Trelawney's prophecy didn't cause much repercussions. After all, it didn't point to a specific person, and she didn't know what specific event it was referring to. And similar prophecies may not be many, but if they are few, they are still many. There are so many prophecy balls in the Department of Mysteries, and each one corresponds to a real prophecy.

So among everyone present, only Murphy was shocked.

Even Tom, the prophecy protagonist in Murphy's cognition, didn't react at all.

The five little wizards were fined for violating school rules. Murphy also checked the antidote made by Snape and found that there was nothing wrong with it.

So Harry returned to his boy's body that day and was finally able to attend class normally.

After Snape woke up, he only felt a splitting headache. He still remembered being taken to drink by Murphy yesterday. He seemed to have said a lot of things that he would not normally say, but even if he used Legilimency on himself, he could not recall it at all. In addition to talking about Lily, did he say anything else that couldn't be said?

Murphy seems to be very dissatisfied with Dumbledore. He seems to have said that he wants to be the principal?

But after all, it was a drunken remark, and Snape did not take it seriously.

Everything seemed to be back to normal, but as soon as Tom returned to the dormitory, he found that the book of guidance had been updated.

"Main mission: Obtain the elixir formula. Complete!"

"Mission reward: Disguise Spell."

This time, there was no reminder at all to "please prepare the holder to receive the reward". Tom only felt a jolt in his mind, and the knowledge about the Disguise Curse was recalled.

However, he did not feel any joy in increasing his strength, only feeling full of fear.

He suddenly realized a problem.

How does the Book of Guidance know that it has completed its mission?

He didn't even accept this task. In order to avoid further contact with the Book of Guidance, he had not touched the notebook for a long time.

But now it still decides that it has completed its mission.

Is it always monitoring and reading my heart?

The Book of Guidance can force some memories into one's mind, but can it control one's actions?

If so, is his desire to get rid of the other party always under his surveillance?

But then, he took a deep breath and suppressed these thoughts.

It's useless to think too much. Even if his fate is destined, he can't sit still and wait for death. He has to struggle.

Now that the formula for the elixir is known, let’s find a way to gather the ingredients first.

On the other side, Dumbledore listened to Professor McGonagall's explanation and pondered for a moment, "You mean that Sybil made the prophecy in front of Murphy and Lucas?"

"Yes, her appearance was very unusual. It seemed to be a real prophecy. She also grabbed the hands of both of them at that time, but this prophecy sounded strange. There were no clues about the savior or prophet it mentioned. "

Dumbledore nodded and suddenly remembered something, "Lucas's name only appeared in the Book of Admission before he entered school, right, Minerva?"

"Yes. I checked it several times in July, and no names were missed. Lucas's name must have appeared after that."

Dumbledore was silent for a while, "Who sent that letter that reminded us that a student was found?"

"It seems to be the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters..." Professor McGonagall said. She couldn't remember the specific author of the letter.

Dumbledore opened the drawer on the table and fumbled with his fingers for a moment in the drawer that contained tens of thousands of letters that had been casted with a powerful invisible stretching spell. A letter automatically jumped into his hands.

He unfolded it.

"Dear Vice Principal Minerva McGonagall:

While dealing with a magic rampage incident, our company discovered a boy in Reed Orphanage—Lucas Tom Bleitson. After investigation, we found that he was the cause of the magic rampage incident. Since his age is close to the age of admission to your school, but the student seems to know nothing about Hogwarts, we are hereby writing to remind him. We hope that we will send teachers to contact you and complete the admission matters.

Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters, Deputy Director of the Memory Logging Command, Celica Wood. "

"Celica Wood." Dumbledore thought for a moment and took out a few more letters from the drawer. After a while, he read them all.

These were mostly letters from Kingsley in the past few years. He mentioned Celica Wood twice, but more often than not she mentioned her brother, Alex Wood.

The latter was confirmed to work for Murphy Darkholm and was responsible for potion materials.

Last year, both of them served in the Ministry of Magic, one as the Director of the Floo Network Authority and the other as the Deputy Director of the Memory Logging Command.

The two of them had no relevant experience before this.


Dumbledore pondered, but in his mind he recalled the words he heard while standing in the corner the night after Christmas.

"I saw freedom."


What's holding you back, Tom?

After Easter, students' academic tasks have become very intense, and some top students, such as Hermione, have begun to prepare for exams in advance.

But not all students put exams first.

For example, Harry, this day he called his friends together again, "I know why Snape wants to get the Sorcerer's Stone."

"Are you still doubting Snape?" Hermione asked.

Hermione first suspected Snape when she saw him reciting a curse on the day of the Quidditch match. Now she knew the reason why Snape hated Harry. Although she still found it strange, she still felt sorry for Snape in her heart. The suspicion is much less.

"He also broke into the trap door, remember? He was bitten by Lu Wei. If he didn't want to steal the Sorcerer's Stone, why did he go there?" Harry said.

"Perhaps he was just worried about the Philosopher's Stone and went to check the trap?" Tom said.

"Maybe. But it's also possible that he just wanted to get the Philosopher's Stone and resurrect his master." Harry said.

"What?" No one understood.

"Snape is a Death Eater. At least he once was." Harry said, revealing a big piece of information. "Sirius told me in a letter. Although he was vague, Snape liked blackmail very much when he was in school. Magic, and he often hung out with some shady people, most of whom later became Death Eaters."

"That's why he told Professor Murphy that he knew a lot about death, and that's why he said that Voldemort never told him about the recipe for the resurrection potion."

"Who can be taught knowledge by Voldemort? Only Death Eaters!"

Harry's speculation was reasonable. In fact, after hearing the conversation between Snape and Murphy that day, everyone also had this suspicion.

"So, you suspect that Snape stole the Philosopher's Stone in order to resurrect Voldemort?"

"That's right!" Harry said.

If the original idea of ​​stopping Snape was just because of his hostility towards Snape, now Harry did feel some existential threat.

Voldemort is the Dark Lord who killed his parents.

He was simply missing, but almost everyone believed he was still alive.

And if he is really resurrected, then the first person he has to deal with will probably be himself who defeated him once.

At that time, what should he do?

Should I wash my neck and wait?

"I've figured it out now," Harry said. "Even if it's not Snape, someone is bound to want to steal the Philosopher's Stone. The Gringotts robbery illustrates this. And didn't Professor Murphy say that if There is a wizard who wants to seize the magic stone, so the elixir of life or resurrection potion is its only purpose."

"Even if it's not Snape, there must be someone who wants to steal the Sorcerer's Stone and resurrect Voldemort!" Harry said.

Tom swallowed.

Bro, you are right.

That person is me.

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