Umbrella headquarters building.

Murphy glanced out the window. The crowd of demonstrators holding signs on the street below had almost blocked the Umbrella Company's door.

The news on the television is also broadcasting news about anti-aging and anti-cancer viruses.

"The parade has grown to 2,000 people. People took to the streets and demanded that the umbrella company disclose technical information to eliminate public panic..."

"Disclosure of technical information..." Murphy turned off the TV and sneered, "Not to mention magic, the investment in Muggle society alone is hundreds of millions. Disclosure? Do you think I am doing charity?"

"Sorry, Murphy, I messed up." Boris was also in the room, with a sad look on his face.

"I don't blame you for this, and it's not something you can handle." Murphy sighed, "What is supposed to come will always come. I thought Su's actions could calm it down, but I didn't expect it to come here again. Making things happen while doing it.”

Murphy has already conducted an investigation. Although the developer who violated the confidentiality agreement and broke the news to the hearing committee has not been exposed to secrets like the Magic Research Institute, he can risk offending the umbrella and being fined millions. He was a bit too determined to "tell the truth". After an investigation, it turned out that the statue of the Virgin was the culprit.

In the Soviet Union, under the rectification movement, the ideological guidance method of the Madonna has failed. It cannot stop the steps of an awakened country.

So it found the beautiful country.

The beautiful country put pressure on the British Prime Minister, so the scene at the hearing happened.

The Umbrella has been causing discomfort to the United States for more than a day or two. Ever since the chip incident, the United States has been thinking about splitting the Umbrella and swallowing it up.

And this time, they should also have received news from the Su country.

A project of the scale and level of the "National Science and Technology City" cannot be completely hidden, and it will be discovered sooner or later.

However, the beautiful country is probably still wondering about the authenticity of the so-called "void particles".

After all, they themselves had come up with the "Star Wars" project. Maybe the so-called "Void Particles" and "Technology City" were just smoke bombs used by the Soviet Union to drain the beautiful country of its national power?

But the fact that the protective umbrella was stationed in the Soviet Union and had an extraordinary relationship with the Soviet Union was enough to make them wary.

The Umbrella Company's strong innovation capabilities in the fields of chips, computers, the Internet and biology make it like a hen that constantly lays golden eggs. Once it really joins the Soviet camp, how long can the beautiful country's technological hegemony be maintained? That's a problem.

Whether it is the greed for Umbrella, the hen that lays golden eggs, or the fear of Umbrella's surrender to the enemy, the beautiful country has become murderous towards Umbrella, and the appearance of the Madonna statue is just a way to integrate Umbrella's opponents. It’s just an opportunity to get up.

The beautiful country's plan is very loud. First, it puts pressure on Britain and ruins the umbrella. Then it investigates, convicts, splits, and annexes the whole process. After eating the umbrella, it then digs out some of the real situation of the Soviet Union. A set of combos. When he came down, he not only strengthened himself, but also weakened the enemy. At the same time, he also knocked the jumping boy back to his original position.

It's perfect.

However, it was certainly impossible for Murphy to admit the beating.

Since the Prime Minister is just a weakling who nods and bows to the master of the beautiful country, then don't blame yourself for using extraordinary means.

Murphy connected to Rasim in the psychic network, "Inform Tawson, execute the plan, and control the Prime Minister."

Anyway, the current Prime Minister is also a puppet in front of the beautiful country. Since it is all about control, why can't he be controlled by himself?

No one is more elegant than the other when it comes to threatening interests and using magic to forcefully control someone.

However, this trick is only a temporary measure after all.

The British Prime Minister is not the President of the United States, let alone the President of the Soviet Union. The British political structure determines that there are very few Prime Ministers who can achieve dictatorship in Parliament. Most Prime Ministers are just the words of a political party. Once they are disobedient, they will face Impeach.

This is why Murphy didn't want to deal with the messy land of Britain at all, but turned to the Soviet Union.

If you want to do things in Su country, you only need to deal with a limited number of people, dozens or hundreds of people.

But if you want to do something in the UK, it's like fighting a ball of mud. If you break this mud, there will be countless mud waiting for you.

There is a reason why there are so many gradualists like Dumbledore here.

A few days later, Stoat Mountain.

Sirius was wearing a cowboy hat, holding an unlit cigarette in his mouth, and was hoeing the ground in his yard like a Muggle farmer.

Harry hadn't had a holiday yet, and his days at Stoat Mountain were really boring.

For a while, he would travel around the world to make up for the years he wasted in Azkaban.

And traveling around the world was their dream when they were in school.

If there hadn't been the First Wizarding War, he, James, and Remus would definitely be riding around on that motorcycle. Go to France, Finland, distant Africa and Egypt, and see the world again.

For this reason, he even asked Hagrid to get the flying motorcycle back.

But whenever he embarks on a journey alone, a terrible loneliness follows him like a ghost, making him quickly lose interest.

Only then did he realize that what he liked was not traveling.

But just time with friends.

But that time can no longer come back.

His once best friend was now only Remus.

But Remus was burdened with too much. He wanted to carve out a way for his compatriots to survive. Recently, he wrote that he had left Britain with his fellow werewolves to avoid this foreseeable battle.

Both Dumbledore and Murphy Darkholm were kind to Remus. He chose not to help each other and left this place of right and wrong.

But Sirius couldn't leave, he still had Harry to take care of.

He even felt that this was the only important thing left for him for the rest of his life.

After giving up traveling, Sirius also tried to regain his interest in music. He went to several Weird Sisters concerts and bought many Muggle tapes.

Later, he tried reading to pass the time, or chatting with Arthur, but they were not very useful. He still felt extremely empty and bored.

In the end, it was farming that saved him.

Instead of planting flowers and plants, he was actually picking up crops such as pumpkins, potatoes, and beets. He found that during farming, he could not think about anything and only invest his energy in the physical labor in front of him and the land in front of him.

Amid the mud on his feet and the stench of excrement, he found a kind of peace.

It was as if he fell from the unstable sky to the ground, making him feel a peace that he had never experienced before.

However, at this moment, his peace was broken again.

A sturdy figure suddenly appeared in front of his courtyard.

Kingsley looked at his former companion sincerely, "Sirius, we need you."

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