"Dictator..." Murphy was holding a copy of Dumbledore's report letter in his hand, reading it with gusto, "It's a bit embarrassing to praise him so much."


Barty Crouch was speechless.

Is that a compliment?

Which of your eyes saw a good word in it?

"Murphy, this is not the time for joking. They are serious. If we can't deal with it properly, the consequences will be very troublesome!" Barty Crouch reminded.

"Oh? Tell me, what's the trouble?"

Murphy put the thick stack of letters aside, crossed his legs, and looked like he was going to listen.

"This... will naturally be squeezed out by the international community. The British wizarding community will be isolated and excluded from international affairs. If it is serious, they may restrict transactions with us, and even set up bans to prohibit some of our members from going abroad. …”

Murphy nodded, "Any more?"

"You could become an internationally wanted fugitive and they might even send an international Rangers team to get you."

Murphy nodded again, "Continue."

"..." Barty Crouch frowned, "You don't seem to be worried about this at all?"

"What are you worried about?" Murphy smiled. "Worried that we won't be able to host the Quidditch World Cup or participate in the International Gobstone Club? Or worried about the international trade that does not exceed 20,000 galleons per year? Or worried about them sending three Four masters like Dumbledore came to arrest me?"

"Sorry, I really can't think of anything we need to worry about."

"But..." Crouch always felt that something was not right. "Will the British wizarding community be enemies of all countries in the future?"

"Why are we enemies?" Murphy asked, "Would the wizarding world of any country still launch a war against us?"

"This..." Crouch was stunned for a moment.

There were wars in the Muggle world, and there were indeed many things where wizards spontaneously participated in them for various reasons.

But it seems that the Ministry of Magic of one country invaded the wizards of another country, which has never happened in history.

First of all, wizard societies in various countries are basically autonomous communities, and it is difficult to form an external violence machine like an army.

Secondly, the number of wizards is so small and the world is so big. Wizards can basically be self-sufficient in whatever they need, so war is meaningless.

There is always something to gain by risking one's life to go to war with another country, but in the case of wizards, even if the wizards of another country are wiped out, what will they get? How many more acres of land will there be no need for? More magical creatures that need to be painstakingly managed to avoid exposure to Muggles?

You have to be mentally ill to do this kind of money-losing business.

There is only one situation: when you want to gather and rule more wizards, a wizard war is possible.

But this presupposes that there must be someone as powerful as Grindelwald or Voldemort. But even if there is such a person, wouldn't it be more convenient to be the president of the International Federation of Wizards?

Speaking of which, compared to wizards from other countries, Murphy was the one who had reasons and motivations to launch a wizard war.

"Are we not going to do anything?" Crouch was still a little worried.

"Of course we can't do nothing. Of course we can't admit it when others scold us and throw dirty water on us." Murphy said, "You must speak out. Even if no one believes it, you have to speak up about the situation."

"Isn't it just a war of words? It's the kind of thing where you won't lose much if you lose. Just go ahead and argue."

"You have to be positive when responding to the federation, but the investigation team may not necessarily need to cooperate. Are we at the Ministry of Magic very idle? For such baseless accusations, just find a reason to fool them."

"Compared to the voices outside, what we should pay more attention to are the wizards in the country. Just let the Daily Prophet publish more articles."

"As a British wizard, why would Dumbledore do such a thing that is detrimental to the British wizarding community?"

"Did he have any complaints about leaving Hogwarts?"

"Even more, is Dumbledore really that trustworthy?"

"Mr. Crouch, the wise men who can truly see the whole picture of things are only a very small minority in the crowd. The vast majority of people can only rely on their limited knowledge to make judgments on one-sided information, choose a good angle, and For a good narrative, facts can take on countless forms.”

Barty Crouch was doubtful and left with some doubts.

But Murphy was not as relaxed as he said.

He frowned and picked up the report letter again.

Dumbledore actually did this.

This was not his usual approach, and it was clear that he had considered himself the real enemy and realized that he alone would not be able to stop him.

In fact, this move is not as useless as what Murphy just said.

What Murphy is most afraid of is actually the interference of the wizarding society in the protective umbrella.

The British wizarding community is indeed what Dumbledore said. He has already made his statement. He does not worry about the so-called international public opinion and sanctions from the wizarding community. That is really meaningless.

But if wizards use their influence on Muggle society to move the umbrella, it may make the situation that the umbrella faces in the world market even more passive.

However, there is no way out.

The interests of wizards and Muggle society are not completely consistent. When the protective umbrella is only a threat to the local market and a replaceable enterprise from another country, Muggle society may abandon it due to the interference of wizards.

But what if the umbrella had value that no Muggle could refuse?

For example: anti-aging ability.

The only company that can truly reverse aging and extend human life.

In the face of this gift that no one can refuse, any Muggle will become an ally of Umbrella.

And the wizards who tried to take this gift away from the Muggles seemed too annoying.

Anti-aging viruses.

This mind-seed virus is currently the only anti-aging method that can be mass-produced.

Murphy had not planned to bring it to market so quickly.

But now, it is not a loss to use it to create an invincible golden body for the protective umbrella.

On the other hand, although it is difficult for the International Federation of Wizards to really do anything to the British wizarding community, being isolated in the international community is indeed dangerous. Wait until Dumbledore discovers that this move cannot cause real harm to Murphy. , he will definitely have more moves.

If the British wizarding community is really forced to withdraw from the group in the future, then it would be best to win over one or two friends.

Murphy thought about it and was about to send a message to Mrs. Yaga to see if he could formally form an alliance with Alkaim, but before he could send a message, the other party sent a message first.

"Come to the Palace of Spring quickly, Maria has appeared."

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