Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 316 The hateful investigator

The Leaky Cauldron.

An Egyptian wizard wrapped in a black robe was asking the shop owner Tom in broken English, "So, you won't be seen by Muggles here?"

"No, I will apply the Muggle Expelling Curse every day." Tom said.

"What kind of wizards will come here?" the other party asked again.

"What do you mean? I have a lot of people coming here because some little wizards need to enter Diagon Alley from here." Tom said.

"Have you verified their identity?"

"What?" Tom was stunned. "Whose identity is being verified? The person who entered the store? How is that possible?"

"Then how can you be sure that they are all wizards?"

"I also have Muggles coming here, and Muggles also need to enter Diagon Alley through me." Tom explained hard.

"So, any Muggles can know where you are?"

"Yes, but that doesn't affect..."

"As the gateway to the wizarding world, you have not considered the risk of exposing the existence of the wizarding world?"

"No, I mean, those Muggles usually take their little wizards to Diagon Alley to buy things. They need to change money... and the little wizards need their parents to accompany them..."

"You haven't verified their identity. How can you be sure that the other party is the parents of the little wizard and not a Muggle conspirator with ulterior motives, like an anti-wizardist like Second Salem?"


"Oh! Merlin's sores! That's enough!" A wizard who was drinking slammed his glass on the table, "Let that poor man go. He is just a hotel owner and does not need to be responsible for protecting the wizarding world. obligation!"

"Who are you?" asked the Egyptian wizard.

"What, you want to write down my name?" The other party glared at him fiercely, "Are you investigators running out of things to do? You harass everyone all day long!"

"I must correct you. It is the obligation of every wizard to abide by the wizard's secrecy law." The Egyptian wizard said, "But I find that you British people don't seem to care about this."

"You'd better think carefully before you say anything, sir!" Another wizard stood up, "This is Britain, not a place where you can run wild!"

"That's amazing," the Egyptian wizard sneered, "but guess what, the one who ordered us to come here to investigate you is the British wizard. It's your Dumbledore."

"What did you say?!" This sentence instantly ignited the anger of the wizards. Several people stood up and were about to rush forward. Tom quickly stopped in front of them, "Calm down, gentlemen, don't fight. The other party is investigator……"

"Fuck investigators!" someone shouted angrily, "We British wizards don't need anyone else to tell us what to do!"

"The Wizarding Secrecy Law is an international law," the Egyptian wizard said in a slow tone, "We have the right to censor you."

"Sorry, sir, please leave my tavern." Seeing that a conflict was about to break out, Tom also turned cold, "You are not welcome here."

"Hmph. I'm dissatisfied with the Wizarding Secrecy Law." The Egyptian wizard muttered something while writing something in a small notebook, but finally left.

"Fuck the secrecy law, fuck the investigators!" After the Egyptian wizard left, there was a burst of curses in the tavern.

"I really don't know what Dumbledore is thinking, letting others investigate us!"

"I hope the Ministry of Magic will drive these guys out as soon as possible! They are like a swarm of flies. They are really disgusting."

In the corner, Sirius put down his cup and frowned.

These investigators have aroused the dissatisfaction of wizards all over Britain, and no matter what they want to do, they are unlikely to succeed.

Now he has confirmed that these wizards are not controlled. Their behavior seems to be planned to anger everyone, and they must have been switched out.

So where are the real investigators now?

"Four months!" Mary Thompson looked like a madman, her hair was a mess, her face had not been washed for several days, and her whole face was full of mania and haggard, "We have to get out of here!"

"But we don't have a magic wand..." Conrad frowned, "But you are right, we have to escape from here, otherwise Murphy will probably imprison us until we die."

"I still have some magic to use..." Goblin Brin's ugly face drooped. Recently, he has become less arrogant and even stopped cursing every day. He now realizes that his destiny Already tied to these stupid wizards.

"Can we leave?" Mary asked immediately.

"It's not possible, but maybe we can send a message to the outside world..." the goblin said, "I can make the gold coins into gold coins that can make calls, throw them out, maybe someone will pick them up, and we can send our message out."

Goblins are not allowed to use wands, but the making of goblin gold coins does not require the use of wands, as long as the ritual is prepared.

"But we don't have any gold coins," Conrad said.

After entering the yard, everything on their bodies was taken away, not to mention gold coins, not a single copper nut.

"I, I do." Elf Brin said, "Before they searched me, I hid a few gold coins."


Where to hide?

At that time, they were all ordered to take off their clothes. Is there any place on their bodies where they could hide anything?


Everyone looked at the goblin.

"I put the gold coins in my mouth and nose." The goblin said. They have a big mouth and a big nose, so it's not a problem to hide a few gold coins.

"Oh..." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

So two days later, they made a few gold coins and threw one out every once in a while. Not far from their yard was Diagon Alley, which had a lot of traffic. Once someone picked it up, they could talk to each other. Then there will be hope.

"Sir Murphy," an Auror put a few gold coins on the tray and handed them to Murphy, "These are the goblin gold coins they made, but we intercepted them."

These goblin gold coins are now too far away and there is no signal.

Murphy glanced at it and said, "It took me so long to think of this method. I don't know whether I should say they are stupid or too leisurely."

"How many gold coins do they have left?"

"There should be at most two or three left." Auror said.

"Wait one more day," Murphy said, "and then start closing down the Internet cafes."

Almost all the fish that should be caught have been caught, and those in the British wizarding world who are still trying to oppose Murphy have basically entered Azkaban.

Moreover, they have successfully attracted enough hatred. It is time for them to give an explanation to the public and let everyone vent their anger.

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