiding under the invisibility cloak, so they did not attract too much attention.

Fortunately, they are all in first and second grade now. If they are older, this invisibility cloak really can't hide so many people.

They originally came to find Murphy. After arriving at Hogsmeade through the tunnel under Duke Bee, they went straight to the Three Broomsticks. After finally finding Murphy, they found that he was drinking with Snape. A little wizard hid next door and decided to listen to what they were talking about. As soon as he came over, he heard such exciting news that Snape liked Harry's mother.

After hearing this, everyone saw that Harry was in a bad mood and prepared to leave, but Snape told Tom the formula for the elixir.

This is exactly what he needs.

After hearing that the formula for resurrecting the body was with Voldemort, Tom decided to go back and ask the diary under the last resort.

Since it calls itself Voldemort, it should know the resurrection formula?

With the important information in hand, they were about to leave when suddenly, a "huh" sound came from behind them.

Hagrid, who was drinking with several professors on the other side of the hall, heard that Murphy and Snape had also come to the pub, so he was going to take the two of them to the big table for a drink, so he came outside the cubicle door, but he just arrived Beside the door, he saw something strange.

That's a foot.

A solitary foot with no upper body and not connected to the legs, and it looked a little familiar.

"Ron, your feet!" Hermione quickly reminded in a low voice.

With a slight turbulence in the air like water waves, the foot suddenly disappeared.

Hagrid rubbed his eyes, thinking he was being deceived. He subconsciously took a step forward and leaned down to take a closer look.

Several young wizards quickly retreated to the side, but there were too many tables, chairs, and benches in the tavern. The five people were crowded under the cloaks, and they inevitably bumped into things. In the panic, they didn't know who stepped on whose feet, but when they heard an ouch, the five young wizards It fell to the ground with a crackle.

"Lily, no, Harry?!" The cloak was flipped to one side, and Hagrid was naturally surprised when he saw Harry.

"Shh..." Harry and Ron quickly got up, "Shh, keep your voice down, Hagrid..."

"Why are you here? You're not even in third grade yet..." Hagrid also drank a lot, his face was red, and he didn't notice the two of them trying to give him hints.

"Harry Potter! You should be in the school hospital!" Professor McGonagall appeared. She seemed to have drunk too, but still looked at them sternly, "And Weasley, Miss Granger! Tom! Oh! , Miss Qiu Zhang! This is really...how could you..."

"I, we are here to find Professor Murphy..."

"Who's looking for me?" Murphy opened the compartment door, "Oh, everyone is here, it's so lively."

On the table behind him, Snape had fallen asleep on the table. Murphy had just taken advantage of the commotion outside to read Legilimency to Snape, checked the formula, and gave him another supplement. Oblivion Curse - In this state, Snape cannot use any Occlumency at all.

Anyway, he will only feel that he is broken afterwards and will not have any more doubts.

"Harry?" Murphy looked at the girl Harry, "Why are you outside the door?"

"I want you to see if there is anything wrong with this bottle of antidote..."

"Oh, what is this?" Professor Flitwick picked up the invisibility cloak on the ground, "This is really a rare treasure."

"You are wearing an invisibility cloak and hiding outside the door. You want to eavesdrop on the professor's conversation." A professor who looked crazy said. Qiu Chang recognized her, Professor Trelawney. It is said that she teaches divination.

"No, we didn't..." Ron quickly denied.

"Oh, don't try to deceive the eyes of a prophet, child..." Trelawney seemed to be drunk, smiling stupidly, "I have seen it, you will be in bad luck today, child."

"..." Ron rolled his eyes. Anyone who is not blind now knows that we are in bad luck, okay?

Sure enough, Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows, "Solitary confinement! Leaving the school without permission! Appearing in the bar! And dare to eavesdrop on the professor's conversation! How audacious! Solitary confinement! Ten points will be deducted from everyone!"

"No, no, professor..." the little wizards still tried to explain.

"Go back to school! Hagrid, send them back!" Professor McGonagall didn't listen to their explanation at all.

"Wait a minute, let me do a divination for them," Trelawney said suddenly. She was probably really drunk, and seemed to want to show off her ability to predict. She waved to Hermione, "Come here, child. "

"Oh, you don't look good, little girl. Doom is imminent. If you ask me, don't leave school at this time and stay in school..."

Of course Hermione's face looked bad. She was caught violating school rules and was deducted ten points, and her brows almost furrowed into a frown.

"As for you, child," Trelawney came to Tom again, "bad, so bad...death, maybe death...oh my god, a terrible fate..."

"Okay, Professor Trelawney, now let..." Murphy didn't want to hear Trelawney's nagging and was about to interrupt her performance. Suddenly, his wrist was held tightly. .

"Professor?!" One of Tom's hands was also held by Trelawney.

"Disaster!" she suddenly screamed, "terrible disaster!"

She suddenly let go of their hands, and suddenly raised her head, her eyes rolled white, and her whole body was trembling slightly, "I saw... the savior... he was a child born in death, the source of his darkness. In the past years, the 'prophet' will give him endless wisdom and leave the key to him in the secret room... He will solve the mystery and see the future... He will be resurrected after death and walk towards the savior. fate."

Murphy:? ? ?

Waterfa? !

Didn’t I make up this prophecy? !

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