Before leaving Hogwarts, Murphy went to inspect the school's teaching situation. In fact, it was mainly to see whether the practical classes were continued according to his original ideas.

The results were pretty good. A former Oxford professor who had received the werewolf virus was responsible for teaching the practical class. Murphy listened for a while. He had an open mind and was patient, making him very suitable for guiding this group of students who were new to scientific methodology.

Murphy was relieved.

When these students reach the fifth or sixth grade and have been fully trained in scientific research methods, they can be allowed to enter places such as the Magic Research Institute for internships (unpaid jobs).

Returning to the Magic Research Institute, Murphy worked with several groups to jointly tackle key problems and built a set of magic radar scanning models.

After calculation, as long as frequency modulation is performed through a huge directional magic antenna array, the scanning range of the magic radar can reach between 3,000 and 5,000 kilometers while ensuring the scanning accuracy is within one meter to two meters. If the accuracy is relaxed, the radar The scanning range can be even larger.

However, such a magic radar cannot be realized using the crow array antenna. It requires higher array accuracy and requires too much computing power, unless Murphy is prepared to use everyone in the psychic network as a human computer. Otherwise, the duration of the crow array antenna is not enough to complete a full-angle scan.

It is physically imperative to build a true magic radar.

Fortunately, various front-end magic technologies for magic radar: magic antenna theory, magic frequency modulation, magic metal, etc. are basically available.

The most important ones are magic metal and magic reflective material, one is used to conduct magic power, and the other is used to reflect magic power fluctuations.

According to calculations, in order to achieve the desired effect, the magic radar constructed must be at least forty meters in diameter and require 6,800 tons of magic metal.

It is unrealistic to rely on the laboratory to produce so much magic metal. Fortunately, magic radar does not have high quality requirements for magic metal. Murphy's solution is also very simple: hire goblins to produce magic metal.

Anyway, since the goblins have left Gringotts, many of them are unemployed at home. They are idle and prone to unrest, so it is better to find something for them to do.

As for the funds for hiring goblins - the Bryn family confiscated a lot of gold coins during the house raid, and it was reasonable to take the money from the goblins and use it for the goblins.

While the magic radar project is collecting materials, ten magic research institutes built under the names of various research institutes under the Umbrella Company are also progressing steadily.

Umbrella Company has earned almost endless money from selling computers and various chips. Umbrella Company's next step in mobile communications has already begun. With the addition of anti-cancer virus drugs that are about to be launched on the market, Umbrella Company has become the most profitable company in the world. There is no one company that can't keep up with the next few rankings combined.

If Umbrella is regarded as a country, its annual income has exceeded that of Portugal, Finland, Israel and other countries, ranking 31st in the world.

Such terrible economic strength has made Murphy's decisions more radical. Almost half of the profits are used to promote the construction of laboratories around the world, and the remaining half is used for horizontal expansion.

With Murphy's foresight, almost all promising startups in various industries cannot escape his eyes.

Umbrella has become the world's largest angel investor and the ultimate destination for almost all outstanding startups.

Amidst this terrifying expansion, the protective umbrella is expanding rapidly at a terrifying speed, gradually taking on the shadow of the super enterprise from which its name comes.

And this has naturally caused a lot of fear. Since last year, several countries, led by the Beautiful Country, have been putting pressure on the UK in every possible way. However, in the face of allies across the ocean, the British government has always been weak. If it were not for the Umbrella Company in Parliament, There are also many "friends" in it, and now the protective umbrella is probably in danger of being dismantled.

Even so, the big stick of sanctions has begun to fall on Umbrella's head. First, the United States joined other EU countries to impose protective tariffs on various products of Umbrella. Then the U.S. government used Umbrella companies to enter the Soviet Union as an excuse. The umbrella was investigated for “suspected endangerment of U.S. national security” and a 100% punitive tariff was imposed on umbrella products again.

The markets in the United States and Western Europe were basically blocked. On the one hand, Murphy began to set up vests and established vest companies one after another in various countries to circumvent sanctions. On the other hand, he began to set his sights on the vast Third World.

If you don’t want to do business with me, then how can this earth not survive except for you?

A protective umbrella requires technology, technology, and capital. Where can I not make money?

It is a pity that if the British government were not all shrinking cowards, Murphy would have dared to quit the group and join the socialist camp.

But even so, there must be an operation to set up a shell company to participate in the construction of the ancient Eastern country and earn some red money at the same time.

In addition to the Muggle community's pursuit and interception, the Ministry of Magic of various countries in the wizarding world also began to cause trouble for Murphy.

The cause was that Albus Dumbledore, the president of the International Federation of Wizards, submitted a report letter and investigation application to the Federation.

Dumbledore revealed a shocking scandal to the Federation: Murphy Darkholm, a former employee of the British Ministry of Magic, current director of Hogwarts, and owner of several magic shops, used magic to dump magic to Muggles. They illegally obtained wealth through medicinal methods, which led to the proliferation of potions in Muggle society. They also used these illegal wealth to hire Muggles to study magic, causing a large number of Muggles who should not know about the existence of magic to know the existence of the magical world.

At the same time, he also controlled the Ministry of Magic, and recently even occupied Gringotts, making the Ministry of Magic the voice of Murphy, and he himself became the actual dictator of British magical society.

During this period, he used deception, torture, brainwashing, massacre and other methods to commit numerous crimes. At the same time, he seriously violated the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, putting all wizards in the wizarding world at risk of exposure.

In the report letter, Dumbledore listed a lot of evidence, including the testimony of many former Aurors, former employees of the Ministry of Magic, some bankrupt magic shop owners, goblin victims, etc., as well as Murphy's experience in Muggle society. Puppet Corporation - Several potions products from the Umbrella Corporation, descriptions of their properties and proof of homogeneity with wizard potions. At the same time, there are a large number of investigations and documents about various suspicious aspects of the umbrella company.

Chairman Dumbledore requested a comprehensive investigation into Murphy Darkholm and the British Ministry of Magic, and called on the Ministry of Magic of various countries to use their contacts with the Muggle governments to cut off transactions with the Umbrella Company and sanction the company's business practices. In order to crack down on this illegal enterprise that endangers the security of the wizarding world, and restore the original order of the world as much as possible.

Dumbledore is the president of the Wizards' Federation and has been the leading benchmark figure in the global wizarding community for decades. His report caused an uproar in the Wizards' Federation and wizards around the world.

With Dumbledore's past prestige, as soon as the report came out, the fact that Murphy violated the confidentiality law was already a certainty, and there was no need for investigation at all.

Looking at the path Murphy Duckholm has taken over the years, anyone can realize that his wealth came from a shady origin.

For a time, the international wizarding community was agitated, with voices denouncing Murphy's violation of law and discipline and the British Ministry of Magic's inaction.

The day after the report letter was sent, Barty Crouch, whose hair was almost turning gray with worry, came to Murphy's residence in Stoat Mountain.

"What should we do? The Wizards' Federation requires us to give an explanation, and they will send an investigation team here next week." Barty Crouch's face was tense. "It is impossible to cover up the news now. There are riots abroad." It’s too fierce and the news can’t be blocked at all…”

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