
The members of the investigation team gathered in Goblin Brin's room.

"What's going on? Why haven't you heard back yet?" Mary asked anxiously, "Is there something wrong with the gold coins you made?"

"You can doubt my character, but you can't doubt a goblin's craftsmanship!" Goblin Brin was very dissatisfied. "Maybe the other party is too far away with the gold coins."

"Try again." Conrad said.

Goblin Brin took the goblin gold coin again and input his magic power, "Hey, hey, is there anyone? Does anyone hear you?"

However, the gold coin remained silent, and no sound came from it.

"You guys are asking, is it possible that the Aurors noticed our actions?" a wizard said.

"Impossible. If that were the case, we should have been interrogated by now, or they would at least confiscate the gold coins we have here." Another wizard said.

"It seems like there won't be any gains today. Let's try again tomorrow."

But at this moment, a rustling sound suddenly came from the gold coins.

Everyone suddenly became quiet.

Goblin Brin quickly pressed his finger on it and injected magic power, "Hey, is there anyone? Who is there?"

However, the next second, the connection was cut off, and the other side became silent again.

"what happened?"

"Could it be that someone picked up the gold coin and accidentally ran into it?"

"Impossible, this kind of gold coin must be actively injected with magic power to establish a connection." Goblin Brin said, "The other party must be intentional..."

Before he finished speaking, there was another rustling sound from the gold coins.

Before Elf Brin could speak again, a voice suddenly came from the other side, "Investigation team?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, "How does he know who we are?"

But before they could figure out the reason, a voice came from the gold coin again, "Your actions were too risky. This gold coin was almost picked up by the Auror."

Everyone was shocked, but then breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the other party was not in the same group as the Auror.

"Who are you?" Mary couldn't wait to put her hand on the gold coin and asked.

"People who can help you." The other party said, "I have been observing this yard for a long time. I know that you are locked up, and we are looking for you everywhere."

"You want to help us? How?"

"I will prepare a portkey." The other party said, "I noticed that there is a house elf taking care of your food, right?"

"Yes," Mary replied.

She didn't completely trust the other party, but at this time, she couldn't think of any reason for the other party to lie to them.

"I saw that house elf buying ingredients, and I will find a way to use it to send you the portkey in. You just need to grab the portkey and use the spell to activate it, and you can get out of there."

"How are you going to use that elf?"

"I don't know, I'll see what happens tomorrow. Check carefully what the house elf sent you."

"Remember, the incantation that activates the Portkey is 'Long Live the Goblins' Liberty.'"

"What?" Goblin Brin was shocked, "Are you..."

"Yes, my people." The other party said, "I will wait for you in a safe place."

"Don't rush to use gold coins to contact us, you may be discovered by Aurors. Goodbye."

"Remember, long live goblin freedom!"

The call ended, and no matter how much Mary spoke, there was no sound from the other party.

"The other party has eliminated the magic on the gold coin!" Goblin Brin was overjoyed, "That's a goblin. Only my kindred people know how to use this kind of gold coin!"

"But this may also be a trap." A wizard said, "Aren't all the goblins in Britain captured by Murphy?"

"How is that possible? My people are as many as wizards!" Goblin Brin said. "How can Murphy catch so many goblins?! That will cause public outrage. Aren't there some goblins working in Gringotts?" The other party must be a lurking compatriot! Did you hear the password he said? Long live the freedom of the fairies! He must also be ready to rescue those captured compatriots!"

"Isn't this the result we hope for? What are you worried about?"

the next day.

"Ouch!" A wizard screamed while eating. Then, he took out a ball of wire from his mouth, looked at the bread in his left hand, and was about to get angry when suddenly something happened in his heart. Put away the wire.

At noon, everyone looked at the wire on the table and asked, "Is this the door key the other party mentioned?"

"How did he get the wire into the bread?"

"Have you found anything more like a portkey elsewhere?"

"Try it, you'll know after you try it." Mary said, this hellish place was driving her crazy, and she couldn't wait to leave.

"Wait." Conrad stopped her, "Wait until night. If we disappear now, we are likely to be discovered. To be on the safe side, we must try to delay their discovery."

In the evening, night has just fallen.

Everyone gathered in Brin's room again, holding in their hands the wire that was enough for several people to grasp.

They glanced at each other. The recent times of shared adversity had made them both develop some friendship with each other.

"Wish us good luck," Mary said.

"Long live goblin freedom!"

Several people suddenly disappeared from the room.

The next moment, on a hillside dozens of kilometers away, a goblin was waiting quietly.

Suddenly, a space vortex appeared in front of him, and then several people fell out of it.

He raised his eyebrows and said in his mind: "Sir, they are already here. Everything is as planned."

After the report, he took a step forward and took the hand of Goblin Brin, "You guys came too late, I have been waiting here all day!"

"Sorry, we have to wait until nightfall so that we can buy more time." Conrad said.

The goblin nodded, "A very wise idea. My name is Jin Kou."

Several wizards introduced themselves, and then Mary said: "Jin Kou, can you help us leave the UK? We must repay the Federation. Murphy actually imprisoned the investigation team. He is tantamount to becoming an enemy of the Federation! "

Jin Kou looked at them, "No, you can't leave England, you still have unfinished business!"

"What?" Mary was stunned.

"I didn't rescue you just to let you leave now. You must help my compatriots be liberated! They are being held by Murphy, and I rescued you just to let you free them!"

Goblin Brin also nodded, "Yes, isn't that the purpose of your coming to England this time?!"

Several wizards looked at each other and said, "But we don't have wands."

Goblin Golden Button took out another door key from his arms, "Follow me, I've prepared it for you."

After a while.

The wizarding cemetery behind Hogsmeade.

Two goblins and several wizards suddenly appeared.

Goblin Jin Kou threw a few shovels to the wizards and pointed at the graves of the wizards. "Many wizards will be buried with their own wands. If there are enough wizards' tombs here, there will be enough wands."

"You want us to rob the tomb?!" Mary looked shocked.

"Otherwise? How do you think we goblins are going to get a wand?!"

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