In the room, Sirius poured himself and Kingsley each a cup of tea.

"When Dumbledore came before, I already said that I have more important things. I'm sorry, but I will not return to the Order of the Phoenix. Just drink this cup of tea and leave."

Kingsley did not touch the tea in front of him, "The more important thing is planting potatoes?"

Sirius raised an eyebrow, "Whatever you say, Kingsley. I have a child to take care of, remember? I won't take any more chances."

"My lord Merlin, this is something you can actually say," Kingsley looked shocked, "I really can't think of a time when Sirius was afraid of death."

"Afraid of death?" Sirius's eyes widened, and he almost became angry, but soon he breathed out again, "Okay, I won't be fooled by the provoking method. Yes, I am indeed a little afraid of death now, Jin Sly.”

"I used to not care about life, and I didn't think life was valuable. That was because I had no worries."

"At that time, I could perform the most difficult tasks and fight the most dangerous wizards without fear, because death to me was nothing more than leaving this terrible world and finally gaining peace."

"But, now, things are different. There is a child who needs me. He has lost so much. It's hard for me to imagine him losing me again. It would break my heart."

Kingsley was silent for a moment, "You have indeed changed, Sirius."

"OK, OK, you can call me a coward."

Kingsley shook his head, "I wouldn't say that. In the past, you and James were so brave and almost arrogant in the Order of the Phoenix, but that was just based on the ignorance of young people. Later, James had an important person. He has shouldered the responsibility, so he understands the preciousness of life. But you always seem not to care."

"I'm glad you understand that now."

Sirius stared at him, "Aren't you going to persuade me?"

"You have made your decision." Kingsley said, "It is not easy to find what you really want to do, so I won't waste my time."

Sirius was a little surprised, but he still breathed a sigh of relief. He thought about it and took out the phoenix feather that Dumbledore left for him.

"Give this back to Dumbledore for me."

Kingsley did not answer, "You should keep it. No matter what, you are a member of the Order of the Phoenix. There is no harm in keeping it, just in case you need it."

Sirius hesitated for a moment, and finally put the phoenix feather away.

He is still very affectionate towards the Order of the Phoenix.

"Speaking of which, why are you back? Aren't you still wanted?" Sirius asked.

"The president of the beautiful country visited the UK. The relationship between Muggles and wizards there is very poor. The president did not send wizards to protect him. In this extraordinary period, it is very dangerous. The purpose of the president of the beautiful country this time is to counter Murphy's Muggle forces. Unfortunately, we wanted him to succeed, so Dumbledore asked me to protect the President just in case."

Sirius frowned and finally asked the question, "How is the Order of the Phoenix now?"

Kingsley glanced at him and said, "To be honest, it's not very good. Murphy's power is very huge. He has built the British Ministry of Magic like an iron barrel. Our people can't penetrate it. Some old people in the past have basically been Murphy was watching and we tried to develop some new guys and it didn't go very well."

"You said you need me just because you don't have enough manpower?" Sirius asked.

Although he also understands that once he hears the other party's request, it may be difficult for him to refuse, but it is also difficult for him to not care at all.

"That's not true," Kingsley said. "Not long ago, the International Federation of Wizards sent an investigation team to investigate the British Ministry of Magic's performance of the Statute of Secrecy. They also shouldered other secret tasks, but that has passed now. It’s been more than ten days, but they haven’t contacted me yet.”

Sirius frowned, "I saw the newspaper yesterday and it seems that the investigation team is not very popular among wizards."

"Yes, I watched it too. Their behavior is not quite right. I know those wizards, and they are not the unpleasant type. Moreover, there has been no contact so far. I suspect that they are being controlled."

"Or have been replaced." Sirius said, "I understand, you want me to confirm their situation?"

"Yes, in fact we know almost nothing about the situation in the Ministry now, and there are many relatives of the Black family in Murphy's Ministry of Magic. If..."

Sirius thought for a while, and it seemed that it would not be a big problem if he just conveyed some news. "Okay, I will go and inquire about it. If there is any news, I will use my patronus to inform you."

"Thank you very much, Sirius." Kingsley breathed a sigh of relief, "The President of the Beautiful Country will leave tomorrow. I will come back after I send him away."

Sirius nodded, "How's it going with the Muggles? Have you succeeded?"

Kingsley sighed, "It's not that easy. Murphy seems to have done something to the Muggle Prime Minister. The Prime Minister became uncharacteristically tough... Alas, Murphy is becoming more and more unscrupulous."

"However, this kind of thing will not last long. I heard the President of the United States said that the Muggle Parliament might impeach the Prime Minister..."

The attack on the Umbrella was brought about by the visit of the President of the United States, but this is not just the role of the United States.

The president only served as an introduction.

The rise of protective umbrellas means that the ecological niches of countless large companies have been occupied, especially pharmaceutical companies and the semiconductor industry.

In fact, these two industries in the entire UK have been basically monopolized by umbrellas.

As long as the umbrella is alive, they can only drink from the northwest wind.

Therefore, following the "westerly wind" of presidential visits and hearings, countless "ghosts" who had been massacred by the protective umbrella found opportunities one after another and began to add insult to injury.

At this time, the Prime Minister, who was controlled by Murphy, became uncharacteristically tough. While resisting the pressure from the President of the United States, he risked a sharp decline in public opinion and polling data and gave the "protective umbrella" to the Prime Minister. The tide put on the brakes.

This kind of behavior that goes against the trend naturally consumes a lot of political capital.

After the President of the United States returned, he immediately began to implement a series of sanctions against the United Kingdom and the Umbrella. A group of "moderates" immediately emerged in the parliament, which was frightened by Dad, and asked the Prime Minister not to advance rashly, respect the opinions of allies, and not put Dad's interests at risk. Regardless.

However, the president who is controlled by the Imperius Curse is extremely stubborn and refuses to listen to advice at all. No matter how the public opinion collapses, no matter how the polls plummet, no matter how threatening his own party is, he will always support the umbrella to the end.

After repeated setbacks, they finally discovered that the prime minister was probably crazy. He actually wanted to break away from the party behind him and go it alone!

It is true that many people are attracted by such a tough prime minister and stand by his side. However, the president under the control of the Imperius Curse is basically a puppet. It is difficult to tactfully win over allies and gather his own team.

Of course, the opposition party will not miss such an opportunity and immediately prepares to initiate a motion of no-confidence, vote to terminate this government, and hold a new election.

The Prime Minister's conservative party was not happy to see this situation, but the increasingly out-of-control Prime Minister finally made them decide to support their opponents' actions.

So, two months after the hearing, and after several rounds of exchanges of interests between the two sides, the British House of Commons passed a motion of no confidence in the Prime Minister.

The prime minister was forced to step down, but the government did not need to be reorganized. The ruling party still selected a new party leader and prime minister.

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